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You Can STOP TIME in Minecraft?! (insane)

Feb 27, 2020
Today we embark on a Minecraft adventure like no other. Stories are predicted of an ancient artifact that allows you to


and speed up, we will bide our


, so today we will see if the stories are true and if this little device really holds up. that power, but before we get into it, make sure you like this video, otherwise I'll go back in


and make sure you were never born. The video begins, so Craner, this is the land that keeps secrets. The land that keeps secrets. of our ancestors, history is the toad of an ancient device that allows control of time, okay, now you are scaring me so much, okay, we have to be able to control time, really yes, with this device I can go back and make sure, oh, please do it.
you can stop time in minecraft insane
Okay, somewhere up here, apparently okay, apparently I hope the area is marked with a big red X. I don't know where it is anymore. I jumped up and saw it. Okay, pretty obvious, Josh, you just need to log in. Okay, apparently you have to dig into it. center of the big red keep going, okay, wait, wait, maybe. I mistook it for the dangerous lava pit, why would you regret it? Sorry, I was looking at the wrong map. I think I'm pretty sure, aah,


, okay, we have to kill you, look broken, we have to get this there.
you can stop time in minecraft insane

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you can stop time in minecraft insane...

See, why did you do it? I'm pretty sure it was down here, oh it's under the lava, how convenient Josh, I found the ancient artifact, is there someone, I'm sorry, really, what, you can't have two unique ancient artifacts, are you kidding me, what do I get? ? so someone looks good, I guess I'm sure anyway, look Rayna, I think we're going to try this, so apparently, oh, that's why yeah, do you want to take a look? Yes, thank you very much everyone, take it if the stories are true, aha, if you are right. -click with it, time will speed up, okay, I want you to try it, wait, wait, wait, I have an idea, follow me, okay, I want you to speed up time and then we'll see if it affects these chickens, okay, so I call the ancient scroll. so just right click, yeah, look, yeah, look at the sun, oh, it's about to turn into night, yeah, it's going super fast because time is going fast, oh, wait, it's all something, wait, oh yes, actually wait, it goes super fast?
you can stop time in minecraft insane
It was really strange. It's okay, look, oh, it just disappears in my hand, it's okay, it's already night, yeah, man, it's okay, I'll make it go back to normal, thank you, thank you, it's okay, I'm back to normal, oh, look how fast it was, it was very fast. I took like a power nap or something bad, that's why you're drooling on me, no, it's just because I find you really beautiful, okay, move on, you might as well stop time, no way, really, okay, I'm going to hit the chicken oh I just stopped time and look at that wait let me be Sims too oh there's a chicken floating in the middle of the air now we can't even pick up items no wow so if I then hit this chicken oh , he got hurt, but no.
you can stop time in minecraft insane
I've been hurt yet oh yeah, only when you resume time, right, that's when again, yeah, damn, you're ready, yeah, three, two, one, wow, and then that all happened at once, okay, like this look at this, look at this, okay again here, yes, here, take the ticking of the clock. watch God, okay, so if I put a Samba, the time slice, what I do, no, no, I'm just showing you first, okay, okay, Sam Bock here, well, that's not okay, yeah , but if you stop time as soon as I place the block, aha. freeze in midair are you ready 3 2 1 go oh look at that and the block is actually halfway between two other books that's not even possible in Minecraft you can't stand it don't look what.
Oh, bullies really like trolls. shooting me okay, wait, wait, oh oh wait, I'm moving fast, uh, sorry, I was shooting. I'm trying, try, wait, oh, I literally stopped the arrow in the air. Believe me, you had some. I was shot a couple of times before you. I did that, but it was still okay Josh, you still help me, okay, I could have died, although if I jump, I get here, try it, wait, oh, great, let's get this guy, well, let's go and then him and then start and then. to Oh, it starts and starts and stops, starts and stops, wait, why do you notice?
Okay, this is perfect. Do you want to recover the watch? No, no, you have this one. Okay, pause now. Okay, what should we try and do it. before it explodes yeah I'm okay with that but you have to stay close to it so Josh well I'm already behind it so it won't get confused so they'll go back to normal okay we'll get back to it Normality, oh boy, it's okay. We're close, but I think it's done. I mean, he's going to play explode. Okay, okay, okay. I mean, do you want to wash them away with candy?
