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Your Complete 24Hr Puppy Schedule - It Doesn't Have To Be Exhausting!

May 17, 2024
Now this little


is called Drift. He is our demo dog today. Actually, he is a borrowed


. He is Instructor Kim's puppy. And if you've watched the channel, you might recognize instructor Kim, but we're borrowing him for today. And we think he's 11 weeks old. And we thought it would be a great example for you because, you know, it's going to be a lot of new experiences for him, similar to the type of experience you'll


with his puppy. You know, all of these things are a lot of firsts for


pup. The first few weeks, today we're going to focus on a couple of things: making sure he gets enough exercise, making sure he gets enough training and information, and making sure he's set up to be successful.
your complete 24hr puppy schedule   it doesn t have to be exhausting
Having a puppy at home is a lot of work. It can be very


, very stressful, but if you plan things correctly, you will be able to give


puppy everything he needs and still be able to take care of yourself so that you are not exhausted at the end of the day. The day. I'm Ken Steepe and welcome back to McCann Dogs. Here at McCann Dogs, we


helped over a hundred thousand dog owners who think they can overcome the same dog training challenges as you. So if this is your first time on the channel, make sure you hit the subscribe button so I can help you be well behaved as a family member.
your complete 24hr puppy schedule   it doesn t have to be exhausting

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your complete 24hr puppy schedule it doesn t have to be exhausting...

Today's video is a guide of sorts, so we've created it so you can take the elements of this video and apply them to your specific situation. You know, life gets in the way, family, kids, activities, whatever comes up. But if you understand the natural training opportunities that having a puppy presents, then training will no longer be like training. Training your puppy becomes part of the routine and this can be really helpful for your puppy experience. So let's start this program with your puppy's first meal. Something that you're going to hear us talk about a lot, that we've mentioned a lot in previous videos, is the house line.
your complete 24hr puppy schedule   it doesn t have to be exhausting
Any time your puppy is out of his crate, he should use a home rope. It is like a remote management tool and also helps you get your puppy out of trouble. Should they get into this? So I'm going to put Drift on his house line and I'll be outside of his box here. Okay, boy, I'm going to put the house line on him. Oh, is that too exaggerated? And you have to lift the door. Now this is my chance. I have the line connected to his house. I have your food. You can see that he is very excited about this.
your complete 24hr puppy schedule   it doesn t have to be exhausting
That's why this opportunity is so valuable because you know, food, food is a resource and having your dog really understand it is valuable. It is not necessary to teach them to like food. Good Guy. And I'm just going to do really simple exercises that do a couple of things. Number one, it teaches him to follow his food, which will be a big help for some of the basic obedience training we're going to do. But good boy. Also, if they are likely to sit, you can reward them for that. Maybe you could do something like Laura below.
Good Guy. He probably shouldn't have said that word at this point in his learning. I really don't want him to be a good boy. I don't know. You have to respond to them. And I actually have to be careful not to dilute the value of each of those words, if he's not right. But what I want them to do is understand that when he is in these positions, we will eventually teach him that it is very rewarding. What a good boy. Well. Just draw him back in, making it really easy for him to be successful and something else we love to do with puppies that only takes a couple of minutes but is really valuable down the road is adding value to his name.
And that can be as simple as saying their name and then rewarding them with a piece of food, drift food, and drift food, and drift food. Good Guy. Now imagine that you say your name and then they give you $20 every time you start to really understand that your name is something very valuable. Good Guy. That's another thing I can do to raise the bar a little bit. It's stand up and I'll say drift and reward. And once this time we will drift and retreat. Yes. Good boy. Yes. Good boy. A little more challenging for him. It's not much more challenging because he already really likes this food, but I'm also starting to associate that every time I say his name, he reaches out to me for that reward.
Yes. Good boy. So you can spend a couple of minutes using some of your pup's food, whether it's breakfast and lunch or dinner, it


't really matter. And he starts to associate that name with really good things. And that's really all it takes. Now I'm going to pick him up, put a little water in his food. He said the rest of his breakfast will be here a really simple way to teach your puppy to love his big food, feed them inside them. So after that short training session, I will feed his food into his cage and then to Kayl.
And I can have some breakfast and he can just hang out in his cage for a while, hurry up, and start another training session in maybe an hour or so. But for now it is about generating value for the box. So let's feed it inside. Okay, boy, I'm going to sit down. This is dinner or breakfast here. I find those croquettes and I say goodbye to my house. We don't want to leave it like that. And then you can hang out for a while. That's something you really need to keep in mind when you're training your puppy.
The most common times in which they will have an accident are before and after their cage, before and after a meal, after a while of playing. And we've just combined a couple of things. We've also let Drift finish dinner, but we need to take him outside so he


