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Why Vinicius is the most HATED player in the world

May 10, 2024
here, he is the




in the entire


, you know who I am talking about, a superstar of the beautiful game who fights against the ugliest side of it and you know what the saddest part of it all is, in which too often he is left out. the cold by the same people who were supposed to be there for him have called him a monkey in Valencia chimpanzee in Madrid the same city where an effigy of him was hung from the neck of a bridge before a Darby why, although sure, Venus can Being provocative can, and will, irritate your opponent whether through skill or sheer insult, but racial abuse is an unjustifiable point.
why vinicius is the most hated player in the world
The worst of all happened last year when Real Madrid faced Valencia at the Mella stadium. The attacks began hours before the match waiting for the Madrid


s to arrive at the stadium Valencia fans on a single target Even the


experienced La Liga fan may have forgotten how this match ended, but Vinnie Jr would never forget because they showed him a red card after a fight in which players from both teams shoved each other. and pushing each other Valencia fans were reeling with joy they thought they had won they thought they would manage to defeat Vinnie no one could have imagined what Vinnie would do when he faced them The next season the battle may have been lost but the war certainly was It was not over, the Brazilian would take revenge in the most iconic way possible Venus J P de Oliva J grew up in Sa Gonsalo, Rio de Janeiro, his family was neither rich nor poor and for Vinny this was a trivial matter, football was the most valuable thing in his life. life at the height of flamenco Vinnie was only 6 years old when he joined one of the soccer players associated with his dream club and immediately got out of the shit.
why vinicius is the most hated player in the world

More Interesting Facts About,

why vinicius is the most hated player in the world...

His speed was the subject of a joke among parents who saw their children play against him. They said that the only way to catch him was with a motorcycle, according to his first soccer coach Carlos Abrantes, who ran the academy. Vinnie Jr played at speed, it was not the The only notable feature of the boy with the big smile, he was created to dribble and take on his opponents, a definitive part of his game that will not change too much in the coming years when he was finally accepted into the youth ranks of Flamingo at the age of 10 Carlos Noal , CEO of Sid youth teams.
why vinicius is the most hated player in the world
He knew they had a special talent on their hands from the beginning. He used to attack the Defenders exactly like he does today. He wasn't afraid of anything. He was unpredictable. Bold. Mentally strong. But if he had to choose one word to describe. For him, he would be happy wherever he went, he won over people with his smile and attitude, it was contagious. Vinnie would tell his opponents how he would pass it and seconds later, to their utter chagrin, he would dribble them in the exact way he described while some people found it cool, others thought he was already dangerously arrogant if you think this all sounds like Vinnie Junor or that their reviews didn't change one bit, just wait, we're only starting the next 6 years or so.
why vinicius is the most hated player in the world
Svin leads flamenco in every age group and making a name for himself on a larger scale thanks to his performances with the youth teams of this LSL, he had scored seven goals during Brazil's title-winning campaign in the South American Under 17 Championship, but at least which was more impressive than his goals. For his coach Carlos Amadu it was how he responded to criticism before the tournament. Vinnie was shown a compilation video showing his biggest weakness tracking the flamboyant winger and then managed to adjust his game accordingly at least to a point where his coach would be happy but not fully committing to his defensive duties or ignoring them completely would be a recurring theme every time someone wanted to criticize him, regardless of whether Vinnie was now a globally recognized talent when Marca read that Venicius has echoes of Neymar in May 2017 or when his release clause was increased to 45 million from 30 million Vinnie neither He hadn't even been promoted to Flamenco's senior team yet when Real Madrid announced that he would soon join their ranks as soon as he turned 18.
Vinnie had just under 20 minutes of senior first team experience, but what the Spanish Giants saw. It was enough despite his big money movement, however, doubts about his attitude were not completely erased, one of his last games in Brazil wearing the flamenco shirt was against City Rivals BOGO in the guanabara cup when he celebrated llorona after scoring with a beautiful shot from outside the area to put his team 31 up in the Brazilian Classic, irritating rival players to the point of starting a fight on the field that earned Vinnie Jr a yellow card, but He, as is now well known throughout Brazil, spoke without apology.
