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Why You Should Play Fighting Games - And How

Jun 05, 2024
The tournament arc is a common trope in anime and very divisive personally. I've always had a soft spot for tournament arcs for numerous reasons, they develop characters that haven't been in the spotlight, but the main character gets to shine. how much they've grown, but the main thing I loved about it was pretty simple, simple, brain dead, you just get to see a lot of action. The goal here is for the main characters to have as many fools as possible when I was a kid. and my friends would get together in an attempt to recreate these tournament arcs on our own, we would log into the Budokai, go into tournament mode and compete to see who is the best


why you should play fighting games   and how
I never won these tournaments and I got quite angry because I


ed. Street Fighter 2 in first grade in mouse nests and I thought it was difficult and I didn't like it later in high school I tried Street Fighter Alpha 3 and again I thought it was very difficult and I didn't like it. However, I liked Cammy. I thought she was cute and I still do. Fast forward to the year 2010. After spending my entire childhood playing video


, I decided that I don't like



. Once I was reaching my final years of high school, I decided I liked video games with good stories.
why you should play fighting games   and how

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why you should play fighting games and how...

I liked games with story and character development and stuff like that, but then I saw something that changed my opinion almost instantly in the past. Game trailers, rest in peace, used to have a featured user video tab on the main page. Obviously I don't have any pictures of this because the website is dead, but if you didn't know that game trailers were known for their flashbacks, one day I saw on the user's video page that someone did a Street Fighter flashback along the lines of the game. trailers now at that time little 2010 high school Marcos thought you know what I really don't like Street Fighter but whatever is boring I'll watch it anyway and something changed in me after watching this series of videos it was like When I woke up, a switch was flipped inside me, a spark was lit, the video not only covered the history of the Street Fighter series, but also covered the


game community as a whole.
why you should play fighting games   and how
I saw iconic moments and competitive fighting games that seemingly everyone had seen, but I missed, for example, Daigo Umehara's entire Crazy Perry. I didn't understand how this was supposed to be awesome at the time because I didn't know how hard this was to do, however what stuck with me was this clip of Justin. Wong, the guy who actually plays Chun-li in the clip above, is making a crazy return in Marvel vs. Capcom 2 with only Cyclops. Something about this moment felt so passionate and fierce, but also perfectly timed by the way Justin delivers the hard kick. to safely build meters in the air and at the same time have expert mobility, making sure not to get hit at all because a single full combo from the enemy means he is completely crazy.
why you should play fighting games   and how
This moment is won not because Cyclops is a better character than the other characters on his opponent's team, but because he outplayed his opponent, he got this victory and that's when I realized that games fights are anime. I saw Justin Wong and went to compete in Street Fighter for a grudge match with a lot of history behind it. I watched the reactions of the crowd heard the commentators' excitement before watching this series of videos. This would have seemed like two people spamming each other with the same attack, even if I didn't know the full story being told here.
I realized again. This is the arc of the tournament. video games I can't adequately explain in words how this series of videos affected me because I was in high school I had a lot of free time and I was very bored that's the only reason I watched it these videos came to me at the perfect time the perfect way and If you go back and watch it today, you probably won't have the same vision as me, but either way I'd like to thank the nostalgic gamer for making that series because it really had a big impact on me and that's what I hope to do with this video.
I want to make a video that can explain the appeal of fighting games to someone who hasn't woken up yet or to someone who has a passing interest but doesn't know where. To start off, I'm not just going to talk about Street Fighter, I'm going to talk about Tekken, smash them all, however, before I start talking about why you