't have the chance to have an accident at his whim. One thing people often ask us is how do I get my dog ​​to stop begging at the table? And a sure way to do that is to not let them make that mistake. So while Carol and I have breakfast here this morning, he can hang out in his cage and get some rest.
And then before long, we'll do a little more training, maybe a little exercise. We'll do some fun things, but while we're eating, he and we can't pay much attention to him. He will also be in his cage in there. Carolyn, we're getting ready for a busy day. And I think some people think that professional dog trainers can stay home and train their dogs all day. But that is certainly not our case. So we have a plan for the busy day. So we have


d some small training and exercise breaks with a bit of drift throughout the day to make sure he still gets enough quality time and attention with us.
But we also have some things to do. So you've had this breakfast, you've had one, a little initial session this morning with Ken. And now I'm going to do a couple of fun training things with him. I'm going to see if I can teach them to lie in this bed. And I'm going to use a method called modeling, and we can certainly include a link to what modeling is all about in the video so that you yourselves can learn a little more about it. Now we have some of his kibble here, so we split his kibble and sprinkle as printed throughout the day.
So he won't get much extra food. He's still hungry. And then I also put some extra delicious treats mixed in there. So there will be some surprises coming your way. Once we've had this little training session, we'll get him into his cage and then Kelly, you're going to do some work first. Here we go. Again, you accidentally lay down on the bed. That was pretty cool, but it wasn't really intentional. I'm going to feed you anyway. Good Guy. So I also have a little toy here because we're going to have a couple of little tongue breaks just to keep it active and exciting, but let's see what happens here.
So I'm just going to put this toilet. I'm going to leave this bowl behind you and buy some Apple treats. Good Guy. Sending is about the puppy guessing or choosing, offering and behaving. So I'm going to show them, I'm going to remove the food and I'm going to see what he does. Yes. If he comes to the bed, I will. Reward him in bed. Yes ok. So a small pot accidentally hit the bed there. Yes. Good point. Well. I'm going to take them off and see what he doesn't get. This is normal. He says, okay, what do you want me to do?
So if he pauses too long, I'll just help them out. He has a good boy. Good Guy. Yes. Good boy. Good Guy. Yes. Good boy. Notice I'm saying yes. When Islam. Yes boy. Now my hope here is that the drift makes it to the bed without me having used food. So he's thinking about it himself, but what I'm going to do to start is just help him. Because I don't think he's ever done this before. I'm just generating value by going to the beds. You'll notice that every time he gets his cookie he's in bed. Check it out.
Someone wants to stay in bed. Yes. Good boy. Well. Wow. Good. Well. And I take them off and go see what happens. Hurrah. I think that may have been a bit accidental, but let's get on with it. I need to give him a little jackpot. Boy, don't change this side. Now. The reason I get them out of bed is because I want to give them the opportunity to try to move towards it. Yes. Good boy. All I'm looking for is a little cake. Yes. We are already at a meal. We have to get more. You're doing great kid.
Stay silent. Oh look, could you see down in that bed? Yes. Good for you. Well. Well. Yes that is good. Wow good. So we are conditioning the puppies to go to a mat or go to yes. Good Guy. From the beginning because this is one of the things that I can use a little later. Once you have a little more training to control him in the house. If I want him to do a big scam. Yes. You are so smart. I, you know, could certainly use my crate, but as he matures a little more, he'll train himself a little more.
Oops, easy. I can teach her to go and lie in his bed. But before we expect that from him, we're going to spend a lot of time building value. Yes. Let's go to the back and add one more element. Are there any more delicacies left? You like this young man. Now I'm going to see if I can add some down to the beds. All I'm going to do is change the location of my rewards so I can wait until he offers gas. And then I lower my hand. Wait for the blow to subside. Yes. And then I'll reward you.
Good Guy. Well. Good man. Yes. Good boy. Wait for that butt to drop and then reward. Well. I tried. Yes. Good boy. I thought every morning I try one more, but boy, you're being so good. Well. Yes. Good boy. Now, of course, the more we practice this, he will eventually learn to go in and find that location down on his own because this is yeah, this is where all the rewards are given. Look at this, in a couple of seconds, he is offering this for you to lie quietly here on the bed. Now you notice that while I'm practicing, we have our little house line on.
I haven't really had to use him because he is


