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Minecraft But You Can FREEZE TIME!

May 31, 2021
day in


we can



, yes with our handy little tool, at any


we can


or unfreeze time, so if there is an arrow flying across the sky towards your face, freeze if there is a tnt that is about to explode, freeze if Jelly tells you to. a boring boring story, oh sorry about that jelly, I'll thaw them now. The defrost button does not work. Yes, we can't start this video until the gelatin thaws. Maybe you could try hitting the like button to see if it works. Please click. the like button oh you're doing it thank you yeah Jenny is thawed if you want to get some awesome product head on over to and anyway let's get into the video you guys want to see a cool experiment right , Of course it is?
minecraft but you can freeze time
Look at this, Josh, I'm going to have to uh, wait, no, I'm going to need you to press stop time, okay, on the time stopper, right, three, okay, two, one, come on, oh, little pig, I froze him in the air, wait, we can even hit him, look, no. Don't hit the floating pig, flying boys, wait, that's just bullying, yeah, do you think you can wait, wait, cry, they're crying, stand under it, you just killed, I killed the pig, you know what's even sadder , people never know what happened, okay, well, you can still I can still stand under him crainer oh yes I will and I'll slap him wait I have a better idea crainer could I ever thaw him okay, okay, you said we had things in the house, right, yeah, okay, he's outside the crane, don't worry, maybe thanks.
minecraft but you can freeze time

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minecraft but you can freeze time...

