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Apr 28, 2024
North Carolina I think it's been about 5 years since I got lost here, it feels good to be back and to


done a really famous food


today at a place called Benny's Pizzeria where if you can eat one of their 28


s in 28 minutes, not only is the


free, but you also win a cash prize, which varies depending on who you are, which I realize sounds a little strange, but I'll explain it to you when we get there. This is where Benny's Pizza has a 28 pizza


. Uh-huh thing, yes, to be eligible you just


to be 18 years old or older and a resident of the United States.
you win 280 if you finish the pizza challenge that 45 000 people have failed beardmeatsfood
I guess that really disqualifies me. The contestant must eat the entire 28 years on Benny's cheese pizza. They can't vomit in it. p uh, locals during or after the competition, naturally, yes, to participate, just log in, the entry fee is $35 and then the challenge time must be approved by the staff, other than that, it's rules, so that's 28 on pizza, 28 minutes and normal


get $280. ​​If they win, yeah, the pros get $100, okay, so they're pretty strict with the rules here because if you're an average Joe, you win $280 in cash. Yes you can


the pizza in 28 minutes, but if you are a professional, any professional. it means you only win $100 but you get a free t-shirt and food plus you do the challenge yeah yeah I'm doing the challenge right?
you win 280 if you finish the pizza challenge that 45 000 people have failed beardmeatsfood

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you win 280 if you finish the pizza challenge that 45 000 people have failed beardmeatsfood...

I'm from I'm from England. We don't really eat like that around there, so I'm going to try it. I'll try. Yes Yes Yes. I love it. It was fast. Thank you so much. You have to be careful because if you touch the pizza they start the timer, I think because there is a cash prize at stake, they are pretty strict with the rules. We've had 45,000


try the challenge and 45,000 people in 11 years and that's from 36 different Benny's locations collectively. only seven have surpassed it, yes, it is quite big. I didn't really have time to get any sexy footage or anything like that because the pizza came out really fast and there's only two guys working there so let's get started and uh I hope I can do it in 28 minutes okay 28 minutes maybe Maybe the squares weren't the best idea, yeah, let's not be too quick to judge.
you win 280 if you finish the pizza challenge that 45 000 people have failed beardmeatsfood
I think it was Huy Lewis on the news who said it's cool to be square so let's give him a try to beat a giant foot anyway what's up welcome back to another episode today it's pizza he's there because it's there, I don't know, yeah, no it would be, but I think this is going to be an SLO and with only 28 minutes to do it too, it's about time I got into this because I lost count of how many people I met. They asked me to do this over the years. I didn't know that only seven people had made it.
you win 280 if you finish the pizza challenge that 45 000 people have failed beardmeatsfood
In over 45,000 tries, though, there's some real cachet if I can really get the best out of this thing: It's a juicy pizza, which helps, yeah, not sure of the adjective choice, but it's certainly a moist pizza , some of the photos I've seen make this look really thin and crispy, but it's neither thin nor crispy. To tell you the truth, it has some weight to it, fortunately the humidity helps, but it is quite deep, it is not flimsy. The order is $35 by no means, but if you can make 28 batches in 28 minutes it's free, you get a t-shirt and of course everyone will get prize money which is $280 or 10000 if they consider you pro maybe squar was a good idea, after all it helps psychologically, I think I understand that. those crusts are going to be killer though well first time for everything I actually came up with a strategy for a change and it was worth it oh so far it seems to have been worth it of course leaving the crust last is always a bit complicated. dice, but there are a lot of empty trays in there, which is good and we're only like a third full.
We have been doing it well for a long time. My jaw already hurts a lot. I think we are. I'm going to need some sauce, some kind of food, lubricant, what a T-rack, you got a way with words, man, but yeah, we're going to need something to help get the crust down, water isn't going to do the job. minutes 18 minutes I guess you don't have any kind of sauce like I would love some garlic, that would be great, this is where the real work begins. Okay, garlic D on deck, let's get serious if you want to try this one next to the Somehow, make sure you communicate with the rest beforehand because I think they're pretty diligent about checking on it beforehand.
I think some experienced scofflaws have tried to claim the full $280 despite it being what they would probably consider professional. I do not think they do. I'll check your credit, but they might Google your name. Make sure you don't try to trick them. This is chewy, yes, your jaw is starting to feel it. This is going to be tight. You know, there's a lot of bark left there. We can't lose I gotta make it to the pantheon of esteemed winners if I've traveled this far come on hang in there Sunny JY this pizza looks a lot thinner in the pits oh this is a ground man yeah you almost did it .
You don't need to verbalize that your face is really talking a lot, buddy, in case you're wondering, by the way, you can put whatever toppings you want on your pizza, but to complete the challenge according to the restaurant rules, all you need to do is have. What you have to do is


a standard 28 pizza with cheese so you know why make it harder why it looks like that that doesn't make me feel better do you know how much more time I have left? Yes, 10 minutes will be close. Yeah, if that takes you another 10 minutes to finish the dirt, you might as well leave it right here and now, come on, hang in there, this garlic sauce was delicious, by the way, I'm not sure what brand it was, but it really helped a lot.
It just tasted like garlic butter, it wasn't runny at all, this guy took care of me, you know, he's bringing extra water, very deep, what a consummate gentleman. I'm a top player, I'm always good when the staff wants you to win. I allowed myself to stand up or not, yes, because I'm just going to grab a drink from the refrigerator. Okay, I'm just going to buy something fizzy, oh man, I better run, but hurry up, I was going to do it, but now, yeah, you feel Wise Choice. Free to leave a detailed review of my running technique in the comments.
By the way, it was actually more of a swagger than a run, but give me a break. I have 77b of Beats Inside Me. Oh, it's not long, it's not long to go and you better take a step. It's ready buddy, only 6 minutes left. I really want that shirt too. I didn't realize at the moment, you can choose the t-shirt and there's a really cool one that I think I showed at the beginning, but. I'll also show you in just a second how far I haven't gotten yet. It hurts me now. It hurts me. The finish line is in sight, although I'll have to freeze my jaw later.
Looks like we're going to do it just a little more. I hope you enjoyed it and as always, I'll see you in about a week for the next one. You said 40, 45,000 people try this and only seven from One Professional and that. makes me the 8th person chewy. It should have started maybe like 5 minutes. Your jaw hurts before yeah, yeah, that was a workout, man. I can think of easier ways to make $100 or $280 if you're not a professional, right? That was a very professional performance. I must say it took me forever. I think it was worth it for the jersey, that's one I could really use for a change, so ask me for some tips, yeah, so I'm here because for my fantasy punishment we play Fantasy Football, yeah, yeah, so I gotta be here open. to close they close at 3:00 a.m.
They have to keep every pie you eat 30 minutes off, it's like that guy did The Waffle House challenge, right, yeah, same kind of similar thing, so you have to have a slice of pizza. I've eaten two so far so now I can leave at 2:00 am. m. Yeah, not him, he's in trouble, that's funny, I'm pretty. I felt like trying it, you know, years ago, there was a guy who lost his fantasy football league or something in the four was he had to go to a waffle house and spend 24 hours there, but for every waffle he got an hour of total time discount, that guy is basically doing the same thing, but with Benny's Pizza it feels like it's a huge honor if 45,000 people have done it and only seven have made it.
Well, eight have achieved it. I feel statistically pretty special. It took me a long time. 20 24 minutes and 45 seconds 24 minutes. That's not much time. I didn't feel like it was a long time. Believe it.

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