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Why THOR Worked and WONDER WOMAN Didn't | Marvel vs DC SCENE FIGHTS!

May 29, 2021
welcome to Screen Crush I'm Ryan Airy, let's talk about Thor and Wonder Woman, two very similar movies, but I think there's a


that shows why one is him and the other is that I missed it a lot because this is what I really like. Both movies, Thor is underrated in one of Marvel's best origin movies and I like Wonder Woman so much that I made a video praising her over the First Avenger for taking the time to properly introduce Wonder Woman instead of letting her down to through three montages, so when I say there's one


that sets these films apart, I mean, there's literally just one scene, a vital scene that Thor nails with emotional resonance, but where Wonder Woman falls short, but first let's talk about their many similarities.
why thor worked and wonder woman didn t marvel vs dc scene fights
Each film is about the son of a god from an ancient myth. who rules his particular kingdom, we start by seeing his childhood and there are flashbacks to ancient stories that will affect the movie we are currently watching. Each hero has a magic weapon created by his people and each uses lightning as a weapon in the Final Battle, the heroes are undisguised for much of the film and hide among the people of Earth when they reveal themselves to the people. humans. It's a great epic moment where the hero risked their lives because the humans who took their lives won't make you gain anything.
why thor worked and wonder woman didn t marvel vs dc scene fights

More Interesting Facts About,

why thor worked and wonder woman didn t marvel vs dc scene fights...

We're hoping we don't leave without helping them These people are dying The heroes are from an ancient advanced warrior culture hidden from mortal men The inciting incident of the film is when this peaceful life is broken by an invading army The Germans are coming We have to get out of here, Each hero reacts strongly to this invasion by venturing to the kingdom where the invaders came from, they are then isolated from their homes and mentor figures, while among the humans they befriend a powerless love interest who is an expert in his field. Each hero also has a colorful supporting cast who serve as comic relief.
why thor worked and wonder woman didn t marvel vs dc scene fights
They even took my iPod. I just downloaded like 30 songs below. I have to put down my sword. Diana. Please don't go with the outfit and also help them in battle. There are also mischiefs. in abundance where the hero adapts to the human world the heroes reach a new understanding of humanity diana loses her innocence and


regains his the villainous god of the film hides in plain sight remember that it is not revealed that loki is a villain until the middle of the In the movie, the bad guys are brothers of the hero and they project illusions of themselves and are plotting to start a war and also influence mortals while being invisible and close to them.
why thor worked and wonder woman didn t marvel vs dc scene fights
Well, I guess it's worth seeing. I guess it's worth seeing. Until the climax of the film there is a sequence in which a small town is devastated by the henchmen of the villain Dr. Poison and the destroyer. This destruction motivates the hero to enter the final battle. There is also a twist before the final battle begins. Ludendorff was not Ares and not Loki. I don't want to kill Odin, so your death came because of Odin's son. The final battle ends with the heroes separated from their love interest after making a brave sacrifice. Then there is a celebration in which the hero does not participate, but rather they mourn what they did.
I have lost and reflect on the future during his little final monologue. I have a lot to learn. I know now and now I know that only love can truly save the world. So what is the scene that separates these movies? That is the final climactic battle. the worst is a fitting conclusion to the character-driven story we just witnessed, and Wonder Woman's climax is more like it. To research this video, I wanted to understand the context of Wonder Woman, so I watched the documentary Apocalypse, World War I, which colorizes old photos. and film reels from the period to really bring the story to life and this is just one of the thousands of documentaries available on Curiositystream, the sponsor of this video.
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The description first, let's take a closer look at Thor's climax Now, at this point in the movie, Thor simply attempted to sacrifice his life and became worthy of wielding the hammer once again, Jane Kiss and then returned to Asgard, where The acting king Loki has invited the frost giants to kill Odin, this of course would make Loki king and that is what he wants more than anything. Oh, I can't wait and I remember that Loki just found out that he's actually a frost giant, so this whole thing seems like he's leading. a frost giant strike against his adoptive father odin lies helpless in odin's dream he is about to die and then loki performs a reverse oedipus and saves his father's life this is actually an important character moment for the villain loki no He was just a twirling mustache Iago bent on stealing the throne He was an ignored child pining for his father's attention Loki's royal master plan is to use the Bifrost to destroy Odenheim He's ready to commit genocide against his own race just to gain approval by anthony hopkins this makes his arc mirror that of