play fighting games, let's look at the things people say when they say that they just they are. I don't like fighting games. I asked them on Twitter how they felt about fighting games. Did you like them?
If not, why don't you like them? The most important factors at play The comments that made up the majority of the negative responses were basically These fighting games are intimidating. I do not know where to start. I can't do combos. The combos are very scary. People are better than me and I will be angry if I lose. I plan to cover all of these, so look forward to the second one. Half of this video is going to be something I didn't have when I started playing these games. I'll tell you how you can get into this genre as smoothly and easily as possible.
I just think people have this perception that fighting games are themselves. really hard, which honestly isn't true, so let's first look at why I like fighting games. Fighting games share a lot with other competitive games. If you watch a pro melee match and then a pro League of Legends match, you'll see a lot of the same philosophies at play, but there's something different about fighting games, something that makes them a completely different beast, they're head-to-head. one with virtually no luck factor in League of Legends, you can play your best, but you will still lose if your teammates are brain dead in Hearthstone.
You can have the strictest game plan, but you might not draw the right cards in the right order and Rainbow Six seeds, your own teammate might kill you for no damn reason. Other competitive games. I usually have another factor at play, maybe it's the luck factor and sometimes this can make those games very exciting to watch, but I personally abandoned League and Dota countless times because my teammates were just idiots and I abandoned Magic and Hearthstone even more times. because I can't stand playing a top eight deck and still draw a bad starting hand. I know pro players take this into account when they play, but I personally can't get over it in a fighting game, they pretty much give it to you. the same tools as your opponent, what you do with those tools will have a direct impact on whether you win or lose.
If you look at a fighting game, you might think it's just a complicated combination of rock, paper, scissors, but there are actually many more levels than that for the unexperienced. Players may say, well, they had a better character that's why they beat me or they were spamming me with the same move, that's not fair, but when you improve you realize that those excuses just don't work. There is a very personal aspect to fighting games. and one thing this personal aspect is directly related to is the competitive scene. If you know me, you know that I like many things.
I created an entire YouTube channel based on that idea, however one thing I absolutely can't stand is sports, personally, I don't like them. I may not be interested in everything, however, I understand how sports fans feel. I understand the appeal because I love eSports most of all, meaning the fighting game community or fgc for short. Oh, and it still takes time. Did you know? When you start playing these games and then you go see the footage from the first tournament, it's a beautiful thing. I still remember when I saw my first Evo after getting into Street Fighter, even the weakest players were doing things I didn't even know we did.
Some of the things they were doing may not even have been difficult. I just didn't know you could do those things after a while you start to recognize people's faces, you'll remember that person playing the character you thought you only played, then you root for them and want them to win, then you start to understand the strategies that you are observing, you begin to see patterns and become more involved not only in the events that happen but also in the people, since fighting games depend on the will of a player. performance, the games are also much more intimate, generating more excitement and excitement than any other professional gaming event I've seen.
I said I like a lot of things but nothing is as over the top as a fighting game tournament when watching a fight between two professional players in any game there is usually a story there you might be watching a promising young pro rise through the ranks beating experienced players or you could be watching a grudge match between two people who absolutely hate each other. others and what is at stake is not only money, because normally that is always at stake in tournaments, but reputation is also at stake. What if that person who was trash-talking just moments before actually loses because he can't back up what he says?
We were saying, I think this guy talks a lot and it's about time he learned some respect, wow, laugh, did you really make a photon? He says it, uh par, we're done for God's sake, I hope this last patch is all I have to say. You're going to have to make that YouTube video and then your eyes will be glued to the screen because you're watching a story at that moment because, like I said, it's completely up to that person whether they win or lose, not their other teammates, not the luck. It's all up to them and this can create many iconic moments.