To the media with a big smile on his face after the match, the 17-year-old said that he would continue to celebrate his goal however he wanted, it was just a celebration. He didn't want to humiliate anyone, but I did. I have no intention of changing because it is the joy of the goal that the young flamenco superstar bound for Real Madrid was expected to get on the nerves of the entire BOGO fan base, for what it's worth, the club even shared a statement calling Vinnie J's celebration an act. of disrespect, a take that was validated by former Brazilian legend turned expert Janino, who called it unnecessary during the match broadcast on Globo TV, but Vinnie Jr was already such a polarizing figure that not only fans or experts rivals, but also Flamenco fans and Club icons were questioning.
For some, his behavior had already given way to his own exaggeration, while others believed that he was doing too many tricks for nothing. Dejan Petkovich, the former Serbian attacking midfielder who won multiple titles with Flamenco during two different spells at the club, was one of Vinnie Junior's men. The harshest criticism Too much individualism Little teamwork was the essence of the fight against the young attacker in the midst of all the commotion and criticism Diego Rebas Duna, a veteran by then and one of Vinnie Junior's senior teammates at Flamingo, tried to explain what was really going on Venius is a sensational boy who is going through a delicate moment, we have to understand these mistakes, that daring style of play attracts attention and his sale to Real Madrid means that some people have expectations that he still won't be able to meet in July 2018 Vinnie Junior's time at Flamingo finally came to an end the same month in which he was officially presented as a Real Madrid player in the Santiago club.
His journey up to that point had ups and downs for various reasons, some related to his game, others more to his character but the next chapter of his career was going to be significantly more challenging, it took a while for Vinnie to make an impact at Real Madrid. Basically he had to start again from scratch, since he was put in the B team upon his arrival at the hands of the former Real Madrid player turned coach. Santiago Salari This was supposed to be an orientation period where Vinnie would understand the magnitude of the club and the weight of its legendary white jersey and the way football is played in Spain.
He passed these tests with flying colors when a 5-1 defeat at Capn. saw first-team manager Julian ly sacking Vinnie J in the first-team became even more achievable. Salari was named interim coach and brought the Brazilian alongside him breaking into the senior team without missing a beat despite Vinnie making his senior team debut. and scored his first goal for Madrid quite quickly a big setback was approaching in the appointment of Zinedine Zidan as coach and the transfer of Eden Hazard Zidan since he was almost the only reason for Hazard's arrival in Madrid wanting things That clearly meant putting Hazard ahead of Vinnie Jr in the pecking order.
The Brazilian, at best, was displaced from his favorite position on the field in favor of the Belgian or, at worst, warming up the bench. The criticism directed at his style of play probably also returned because he was trying to prove himself to his new coach. The Brazilian wanted to do many things and often failed at most of them. It was counterproductive to dribble just for the fun of it and deprive his teammates of crucial opportunities to score when he was back Brazil were his opponents and the rival fans who took a dislike to his style of play now even his own teammates were fed up.
The worst example occurred in the UEFA Champions League when Real Madrid faced Barusso chewing up Gladbach, the Spanish Giants were 1 to nil. After 45 minutes and just before the teams took the field for the second half, a visibly irritated Kareim Benzema was caught on camera talking to his compatriot and teammate Furon Lendy. The following months saw Benzema and Vinnie Jr reconcile Eden Hazard's terrible form and injury. This record would provide the Brazilian with countless opportunities to play as well, but even in his best season under Zinedine Zadan, Vinnie Jr's total goal contributions were never eye-popping – scoring six goals and providing seven assists over the course of 50 games was his best. brand and by all accounts was underperforming as we all know now this was about to change thanks to the arrival of Don Carlo even though the Italian first 11 had Eden Hazard and Gareth Bale accompanying kareim Benzema in the forward and Chelotti could not ignore what his 21-year-old Brazilian, what Vinnie Junr was offering was devastating from the first moment and had become unplayable when Ancelotti modified his Sid's pressing patterns and defensive line to hit the Brazilian more space to exploit when he counterattacked, it was as if he had been touched by a magic wand.
