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WORLD’S BEST All You Can Eat BUFFET (Record Breaking $100 Million Budget)!

May 02, 2020
and the place we are now has literally reinvented the


with the incredible variety of appetizers, high quality meals and what is considered the


selection of desserts in the


. Honestly, this is like nothing I've ever seen before. Holy shit hello everyone and welcome to las vegas now if you're new here this is the series where we discover the biggest and most unique things in the


and when I think of las vegas I think of two things, a casino and two


s, and when I was Looking for what experience with potatoes I came across a buffet that is considered not only one of the largest but also one of the


in the world, so I am so excited that I haven't eaten anything all day and it's like 3: 00 p.m.
world s best all you can eat buffet record breaking 100 million budget
Right now, let's experience the best buffet in the world. It's a really amazing selection, but the seafood is American-carved Mexican on this side and you follow mine to the other with Italian and Asian salad bar. If you like hot crab lakes and seafood stations, serve them cold. You have a Steamed crab likes becca and Italian, also in Mexican, you can order tacos and many desserts, making crepes that you just described as the cuisines of the world, yes, almost everything, thank you very much, okay, welcome to everyone to buffet buffet bagano which was created using a 100




and also has 25,000 sq ft oh my goodness I explored this pretty well online but this buffet goes on and on honestly this is like nothing else that I've ever seen before, shit, but okay, plan after exploring everything on the Internet, I have come up with a plan, yes, that will allow me to appreciate literally everything in this buffet that starts at the front.
world s best all you can eat buffet record breaking 100 million budget

More Interesting Facts About,

world s best all you can eat buffet record breaking 100 million budget...