I would like to show you now one of my favorite fights in any fighting game. There are many to choose from, but I personally get very excited every time I see this one. the match in question is between pyaar Balrog and infiltration and evo2013 the game is Street Fighter 4 for those who don't know yet Evo is the largest fighting game tournament in the world it's basically the Superbowl for fighting games the World Arts Tournament Martial If you want, let's first talk about the player's infiltration. He is known as one of the deadliest Street Fighter players of all time.
He won the entire tournament the previous year, but this year he lost his semi-final to PR Balrog, a player who is easily the underdog. Here the public is the favorite of a player who can beat the best players, but not all the time. However, this year was unusually powerful. Defeating the previous year's champion in the semi-finals is no easy task, however, on the day of the final they faced each other again. Infiltration only has one more loss before being permanently eliminated Infiltration takes the first round but it's not easy after that, PR Balrog gets enraged and goes on to take the next two rounds, it's a best of 3, so if Balrog wins one more round. he will eliminate infiltration from the tournament, so the crowd favorite is currently on top.
The underdog story usually ends with the underdog winning, but in fighting games things are a little different. Things can be a little more unpredictable before you start the round that can decide your fate. infiltration returns to the character select screen and chooses Hakan at the time when Hakan was seen as one of the worst characters in the game. He has a mechanic where all of his moves are pretty horrible, however, being a Turkish oil fighter, if he uses a skill. where he himself changed all the properties of him, he becomes quite mortal; However, taking the time to oil it and keep it oiled because the oil will run out over time didn't always seem worth it, so it sat at the bottom of the tier list in fighting games sometimes the characters will just be in the bottom of the list because it requires too much work to discover them.
The top of the tier list will usually be dominated by characters that are actually pretty easy, almost too easy, infiltrations though. The knowledge of the game is shown in this moment because, while Hakan might be kind of a bad character, the infiltration knew that if a hustler could get greased, some of his moves could actually get around Balrog's pressure, the crowd is on its feet. , they are swinging. Then suddenly the scene changes, everyone is no longer rooting for the underdog hero. Now half of us are rooting for the guy who picked one of the worst characters in the game during evo top 8.
If you watch your favorite basketball team, you're We'll root for them no matter what, make no mistake, but in a fighting game you might have a moment where you're so impressed that you don't even care who wins anymore. In the end, Infiltration won the game with their strange character choice. Both players knew it was a crazy set and it makes you feel good when you see them hug each other at the end. I was watching this tournament with friends who weren't that familiar with fighting games and we were still all losing our damn minds and it was hard to even pick this match to show to you guys because I canThink of dozens like this in my head.
This is half the reason why they play fighting games because the community is unlike any other in esports and I haven't even If you ask me, I mentioned the style these games have, this is the real reason why you're playing these games, pulling off cool combos and flashy badass supers, it's the real selling point here, it makes you feel like the main character in an action movie, a good fight. The game will have a colorful cast of characters, the animations will be perfect, and everything will feel so satisfying when you accomplish it all. I'm horrible at Tekken, but I still love watching it because I love how it looks when played at a High level.
I love almost every Street Fighter character ever created because they all have their own distinct designs. In a well-made game, each of the characters will feel completely different and you will feel a bond with the character you play. Yes, fighting games have shitty plots. But the plot is what you experience as you progress on your journey of self-improvement with the characters you choose to play, as this genre is everything about yourself and your own ability. You also gain an immense sense of personal satisfaction when you improve when I started playing Street Fighter. I chose the first character that I thought looked cool.
I learned how to punch, kick and grapple and then I logged in and didn't win a single round for two whole days. This is also because I didn't actually block any attacks, but I kept playing because I knew the opponent was operating under the same rules as me. I was probably doing something wrong and I understood that I eventually got better just by playing my character, I didn't level up or get better stats. I was the one who leveled up every time I played and that's what it feels like when you're not given an artificial gameplay element that says, hey, you.
You're stronger now, you really feel like you've improved that same year in just a few months of casual play. I got a position as an online chun-li, not a huge achievement, but I became better at fighting games than the average person. It's not like I'm sitting around training for hours a day. I just liked the game and kept trying. Some of you might be thinking, well, I can't get any better. I'm just not going to have that sense of personal growth. Since I'm not good at video games or fighting games, let me shoot down that whole idea by saying that fighting games aren't inherently difficult.