Vinnie Jr had become an incredibly decisive player, scoring and assisting at will as Real Madrid won the League and the Champions League. That last season, thanks to a goal from Vinnie himself, the Brazilian scored 22 goals and 20 assists in 52 games. Everything was going very well except for a big problem that was growing like a malignant tumor and only the Brazilian himself was aware of it. Vinnie's success, along with his daring playing style and provocative nature, had made him a top target both on and off the court. At that time, the Brazilian had been subjected to racist abuse several times in Spain.
Pedro Bravo, president of the Spanish Agents Association, once publicly asked Vinnie Junor to stop monkeying around, referring to the Brazilian dance moves he showed off after scoring the moment despite it. which took place on National Television did not create as big a scene in Spain as it should have, but Vinnie Jr received support from other Brazilians, including that of football legend Pelle. Football is Joy, it is Dan, it is truly a party despite racism. still exists we will not allow it to stop us from continuing to smile and we will continue to fight against racism in This Way fighting for the right to be happy Vinnie Jr was going to get better and the attacks against him were going to get worse since Carlo enchilo unblocked him Vinnie Jr was no longer the waste for Wonder Kid, but the most devastating attacker in European football.
This was going to put him in a


of trouble, although the fans who saw their teams destroyed week after week by Vinnie Jr grew up. hate him, as his rivals on the field were becoming increasingly violent, the Brazilian's ability to change direction in an instant and his deep repertoire of tricks often left defenders with no choice but to foul him, but again, not all the faults arrived. the end of a dribble attempt by the Brazilian some were clearly part of an effort to intimidate him and hopefully silence him according to Carlo and Chelotti the way they treated their player was a clear indication of a lack of respect, he is a very sensitive person and However, everyone pushes him, rival players, rival fans and sometimes even the referees.
Sometimes he may lose concentration, but he is very young. I love him very much and I want them to respect him a little more. The problem was much worse than any rivalry could explain alone. 4 days after Ancelotti's respect, the whole country was talking about Vinnie again in the worst context one could imagine before the Madeno derby in the quarterfinals of the Coppa Del Re, an effigy with Vinnie Jr.'s shirt had appeared hanging from neck on a bridge outside Real Madrid's training ground with a banner on the side saying Madrid hates real 4 months before the two sides faced off in La Liga fans associated with Atlético FR, a known group on their far right Trends were filmed calling Vinnie Jr a monkey with that damning chant this led to an investigation opened by the Madrid prosecutor's office but no one was charged in the prosecutor's statement the chant was read it was unpleasant inappropriate and disrespectful but how had it lasted very little.
At that moment and it occurred in the context of a soccer match of maximum rivalry, what happened was nota crime against the dignity of Venus, in both cases both clubs quickly condemned the incident and La Liga intervened with official statements denouncing each time the acts of hatred and intimidation against Venus. Junor didn't change much, although Vinnie Jr was still attacked everywhere despite everything, the Brazilian was still doing his best to focus on his game after a victory against the Spaniard in March 2023, he criticized La Liga for the treatment unfair I was getting, but he kept things related to football when others commit fouls they don't get a yellow card when I get the first yellow for myself I don't want them to protect me I want them to whistle what they were showing Vinnie Jr. yellow cards not only for his fouls but also for his complaints against the referees for people who focused only on his reactions, this was yet another reason not to like Vinnie Jr, the spoiled child who always complained at the beginning of 2023, they had made journalists from Mara and Mundo Deportivo. their due diligence and checked if Vinnie Jr was right in criticizing La Liga the results were shocking the Brazilian was the player who suffered the most number of fouls in Europe's top five leagues, the second man on the list was his fellow Brazilian Neymar, but there was a gap of 20 fouls between the two when the report was published, the violence on the field against Vinnie Jr was at an all-time high and even the Barcelona legend and coach Chavi Hernández could not remain indifferent after the horrendous tackle of the Valencia defender Gabrielle Pisa to Vinnie Shavei said that the referees should do a better job to protect the Real Madrid attacker a few months later in a match against Mayorca Vinnie J. found himself 10 times with each tackle more violent than the one before the At the end of the 90 minutes, this time it was Nacho who shared his concern about the pressure cooker that his partner found himself in in an atmosphere that is being created with the theme of Venus that does not favor anyone, neither Venus herself nor the public that is messes with the boy without knowing why the controversies and nonsense have to be put aside, unfortunately for the Brazilian the manhunt was only going to intensify and then the hatred against him reached its boiling point on May 21, 2023.