Thor began the film wanting the throne, but then Odin forces him to prove he is worthy of ruling, while Loki rejects the throne to prove to Odin that he is worthy of his love, so Loki calls him and says, "Ah, look at Thor, he loves Frost." giants, did you just try to kill them because they ruined your sweet 16 or whatever and then Thor responds with no change?
This is important because a it shows Thor's new growth after his time washing dishes on Earth and b it sets the stakes for Thor's final battle. He's now facing a more extreme version of his own views from earlier in the film, so in many ways he's fighting the worst version of himself and then, just to start the fight, Loki makes it personal when we're done. Here, I will. I'll be paying a visit myself, so I'm going to name a few reasons why this fight works and remember them when we talk about Wonder Woman 1. We've already seen these characters fight, so we have a good idea of ​​their strengths and sets of strengths. abilities Thor is more powerful and uses brute force then while Loki relies on deception, but Loki doesn't actually have to win this fight, he just has to run out of time because number two, the battle has a ticking clock if Thor doesn't. can stop. the bifrost will kill billions of ice people three there is a confined fight space this is really fight choreography 101 why this fight is more memorable than this fight because the fight is contained we understand what is at stake there are two types fighting wanting to get out of here Until there, when the


feature powerful god-like characters, it is difficult for us to feel the blows because we know that this is a computer-generated image rather than two human beings trying to stop each other by throwing punches while they are in soil.
Now this applies to Thor. of thor throwing loki into asgardian buildings like i don't know think how this fight could have been set up thor could have been throwing loki into buildings and loki could have used the power of the barrel of winters it could have been a battle of the almighty god in the sky, but instead the fight is kept tight and simple, the bifrost is also a thematically appropriate location for this fight, the entire action literally moves through this space. Thor was exiled for misusing the bifrost and now loki is misusing it for his and four's own personal glory.
The most important thing is that this fight has personal interests. I will not fight you, brother Thor and Loki, they are brothers. Loki has an identifiable personal reason for fighting, he wants his dad to love him. I mean, don't we all do it and we can all relate to that, especially your mom? and thor has divided goals he has learned humility and wants to save lives but he also wants a life with natalie portman and wants to return to earth the fight ends when thor puts his hammer on top of loki which is funny a little clever and probably a joke that did to him before and then Thor makes a selfless decision that shows that he has finally changed from his previous past.
He decides to leave Jane behind to save billions of lives, although it's a little complicated having to think about it for one or two. three four five six seven seconds I mean, come on buddy, you just met this


, but Thor does the right thing, he cuts through the bifrost and thwarts Loki's plants, they get thrown into the air and Odin seems to save their lives. He now he thinks about this location. Odin grabs. about thor as thor clings to loki even now thor comes between loki and his father and then tom hiddleston and anthony hopkins go to work for a living i should have done it for you no, loki, loki's origin story is complete , he can't trick his way into earning his father's love; he can never be Thor, instead choosing to exile himself just as Thor was exiled at the beginning of the film.
It's an exciting, fun and sad ending. It's a perfect ending to the movie and then Thor and Odin. He talks on the ceiling as if it were Garth Mourinho's dark place. You can call me papa or papa and I can call you captain. Now let's talk about Wonder Woman, I must admit that she has a perfect ending throughout the entire movie. Diana has been on a quest to kill. Aries is shocked by the violence of the man's world because she can only see the good in everyone, like Doug, she says she hello doug, hello person. She is convinced that if she can stop Aries from meddling, then she can end this war and the public has seen Aries meddle. disguised firsthand as german general ludendorff, who is actually a real guy, influences dr. poison to create horrible chemical weapons and we know this guy is an Aries because we've seen him inhale this magical gas to make himself more powerful in the scene before the final battle Diana encounters a cruelty she's never seen before when the German gasses a village full of civilians is heartbreaking now diana has to stop aries before he can trick humanity into destroying itself consider what's at stake the final fight with aries takes place at the airfield where the germans acting under aries' orders They're about to gas whole swaths of Europe Diana defeats the god of war and then nothing changes why they're still there because I think it's because maybe it's them maybe maybe people aren't always good, evil


