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Women Train Like Professional Dancers For A Month

Jun 02, 2021
To me, they all look like beautiful long-haired


and I don't emulate that being a dancer is so hard that you want more than a million people to see you. What you just made is ready, but I want you to get excited. These ladies have it. I


ed for a whole


just to perform for you right now, so drop it and let us hear it for next


's finale. Let's learn to dance like a


dance team. I'm already very nervous. It hasn't even started yet, why did you bring me into this? We will


three times a week before a big final performance in front of our entire office when I think of the



you see on shows like So You Think.
women train like professional dancers for a month
You Can Dance or America's Best Dance Crew I believe perfection is empowered. Flawless, we are not going to be so perfect or so beautiful, we are going to try. I'm not good at dancing, but because of my athletic background, I have quite the body. Consciousness Growing up dances all my life to recover even a percentage of what I used to do would be very fun. I've always wanted to take dance classes, but I've been really nervous because everyone in these classes looks like them. I know what the hell they're doing. I want to learn to have the wit and confidence of a dancer with my own body.
women train like professional dancers for a month

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women train like professional dancers for a month...

I could barely give a presentation at work, let alone get in front of all my coworkers and dance in front of them. People come from them, I listen to them, I just want to be able to go out and be amazing and be confident, let's dance the first day we get to the studio and I'm so excited Hi guys, I'm Robert. I used to be a former dancer in the industry, Robert is a great teacher, no nonsense, which reminds me of all the dance teachers I've ever had, so today is a bit of guidance, kind of a cool consultation, like that that you're just trying to understand.
women train like professional dancers for a month
Knowing if we suck or not, these girls coming from having no dance experience makes me a little nervous, I may not pick up the choreography as quickly as I need to since you Miss Kelsey said you are very confident in your skills, started the dance, left AR, but up wants step boom and then you're going to take it down our group seems like we're improving fast so I'm very happy change change up right left hit down up first dance practice down we did it I was afraid to be I'm going to walk away from this being like what the hell did I get myself into but I honestly think today is going to be a blast, it just became so real, learning the moves is one thing and clean up day is a completely different story. to run through the dance I want to see the practice are their bodies smaller than mine their bodies and how they move compared to my body and how it moves like it's not the same Robert says constantly be sexy in the face make it energy Credible is the performance, just because you are dancing does not mean that you are performing well, look how low I am, look how high you are, stop being babies.
women train like professional dancers for a month
I'm skeptical. Robert is asking us to do a lot of things with our bodies that I don't know what my body could do we were all struggling with it we all feel very insecure about it when you see Beyonce's backup dancers do this they are hired to shake their butts so They look great, hopefully it comes with time, but I don't know if that will be the case. You're falling short of changing yourself, you need to be confident and what you're doing I really don't think my body can move the way they want me to do well in terms of execution.
I have to increase it I thought it was just going to be a dance a song that's all Rober pulls out the chairs and I know what's coming it's very sensual it's very intimate I'm worried that it will come out like I also want to be sexy but my body isn't doing that I know sexy I don't even know what that looks like yeah, I really like the beginning. I can see you're more confident with that too, do that instead of the chair stuff to try to carry that. confidence at all times just keep it constant like a high level all the time starting a new dance next week you guys need to come in on Monday knowing that I don't need to repeat myself anymore when you're training for a show or We're on tour you can't take days off so We can't take days off either, time is of the essence.
Week three we learned the third part of the dance, I didn't know what awaited us. The movements are fast. They are specific at this point. I wonder if I'll ever be able to do the dance moves and remember them and be clean once and for all. Hello guys, it's the end of the third week, next week we will perform. Robert brings in J, who actually has shared the stage with Beon and it was probably the most stressful thing I've ever done. I am currently the dance captain for the Backstreet Boys show in Las Vegas. Damn, I also worked with Jaquel Knight Chuck Maldonado Anthony Burell, it's not fun for any dancer to come and criticize us, let alone someone with that much experience, let's see what they have.
He sits on the chair and watches us act honestly. I feel like we had to look like you want more than a million people to see you. What I did was I was ready right away, he knows where all our insecurities are, there's a difference between sexy and it's there, you know, so he backs off a little bit. I loved dancing and I still do, but it's hard to have your body criticized constantly. I found a problem, I didn't think it would be a problem and that's my face, Jordan. You have really distinguishable eyebrows, so just look at your face a little.
You are a different body type. You have to try harder because people are looking at you. I look like beautiful long-haired dancers like you're supposed to look and I don't emulate him at all halfway through rehearsal I went to the bathroom and my hair was gone, he comes up to me and tells me you're so pretty. but I expected more I'm looking at her but I want her to do something to keep me looking at her I want you to be a little more risky I think my key is not only to try to be more confident in myself but to be another version of myself that honestly hasn't existed until this point, you need to immediately be like boom, you can't be this person, whatever is holding you back, let it go, so last weekend we went out dancing and then we all realized, I thought, oh wow, we can really move.
You know, we can have fun while we dance. It doesn't have to be very serious. It was really cool because he reminded me why I like to dance. I couldn't be more proud. Sharing the stage with all these truly incredible


and being one of them will be a huge honor. I'm at work right now and I just realized we're performing this week. I realized it right now. We go up, I sit down, I say to myself Jasmine, you have this to know that people are going to look at me, compare me and judge me. It's just terrifying.
What are you excited to see today? So I want to see with a lot of heart and I want. to see a lot of sex, the booty has to be on the honest point, I'm looking for facial expressions, it's all in the face, people are at the top of the stage, going up the stairs and towards the B, there's nowhere to sit . We're going to throw up at this point We've been through the trenches together We know we're going to get to the other side together Give up and let him hear it for the final dance I go on stage and immediately the crowd starts making noises and I like to concentrate and I feel pretty ugly.
People loved it. They didn't know if we were wrong or not. That energy was so continuous. It is difficult for me to access sensuality because I am from a very conservative family. Just putting on the costume makes me feel good, maybe I can make it. Dancing with a crowd in front of me is stressful, but at the same time I feel like at least I'm not looking in front of those mirrors. like judging yourself, you're looking at yourself in front of these people, I was like, honey, I'm about to work, it's so rewarding to show off your hard work, your Flav gives it to you nice and sweet, don't you know?
I like Toy, a kiss, I want to try it, put a little Sy, it's this incredible catharsis of hard work, passion and teamwork that comes together like me. I will be frozen. I have always had respect for dancers and commitment, but I forgot the mental thing. In the game, the price not only affects your body, it is also emotional. I found my sexy and empowered Alter Ego. I went into this challenge wanting to feel more comfortable with my sexuality and I definitely came out the other side learning a lot about who I am. and the boundaries I set for myself this entire month were just a great learning experience about myself and my body, and comparing it to others is never the way to do things.
I wanted to come out of this challenge feeling like a more confident person and there's a lot of self-doubt when you do it, but in the end it's all worth it ma'am, move on to our new channel where you'll find more great videos that you love, click through. here to subscribe

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