Vinnie Jr and his friends were at the Malla Stadium to face Valencia in La Liga. The match didn't carry much weight for the visitors as Barcelona had already won the league by then, but for the home team every point was still crucial. Only a few points from the relegation zone, fortunately they had taken the lead thanks to a goal from Diego López and with less than 20 minutes left in the match it seemed that they could achieve a surprise victory despite the fact that Valencia ended up getting the triumph. three points, what happened in the 73rd minute forever stained their victory.
Tony Crow was preparing to take a free kick and the area was about to swell. The tension in front of the Valencia goal had nothing to do with Crow's imminent cross, although Vinnie Jr, despite the efforts of his teammates Antonio Rudiger and Eder Milal and that of Captain José Gia to keep him away, showed himself to someone in the crowd and shouted you were the one who called me a monkey while the players on both sides realized what what was happening and they did everything they could to calm Vinnie Jr. Referee Ricardo de Buros Benoa was busy activating the anti-racism protocol.
What followed his decision was an announcement heard over the stadium's loudspeakers warning Valencia fans of possible repercussions if the attacks were to continue the match would have been suspended 5 minutes later as if nothing had happened the game continued for the duration. break Vinnie Jr was called up by Carlo Ancelotti and the Italian as he revealed later in the press conference had asked Vinnie Jr if he wanted to leave Vinnie wanted to continue and this generated more controversy in the 7th minute of injury time the Brazilian was sent off by the referee due to a fight where he was seen by the V referees punching a Valencia player in the face but only after being kept in a headlock for seconds almost every person on the planet could understand who the victim was in history, but the match referees were not among those people Carlo en chelotti stated that he did not want to talk about football in his post-match press conference because there were much more urgent and important matters to attend to the league has a problem that is not Venus, he is the victim, I would say the same if we had won, it is too serious, I am very sorry, it is a league with great teams, but we have to get rid of this.
We are in 2023, since Angelotti said that La Liga had a problem, in any case, This was not the first time Vinnie Jr was the target of horrific racially motivated attacks. Up to that point, in that La Liga season alone, there were seven previous incidents counting. only the attacks that were officially reported i.e. similar attacks had occurred in mayorca osasuna valad Barcelona but what had happened in the Mah that day instantly felt different. Vinnie Jr used to dance, he smiled and didn't care what was happening around him and he was always just trying to give his answer on the field, but this time he was going to do more than just dance, he was going to fight back and he was going to do it in a way that would make him something much bigger than a soccer player, Vinnie Jr. counterattacked a few hours after the game through an Instagram story and in his target were not only his attackers but also the Spanish league the prize he won the racist was my expulsion it's not football it's La Liga mocking La Liga using its slogan against was a smart move, but it wasn't going to be Vinnie Jr.'s most devastating attack.
In the hours that followed, the Brazilian launched a much more calculated message and shocking on social networks and this was not a story, of course, it was there to stay it was not the first time nor the second nor the third racism is normal in the league the competition thinks it is normal the federation does it too and the rivals encourage him I am very sorry the championship that once belonged to Ronaldinho Ronaldo Cristiano and Messi today belongs to the racists there was no room for doubt Vinnie Jr was now in full attack mode the change in his tone along with the fall of the biggest names important in La Liga history instantly brought all the attention to Vinnie Jr and his current and former KES.
Football icons ran to his support Killian Mbappé Neymar and Ronaldo were among the first to react and the message of solidarity was strong but, most importantly, it showed that Vinnie Jr was making progress. More and more people were talking about the Federation and the League's role in that. It matters, it is unacceptable that the referees, the federation and the authorities are left without action and the fans applaud, absurd, enough is enough Vinnie, count on me for your fight in our fight, not only fellow players and friends but also Brands publicly showed their support for the Brazilian Vinnie Jr.