Josh, that sounds great, great, grab some arrows, wait, this could be really good for me to get rid of the iron golem, right, yeah, time is currently a fraud because you can see everything is glowing, stop, okay , stop this time, stop time, okay. I'm going to shoot arrows at the iron golem, you can help me, yes, but no, guys, arrows, oh, we're going to make a bunch of them, just floating, yeah, here we go, look, they're all going to hit the eye, This is great, all the arrows like them. jelly maybe you shouldn't stand in front of him like he waits, they're all going to hit if I breathe one, oh, okay, he seems okay, though oh no, he's almost dead, he's kind of strong, okay, more arrows, guys, more arrows Again, this should be enough. to finish him off right down there they literally almost killed me guys I need to kill the iron golem okay he's almost dead we can do this okay these things require a lot of arrows maybe the arrows are a little weak , maybe we should use them. something better than arrows maybe we could actually there were some things in the house let's finish him off with aaron it's in the chest do you think it's ready? three two one okay, this thing is crazy okay, oh, he was like two arrows away Okay, oh man, I want to see what else we have.
minecraft but you can freeze time
It was a fun experiment, although it was really cool. I can't believe it worked. Excuse me, how about we grab this bucket of lava and water? Okay, there are some inside the jelly, but that's okay. So what can we do with this? We can stop it, maybe well, maybe just maybe you know, usually when you put water in, it spreads, but what happens if we stop time before that? Oh yeah, okay, stop time, stop putting water in one person at a time. It's my own little pool, no, there's only room for me, okay, I'll make a pool for Crainer here, ready, I thought maybe it would be cool, but no, guys, I wonder if he'll stop making obsidian or stone like, oh. wait, yeah, what happens if we put them in?
minecraft but you can freeze time
I think if we put them on top of each other, that effect will still happen. You think, oh my gosh, okay, so put one in there. Oh, oh, oh yeah, it still happened, okay, never mind, stop that from happening. Although it's cool that we can have water blocks, something happens instantly, which is why it's so easy to make a portal with you know what we have to do, grandpa, lava, okay, no, I think we have something we should move on to the next thing. Can we resume time? I'd rather ooh What's up with the fire? Fire sounds great.
So if I start burning the house down, this thing catches fire and then you freeze times, you freeze time. Things in the chat, no, but it's frozen jelly, it can't. burn that didn't work wait you guessed it you defrosted that didn't work no you didn't defrost it it's frozen now it actually works we all have the same time remote but it's very important that we talk to each other about what we're using so we just have to make sure we don't unfreeze it, yeah, as long as you don't unfreeze time, nothing will happen, wait, stop time again, Josh, what are you doing?
What's your game here? Can we take this? thing that's out of josh's hands josh just wants to destroy okay, we probably can okay, let's use the time to stop him now okay, the house is still burning, we should train, come on, let's do it okay, okay, okay, I think that's it I have done. It mainly saved the house, yeah I think that's okay, let's get our items out of the chest so they don't burn too. What about that? It's probably a good idea. I'm going to take everything out of the chest. There are some good things.
Here I know what I want to do next, guys, what do you want to do? What do you want to do? Come on, no, no, no, no, okay, I trust this won't explode if we wait for the freeze time here and then press that. lever I'll be safe that looks like it's going to explode oh I'm safe wait what even when time doesn't stop what um are you okay god the moment there what just happened so we'll freeze it when you unfreeze it the time, then the clock starts tnt time, does that make sense, okay, look at this, oh wait, yeah, go down a lot, go down a lot, look, there's so much tnt down there guys, uh, this looks like it's going to be a little more destructive than us.
I wanted to say, we're definitely going to lose the house right, we got everything out of the chat okay, it's time guys, it's time, what's the time? Just kidding, it's daytime, it's always fine, it's daytime, now we're in the explosions, how about a creeper? The kids want to play with it, yeah, good idea, wait, freeze, hey, how's it going? You thawed him out, idiot, say he died from fall damage, guys, one person freezes at a time, okay, okay, stop, stop, okay, you guys suck at this. I'll take control now I'll freeze okay here we go look at this white guy can we can we can piss off all the creepers or wait don't look not this one no this one's about to explode yeah this one's like a big big guy, only Kramer died, man, I love it.
This mod is okay, I know, what's that snowball I threw with snowboards in the air? It's a little anticlimactic to be making snowballs after that, isn't it? Yeah, hey, wait, no, no, no, freeze, freeze, wait, what if you freeze halfway like before? wait oh it just freezes at midnight no wait yeah yeah they're there so they're fine they're not defrosting yet they're not defrosting yet look ready ok where are you throwing it at the eggs , eggs, okay? let's make chickens, guys, chickens, hey balls everywhere, it's actually pretty good, it's not that bad, hey, look at all the things, okay, that felt anticlimactic, although in comparison, enough, good guys, can we freeze?
Can we free skeletons? Oh oh wait, they're burning, frozen. they wait they will burn forever they will burn it still strange damage yeah it's still the same I guess not wait I'm sorry josh uh guys I feel like one person should be in control no I said he died he died one day I have another experiment i want to do what is that oh what is that was that oh the weather was the withered skeleton guys these are so strong they can kill you with two hits but they can't do anything for us now oh we can even wait wait guys , I have an idea, jelly, oh, you died immediately, how would you do that?
If we think the withered skeleton is strong, wait a second guys, I might have an idea, bring him back, no, that's it. no, that's rude no, no, that's a good idea, that's a good idea, okay, nevermind, you guys do your thing and wait, what, wait, no, he's doing the wilting, he's going to put on a real wilting um, wait guys, can we kill him? with tnt you think uh well, it's currently frozen, unfreeze time, unfreeze time, look, it's not getting any bigger, are you going to unfreeze it or there you go, okay, here we go, oh yeah, over the skeleton, let's stop to wither, then we freeze time and then I'm going to try to kill him, why are the skeletons withered?
Because I thought? Oh, I had to freeze, I had to freeze it, freeze time, there it is, yeah, I'm here, I'm here, okay guys, yeah, that's how we're going to kill the wither, yeah, okay, I'm going to shoot arrows at it too, wait, why are both beats dead? Oh yeah, there's two of them, what are you doing, Josh, why are you doing, wait, what are you doing, Josh? Why dude, why would you do this? You're just spamming the screen, what's the point of that? I'm activating all your tnt josh jelly I mean thank you come on three oh my god one with or kill whoa oh that really wasn't like that oh oh. that was um oh god that was the explosion okay look listen to me I'm sorry guys what if?
What's happening? We live forever in the frozen world. Yes, I think that's the best idea we have right now. I mean, what else are we going to do? At least it gives us a chance to, you know, move to a different village so we can run away far away right now, yeah, we'll leave this exercise, no, we'll leave it frozen, okay, goodbye village, sorry. the destruction thanks for watching the video is where you should go no questions about it just go also if you want to watch another video there are videos on the screen click on them and it will take you straight to the next one enjoy

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