't come from Aries It was inside men all along that Diana realizes that humanity is not worth saving.
Steve begs her to help him stop the planes but she refuses, after everything I saw, it can't be, it can't be, now we understand why Diana was in hiding during Batman vs Superman why she


't interfere in the Second World War because humans would always destroy themselves. The Germans even use these non-human masks to show how Diana now sees them as evil monsters. It's a masterful ending, grim as hell and resonates with batman vs superman fans wait a minute person that's not how Wonder Woman ends no it's no there was a different aries and they have a big dumb cgi fight everything is dark it was horrible oh that's right, thanks doug, thanks for reminding me of that.
Wonder Woman had a perfect ending, but then the Warner Brothers addressed this. Don't believe me, listen to his carefully worded side of the story. The original ending of the first movie was also smaller, but the studio made me change it at the last minute. And it's always been a bit of a bummer when people talk about it because I agreed and told the studio we didn't have time to do it, but it was what it was and I ended up loving it, but that wasn't the original ending of the movie, so let us see the ending we got after she sends Steve Trevor to die.
The real Aries seems to be the leader of the English military plot twist. They have a talk about humans in their history. He monologues and he's not the god-killer, you are, we start these walls with that. The gist is that the godslayer's sword is useless and that Diana has been the real godslayer all along, which he then says: I don't want to fight you. well if we have to then we'll have a fun and crazy CGI fight okay now let's address those attributes I mentioned in Thor and see how they match up with this final fight.
We haven't seen these characters fight before, only Diana and because Aries is a god. we just assume he can doanything and the fight turns into two blurry cartoons punching each other. This type of show has been popular since Agent Smith fought Neo in The Matrix Revolutions and I hate that the