He was a Nike athlete for some time so it wasn't surprising to see them step on pummer. Valencia's official sponsor and one of the League's sponsors also rushed to Vinnie's side with an official statement condemning the events that occurred in Valencia. J's case had clearly transcended football, La Liga or Spain, even Brazilian President Lula was now part of this. It is not fair that a child who comes out of poverty is one in life who is becoming one of the best players in the world. world. subjected to abuse in every stadium he plays in, I think it is important that FIFA, the Spanish league and leagues in other countries take the strongest possible action.
The people from Vinnie's hometown. Gonzalo had quickly organized a protest and the world-famous statue of Christ the Redeemer in Rio. he had turned off his lights in a show of support amidst all this encouragement coming from around the world, there was one post that stood out like a sore thumb and it came from the same man who was leading The League on the night of these sickening events. The president of the League, Javier Tás Madano, chose Le Chini Jr. We have tried to explain to you what La Liga is and what it can do in cases of racism but you have not shown up to either of the two agreement dates that you yourself requested before criticize and insult La Liga, you must inform yourself properly.
Venius Tas' opinion proved a few things at the same time, the problem was deeper than everyone thought and Vinnie Jr had hit La Liga where it would hurt the most. Gone are the days when Vinnie Jr kept quiet. and play immediately after tas statement Vinnie Jor counterattacked admitting you only makes you equal to racists I'm not your friend to talk about racism I want actions and punishments The hashtags don't move me Vinnie Jr was right to ask for actions and punishments because whatever that he was doing tbas was not working or was not working well enough, although it was the word that Vinnie Jr learned during the game mono in Spanish for mono was not the only racial insult directed at the Brazilian that day, a report written by the committee itself of the Spanish football federation revealed even more gruesome details this abuse was truly disgusting before Real Madrid's next match Vinnie J's red card was annulled by the Spanish Football Federation but as one could imagine the Brazilian didn't care at all absolute to be eligible to play or not at this point, a month later more notable events occurred, four men associated with the French athlete were found 60,000 and received a 2-year stadium ban for hanging the effigy of Vinnie Jr. that same day, three Valencia fans fined €5,000 and were banned from football events for a year for making racist gestures during that infamous match at the mesah a month earlier.
The stadium itself, more specifically the Mario Kest stand where most of the attacks came from, was partially closed for five games a year. decision considered unfair and disproportionate by the Valencia board, who immediately filed an appeal which, for whatever mind-boggling reason, turned out in their favor and the partial closure ban was reduced to just three matches a few months later, during investigations into the match , Vinnie Jr gave evidence. in a hearing and said what he had been saying for a while, his experience was that all the mesah had abused him, this caused another controversial episode in history.
The Valencia board quickly responded with a statement declaring his surprise, rejection and indignation, but they went a little further, the club demanded that Vinnie Jr retract his baseless lies as they did not help in the fight against the racism. The next day, the Valencia Bay Sports super sports newspaper openly mocked Vinnie Jr on its front page, calling him Pinocchio. According to the outlet, the Brazilian had admitted to being provocative but had also lied about being a victim of the entire stadium. The match at the Mah was the turning point now for Vinnie Jr personally and how racism was being talked about in Spain on a large scale.
To a certain extent, but it was not the moment after which everything went in the right direction, far from it. Vinnie Jr was still the target of racial insults in virtually every stadium he played in in October 2023, just 10 days before he was awarded the Socrates trophy at Balandor. ceremony for his leading role in education in his country of origin and in the fight against racism Vinnie Jr was again attacked by a fan who was identified and expelled from the Ramón Sánchez pigan almost immediately after the match the Brazilians celebrated the speed and reaction of the sev but they couldn't I can't help but say that this was the tenth occasion only in that season in which he was racially abused just 48 hours later, in the preparation of the 2nd of the Clásico, the deputy spokesperson for the Barcelona board of directors, ​​Mikel Camps added fuel to the fire in a tweet that has since been deleted.
He is not racism, he deserves a slap for being a clown. What do these unnecessary and meaningless steps in the center of the field represent? Unfortunately, ISM worked well against Vinnie Jr. Yes, it wasn't good making monkey noises, but what about the fact? that venius was making fun of his opponents, yes one should never be targeted for the color of his skin but what about Vinnie Jr showing that the number two in the msta had dug into his fear of going down to La Liga 2 As crazy as this baffling shot sounds? was adopted among some Real Madrid fans and even among Vinnie Jr.'s teammates.
