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'You're Really P*ssing Me Off!' SAVAGE Insults & Comebacks Part 1 | Taskmaster Series 1 | Channel 4

May 19, 2024
Oh, what a gift from my father, with whom I no longer speak, but you, I know for sure, are not like that. He won't talk to you because you. she didn't read she didn't read the book she threw a tea bag into a cup of the longest distance you have exactly 1 hour. I have to say that when I imagine others I don't see them reaching this kind of distance. Some girl poets will take the first 45 minutes and realize it's better if they're wet. I just realized I should probably get wet. How far did the Roma reach?
you re really p ssing me off savage insults comebacks part 1 taskmaster series 1 channel 4
It was impressive, there are about eight and a half dogs. I have measured it well. If I have made a system of eight and a half dogs, assuming that one dog is one meter long, then eight and a half meters, how? a lot of dogs did uh ring do uh 2.4 dogs, it was very accurate and it wasn't the best or the second, third or fourth best Frank um amazing build, presumably a good distance, it was 10 10. uh 04 me, can I, just asking a asks where did you get the box from there was no box like that available when I was doing it there was definitely a box available no box mate I'm telling you now there was no box there was a box available you just don't have it You have box hunting skills and neither you were able to decide whether to dip the tea bags.
you re really p ssing me off savage insults comebacks part 1 taskmaster series 1 channel 4

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you re really p ssing me off savage insults comebacks part 1 taskmaster series 1 channel 4...

Do you


think you would have thought of the box side? I would say that a cup is a larger receptacle than a cup. Do you drink tea with her? a handle, so if I had to drink tea from this before the end of the hour to prove that it was a cup, then I think I have a cup. I'll just position the handle like this so I have two cups. There's a tea bag taped to a golf ball, oh God, right, to prove it's a cup, let's drink the tea from the cup. I didn't buy a box, it has a dam, it's like a damn BMW.
you re really p ssing me off savage insults comebacks part 1 taskmaster series 1 channel 4
The warehouse when it does it's in a cup, that's up to you Josh, it's your definition of a cup, anything with a handle, duct tape, no, my definition of a cup is someone who can't find a box in that house, Using this device to track your route, create the best image for Taskmaster. I have made a model of a pregnant woman. Maybe that's what Gregs like. criticizes that I'm, I'm, I'm one of the few people in the world who despises the pregnant community, it's true, he always talks about it, oh, coming here takes up more than your fair share of space, ohh, incredibly accurate self-portrait.
you re really p ssing me off savage insults comebacks part 1 taskmaster series 1 channel 4
Well, I thought you might like a photo of me that we already have on this show, right? Aren't we those Oblongs? Your ears were supposed to be the frame of the wine cellar. This is not new in a cardboard box. oh my word20 buy the best gift for Taskmaster here you go 20 you have 10 weeks your time starts now I would like Frank's gift now yes that's ok thank you very much it looks like a glasses case it's a glasses case bam now do it you know there's something special yeah , this, yes, if that, oh, can I know what it is yes, yes, no, are these glasses have rear view mirrors, yes, could you, they are so I can see behind me, they see behind me, sunglasses Oh my gosh, I love them. them and the main use of them, of course, is if we have to see if there are any of those pregnant bastard women after me.
I think I'll take a look at Josh's gift next please, I feel like we get along


well. Well, Greg, yes, I think everything is fine. I thought you'd be worried that I'd forget you after this, so I have a tattoo. Well, you could wrap it in gi. I mean, it's impossible to beat or you get ahead, okay? you have to open it very carefully there's something you said you wanted you were drunk you said you liked them oh uhoh look I have my own mouse his name is also Greg so I got his name tattooed using only the items currently on this table place this egg as close as possible high possible strongest winds the egg should not break you have 20 minutes your time starts now one of my problems was that I didn't notice the saucepan and the electric stove on the table I'm so sorry I didn't see them maybe I'll give you an extra point if I swear for God man.
I'm just saying they clearly weren't on display and that's not fair. Are you really pi


me off tonight? en please give me Frank Skinner's age in minutes, he is an essential teacher, what are the three options? It's not multiple choice, buddy, can we pick a great one? Who do you want to ask first? I want to ask Josh Wham first, oh, I don't know. It's really unfair that I have to go first. Can't you go first? Alright?

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