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SnyderVerse VS Marvel Cinematic Universe: The Real Difference Between the Franchises | SCENE FIGHTS!

May 29, 2021
welcome to the screen Crush Breakroom I'm Ryan Ary Zack Snyder fans scored a huge victory against Warner Brothers corporate suits after screaming into the void for years, they made their voices heard, the SNY cut was released, it we watched and it was good, it was what it was, if you're a fan of Zack Snyder you loved it, if you're not you probably haven't finished it yet, but his fans weren't happy because they wanted more now it's #restoringSnider's verse like their fans review the pretty good Warner Brothers movies to harass the studio and spend a few billion dollars to give SNY the release of the car with their most valuable intellectual property, suck it, Warner Brothers, suck it, yes, suck it, Warner Brothers , this campaign made me think what SNY is.
snyderverse vs marvel cinematic universe the real difference between the franchises scene fights
Verse anyway, how can we define it? What does it say about your gender on a philosophical level? We live in a society and how it compares to the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Now I know I've made a lot of videos comparing Marvel and DC movies because I think it's an interesting exercise in how studios choose to execute some of my favorite characters on screen, but it's natural to compare these two


because they follow the same format, the same genre and, after all, Warner Brothers was trying to copy the Marvel Studios model. only in a mirror, no so I think there's a




ly says what these two


s are and why one is this and the other is this first, let's go over some of the


, a lot of similarities, they are both made up of franchises from a only interconnected. films that seed team-up films made by top-tier Hollywood talents the first film was a solo story that showed the origin of the franchise's main character now, after deliberating on whether or not to reveal his superhero life, his appearance as hero changes the world forever each of These metafranchises have a specific tone that they maintain throughout their films, at least in the beginning, both franchises feature the king of an isolated kingdom caught in a power struggle with a relative, another film shows the exploits of a hero in one world war and another. shows a female protagonist in a period piece who keeps her abilities a secret so that they don't affect the timeline of her life.
snyderverse vs marvel cinematic universe the real difference between the franchises scene fights

More Interesting Facts About,

snyderverse vs marvel cinematic universe the real difference between the franchises scene fights...

There was also a team-up movie about a gang of colorful criminals who band together to save a world. Both franchises would eventually feature light-hearted comedies. That's loosely incorporated into the larger story now, both studios were also plagued by


that led to the cancellation of projects by our filmmakers and each team's film features a cosmic threat that arrives looking for a magic box and mocked the sequel where a desperate almighty from Space would threaten Our Heroes Now, obviously, there are some key


s between these franchises. SN verse films have a darker tone and desaturated neck palette.
snyderverse vs marvel cinematic universe the real difference between the franchises scene fights
It was fun because you know in the comics world, Marvel comics are the darkest and DC comics are the darkest. It was the, you know, bright, happiest, but it's a strange thing that's the paradigm shift, which is fun. I like it. Zack Snider's films also have more striking images and his heroes take on a mythical quality. DC movies also have the task of reinventing themselves. characters that the public saw less than a decade before and that's a big challenge, another Batman, another origin story, the pearls and another Superman, just seven years after Brandon Ralph wore the little s on his chest, this kind of Things can wear audiences down, I mean, ask Andrew Garfield. oh god, there is also very little joy in Zack Snyder's movies his characters are very sad people these are superheroes who hate being superheroes hello friend in the MCU the heroes use their powers with a childish Glee yes, I can fly having super strength and ​​flying and being part of a super club almost seems like fun, but to