Yes, let's try it. Okay, start time in three, two, one, now, oh, oh, it stops. Okay, I think we need to. to find it, okay, be brave, Craner, wait, this is going to explode, okay, move away, move away, that's cool, although look, there is literally an explosion in the middle of the explosion, try to try to re-enable the moment in the one I'm standing in it, it's okay, it's okay, the damage is done, it's okay. Well, no, no, come out because I definitely didn't get hurt, okay, secret, I'll go downtown, okay and let's see if I got hurt, okay, okay, wait, Josh, I have the perfect idea, hey, look, we're so far up on this one. moment. and if we can stop time, we can probably stop this pig from dying from falling off this cliff, my heart, it's okay, it's a big fall, it's okay, I'm sorry, Bigfoot, maybe you'll live, good idea, okay, sue me, now it's time to catch the big Craner no way.
I want to see if we can make this one fall even further and then catch it again, okay, oh, okay, no, don't let it go again, okay, picky, you're crazy, here we go, ready, hit even more. Oh, a little more, wait a second. I want to go down. Take a look, we even caught it from here. This is so evil. Josh. This is so evil. I don't have any blocks because every block brought is frozen in the sky right now. Oh yeah, oh, I didn't know you were standing on top of that. Sorry, okay, I think this is good, let's see if this gets you.
Are you sure we're going to try this ball? No, no, think about it, crane, it's just fooling what one, two, three blocks, yeah, I guess, unless yeah, there's only one way to find out are you ready? yeah, okay, three, two, one little pig, I hope you don't die okay, he died brutally, I feel really bad for him, man, okay, we have our next test subject and I have the bucket of water, okay, okay . luck mr. picky okay, good time, good time, okay, so I'll go down with the water. I guess if you put here it will flow down and spread oh no, we can't do that, although right now we should catch, oh wait, we do.
I think that means we have to put the water blocks right underneath and then hope he sees his biggest, weirdest Lance, are you kidding me? Okay, look, okay, I think put one here, yeah, yeah, and we'll do some, okay, okay. I'll make some I'll go get water Where is the water? Alright. I'm pretty sure this will get him. We feel like all of these. Very good. I hope the best people are right. Pig, yes, now, let's kill him. animal, wait, we found an ancient temple, clocks and star force, no, I don't, good idea, wait, you can make it fall, yeah, let's fill it in a hallway, okay, that's good, okay, you're ready, Go away, yes, we need to do it.
Get it, shoot with him standing, there's no place, he's not falling now, okay, there you go, wait, wait, wait, I have an idea, I have an idea, he's mad, what are you doing? Okay, get some sand, that's so cool, okay. Let's see how are you? I'm really excited, okay, so put that in there, yeah, then play and then we have to make your move, okay, so we're definitely shopping, listen to it dad, yeah, no, it's a bullet, find out the remains of him. I have, I think we're professional assassins and then we have to get into this thing, okay, sure, I mean, can I watch the TT?
Maybe if I figure this out, oh, yeah, yeah, so you can delete it all and then, oh, yeah, yeah, okay. enable again Josh, did you die? I'm still alive. I think you stopped him right before he did all the damage to me. You might want to get out of there before it explodes. Yes good idea. It's okay, I'm safe now. Yeah. I mean, go up a little bit more keep going up because we never know if TNT is going to break, just get out before I turn it on again, okay, yeah, that's the best, you weren't there while the sun was setting, Look, I can pause it so we can enjoy.
The day a little longer, wait live, I follow your trail, wait, do you have an effect on me? That's it, yes, we are looking, I can hear, please, yes, you hold it and then you see the effect of mine, get ready, it's time it's floating. air Josh wait a second I can't Josh you ruined the ancient artifact wait I think I just threw the H no fat okay time is frozen Brina I think what this means we can never start time again I knew this was a bad idea Josh , we are trapped in this debt, he was storing daylight forever right now, yeah, we can't do anything, you know what I don't want to live in a world like this, goodbye, and at least we can depend. still in the quecha

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