ly committed to me. I have great delights. We are doing a lot of fun things together. I'm watching closely interacting with them. But if for some reason she decided to just get up and chew the bed or get into his stuff. I could stop him from doing that. Let them know that when we are working, he has to stay focused until he releases it. Well. Hey man. So once we've done that, I'm going to put them in his crate for a while and you can take him to pee and then work for a couple of hours.
And then we're going to try something new. So we just finished our little exercise. I was about to take him outside for PE and he still seemed a little lively and interested in some of the food I had left. So I thought I'd show you another little exercise I like to do. Many of us, many of you will tell us, my puppy was swinging from pulling so much. And our answer is usually more or less the same: they shouldn't walk his puppy before training him to walk. So I'm just going to show you a little bit of what I do to teach my puppy.
That walking near me is really gratifying. OK dude. So basically I'm going to grab some food. I'm not going to use any commands of any kind and I'm just going to say yes. And feed them right next to my left side, if he stays with me and I'm just going to go up and down this hallway with white. Yes. But my side. Yes Yes. Then I'm going to help you bend the curve. Yes Yes Yes. Now he's actually doing something really good. He is hugging my side. And when you see that I'm recording, I make it nice and close to my body and help them on the ground.
Wow. When I don't want to do it, reward him with his head turned outward or too far forward or too far back, I want to make sure he does. That I am gratifying. Perfect position still. I have one more to show you a little more. Again, he wasn't using any kind of command, kind of complicated. I wasn't using any kind of commands with them. He was just using praise and rewards. Just build value by being on my left side, short and sweet, and then leave it. Now we're going to grow outside and take a nap because the kale has some work to do.
Hey, go boy. Now, if you are in a situation whereIf you work eight hours a day, it will be importantIf you get a friend, family member, pet sitter or dog walker to come and let your puppy out mid-morning or mid-afternoon, it is unreasonable to leave your puppy alone for eight hours . At this point, it's not reasonable, it's certainly not reasonable to leave them in a box for so long. So having someone come by and let them out a couple of times during the day will be very helpful not only for house training, but also for your dogs to feel like, you know, they're being let out. just for that big period of time.
If that is your case, then you will perform some of the exercises we talked about in today's video. And you are going to apply them to the moments you are at home. Certainly, meal times will be excellent training opportunities for you, but you will need to adjust the timing of your training to your times when you have the opportunity to work with your puppy. During the day, snowdrifts will have access to water. You'll see, he has a little dish of water and every time we finish a workout we always take him out for a drink. This is a new water dish for him.
And Kel had to show him where the water was. And you might experience that with your puppy at home the first few days, if you had one. Yes, they will check it. So if you take your puppy and just wave your fingers in the water a little bit, just to get attention, have a school drink afterwards, then you have to be very quiet. Now I just did it a couple of times. So he probably needs something to drink, but often, if you feel your fingers in the water for a few moments, much of the puppy will become curious.
And then, if they are thirsty, they come and drink a little. And then I usually say, for example, have a drink so I can start to put it together. And then when they're drinking, I stay very still and quiet because sometimes when you have three properties, if you start moving, start talking, they get distracted. And now they have to, they haven't gotten his drink, but he's had a couple of big drinks and. Well, a little break in the day now he is relaxed, calm and he is back to sleeping in his box. But then he started making a bit of a fuss, he made a couple of squeals.
And this will also happen to you throughout the day. Now, what's really important is that you can hear your puppy, make a noise, or, you know, you can see him start to whine in his crate. Now he is silent. So now is a good time to let it out. If you were still worried, you could say, Hey, hey, if anything calms him down before you let him out, but it's important. These moments will arise throughout the day when your puppy starts making noise. And now is a good opportunity to take it outside and Casey STP, boy, hurry up.
It's as simple as that. And then we'll go back to the cage for a little while longer, until we get a chance to train again. Something we will always do with the puppies in their creativity. We introduce them to their creativity, we give them a chew toy. And now probably because I've gotten so close to the craziest one, paying a lot of attention to me, but you can see those two blue toys for him there. He's going to be great, you know, leaving with your dog and leaving him in his kennel for a while. It's a great opportunity.
If they, you know, feel like they need to do something or want to do something, they can chew it down to the bones and get their fill. That takes a little bit, you can also see, even with me down here, he was just chewing on that bone for a little bit. And now he will relax and take a nap. So he leaves a chew toy with your pup. Something that is appropriate for his age. They'll, you know, find that they'll relax there a little bit easier. Alright. So Ken and I brought Drift outside to take a little break from the park, kiss the pups, and get some exercise with them.
