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How To Pole Dance 3 (feat. JackSepticEye)

Jun 08, 2021
Hello everyone, my name is Markiplier and welcome to the video you have been waiting for so long. I would like to introduce my special guest today, Mr. Jacksepticeye, thank you, thank you everyone, thank you, thank you, welcome to my lens, so we can't


alone because we don't know how, even if I've done this before, I still don't know what I'm doing, so join us to teach us and show us the way I would like to. to welcome Lolita, yes, thanks Shawn, have you ever done this before? I'm not registered, anyway, we are basically beginners. I've done this twice and I still don't know what I'm doing.
how to pole dance 3 feat jacksepticeye
How long have you? do it about seven years, seven years is how long it takes to be good, oh no, everyone is a little different, it depends on the background you bring to it, some people have a gymnastics background, some have a


background, so it just depends. Me, both of us, I feel, I feel at home many times, have you ever taught someone who is horrible but became very good? Everyone starts in a different place. I wouldn't say it's horrible, but maybe I just don't know and then of course with time and practice they learn, yes. but like the same day, as soon as they hit the


like they never knew it, rarely, rarely, they say, oh well, welcome to today, you guys will show me that I'm different, well, we're geniuses I live for. the post that we see Rick and Morty, is there any similar warm-up that we should do before finishing?
how to pole dance 3 feat jacksepticeye

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how to pole dance 3 feat jacksepticeye...

We're going to use our upper body because last time it was mostly squeezing our legs. I had a cramp in my abs. God, it's okay. call this one oh I'm not coordinated on my left thank you I'm dancing I feel very sexy I said I said one move I couldn't say combo I said first move go do it right I don't have tassels to flip you don't have hair to flip the first thing, first you walked towards the