Here we have, I think, all different types of Asian specialties, we have some honey roast pork, have a little bit of that and then we have. some fried frog legs I'm going to leave the fried stuff for another time vegetables again it's a sweet buffet vegetables fried rice at all chinese spring rolls again you get that pretty much anywhere else so the plan is to stay away from the starches go after more of the specialty items, I guess you'd say, "Oh, some roast duck, here we go, this is what I'm talking about, we've got pork belly here and we've got some dumplings here, to be honest, I feel like I can get them at any kind of Chinese bakery and I really want to take advantage of this buffet because, you know, it's the best buffet in the world, oh man, this is probably the only section that's probably going to appeal to me for the starches.
world s best all you can eat buffet record breaking 100 million budget
There are beautiful places in here. japanese sushi and sashimi i'm definitely going to get a mini style poke bowl oh come at me tuna salmon have a ramen too japanese food eh oh i love japanese food you look good buddy i have vodka oh yeah you like japanese food too im Japanese oh you're Japanese cool Where are you from in Japan? You know, yeah, yeah, I was in Japan, where I went to Fukuoka. I'm from I love Fukuoka. Fukuoka is the best food city for me. Yes, enjoy your buffet and we have all these different types. like salads over here, let's move these things around on the plate a little bit, you know you're at a buffet with me when I have to move things on my plate strategically so I can put a little more salad, obviously, and just stay there There's a lot more to it explore, like I'm looking at cheese and meat right now and I really wanted it and actually, it's still technically an appetizer, so okay, what I'm going to do is leave this and the ramen. at the table and comes back real quick, grabs another plate of food, then goes back to the table, has to be quick because that ramen is getting colder by the minute, kinda freaking out right now, with that ramen getting colder, you get a little bit of that french . fruit from there, I mean, you also have to go with crumbly blue cheese, one piece, one, okay, so it turns out there's a lot more food here than I expected.
world s best all you can eat buffet record breaking 100 million budget
There would be more than 500 500 ooh, okay, so there's a few more things. In fact, here, avocado, deviled egg, marinated watermelon, I have never eaten anything like it, so why not stop violating the mushroom ravioli? They look so incredibly good like I'm saying there are over 500 different types of dishes here, which means I haven't even scratched the surface with oh. Sir, this is crazy. I'm sorry I'm getting so distracted. I can't vlog here, so being so distracted by this buffet, I ended up taking quite a bit of food for the first round, so not this video. In order to become an hour-long movie, I decided to break up the different sections into two-minute rounds, so I'll explain everything on my plate after the ramen.
I am deeply impressed by having a good fatty broth and also plenty of meat. there, okay, next the meat is surely calling my name, holy fatty goodness, if you take a look at this meat here, it's literally the perfect ratio of fat to meat. Next we have the roast ducks, oh wow the juice is literally like the next one. It's the roast pork right there, we're going to make juice now this I'm interested in this is the I think it's the Thai beef, one is going to lie, maybe I'm starting a little too strong with the meat like all that meat, I'm going to but I think that to counteract the effect of that fat, I think it's time to go with some vegetables, acidity, crunchy vegetable flavor, like I said, I don't really want to load up on carbs, but seeing that this was just a ravioli here, I didn't.
I don't think that shot hurt too much is where it's right there, it's like that perfect blend of pesto and fat, oh man, now this devil's egg looks crazy, so creamy, so rich, okay, the appetizer section can be summed up like pure destruction ok after the first course dishes I feel good I feel great oh my god I mean I can't vlog here I'm getting distracted but look at this holy shit but what I was trying to say is that there are a ton of different chef stations, like from this freshly made taco station to so many different types of meat sections to a seafood section in there too, I think there's something behind here too, oh my gosh, there's like three more here okay so many different types of sections so this dish is going to be called the chef's section oh I could have some perfect crab legs yeah amazing oh my gosh that's not a few come to me butter hey how are you doing?
Well can I get one, which one is the best? El paso, uh, roast beef, uh. Yeah, okay, I'll go with that one that looks like an epic taco, oh my lord, look at this pizza. I don't normally buy pizza at that stage, but they make it fresh there in a wood-fired oven and it also doesn't seem to have much of a crust, so the herb-roasted chicken breast, 16-hour breast, grilled tri-tip with charcoal, the ribs are disgusting, oh my god, there are wagyu smoked beef ribs, apple smoked bacon, they don't make it easy. I, well, well, do you like this one?
Yeah, yeah, I'll have some wagyu. Do you like anything else? um, for me, try a piece of everything, yeah, try a piece of everything, you know you're my kind of man, yeah, that sounds like it. Well, try a piece of everything, why don't they have bone marrow here too? Oh, this is such a solid buffet roast chicken bun, not at all, and while the macaroni and cheese looks absolutely delicious once again, when you see macaroni and cheese on a buffet, run away, cornmeal and cheddar cheese. hush puppies stop making it easy to not eat carbs okay im just going to try one this is great cute little pop im really not going to have enough room this is crazy oh boy and then you have all this section here for fresh seafood.
I'm going to just have a few of each here okay we have two of the most epic dishes I've ever made before so thank the buffet gods for bringing me this buffet the meat is like staring me in the face here so I'm definitely going to try that for you, so first we have this 16 hour slow roasted brisket. I don't know if this is a good thing to do, but honestly, wagyu seems to have a little more meat than I do. I used to make something, I'll just put a little bit of butter on it much better, much better with butter, dish number one of the second round of the dish is perfect now I've had a lot of seafood soup before but I've never had it in my own pot like this it's so cute it's salty it's sweet it's sour oh boy cute car adam you're beautiful and a pizza had a buffet that has a crust it's thin that's what i mean you can't not try it normally if it's pizza honestly it's not the best thing out there and It tends to fill you up, but here at this buffet they had good cheese and good meat, that's why I chose this and honestly, the pepperoni transforms this pizza.
The only thing you have to be careful with is how to scrape it. I never would have thought I would have found bone marrow. Well, now I'm really excited to see the dessert part because I've been sitting there. and I've been and let me take you a little bit and what's in here, we have the little cakes and tarts, then we have a whole section dedicated to the cupcakes, the damn crepe section, two different types of creme brulee, little like bites of things including plates of cheesecake, which is one of my favorite things, and also lemon bars, a whole donut in the cookie section, I mean, I don't even know what you'd want to call this, actually, we have a pecan bar and a bread with rum and raisins. taiwanese egg tart pudding this is like a corner of everything and then there's more over here so great red bean cream puffs wow okay I'm incredibly impressed by the diversity of the dessert section there are literally desserts from all over the cultures you can imagine, oh God.
God, there's ice cream here, this is a lot of ice cream, yeah, wow, so how do you make this? You get it in a cone or in a cup on a cupcake. You can't taste sweet. I can have three flavors. Okay, I'll go with yours. three favorite flavors, yeah, yeah, that sounds good, okay, I've got my ice cream and then, I mean, I'm that kind of person who likes to try one of everything, it would be a little extreme to try one of everything here, But I have to do it, okay? I think I have to get on with it, okay I have to leave this one down there, yeah I know man oh my god I can't believe what my camera sees but with that being said we have the most epic dessert plate ever I have tried in my life. this dessert plate has to be like one, two, three, like ten different types of cuisine, starting with supposedly Vietnamese pudding, which is like four bars of chocolate, continuing with the chocolate, the chocolate, I love it, I'll like the chocolate bubble cake, it's nothing unique, you can see it like everywhere, however it's a really great way to measure the buffet and the quality of everyone, that's the taste of a legendary buffet right there.
I've never seen anything like it, absolutely innovative, right there, man, I normally don't get involved. with ice cream after this one, but this supposedly all the ice cream they can make here this ice cream is so creamy, so delicious and it also tastes so fresh, the third hour wouldn't be complete without a cupcake, you wanted to say no. I need a cupcake like this, you really eat it, it's just that the top of the cupcake wasn't unreal, a beautiful bite sized cheesecake, how was that the bite? Sometimes you know when the bite is coming to end buffet time and you're like okay.
I just had one of the best meals of my life. I am incredibly full. I'm very grateful and downright happy anyway. Guys, comment below what you thought of this buffet and I'll see you again on Friday. Okay, man, I'm sorry. He completely fell out of there, that was crazy.

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