ly understand any work of art you have to examine the artists who created it, once you understand the lens through which this artist sees their world, you can understand his art, for example, Steven Spielberg's mother was a concert. pianist and her father was a computer engineer, so now the ship at the end of Close Encounters takes on a whole new meaning.
snyderverse vs marvel cinematic universe the real difference between the franchises scene fights
This was Spielberg's way of trying to communicate with an extraterrestrial life of his parents. The SN verse by definition is the result of a man's action. Vision I think the reason his DC movies never connected with me is that he wasn't trying to adapt the comics to the big screen like he did with 300 or Watchman, but rather he presented Ed with new takes on these characters made from from your own personal experience. This view of the world is fascinating and something we've almost never seen in superhero movies, except with the possible exception of the angle. Hulk and Fan Forti say that again, so you can't understand Snider's verse or even compare it to the MCU without understanding Zack Snider. to understand the lens with which he sees the world through the impulses that drive his creativity before we can understand the films he creates disclaimer I have nothing against Zack Snyder as a person or artist, he seems like a great guy, no hate I just think he and I have a very different understanding of these characters.
I think he's a true artist, one of the few Hollywood filmmakers with a style so distinct that you can watch one of his films on a guy's phone over his shoulder on a bus. and to say it's a Zack Snider movie in a world full of generic crap like gods of Egypt and pirates of the Caribbean, that's a really cool thing, so who is Zack Snider? He was born in Green Bay, Wisconsin, his mother was a painter and photographer and I. I imagine she encouraged his creative interests and being surrounded by paintings as a child would have taught him about composition and the importance of strong images.
Snider's films are full of surprising slow motion movements that stand out on the screen like moving paintings or posters. Now I guess she was a more creative influence than her father, who was an executive recruiter according to Wikipedia. Snyder was raised as a Christian Scientist, which is very interesting now that this is a sect of Christianity that believes that the physical world is not real or at least that it is a shadow of our true celestial existence, luminous beings, are we not this raw material to quote Snider? Christian Scientists believe that part of our journey is to transcend this reality through Christian living.
Being raised with this belief could have contributed to his exaggerated view of reality, how he emphasizes even the smallest details through slow motion. One of Snider's favorite books when he was a child was Jonathan Livingston Seagle. He told the New York Times that many beliefs about the metaphysical aspects of Christian Science were enlightened and Jonathan Livingston Seagull now this book could tell us a lot about Snider's world view, the novel is about a seagull who is not content to fly from the sea ​​to shore like the other GS. This bird wants to be amazing at flying, so he defies his father's wishes and pursues his passion now because Snyder I read this when I was a kid, it makes me wonder if he related the seagull's father to his own.
You know, you see someone in a Green Lantern t-shirt and most idiots are like, yeah, cool Green Lantern, but my dad is like, what's this guy in the business world who's skeptical about his creative pursuits? son. I mean, I have no idea. I'm just speculating. Then the seagull meets two other birds who take him to a higher plane of existence. A world that is only found through the perfection of knowledge. This idea that you can transcend reality through perfection is one of the tenets of Christian Science. Now I think you can see this reflected in how Snyder portrays his heroes, whether they represent human perfection or live above humanity as gods.
His upbringing explains his fascination with divine heroes. They lack human characteristics. because they transcend mortal problems Jonathan Livingston Seagull is about an exceptional bird who defies conformity follows his passion and becomes excellent at what he does because this is the type of character Snyder relates to, this is probably how he wants to live his own life. himself as a maverick who wants to tell stories about other free-thinking Renegades that are starting to make sense, right? Another of Snider's favorite books is The Fountain of Ein Rand. The story follows a brilliant young architect named Howard RoR, he is now an outcast among his peers because he refuses to conform like Jonathan Livingston Seagull.
Do you want to be alone against the whole world? There is no room for originality and architecture, Daners should not kick too high and buildings should not reach the sky, but the story of the novel is overshadowed by the philosophy that objectivism propagates according to the ethics page of the blog, this It is defined as the belief that unrestrained self-interest is good and altruism is destructive. Fountain Head author Ein Rand was a proponent of objectivism; she believed that a truly heroic man is one. whoever serves his own self-interest, in other words, the individual is purer than the collective and a person should never sacrifice his own desires for the common good.
You know, Snyder has moved away from the source philosophy by saying that people will think it's unconditional, right? propaganda, but I don't see it that way. I just think the story is super fun, crazy and melodramatic about architecture and sex. I'm going to keep politics out of this video. Yes, some conservatives like Rand and so do some liberals. I just don't care, I'm only interested in these themes as they relate to Snyder's work, which is why Snider prefers novels about strong, nonconformist individuals who make their own rules and become Legends. It's easy to see why he was drawn to 300 and the Watchmen, but individualism is not a hallmark of Superman, he represents collectivism, the idea that, while exceptional, he only works for the common good of others.
He just wishes everyone could see the Earth like I see it, because when they really look at it. it's just a world Superman isn't Superman because he has powers he's super because he chooses to use those powers to be nice that's like my old friend Kurt Vonet said damn babies you gotta be nice so now that we've speculated about that. Let's see how his vision of his world applies to Clark Kent's interpretation of him. Man of Steel is Snider's vision. Elements of this story have appeared in other comics, but this Clark Kent is the creation of Zack Snyder, which is why the movie was so jarring for Superman fans like me. and why he spoke to some new fans who never cared about the character before he told the Wall Street Journal.
I was surprised by the fervor with the defense of the Superman concept. I feel like the fans were taking it personally that I was trying to grow. character of him, so what does Snyder think makes him an adult character and an adult story? Are the dull color tones the world reacts to Superman with fear or is it his moral philosophy? Despite what Snyder says, Ein's stories cannot be separated. of his philosophy because his beliefs permeate all of his novels, so on some level Ryan's message of individualism resonates with Zack Snider's creative process, especially since he reinvented Superman in the mold of Ran's vision of individualism. .
Ran said that the man is only a heroic being if he is his. Happiness is the moral purpose of life. Snider Superman is a perfect reflection of this philosophy; He is not guided by moral responsibility, possibility or altruism like the supermen of the past, but rather he acts based on his own interests. William Bradley wrote a fantastic article on the man. of Steel for the LA Review of Books where he says that we never get the sense that Superman is doing these things because he feels like he should and that, like Spider-Man, he feels a sense of great responsibility that must come with his great power in He Has Not It made no sense in any of Zack Snider's Superman movies to get the sense that this character is actually sacrificing something for the benefit of others when Clark was a child, for the good of others when he saved a school bus, and then immediately the world.
I punish him. he that's why my son was there he was on the bus he saw what Clark did and his father is a far cry from Jonathan Kent's ER salt of the earth depression that we've seen in the past actually gets him in trouble we talk about This You have, oh Clark, you have to keep this side of yourself a secret. Snyder told the Wall Street Journal that Superman is the first responder to be sued by the guy he saves. Thousands of years ago, the first man discovered how to make fire, he probably burned himself.
At the stake he had taught his brothers to ignite, in other words, altruism, doing good for the sake of good will be punished. Snyder prefers a hero who performs.good actions because he wants to and not out of obligation every man must live as an end in himself and follow his own rational interest Bradley points out that after Jonathan Kent Stern spoke with Clark he never puts himself or his own freedom in any danger serious, he does save the oil workers, but this does not put him in danger and does not expose his secret. saves the Earth from Zod because he lives there and they threaten his mother cool motive yet murder saves Lois because he loves her and then kisses the ashes of the Dead for 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 seconds when the capital the building explodes he's not horrified by the death, he's just a little discouraged or bored and then flies off instead of helping the people in the