Puppies require a lot of exercise and instead of taking him for a walk, something he doesn't know how to do yet, we are going to play one of our favorite games called restraint retreat. You can do this with several people in your family or you can just do it alone. We will show you both. And this is a really great exercise to exercise your puppy, for sure, but it's also a great exercise to help teach your dog how to respond to your name or basic training to have a retreat and teach your dog to come back.
So, you create a lot of value for them to approach you. So we will show you how to play this game. We will do it several times with him, we will tire him out a little so he can get some sleep. And again, it's not our fault because we know we went out and had a lot of fun with them and we split it up multiple times throughout the day. Look at this face, come on, baby. Okay, ready? So this is a really cool exercise. It can burn a ton of energy and you can actually use food.
If your dog is not interested in toys yet, you can still use food for this activity. But without a doubt, having that game of tug at the end really increases the intensity for your dog. Now, if you don't have a second person to help you with this, or maybe you just have enough time to go out and do a couple of these little sessions on your own with your pup, you can absolutely do the same thing. However, what we are trying to do here before calling our puppy is to create a little momentum and excitement. We are not testing the names of his puppies.
I'm not waiting for him to be sniffing. And then calling. I deliberately motivate and get them excited before calling. So it's 100% guaranteed that he will respond again. I am in a teaching phase, not a testing phase. So I have this long fold option. It will be very easy for him to grab the toy you use. If you choose to use it twice, very, very important. It has to be easy for the dog to grab, okay, can we continue with this? So what I'm going to do is hold him by the neck and tease him with the toy.
Are you ready. I'm just going to hold it with one hand, ready, set, always excited and take off and run. And when he catches me, I can make him eat the toy. We would have a little conversation game. If you let him go, sometimes I just call him and run away again. Quite adrift, clumsy puppies, me fine. I can talk and talk and play and have to put it in my mouth again. Oh, this time he has a good grip. Ooh, ooh, I call him by his name and then I run off and have so much fun.
You are going to get tired with this exercise. And so is the puppy we made perfect. Now, the only thing to keep in mind is that we haven't used the name drift much, but this is an example of a time when you are going to use your puppy's name, when you can help him be successful. And you can see, imagine the response you get from your pup. If you were constantly doing activities like this, every time you said their name, you would get that quick turn and they would run to you because they know it's worth it.
So we spent a bit of time outside in the garden, working on some higher energy exercises, like his hit recovery. But before we go in and take another break, I thought it would be a good opportunity to practice some of our calming exercises and choose to practice in a few different areas of our property, just to expose them to a few different distractions. Now you can hear the wind chimes making some noise in the back. There are also some birds in the background. And I just wanted you to understand that even though we've changed locations, you still need to focus.
So I have some treats. I have your house line under control. I have some good motivators. Let's do some simple and fun things together here on the porch. I'm going to put the food aside. I'm going to buy some candy, okay? It might attract some feelers, attract some lows. And I repeat, I am not testing my puppy. I'm teaching my puppy. I'm just using some food to motivate him to get him here. Move it here. Yes. Look at that. Listening. I might see if it can hold out for a while. Then I get up. Yes. And feet.
If you keep sitting. Yes ok. Sandra would sit down. Good Guy. Feel. Well. That does come to light. He, no way, no way do you have to work for that. What do you think this is? Sit down, good boy. Well done. I could actually use this as a training opportunity, so I'm going to put the bull here again. Good. Yes. Good boy. And you might even make it a little harder. I'm going to hold the leash now. Oops. Yes. It's nice to just talk to him while he grabs the bowl with the leash there. Yes. Look at that.
Wow. Yes, good. He's doing great. So I'm going to go ahead and change locations. Very good guys. So I changed locations now that they finished the driveway and took us to hear our news. Notice our newspaper at the end of the driveway. And he's thinking about it a little. Good Guy. Yes. So I'm going to reward him for staying on the loose leash, and now I'm going to take the opportunity to see if he'll follow me on the loose leash. And we use my voice and it needs a little food to engage it. We're going to start learning that when we're here at the end of the driveway, we're not going to crawl.
