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You Must Ollie EVERY SKATEBOARD! / Warehouse Wednesday

Apr 30, 2020
How about the Narnia entry? What is this Brian? Oh, where else on Wednesday? Oh my berries, satisfying reason, that was the first door, you are literally the original door. I hurt myself somewhere on my elbow, your shoulder is something that hurts me somehow, did you say


? Not Wednesday, that's where most Monday, actually, Monday, yeah, today is a day that today is a day, it's a day that we didn't know this was going to happen, who's writing, it's been a while, right, yeah , you have new to fly, new zipper, yes. You have two partners, so warm up, you will have to do an


from the side of the mini ramp like a small side, you know, okay, but here you have to do it 10 times, 10 different


you must ollie every skateboard warehouse wednesday
He likes that mysterious challenge. We like to. I don't know what's going to happen because it's a mystery what because it's a mystery yeah and then we'll treat you like he's a normal big guy, what is that? I didn't tell you when we were like a few days ago and I thought, What if we did it or where else on Wednesday with something like that? I didn't tell him it was going to be like this, but he guessed it. You'll be in for a huge treat too. Wow, if you do it, you'll get $30. If you don't get Christmas money, if you don't do it, how long does it take? oh, how much you want to give it 10 minutes, yes, 10 minutes, 10 minutes


thing, if you don't do it, then you're going to do it.
you must ollie every skateboard warehouse wednesday

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you must ollie every skateboard warehouse wednesday...

I'm going to put hot sauce on your hot sauce, torture your hot sauce to hack it again, do you agree? Oh, sir, agree, do you agree to this challenge? Yeah, okay, come on, that was weird, I don't know. I'm hurt but I don't know where I heard how you feel now weird weird you're a little nervous right yeah you're super red today right and I like it was good security guards come door guard come on we need to get ten


s yours can be one of them, Brian, that one of yours will be wonderful. Tears, the one that's okay, there's your ten, your ten skateboards, you've got an electric skateboard, dude, yeah, okay, that one that maybe you can ride. you will be able to get away with it, but choose first, don't do that first, okay, okay, plan marked sir, could you do the electric first of course?
you must ollie every skateboard warehouse wednesday
I'd be fine, I'd grab it. I won't touch the remote control. Have the? remote I have the remote but I won't, I won't miss it, go slow and control it like he's going to, oh, push it, just push


thing, it's okay, you like super pop that sounded like the heaviest music in the world . the hip, you count it, yes, you come, it's okay, I was just going to choose another one, right? We can bring them to you, you're the, you're the star of this, it sure is: Hey guys, take a real quick break if you're enjoying this video.
you must ollie every skateboard warehouse wednesday
I make videos all the time and if you want to see more videos like this just hit the subscribe button right below, that would mean a lot, it's free and easy and you'll sign up to see more. Let's get back to horseback riding, challenge the air. boards next, okay, that was good dude, I got the craziest angle and all this on the skateboard was right in front of him, oh you're a late leader, sir, did you make your watch? It just jingled, yeah, because I have steps, we got him a Mire, so if he contacts us at any time, that's all he does, but he also tells them steps and makes gas noises when he takes it off very well.
I was good. Eight more to go. We'll be here for a while. second, yeah, we're there, you go eight more to go two, it's your choice, buddy, this one is going to be super hard, I'm just going to finish it. I completely forgot, he lit up, he didn't know anything, yeah it was too late if it was an