There is actually a really good video bike or game based solely on this idea and I recommend anyone to watch that video. because that channel is amazing and has some of the best video essays I've ever seen. I'm not lying, it's one of the few YouTube channels where I'll just go back and rewatch all of their old videos just because. Overall, the point of that video is that yes, fighting games don't always tell you how to win and could probably use better tutorials, but the games themselves aren't that difficult if you really try and know what to do.
Yes, knowing what to do is the problem in most fighting games that have very long combo chains, those players simply cycle between three buttons. The important thing is how you use these buttons, in what combination and in what order, and yes, I can understand how that might be. discouraging and if you think that you inherently can't do it, that you personally lack the ability to learn these games, okay, guess what, this Duke can't even use his hands, he plays with his mouth and he's a professional player and he's really good, yeah I can't do this combo or maybe I have phones that you know play on the right side of the side.
I always sound like you know, hey, if I couldn't do it, then you can do it when I play fighting games nowadays. It still amazes me every time I manage to do something I thought I could never do before, when I started playing Dragon Ball, I hadn't played a fighting game in years, I saw the term in the pictures and thought, well, I'll never be able to do it. doing that seems ridiculous, but I actually tried doing it on my own and found that it really wasn't that difficult and I don't expect anyone to watch this video and immediately play these games competitively.
I love this. genre and I have never had the desire to play these games in a tournament. It's the same as learning to play an instrument. You may not want to be an international rock star, but you can still have fun learning to play guitar on your own. Maybe what I've said so far has convinced you, maybe some of my passion for this genre has taken root in you and you want to give fighting games a fair and honest chance, okay, so where to start? Well, let's go over the first issue which may seem simple at first, but it is actually the most important thing to face.
What game do you play? The answer to this problem may be simple for some people, just play the game that looks the best, if you like the style and characters of Dragon Ball then go. Go ahead and play that game if you already have a passing familiarity with Smash Brothers and play that game, play whatever interests you, however, maybe all the games seem great to you and you really can't decide which one suits you best, so let me. First, look at all the top games and what they can offer you. First you have the classic 2D fighters like Street Fighter Mortal Kombat and Injustice 2.
These games are less about long sequences of combos and more about fundamentals if you want to follow all my tips word for word. -I recommend that you choose Street Fighter. Yes, I'm obviously very biased towards Street Fighter, but I think if combos are something that puts you off about the genre, Street Fighter is a good choice because, at most, the characters will do three hits. combos, the game isn't really about chaining moves together in a particular sequence, it's more about fundamentals, if you have no interest in Street Fighter, don't touch the game because you don't want to force yourself to play a game you don't own.
Next we have team fighting games, mainly Marvel Infinite Dragon Ball and Skullgirls, and games like that. I'll also include other anime fighting games here, like Blaze Blue and Guilty Gear, because they have some of the same concepts more often than not. These games will have long combos and a lot of unique mechanics to learn, don't be scared, although this may seem more daunting, but to be honest, they are not more difficult to play at a professional level, in my opinion these games feel better. as they revolve around cool characters that make it great and if you ask me Dragon Ball is currently the best fighting game on the market, it's my favorite game to play right now and I think it's one of the easiest games to play. play in the category to play again.
Don't let your preconceived notions of difficulty scare you away from these games. They are just like any other fighting game and have built-in mechanics to make the game easier to learn. Next, we have 3D fighting games like Soul Calibur 6 and Tekken. 7, these games have the added level of the third dimension, in my opinion Tekken is the better of these two and you will get more depth. People tend to forget about Soul Calibur after a few months and then it disappears, but. Again that's just my personal opinion so caliber has a lot of things that no other fighting game has so if you really feel it go for it don't let it stop you these games are very different from the other fighting games on 2D. but the principles are basically the same, it's really just a question of whether you think 3D fighting games look cooler than 2D fighting games, but certainly not least, we have smash, yes, smash has its own category because it is completely different from the rest of these games.