We will stay focused and attentive. So I'm going to take a couple of steps to reward you. Well ok. We practiced this inside the house today. Cars pass by. Yes. I can simply reward them for being committed. Yes. Look at you boy. Construction value for that left side of the house. So he really puts me in front. Yes well done. Good Guy. Good Guy. Good Guy. Such short little fronts. I don't want him to work too much. He's just a puppy. So we're going to do little bits, take it out, plan it and try again. Maybe change location.
That was great, but this was just conditioning him to get very comfortable with the distractions around him and seeing that bird still in the background. And again, short and sweet making every experience we have together. Very positive. So that we are building. Now, if your pup isn't tired after finishing something like that, then you're not doing it right. We spent about 15 minutes with him doing a series of different exercises, really burning off that energy and also burning off that mental energy. And at this point, he's ready to live the big thing. What I want you to notice is that he actually has bedding on his grave.
If you're watching any of our house training videos, we're going to talk about the fact that your dog, your puppy, needs to earn it. So, since he doesn't do it, he doesn't chew his bed or his blankets. He is not having accidents in his cage. He can have this kind of thing in there, but if you start having a problem with your house training, if you start that, or you continue to fight with your puppy, having accidents in his crate, then you need to get him. bedding out of there. But for now it's time for Drift to go to his kennel and then we can get back to work for the next few hours.
So we took mr. He goes out to take a pee break. And Ken mentioned earlier about using mealtime as a great time of day to take advantage of. From the dog's natural working drive type, he knows I'm starting to groom him. It's almost time for dinner. It's time for us too. So I'm going to take advantage of this moment to do another training session with them. My puppy, wait, mr. So I'm going to throw your plate of food here. And then I have a couple of things in mind that I want to work on. But I'm going to give us a little house line, so I have control, eh?
Ah, you're ready. Again, you could choose to be direct. So this would have been the box, but she now, yeah, I'm going to take this opportunity while he's hungry. And he knows it's time for dinner to receive a couple of treats. One of the things I would like to work on with the child is getting him comfortable with staying at the door and not running to the door when people come in and what we have already worked on is him holding a sit. He saw us do that a little earlier on the porch. And he was pretty good at it.
So I'm going to take that same skill that I've already been working on and apply it to an everyday situation where I want him to make a good decision. And again, I'm practicing this without anyone coming through the door because it might be too exciting. Can you advise me? So what I'm going to do is just grab some food and walk over to the door. I can encourage him to say "good boy." Good boy here. Yeah. I'm just going to walk away from the door for me. Yes, good seat. Good set. Yes. Good boy. I'm just taking baby steps.
Yes. Good products for sitting. Yes. And I can break up while we're still okay. Well. Yes. And I'm just going to condition him so that he feels really comfortable. Being able to sit and not even pass by. Then someone comes to the door. I can train my pump to sit here and wait, or even lie here and wait while I go to open the door. But to start, let's start very easy. Yes. Good boy. My arms are not long enough. Well. Feel. Here we go. You better sit down. Good. How good to sit. Yes. Good boy.
Good. Yes, he is doing very well. So I don't really want to push the boundaries anymore. I'm going to let them go. Well. I can feel the distance in that, but it was an amazing start for Stray. I briefly mentioned that he didn't want to force the progressions too much and something that is importantfor you.What kids should know is that puppies learn best with small training sessions several times a day or several times a week. So it's much more important to take a very small step, make it very successful, make it really easy rather than pushing the limits and pushing the limits until you make a mistake.
So I was very tempted to stick with him on that exercise because he did so well, but that doesn't benefit my dog. I need to make sure I practice that same skill. I have, you know, all day for a couple of little miniseries sessions there, and then I'll be able to progress there. So it was very, very important to keep things short and concise and build on the success. Don't force things until your puppy makes a mistake. And with that in mind, we're now going to take some time to do some cage training. Now this is a different dish that we are going to use.
And I'm going to use this on purpose. Yes. Good boy. Just to give drifting a little different experience, he's pretty comfortable going into the old box of it. So I'm going to let you in on this one. It's also wire. So you can see exactly what I'm doing a little more. So I'm going to start by letting him in and out of the box. Just start alone, using a little food. Who am I to bring any of his food here? Get it. And I'm just going to put it under free. I do not go. You can go very far.
He seemed quite comfortable now. That goes a little further. Yes. I'm going to throw another one. Yes. Other. Yes. I feel like you're at the end. Yes. Yes. Now let it come out and give it permission. Well. Hurrah. Your body doesn't know what's right. Half. All you have to do is say "okay" before they leave. So it's like, yeah. Job training brain for you. I didn't want to miss that opportunity. Yes. Wow. It's so human that he is