. board that tells her tricks we just hope that she probably exists that's a real girl Rob, you know it's going to be a bad product I don't know the Apple board, the eye board, I for you, you connect your phone and track what they've told you clearly you're a good skater 74% dude, you're just knocking out the hardest ones first, right?, yeah, but it's a, you can make it happen, it'll feel funny, it just didn't work, you have a really push in, is it terrible?
Yes, this is going to be difficult, you delay, turn it around hard. I want to see a strong turn. This will be the most difficult board. I think I'm sure I was pretty good. Six more. I think there's a big one on the comb. dash, but I think from here on out you'll be pretty good, look at these trucks, they're like different trucks, look at them, look, did it feel funny? Yeah, pretty good, that was amazing. Halfway through, I believe in the rise against Bon Jovi. a song again this is yeah the exact conversation is happening I think with Brian's hit in my videos before okay an alley is coming up yeah okay all the big boy yeah this is like a nine inch board, this is old school Steve.
Gentleman 9.5 maybe still that wasn't an ollie no that was a hippie - that was that was super cool okay it's not the oldest skateboard it's a reprint it's like 2002 something like that he's been has no I went to the bathroom and He came back and he's eliminated many wars. If he has it. Here's the small board, the youth one, which should feel good to him because he's that tall. You went from a huge board to a kid's board. up well, two more skateboards ago, what are your thoughts? Do you want to play Minecraft? That's what you're thinking about right now.
Okay, oh, have you ever tried a trick and that's all you're thinking about in a video game? No, never, never. Plus, this is a long warm-up, for sure it's Noah's main challenge, he has to make a drop. I love a drop there, yes, but don't get stuck on it, right? And that was really Jim Zero, he was really good. right now he's fine so the mystery challenge we have them would you do all those Ollie again oh my gosh four mystery challenges for your mystery challenge you have to call mom and tell her you found three kittens in my bed here . and that we have to keep them is pretty good three or three three three oh yes, never three hello mom we found three kitchens in the corner of the


if we have the deposit please please dad you have to say yes, we'll stay Those who say So he He's older than you, right, oh, you love it, he's got you goodbye, you'll come home with your hands thrown, okay, that was good, that was good, done if you two weren't laughing in the background, I probably would have thought. that's real now the talk with you you want to think okay you're about to do the drop the ollie okay you've never done this drop yeah you need your skateboard too hello I'm going to predict he's having it on the first try you think, then you've never done it, you've tried I always try or three sessions yeah, oh really, just do it, why does he get a bonus for the first try?
No, do you have your raspberry radish around ten? minutes, you could do it right here, that was fine, but Ollie, it's much safer if you're ollie well, he likes to drop two, he knows me, he knows her well and do it there, okay, this is a very back alley warehouse . Wednesday, there's nothing but Ollie in this. That was better, but yeah, you need to hit that tail, that's the key to this. Oh, does it feel like a big fall? Your shoelace is untied or something exactly. It is always unleashed. She is tying a shoe. It stops moisture.
I stop as he nods. that was better that was really good dude that was scary you can hang ten rolling up to that dude you're going to hit me yeah yeah I say redo how do you feel about that? How do you feel about that? I didn't tell you everything you're trying, but buddy, that's all you need, you did it, you came out, the impact looked amazing, the impact was good, now you know you can do it, it looked good, now you're a champion of that growth. I know, I know, we know mate, looks like you should have done the Jamie Thomas thing, that was a ninja kick, what's his free time?
We have 547 left, okay, okay, yeah, that was good, it seemed like a weird fall, he landed on his toes. and he liked doing a kickflip with this board to cousin, that was good, you did it, Ollie, let's smooth it out, although it's okay that you hate your ankle a little, that was awesome, man, that's good, it feels good, it was like a super ollie workout. video I know he spit his foot back I saw that well, suddenly you would get 30 dollars now, right? Yeah, I like how everyone's saying land it, it's about to like, we're about to end the video and they're just messing around with a power, they're really worried about the power, we, okay buddy, hey, where? what you spend it, but you only have $150 that you are saving, you can be a kid, okay, when we can go to a store, can you? spend on whatever you want, okay I want to save up for a virtual reality headset, that's smart, okay, at this point, I love you, you did great guys, if you want your own skate gear here, this is our skate shop inline skate, the shred quarters, calm down. and we have everything skate related right here for you at shred quarters dot-com.
If you have a local store support them and they could always carry our gear but if not we are here to help you but you sir have a youtube channel these days so I will put it in the info if you want to see more of it . Of course I help him with his channel, but that's all, we have fun. Hello friend, I am very proud of you. You did it. Well, let's go home, you're ready, go home, you have to do your homework, you have to do your homework at home, which is the epitome of homework.
Hey, sure, wait, wait, wait, whatever you do, don't run into that, that over there, okay, that's Bryden.

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