, yeah, I saw that, I saw that and then it was all a little blurry. I feel powerful right now, so you reach out, yeah, you grab, you dive, you get here, okay?
how to pole dance 3 feat jacksepticeye
Now get ready, you will see that you did much better, okay, okay, after you. Oh, I spent a week in Thailand once, did you like ice for me? I feel like I have to keep this hand like this man, okay, what's next? Ball war counts, yes, anything goes. right, so walking around is like learning like fight choreography Shh shoulder, wait, okay, okay, let's change. I feel like I feel very mechanical. Do we switch our legs easily when you do this? Okay, our legs belong to everyone, so fly, I don't know what. What to do with this hand, okay, so I could just stroke my stomach, rub the top of my head, okay, I think I got it, oh, I feel myself today, guys, see, I wanted to move my leg easily, but you guys said no, damn it. rookie mistake not so good eh oh look not so like that though Oh god I look good don't tell me I look good don't tell me I'm trash I'm not going to nail it so I love that it's It's not called like the spin around the right roundabout mr.
how to pole dance 3 feat jacksepticeye
Bob, this is the sexy ass, okay, I'm sorry, Lloyd takes it and but he sells his feet working with this hand, so you walk up in your cup and you spin around and then you put your feet together, you pedal out, you bring the other hand. Up, that's the worst, yeah, that's horrible, oh why would you do that? Are you able to do that and not die? Okay, here we go, here we go, you see Mark died on me, there he goes, there, go, look at them selling his shoulder, that's it. That's how the shorts aren't very baggy and I could be revealing my balls to everyone.
Christ, are we okay? Censorship required. That's not sexy. It was the most painful thing ever. My God. Oh, just wait until you do. I'm going to feel myself oh good and then we go back to the survey and then we go out no oh no oh no I hope my mom isn't watching this Oh, a sexy face. I was hoping to have more freedom in these shorts, but you're constraining me terribly. I call that one Spider-Man Tom Holland, call me that Perry, she's doing it with these shoes and we can't even do it, what we're doing, yeah, oh, sorry, I didn't get into that, son. ting all over the area yeah it goes up Wow thanks full race thanks oh no oh yeah oh that's a good burn and then we go down and then we do our Rd monetization yeah let's do some tricks okay yes, super flashy tricks, yes, come on. excited, I wasn't talking about that, no, no, I don't attack anyone, excited on the crucifix, yeah, aren't you talking normal, yeah, this is just a Saturday, oh, I'm going to be an MC, wienie, trip to the hospital to start. yeah, I've established what's sensible little ball that's good what do you want more skin this will be fine let's do it there we're going well so you know what not to do I've done something like tight and I just had my legs up, the pole is between my legs, yeah okay, the slower you can give them instructions once the speaker takes off from the ground the better, really give this a little Ripper Rooney, yeah really, I've been working my armpit muscles for this one Wow Please, why would you smell that?
Why would you smell that? Okay, so I'm doing this, oh my God, this is not right at all, so I'm just going, oh God, don't die, try it first, now I have to do it. it's twice you know what's crazy that's my secret yes squeeze intermediate to advanced that was sexy yes next please go advanced I don't know why some do this I'm a beginner we thought I just said a little hello yes maybe more Yes, I think more, more than higher, more, yeah, run more, I try as best we can, maybe it's easier, simple, okay, I have a problem, okay, something here, yeah, um, oh, it's better now , okay, problem solved, for sure. extended, but I'll do this sexy straddle, that's me, there you go, sir. grip they call me they call me mr. gorilla and then grab Oh no, where's the other hand?
See, where is the Sango between my legs? I'm doing well, I think so. I did it well. I did it perfectly the first time. Why would I do it again? What are you talking about? Next customs man, please, hard, we both did that. I don't know, stay organized here like you could for a long time. Okay, this is a bit, man. Thank you so much. We could die. I know from that height if you look at us at least. The time came recently no, no, the title or the - I'm a failed loser, nothing Oh, it depends on where I am, yeah, why do you ask?
Of course, we all know what my best grip is when squeezing the net. I am just a simple climb that feels. Well, it was worth it, yeah, do you feel like a superhero now? Oh yeah, oh God, how do you poke yourself with your elbow? oh yeah, oh yeah, everywhere, yeah, how do you do that? It wasn't Superman, I mean, it's like a square like a rectangle, but a rectangle isn't a square kind of thing, you know what I mean, yeah, no, it wasn't good. Oh, Superman, okay, okay, and then right there, that's pretty wonderful. Yes, grab it. excellent, his bottom hand is going to go down, yes, well, like this one, okay, I'm a good danger, it seems much more feasible, yes, I like that one, we get the ball out by squeezing, okay, it hurts in that place, he said , Superboy, I hid it. one second you did it, I saw okay, okay, Superman is invincible anyway, so oh, you're not hurt, aha, wait, I need skin, here we go, that's a good amount of skin showing.
Oh God, lower your pelvis, she made it look so easy, yeah, how easy? wait for the next one, the next one more, let's finish strong, something flashy, just that you like a guy basically rotating, no, do that on your channel on mine, we would get hurt, okay, everyone was paying masochism, that's good, that's it which I always discovered when I first did it. I thought this is an amazing workout you would do, so incredibly strong, okay wait, did you mean the guys did it? I thought we were saying a favor for the guys to see, yeah, so carrying a little weight in the winter, I just went to Hawaii. recently we ate a lot of fruit hi, I'm Lauren, this is American, this is an inch, it's not exactly what keeps me glued to the pole, just sheer force of will, that makes more sense, okay, easy, okay, okay , whenever.
On a scale of one to ten, how did we actually do? That's not what we asked, yes, yes, that was pull dancing, we did very well, look how strong we are, I feel so luxurious, we feel so good and we also have something special to do. say about these shirts we're wearing you can notice they say capa it's because Sean and I and a few other friends of ours are launching a clothing brand yeah that's not a joke they're not fakes at all this is completely legit we just want to let guests know something that we've been working on for a while and people who are smarter than us have been working closely because we wanted to make we just want to make clothes that were something that we actually wanted to wear yeah.
Exactly, sometimes it's so hard to be like a man. It would be so easy if these things weren't what I had to deal with. It was something I really enjoyed wearing every day. So hello, I just wanted to interrupt and say that layer mark. comm is live right now, click the link in the description to go to cloak brand comm or go directly to CLO a k BR AMD dot-com and see what we have in pre-sale right now and I just wanted to thank you all. So much so that this launch has been better than we could have expected.
I've been doing some Instagram Live streams on Cloak Brand on Instagram so I can answer some of your questions. If you have any questions or concerns please ask me during the live stream tomorrow thank you guys so much see you there okay bye back to the pool thank you so much for watching stay tuned for more details soon. Thanks Shawn for being here. Thank you Valletta for helping us. If you want to come here. Thank you. You Bonita, where can you find a little ball online? Vivian Liquors Vivian the Cruise at Baby Liquors at V Look Cruise on Instagram.
There will also be a link in the description and if you want more pole dancing, don't worry, there will be another full video on Shawn's checkout, so check that out in the description. Thank you all very much and, as always, see you next time, goodbye.

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