, wait a minute, where are you going?
Bradley also points out that even in Batman versus Superman he doesn't do it. I know he's sacrificing his life at the end of the movie like he did in the comics in '92. Wonder Woman has the end of the world pinned down and Superman is flying in to deliver the killing blow. He did not knowingly sacrifice his life. Oh, he looks at that. I have been forced to compare this moment to saying this and I am Iron Man and besides this has always bothered me he ruined this trucker's livelihood because he embarrassed him you embarrassed me this Clark Kent was raised by his Sternfather he is the ultimate Randian hero, he he refuses to recognize any authority that tells him how or when to use his powers.
I'm here to help, but it has to be on my own terms. Now, learning all of this helped me understand one of my biggest problems. problems with Man of Steel and it's the only scene that I think exemplifies the SNY verse. Now CLK, following his father's advice, has kept his ability a secret for years. He's a young man still trying to figure out how he wants to live his life because he knows that once he decides to use his abilities for others, it's a big commitment to always be that guy Jonathan told him when the world finds out what you can do, that will change. everything now.
I always thought he was referring to the presence of a Superman. change the sociopolitical balance of the planet if people knew they were not alone in the


then it would change the way earthlings see themselves but that's not what Jonathan Kent was talking about. Clark accepts the use of his superpowers and his Kryptonian heritage after his visit. the ship and learns to fly like the seagull Jonathan Taylor, but eventually they will join you in the sun, come, but unlike most superhero movies, it's easy, miss, I got you, he doesn't run away and start saving people.
He is going to visit his mother, what has happened here is that he has transcended his old life of pretending to live as a normal man and has become something exceptional, he is that seagull that has become great at flying, this does not mean that there is decided to use his skills to help people, just that. he accepts that this is who he is, he is a higher being after Zod arrives on Earth, he says that you are not the one and then demands that Kalal reveal himself and yet Clark is doubtful about the ship that showed up last night, i I am who they are. searching and now it is not because the presence of an alien will alter the GEOS sociopolitical nature of the planet.
The aliens are here and the Earth is under threat and yet he hesitates, there's a chance I can save the Earth by turning myself in, shouldn't I take it? es du and then he goes on to say that Zod can't be trusted, the problem is I'm not sure the people of Earth can be, this explains Ein Ran's worldview perfectly. Clark is not altruistic, he does not believe in the best. In humanity, he worries that revealing himself will weaken people because they will trust him. He worries that people will turn against him and, most importantly, that he will no longer have a say in his own life when he reveals himself.
He is making a commitment. giving up his free will and being hunted by the people who are here to save Jonathan he wasn't worried about Clark changing the world, he was worried about the world taking away his son's choice, he teaches Clark to value his own happiness above of everything, even yours. own life, you don't owe this world something you never did and not the very subtle symbolism here that frames Clark as if he were Christ. Christians believe that Jesus was a heavenly being, the Son of God, and was sent to Earth to suffer and die.
Because of the sins of humanity, the images of Christ are not subtle. I think this exemplifies Snider's verse because it's beautifully but obviously framed, but also because this scene expresses Zack Snyder's central thesis that strong people know best that these heroes are gods and are Above the petty squabbles of mortal beings, look no further than the SN cut when talking about Superman's resurrection, there's no real dissension on the team, it's implied that of course the heroes can resurrect Superman, they're gods and that's what gods are, I mean, we have. to try, right, we have to try, but the really bad person, Jos Sweden, tried to add an MCU twist to the scene where the heroes argue about playing God correctly, but we mean bringing him back as a yes, He's back, I don't eat.
It's like a pet cemetery scenario, but in the SN-verse you can't play God if you're God. I am a god, a boring creature and in the SN cut no hero joins the team out of obligation, like Ran's heroes, they have decided to join. to satisfy your own needs I need friends and they are not asked to make a personal sacrifice and I'm not saying any of this is necessarily bad, SN cuts pretty well, it just has different types of heroes, so what's the point of the MCU? you can really express it more than a speech there was an idea to bring together a group of notable people the Marvel Cinematic Universe was created by several people working together it is a beast with many fathers but the tone and humor were created by John favro Iron Man It's very very much in the mold of the independent films that Favro had already written and directed, Favro had done mostly comedy, so Iron Man took on a comedic tone.