between all the powerful beings that fly are boring because there is nothing at stake, there is no way to understand if an invincible god is hurting the other or if they are flying, there is also no sense of spatial awareness. The movie Shazam understands this and deliberately punishes the hero and villain during their final fight.
Wonder Woman's final battle. it's just ugly, it's a dark fight with the big gray villain, the kind of rushed cgi we saw in the otts, not in 2017. now it's cool that aries wears just a business suit, it's classy you know, a guy in a suit he seems more of a badass villain and it's actually something we haven't seen much of before, but oh no, wait, there he goes making some fuzzy cgi armor for himself, so now Diana's just fighting a cartoon punched-up person from here on out. forward during the fight. It doesn't feel real anymore, it's like we're watching this, they fight, they bite, they maintain serious fear, okay, point number two, Thor's battle had a ticking clock now, this is also technically true in Wonder Woman, but time is not running out for Diana. fight with aries steve trevor is trying to detonate the gas to prevent the war from perpetuating itself, but diana and aries could be fighting for a thousand years and it wouldn't matter location number three, the battle takes place at a generic airfield and we never understand where.
These characters are in relationship with each other, the gas plane, or even Wonder Woman's friends. We eventually get this shot showing that the CGI show is far from the human actors; In other words, the big CGI fight they added and reshot is far from the actors. that they filmed during principal photography now, compared to a compact environment like the bifrost, this location is terrible, it's just an open space where two cartoons can hit each other. This could have at least taken place on the same track where Steve was trying to take it off, but the movie is very deliberate and shows us that this is very far and removed from the real action, which is Steve's sacrifice like this line, Look at this world, dude, it's a burning parking lot that you set on fire, this would have meant something if the fight was in, say, that city that just got gassed, so the setting makes it look like the fight was tacked on. and poorly planned, there is no emotional resonance or connection to the environment or even a location we saw earlier in the film.
This is also an area where bad cgi tanks in this fight, the most important thing to get right in a virtual scene is the lighting, if everything else renders perfectly but the lighting doesn't match it won't feel real like it does in this scene. , Aries is steps away from a giant hell. She jumps out of shot to fight Diana and then emerges into Diana's frame where the lighting is still cold night blue. I guess this is because Gal Gadot was filmed in some kind of light and then they decided to add the big flaming CGI fight, so they said, Oh, okay, so we'll just make him jump out of frame and then fight her. somewhere else and when I say I mean the studio or the producers, it feels like someone else had a strong creative influence on this ending that could have been done to better understand this scene.
I turned to my old friend Noah Sterling. Now he is best known for his work with Marvel directing their animated digital series and directing animated music videos for stars like Doji Cat Wiz Khalifa and The White Stripes. expert in animation and visual effects, the character design itself is kind of generic, uh wacky in a Dark Souls video game, but if you look at his comic book counterpart, he's black and blue and has a lot more contrast and interesting visuals that might not necessarily translate to live action as well, but they definitely could have taken more cues from the comics about what made that character iconic and awesome and brought it into the movie depiction, wouldn't it have been much better and much cooler if Aries?
The suit had a kind of lightning lighting or lava glow, so it itself was emitting light instead of just being this dark gray black blob, okay, and again, look how dark and muddy this is, this is gray , gray, gray, we have a villain who is black and gray on a background that is black and gray and Wonder Woman whose entire outfit is desaturated, so the only points of light we get are from the lasso and even the lasso, which It's super, super bright, it barely illuminates anything and I just want to clarify that bad visual effects are almost never the fault of Hexartus' fare.
It's usually always the studio's fault that they demand that all of these shots be done with a specific deadline in mind and a specific budget in mind, regardless of what is best for the vfx artist to make the shots more attractive many times. you get a mandate from a studio that asks for specific changes but doesn't give you the time or budget to make it look better and what you end up with is It's kind of an attack on a scene where the filmmakers and VFX artists get together. They find themselves between a rock and a hard place and have to find the most economical way to complete a scene and a lot of times that's like, well, I guess we'll do it.
We'll make it very dark so we don't need to show a lot of detail and we'll put a lot of fire around so we have directional lighting, but not, you know, two directional so we can't see our characters. So we're going to put in these artificial fill lights that will illuminate the characters so we can see them but also make the scene feel strangely artificial and we'll set it on an empty airfield where we only have a limited amount of objects that the characters can interact with. so we can be very careful, you know what they're going to crash into to save time and budget, okay, finally someone said it and finally, number four, there's nothing at stake personally because they went with a surprise villain, there's no nothing personal. connection the surprise villain could have been a member of diana's group someone he formed a connection with but not ares has a flashback monologue where he talks about being rejected by zeus the same way odin neglected loki but do we care? we never hear zeus speak he's basically a moving mural unlike loki aries he's not identifiable he's just another bad guy blurry cgi the personal risks of the battle actually come from steve's sacrifice aries is asking diana to join in to him we know she won't do it, but whatever, this is what generic bad guys do after steve's plane explodes diana regains her faith in humanity and doesn't kill dr. cold-blooded poison the hero learns to have faith in humanity is usually a good ending, but here it's like diana hey, where were you during the holocaust or the soviet purges? or the proliferation of nuclear weapons this ending does not fit into the larger story that the dceu tells diana is not redeemed here she is redeemed in about a hundred years when she joins the fight against the end of the world the thing is that the fight with ares is 100 inconsequential If the point was for Diana to be inspired by Steve's sacrifice, then that would have happened regardless of the outcome with the Aries battle.
World War I is over, but I happen to know there's World War II on the way, so not this. Never mind, I guess that's the way the old earned human comedy keeps perpetuating itself. His ultimate lesson is that there is good and evil within everyone and people have to choose, so he allows the biggest monster in history to rise to power. I guess the real



was. the friends we made along the way, but that's just my opinion, let me know what you think in the comments below or with me on Twitter and if it's your first time here, sign up for Screen Crush.
I'm Ryan, creepy.

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