ly alone there. Well. And let's see if that happens again. Oh God. Over the box. That is so cute.
You have to go eat the Creek. Yes ok. Good for you boy. Now I would say that this is going very successfully. So what can I start doing when I see them? OK, bye. When I can see that my puppy is starting to come in without any help, I can do it. Well. I can start putting it in a command. So when I see him about to enter, I can start naming him. He said, well, good boy. Now at Kevin I's house we give nicknames to everything. So we say Ken, which doesn't make sense since Ken's name is Ken, but he doesn't matter.
Good? Oops. Not there. Well. Oops. Well. Good. Good. Well. Hurrah. That was really cool. So I can even make more progressions with it. He could close the door a little bit and do a couple more things, but we'll keep it short and sweet for now. So I'm making the most of this dinner. There's still plenty of your dinner left. So I will continue to use it as an opportunity to teach him to work for food. So now I'm doing some trick training, and it'll probably be really adorable and you can pray he learns, but not so much about trick training.
It's about teaching and how to learn, how to work for me, how to know, offering things so that she gets a good report, in a complete way, because she teaches her that this for me is a really good thing to do. . And I, of course, take advantage of a time of day when he's actually quite excited to receive the food. So let's start with a couple of different tricks and see how it works. I feel quite adventurous. So actually yeah, good guy. In fact, I'm going to try a trick called rollover. And this is one that can be very, very difficult to teach, but let's see what we can achieve and achieve.
It's about how we move our hand to be successful. So there are some free things. Let's start with a minute below, which he already did for me. I'm going to pull him to his side, lowering his nose to the boy's shoulders. Oh my God. I said, let's make sure it wasn't a coincidence. I'm going to drop him on Gooding and I'm going to grab his nose and put it on his shoulder. Yes. Actually, it's a good way to give him a reward for that. And I can go the rest of the way. Hurrah. Good Guy. Good Guy.
Lower the alarm again. I'm not worried about saying any orders at this time. Yes. Oh, we'll have this in no time. Yes. He says, I want to stay with you, but I see my friends are having breakfast. Beautiful up there. Good Guy. He seems like he wants to do some more things. Well. Very interesting. So let's try another trick. And again, it's about teaching him to work to earn his food. And it's also about exercising his mind. We talked a lot before about getting them physically exercised with, you know, our reset retreats and our fun outdoor games.
But I also want to make sure to tire out his brain, because that will give me a much more relaxed pup at the end of the day. So let's move on to another one. Let's work a little on our pawshake. I know his mom has already been working on this a bit. I'm just going to use some food. Let's see if the good guys kick me up. I have a word times on the phone. I'm doing a horrible job of keeping the treats in my hand. Right now. Here we go. Come on. Let's leave your phone on the carpet.
So you don't slip again. Yes. Good boy. Yes, good. This has gone very well. So I'm going to start putting a little command on it. Oh yeah. Good Guy. And notice that I say the order first and then help him a second later. Shakes a paw. Yes. Good boy. Stay close to me. If I dont know. I think he might be able to do this guys. We'll see. Shake it. Yeah. Hey, you're thinking about it. Ready? Well. We had three totally different little training sessions. They are all with their dinner. There's still enough left to be able to finish feeding him in his cage.
So I'll go back to the kitchen and add some water to his food. And then I'll show up at his checkout to let him eat the rest of his dinner in peace. So once you send them to eat, we will take them out and let them rest for a bit to poop. We will bring them back and put them in their box. Ken and I are going to make some dinner. We have a little more work to do later. And then hopefully we'll do one or two more small training sessions before the day is over. Today we have been moving the box to different places in the house.
And right now it's no different. I am going to sit down. This is kind of like our living room and I want Drift to be somewhere where he can see what he's doing when he's in his cage, especially since this is the first night he's staying with us. So I'm going to put credit to him here. As you can see, this is simply our living room. We have coaches and not me and I can work a little bit here on my laptop and I'll be able to see what's going on with him. If he gets up, if he complains, I will be able to train him, I will be able to give him information.
But this is what I want you to really think about. How can you move your puppy with you at times where you can, you know, spend time training where you can spend time helping your puppy know what the rules are and really help him be successful? Now he's been sleeping a little bit and because I put him in a position where I could see him if he woke up and because this is, you know, he's in a new home and this is his first time, really relaxing and sleeping in this box. I'm going to take advantage of this moment now because I saw him get up.