Let's face it, this isn't the worst thing you've ever caught me doing, there's a lot of Ricky from Maid and Tony Stark, so you can drink all you want from the start, make it nice, we'd start our videos if we didn't have to be on guard, we could drink all we want, you are constitutionally incapable of being responsible. It would be irresponsible not to drink. I'm just talking about a nightcap in your early years. Marvel Studios also had a creative committee that oversaw the films and made sure their choices were aligned with the comics which this hindered the creators but kept the tone consistent. and also the bad person J Sweden oversaw the entire stage 2 and in opposition to the creative committee protected the visions of creators like James gun and what you told me and I share all the time was simply making it more James gun after the creative committee was dissolved, the universe was largely handed over to Kevin Feige.
Feige is a huge comic book fan and even on the set of X-Men, as a lowly associate producer, he was fighting to make Hugh Jackman's hair as comical as possible. There was a lot of testing done to get Wolverine's look because he has to have that look, he's very emblematic of the character. Now the studio operates with figures creating a broader framework of the story and then hiring independent directors and visionaries like John. Watts and Tao atiti to play in this universe. I want to know how they let you go all out during that whole movie.
It's true that the Marvel Cinematic Universe is a collaborative effort that was created to unite superheroes in Team Up films as opposed to Snider's individualism. Marvel. Studios represents Collect ISM the idea that it is a team effort, not one person's sole vision, even when Marvel adopted the aour model by hiring Tao Atiti John Favro Shane Black and James Gun, these creators still contribute to a hole bigger by assimilating other beings into our Collective we are bringing them closer to perfection even James gun the only voice of the Guardians of the Galaxy had to give gamorra to brother Russo so he could kill her even in the movies the theme is about collectivism The Avengers They are about individuals with strong personalities who overcome their


s for the common good in a way that they have no other choice and if I say no, I will persuade you to surrender their own will to the entire Justice League.
They are about individuals who make a decision. decision that they never doubt that decision in the MCU. Each character is always trying to prove themselves worthy, as if being a superhero is a privilege and not a right. Steve tries to keep up with the shield. Tony lives up to his father's legacy in Jensen's Last Words. Peter Parker is motivated by guilt and responsibility the opportunity to earn that look in his daughter's eyes in the SN verse the characters are worthy by birth they are seen as a gift to humanity instead it is the people who have Marvel sees service to others as an honor, while the SN-verse treats Service as a burden with great power and comes with great micromanagement.
So what is the scene that I think defines Marvel Studios? It's pretty simple, there are no visual effects or jokes. the dialogue is from Iron Man Tony just had what alcoholics call a moment of clarity. he's figuring out what to do with his life, how to live up to Yensen's sacrifice, don't waste him, don't waste your lives, he's perfecting the Arc reactor. developing his suit but has eaten some snacks while he recovers opens a birthday present from pepper a display of his first Arc Reactor the device that literally changed his heart and set him on a path of self-sacrifice remember before he told pepper destroy it incinerate him just like that that old, callous Tony Stark would have peace but she responded to him with kindness and sentimentality this moment of connection where pepper is able to break Tony's cynicism is elegant it is the beginning of Tony allowing himself to work with others and be part of a collective and therefore Of course, then this simple act of kindness saves his life just as this Arc Reactor already saved his soul.
This is a touching moment where a man is forced to define strength in his vulnerabilities and there is nothing more human or more Marvel than that. but those are just my thoughts, let me know yours in the comments below or add me on Twitter and if it's your first time here, sign up for Screen Crush. I'm Ryan Ary.

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