Still being decidedly a fighting game is good to get into competitively because most people have already played it. You don't need to learn new mechanics because you probably already know them, so half the work is already done from that point on. you just have to learn how to do the advanced technology smash is the easiest game to play but it is also among the most difficult to master remember what I said fighting games are not difficult, competitive melee, kind of breaks that rule, in It is actually very difficult no matter how overwhelming it is. It has a free-form nature that allows you to create combos on the fly based on quick thinking and intuition.
If Street Fighter is classical music, smash is jazz, and by the time this video comes out, the new smash brothers will probably be pretty close. to launch, so maybe this is the series you'll want to get into. Oh, and by the way, real quick, if anyone tries to tell you that you need a fighting staff to play most of these games, they're mostly wrong. personal preference I play all fighting games with one device because I'm personally used to it, but more and more professional players don't even touch them, so you've already chosen your game anyway, now we have to learn the mechanics.
This comes before training. making combos, this comes before you even seriously choose your main character, just choose the most generic boring character in the game and do all the tutorials because in my experience when I'm learning a new fighting game I can't decide who to wanna. play until you know how the game works a little better, so next you will have learned all the mechanics, you know how to shield, cancel or use the x factor or what, now you can choose a character and this is where I tell you something that the pros don't They'll tell you, don't just pick the character you think is cool, pick someone easy, sometimes the character you think is cool isn't really the character for you, maybe you're destined to play Nina in Tekken one day, but for now you are not at the level to make the most of your online search and find out which characters are good for beginners, literally just google beginner characters and killer instinct or whatever game you are playing, learning the basics of a balanced character.
It's always the best way to go when you learn the basics of a character easier. You can always play a different character later because those skills usually transfer. What could also happen is that you end up liking that character easier. This happened to me. Many times before I played TN on my computer and Dragon Ball, although I only played it because it was easy, it just so happens that I also really like playing it now, once you have your character or characters, I need you to learn all their moves. each of them, if you're playing Ken and you're not sure you can do it, you're only using half the character, most of your moves have a time and place where they will be important, so you have a character and you know the mechanical.
Know the moves and you're ready to fight right now. Well, first let's learn a lesson from Mr. Miyagi, before we learn to attack, we have to learn to defend most of the time. People who aren't very good at fighting games are only bad because they don't really focus on the defense aspect. Many people want to play. these games the way they want and you can't really do it at first because you don't know what works during this period there is a lot of trial and error, sometimes some characters have strange tricks that you are not used to yet You need to know how to defend against those tricks in Street Fighter .
If you learn to sit, block and wait for the enemy to come at you, then attack when they leave an opening. You will be better than 75% of people online. Your goal. In these first games it is not about winning but about learning to win and the way to do it is by punishing. Punishing is a term that means exactly what it sounds like, it means that you are punishing the opponent for making a move that leaves them. open, if you block a strong attack it usually means you can do one right after in whatever game you're learning, just look for a quick and simple combo to start with and only use that combo when you're absolutely sure you're going to hit it. don't just throw it because usually that combo can be punished in return and this is where your play choice starts to come into play and a Street Fighter punishment can be as simple as a throw or a sweep, maybe even a simple little combo like crouch, half hit canceled on Hadouken in Tekken, could be just a quick combo to hit like this, nothing special, no 10 juggle hits, then we get into anime games and team fighting games and things become they become a little more complicated and Dragon.
Ball Marvel Sculpt girls games like that, you have to do a little bit more and these type of game combos revolve around throwing, where you do some hits, throw the opponent, then jump to chase them, do a couple more hits and then you attack. back up now this may seem crazy, how come in street fighter i can punish with the throw, but in skullgirls i have to do a whole symphony? In combo-based games, characters usually do less damage because you're supposed todo more than One Hit Now games like Persona Arena and Dragon Ball have automatic combos where you press square over and over again and you will do the entire combo.
I just explained to you. I implore you in any game you play, please, for the love of God, don't do Auto. Combos like beginner auto combos