I didn't take him directly outside because I know that puppy is after a nap. That is, we simply spent the afternoon and a good part of the night training. And he's had a lot of access to water, but since he's calm, I can take him right outside to warm up. And now if your puppy gets up and is making a big fuss, you know, I say, Hey, be quiet and then praise him when he's quiet, but I'm not going to let him out until he settles down for just a couple of moments and then you can take them outside, but I'm not going to waste this opportunity.
So let's jump right in. I have to CPS to reach the goals. That one was a little false. Alarm now because he wasn't actually indicating to leave. It's not a big deal, but you know, I'm going to spend a couple of minutes at a time with that puppy. But what I have to keep in mind is that since he just got up from his nap, it is very likely that he will have to pee very soon. I mean, you have to watch it very closely. I want to have another short training session with him before it's time to sleep.
Now let's cross our fingers. He will sleep all night. That's what we were waiting for. Seeing how much energy we've burned and seeing if he's going to sleep through the night, you know that every time we take him out of his cage or put him in his cage, we're going to take him outside. Then I'm going out with him. But there has been a small change in the weather and that makes it more difficult for the puppies. There are already some puppies missing, ah, it's already raining a little. And it really sucks when you have to take your pup out in the rain, but it's so important that you go out with him.
You know, we need to make sure we know if he's urinating or defecating or if not, we'll know when we come back in if we need to keep a closer eye on him or not. You know, I want him to be successful and pee here. It may take a little time. And that means putting on my raincoat, going out and trying to help him through the process. So one of the activities that you can do to let your puppy off some steam, either at any time of the day or tonight, and that we do before going to bed so that he sleeps more peacefully, is to do a little bit of games. toys with your puppy.
You can get something back. You can play together. You'll notice that when he played tug with them, he likes to grab the toy and run off and play by himself. And I want to teach him that this game should involve me. So when I play, I keep the house line on. So that when he goes out to get the toy, I can encourage him to return it to me. And learn from the beginning that when we play with these interactive toys, we are playing together. Again, I'm not going to give him this just to play alone.
You'll notice that even when I let him play right now, I have the line on and I encourage him to stay close to me and I'm paying attention. So if they start chewing on it like that, we can take it away and then play with it because we want to play and they don't want to chew. We want to make sure he understands that this is a toy, not a toy for two. Good, good, good, good boy. And all this activity and fun. So if we're going to stimulate him so that he's, you know, after the bath, before bed and then take a good nap until more, oh wow.
You know, doing these high-energy activities is a great way to tie your pup up before bed. And I think it's something that puppy owners often overlook. It only takes a couple of minutes. You know, you spent a lot of time in his cage today and tonight. So when out of their cage, we need to make sure we focus on spending quality time with them. And for those of you who are struggling with a puppy, who is, you know, wild and rambunctious during the night, or while rambunctious at the witching hour, these are some great activities you can do to ease that nerve, to really burn some of that puppy runs out of energy.
And here's the secret that we've mentioned a couple of times today, is that it can also encourage them to go to the bathroom, to go out and urinate. So if you're not sure if the puppy is gone and you don't want to put him in a situation where he might make a mistake, this is a great way to do it. I think it is also important to teach the puppy that when he has energy and he wants to do crazy things, he should do things together and not just give him a toy and let him run around the room and forget about it. that I exist We are joining right now.
We are learning that playing together is a lot of fun. So not only am I getting some of the nerves out, but we're also building a bond and making sure he understands the play equipment. That includes me. So I just got him excited, playing with the toy, letting him go a little crazy and calm down. And now what I want to be able to do is end the night with some relaxation on my lap. Now, someone is not ready to relax yet. So I'll just hold them against my body. Just tell him you're calm, you're calm, good boy.