Speaking to movie star TV Los Blancos, midfielder Danny Saio said Vinnie Jr was being disrespected throughout Spain, but also said that his teammate should apologize for his sauna gesture. It is not the first time that a Madrid player has bothered Vinnie Jr, as we have seen countless examples of this long before his outburst at the table, the Brazilian was the relentless target of similar attacks, but the player felt that he never received the support Real Madrid's suit in early 2023, for example, when the then president of the French Football Federation, Noël LR, made a statement against Zinedine Zadan and said he didn't give a damn what the Frenchman would do next.that d deps officially extended his contract with Real Madrid.
They demanded an apology from the French Football Federation and took a while to react to the things that happened under their noses until in that infamous match against Valencia Real Madrid issued a statement of support and condemned the horrible acts against Vinnie Jr only in three Sometimes Vinnie J's frustration was so great that both experts and journalists read between the lines every time he came up with statements, which is why Andinia Jr said that he will continue to fight against racism even if it happened far from Spain, most of people believe that he is one of the first to warn about an exit from the Spanish Giants, could the Brazilian, as multiple sources argue, be questioning his future at Real Madrid?
What happened in early 2024 opened a whole new chapter on these rumors and, more importantly, heard from Vinnie Jr even more, but sooner. All that happened, there was a trophy to win, the year 2024 began with an El Clasico Victory and self-criticism for Vinnie Jr Real Madrid beat Arch Rivals Barcelona in the Super Cooper and without a doubt the man of the moment was Vinnie Jr who scored a hattrick in the first Madrid won the match 4-1 and the trophy to start the year on a high but the man of the match was Vinnie Jr but once again he was criticized for his behavior the Brazilian had a clash with the Barcelona bench shortly after making a 4-1 gesture reflecting the game score in the post-match press conference, Vinnie Jr defended his behavior but also made a revelation about himself.
It makes me sad that everyone wants to fight me because they know it will be that way. Vinnie did this Vinnie did that in the press, of course, I'm no saint, sometimes I talk too much, sometimes I haggle when I shouldn't, but I'm here to improve and be a role model for children. I want to get better Vinnie Jr. He wanted to get better, but what happened recently showed once again that he was very alone in his desire to get better. Real Madrid were preparing for their La Liga clash against Valencia, the match has always been like that.
It has been tense, but this was going to be the first time that Vinnie J would return to the Mah after that infamous incident, so you could cut the atmosphere with a knife before the match even started. Something unexpected happened, something that even Vinnie's biggest enemies didn't. Jr was able to think 48 hours before the start. Real Madrid's official Instagram account published a photo of Vinnie Jr kissing the club's insignia. What caught the eye about the photo was the sticker below this photo, the sticker that was later revealed to belong to a Duo DJ. from Israel called vichi was representing humans The evolution of apes is not the brightest idea nor the best way to encourage a player who has been fighting racism for the last 6 years.
It took about an hour for someone to realize what was wrong with the photo and delete it. and as expected, Vinnie Jr was having a hard time believing that the Brazilian was extremely disappointed to see that his own club clearly had a problem with who he is or how indifferent they were towards him, if anything this mistake was a clear indication of one of those things on a subliminal level: he was back at Ground Zero almost a year after what seemed like a turning point in his battle against racism, although Real Madrid never officially acknowledged it.
Vinnie Jr wanted to boycott his own team and not play against him. Valencia, but then the Brazilian decided not to do it. 10 months ago Valencia fans had believed they had won after Vinnie was sent off and back then Vinnie had made the decision to make them regret that feeling, now he couldn't turn back even when his own club was unable to give him the The support I needed arrived on the day that many were waiting for on March 2, 2024. Valencia and Real Madrid faced each other at the Mah Stadium at half an hour, the local team was winning thanks to two goals that came quickly from Hugo Duro and Roman Yaramchuk as soon as to the match between Vinnie and the home crowd, neither side gave the other itch.