only be used in intermediate or high level games for very specific reasons. If you rely on them as a beginner, your growth as a fighter will be stunted. Yes, you can win some games, but you won't grow. As a player, I see it as the dark side of the force, it is stronger, no, but it is easier, do not be seduced in this type of game, you should know that all the attacks flow into each other, the light one goes to medium, the What happens to be heavy, in reality it is not. that hard one to do, the medium light caster jumps behind them, the medium light caster again, which knocks them down again between that magic sequence, you can usually place other things and Dragon Ball, you can do another jump to extend the combo, you can knock them down even. above, if you know what you're doing you can end up with a super, in some games you can just play with it.
A lot of the fun of these types of games is creating your own combos because the system is a lot more fluid, but they all revolve around mastering this light, medium heavy sequence, now, like I said, smash is a completely different story if you We're honest, I don't know much about how to play smash, I just watch it, but based on what I know. I know, I think the first thing you should learn is movement and Smash Brothers movement is absolutely the most important thing, wave movement and so it's so integral to a good melee game that I think you shouldn't skip it again.
Melee is very difficult to learn, so If you want to learn Smash 4 or Smash Ultimate, things align more with what I've already been talking about most of the time, you want to master your move and then punish attempts to attack you. what the opponent is doing to you. how to master your movement so you can avoid getting hit and then attack the opponent when they are vulnerable for all of these games the best way to learn punish effectively is to simply search youtube for the character you are playing and find punished combos or find punished methods to the game you're playing, just try to look up the research on your own because I can't cover everything here, so you know how to play at the most basic level you know the moves you know how to win where do you go from here?
Well, this is where you try to get out of the beginner level. This is where you have to move on to the final spending steps. time outside of the game and I don't mean going out and going for a walk, I mean looking at guides, watching tournaments, things like that, watching tournaments is fun, but you also learn a lot from doing it, you spend time playing with other characters, you learn the properties of other characters so you can predict how they work when you fight them. I also highly recommend learning these games with friends. Having a sensei who can correct your mistakes will cut your learning time in half.
Spend time in training mode until you feel comfortable. Even then, with your team you spend more time there. Some people are put off by the idea of ​​spending time in training mode, but I've always liked it. The idea of ​​spending a lot of time in the training arc is probably from the anime. fan and I talking but there's a great sense of accomplishment and you finally learn to calm down because you've been playing almost every major fighting game out there, you have the ability to queue up for a fight while you're in training mode and I think this It should be your default setting when you're starting to improve that way when you get frustrated in training mode you have the occasional struggle to break the monotony Lastly, I'll cover one more thing that most people won't tell you in a beginner's guide how to avoid spam spam is something that really puts off new players if you see someone spamming a move you don't know how to avoid it it can be very demoralizing it's online it's in the At low rankings you're fighting people who don't know how to play and they are just spamming Hadouken or making Goku blues annoying.
Auto combo, most characters in modern fighting games have a way to avoid projectile attacks, especially in Street Fighter 5. where each character specifically has a move around them, some characters may have better projectiles, in which If so, it's okay to beat them at their own game. Now there are too many types of spam to cover them all, but know that you can. I usually go on YouTube and look up how to beat these strategies, and if you can't find a way to beat them online, just go into training mode, set the dummy to do what you can't beat, and then try things until If you find a solution, this is part of your training, you will come across things that you will have problems with and well, that's really all the advice I have for you.
I tried to be as comprehensive as possible and I really hope to attract more people. In this genre, at the end of the day, the best way to really get better at fighting games is to watch videos like this that tell you how to do it because doing it on your own can be very time-consuming and yes, people say this all sounds very good. It takes a lot of time, but you just watched an incredibly long video explaining how to play a video game, so I think you have at least a little free time; It really all depends on whether it's something you really want to do, something you think is worth that time and if you ask me, if at least one person watches this video and becomes a big fan of fighting games like you did. is me, then I'll be incredibly happy, so let me know if that ends up happening to you because this is by far my favorite genre and I think these games are really diverse and intense enough to appeal to almost anyone, not just strangers and competitive like me, the village grows and reaches soldiers, dogs and bangers, just as we showed you in the last part of your life, but now.
It has changed to the new thing of always sick people. I'm Holden and every time it's time to move or a side you love, everyone was defeated, it's time for you to hang up and chase.

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