There. He says, what is this? Do not even think about it. What is this agreement you speak of? Arrest. Fix that better. Here we go. Let's see if his eyes softened a little more so he could calm down. Ah OK. Well. I think we're already on this. Good. Again, I don't have to be mean and nasty to them. I'll just let you know what I want. If he gets nervous, bites me, or goes a little crazy, I'll just tell him to calm down. Oh here we go. Settle. And I put my hand on his neck and also told him to make sure they don't pinch my nose.
Good Guy. Oh, he says, I'm very camera ready right now. Good Guy. That's a better boy. Forward. And when I hold it, I just want them to feel good and calm. I don't want him to bite my face. I don't want him to squirm. I just want him to learn to hang out here and be calm and relaxed in my arms. What a good boy, no need to give him any rewards at this point. It was praise and affection, just to keep them relaxed. And again, notice how I'm adding them. I have no objections and I am enthusiastic about them all.
I am praising pleasantly and calmly. I'm caressing. Common. Good boy. Good sale. Then it's time to sleep. Now. Kill just inside this drift for one last chance toempty your bladder or bowels so you don't fall asleep during the night. You know, having to go. One thing I want you to pay attention to is that we've talked about moving the crate around your house throughout the day, to make sure you're around to give your puppy information when needed. But the other thing is the night period. Now it is very important that I can communicate with him or listen to him if he starts to complain during the night.
Now if he starts to get restless I can tell him to shut up and be okay, doing so is putting him, putting your puppy in your room. Now this isn't a forever thing, but for their first few weeks at home, you know, until you get their nighttime routine figured out and until they are well potty trained and don't have accidents in their crate during the night, this is really a good strategy. So I'm going to place this box right next to the bed where I can almost reach it with him in this position. I can talk to them, tell him to calm down, see if he starts to complain, even reach out and touch the credit.
If he starts to get very loud and fussy. And if that's the case during the night, once he's calmed down, I can take him outside. But I mean, we've tried so hard up until this point to try to make sure he's tired. You know, we spend short periods of time, very actively interacting with the puppy to make sure that he's out of energy when night comes. The other thing I want you to notice is that he has had access to water all day. You know, he's had plenty of opportunities to drink. He had water available to him because we were able to supervise him during the night.
Your puppy does not need water in his crate. They will do one of two things. Either I'll drink it, or they might get it dirty while rolling around in their sleep, or some puppies love to play in it. But during the night, we will not give the drifter water so that we know that over the course of the night, his bladder will not fill. So these are a couple of strategies that will help you succeed in not only, you know, training more quickly during the night, but also avoid some of those nasty bathroom accidents. So basically it's time to sleep, fingers crossed we don't have to get up too many times, if at all.
During the night, but until the morning. Hey Siri, turn off the bedroom light. It's a joke. I don't have Siri connected to the bedroom light, it's actually Kayl. Movie magic. Good night! And success! He he did it. He spent the whole night. It's already around eight in the morning, but he didn't form a town overnight. And he was so happy that he could sleep through the night because the puppy came to our house. Now, if he had made any noise, I wouldn't have made it any faster he would ask them to shut up. And then once he calmed down a little, I would have been able to take him out of his cage and then outside for a moment, let him go to the bathroom, and then bring him back inside.
But I am very, very happy. You know, he really, we had a lot, we did a lot yesterday, very, very excited about the fact that he slept through the night, very excited about that. And now the process goes back to square one and goes back to using some of your puppies' breakfast for training. Now you're spending the night. It's not the only thing we're really focused on. It was really nice to have him sleep through the night and not have any accidents. But what we really wanted to do in the last 24 hours is really focus on short periods of quality engagement, actually, you know, teaching your puppy how to learn, but without having to let him wander or, you know, hang out.
All day, trying to figure out how to do it. We will prepare your puppies to be successful and able to participate and learn the entire time they are with us. Now that you know when to train, you need to know what to train, click on that card there. It is a link to our video of the puppy training calendar by age. It will be of great help to you. If this is your first time on the channel, be sure to hit the subscribe button. We publish new videos every week to help you have a well-behaved four-legged family member.
On that note. I'm Ken. This is Drift. Happy training.

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