Vinnie was as vocal as ever and the crowd protested every time he touched the ball, the G reaching an all-time high. In the final seconds of first-half stoppage time, when Vinnie scored, he first put his hands to his ears, then grabbed the ball from the back of the net, ran to the halfway line and took one of the coolest football photos. emblematic of history. Vinnie's raised fist solidified his status as the generation's leading footballer in the fight against racism and also saluted Tommy Smith and Je Carlos, the legendary Olympians who continued to inspire black athletes. Vinnie wasn't done in the second half yet and scored once again.
To level the game, this was a historic comeback if we have ever seen one, but it belonged to Vinnie as Real Madrid were deprived of a comeback. Victory due to an unprecedented arbitration decision. Referee Jill Manzano had blown the final whistle when a cross. by Brahim Diaz was still up in the air Jude Bellingham scored with a header but for Manzano it was too late that terrible decision had an even worse effect on Vinnie's fight in the coming days the controversial decision stole the headlines and the fact that Vinnie was once again The racial abuse in the Messiah was now overshadowed under investigation by La Liga officials.
The latest incident involves an underage girl who allegedly called Vinnie a monkey. Unfortunately, Vinnie wasn't the only player targeted by alleged racial attacks during the game. Peter Federo González Carmona, who is currently on loan to Valencia from Real Madrid was introduced into the game in the second half and the young winger who has been part of Real Madrid since he was a teenager was allegedly attacked by visiting Real Madrid fans the game night. The horrible insults continued, forcing Peter to briefly close his social media accounts. Vinnie had to learn this the hard way. The fight went far beyond football rivalry or any other trivial matter and now was the time for another black footballer to reach the same devastating point.
Realizing just a week later, Vinnie was attacked, this time in Real Madrid's match against Osasuna, the club's official complaint to La Liga alleged that referee Juan Martínez Múnera voluntarily and deliberately admitted the insults and humiliating shouts repeatedly towards Venus Jr. despite having been warned insistently by our players. At the time this was happening as we speak, there is no definitive outcome on either of the last two cases, but what I can tell you is that Vinnie was right and I'm not talking about his accusations. Vinnie was right in saying this is an ongoing fight and he is not alone Mike manol suffered similar attacks in Italy Killian Mbappe almost quit the national team because he thought his compatriots had abused him Bai Oaka Raheem Sterling I can go on and on with different examples After Vinnie was abused in the Mah for the first time, FIFA President Giani Infantino said he felt the need to personally contact Vinnie and offer him a leadership role in FIFA's anti-racism committee.
The Brazilian has been part of that committee for almost a year, but when you look back on that year, it seems that everyone involved must do better, that's right, the fight still continues also due to key figures in high places on March 22 2024, La Liga president Javier Tebas Madrano once again answered questions about Vinnie and you know. what he said about the last racist episode if we compare ourselves to other countries Behavior I think we have much less racism than in any other country, they don't happen, you know, all the time or a lot and they focus mainly on venicius and maybe it's because venicius he's leading a case against racism, which is why we have these isolated events that attack him, let's just say he rarely scratches himself and never hits The Mark with his shots despite all the obstacles thrown his way.
Vinnie continues to grow as a work. and as a man on the field, he is one of the latest examples of a type of player who plays with pure joy and that style resonates with Ross football fans around the world. When he is off the field, his impact becomes even greater and so much more. important than anything related to football, as he continues to fight for his noble cause and, although it is not happening as fast as one would like, he is getting results. Brazil recently introduced a new anti-racism law that suspends or stops sporting events whenever racist behavior is committed. detected and that law is known as Vinnie junor law the name of the young Brazilian is already among the Legends his footprints can be seen on the Marana Walk of Fame along with Pelle Gara and Ronaldos Vinnie J will continue to dominate world football for a long time but one day he will hang up his boots judging by everything he has shown us so far, you can bet he will continue to be a force for good even long after playing Days Are Over For What It's Worth what this sensitive, cheerful and talented young man wants is quite a bit. simple.
As he said in a recent press conference, he just wants to play football, do the best for his club and his family and never see black people suffer, surely that's not too much to ask for, well, that's how today's video ends. I know it's been hard to get over, but I hope Vinnie's story has inspired you. Oh, and before we go, remember how I talked about Killian Mbappé almost quitting the national team. Maybe we want to see that story too. Have a good one.

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