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Why This is The *WORST* Weapon in Fortnite…

Apr 15, 2024
Today I'm going to use only the hand cannon and try to win, it's going to be very difficult because the hand cannon sucks or not. I'll give my review at the end, nothing is certain here. If you enjoyed


video, hit the like button and be sure to subscribe with the bell for more great videos and daily streams. Let's do it. If we can. I found a deagle. You are bad. You don't even know how to spell, get out. here prohibit the modifications of that child can return when he passes the sixth grade no one sells the deagle where can I find the deagle?
why this is the worst weapon in fortnite
Okay let's go find a deagle hopefully it will drop from one of these supply drones otherwise I'm completely screwed so uh that's my hope of getting one instantly


drone what do you have for me ? I have a gun, that's not what I need either, that's not what I need, that's not what I need, that's not what I need either. I mean, you know, the hope is to get it from that, but I won't, so I won't, oh weird chest, please, for God's sake, don't, oh, give me a damn deagle, brother, come on, not that It's a deagle, they really have to be that difficult. to find out they aren't good at the game oh my god I'm supposed to find one of these please they improved their spawn rate so I hope I find one like as soon as possible I can't tell if it's up or down Oh. no, that's mythical, oh, that's a shotgun, okay, we'll get it from this trust building.
why this is the worst weapon in fortnite

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why this is the worst weapon in fortnite...

The grade would never let me down, he let me down, okay, oh time to get moving. I just need a desert eagle, aka a hand cannon, okay, what the fuck is it? See you later I hope you enjoy shooting at my car stop shooting at me I'd go oh shoot I know it's okay now I have an Eagle Eagle in my inventory the problem is it sucks but I'm him so he knows he's fighting a warrior right now. He's so strong where you're going I know you don't have any mats ow no no I don't have anything I really don't have anything oh my god I don't even have ammunition I have two shots in the desert eag since I'm alive I shouldn't be alive right now oh man , please give me your hand Canon Ammo, yes I have hand ammo, come on, I'm going back, I'm going back there, I think I'm scared, I'm going back there to Today Today to Today Today Today, what the hell 140 ow brother , there is no, you are not a real human.
why this is the worst weapon in fortnite
That didn't work bro, this thing is so blatant, dude, I'm calm, cool and collected, now here's what I can open in God's chest, but they'll do it. I don't have it there because it's a curious fact for you. The chest of God only carries something normal, the blue variant, the blue and higher variants of the mythical


of God, so I'm going to grab this, don't worry buddy, I'm not going to hurt you. I'm looking for loot somewhere, it's up there, it'll be in this chest, trust me, oh oh my god, I've got the hand cannon.
why this is the worst weapon in fortnite
I wasn't expecting that, let me tell you what I wasn't expecting. That headshot, headshot, headshot, okay, this sucks, but I'm kinda low key and nice about it. One problem I'm going to run into is ammo, for sure. I know there's a guy here with Zeus Mythic, but I'm going to have to go out and have to face him. I'm going to have to be a brave soul here today wait it's them oh my god it's him do it do it you should do it why can't I shoot this deagle why is it still not reloaded I tried to reload it like 10 times it just wouldn't reload oh my god, give me that crown, I deserve it, yeah I only have 10 shots on this desert eagle, it doesn't bode well for me.
I'm going to eliminate the boss, although I can use other


s. to eliminate the boss, but I just have to use, you know, the desert eagle against real players, zra. I swear, I just saw that someone isn't here, but to be honest, I saw it out of the corner of my eye like the corner of my eye was natural. decep you break call this thank you let's leave this here I need a coconut because all I need is a coconut we have 12 ammo for a desert eagle now we're moving I only have a desert eagle wait I get some ammo no, de no one take out Hades yet which sucks for me, I honestly hoped they would, oh god, I mean if you're just him, you're just him, you know, that's how he'll try to grab like a shotgun or something. fight the boss I don't know that I'll take it but this doesn't seem very looted I feel like I really really need dude I'm hitting everything.
I'm actually a little crazy about the deagle this just in that guy had ammo too creepy does this thing have a drum egg? It has a drum egg that's why it's like taking so long to reload. What's that over there? It's a fish oh I missed it HP turns into the weasel, okay maybe I'll take the SMG to fight the boss. The boss isn't going to help me find ammo. I don't really need ammo anymore. He is someone behind me. Okay, we should know that if we start with the boss, the people. I'm gonna come by and try to fight me oh there's someone right there you don't look too good though they drop like a bag of bricks okay let's get this party started huh I'm always catching Strays.
I swear, can we? Relax with the bullets hitting me, come on, my God, like every bullet is hitting me there, here, we're fine. Relax, I'll take this banana just in case, hey, seven handouts with just the deagle so far is a little crazy. I don't want to brag, you know, but I feel like it's pretty impressive just to say now that I need a bunker to open because I need to customize this deagle. I don't really like the customizations out there at the moment, they're pretty bad, so oh man. let me take more it's one down where's the other guy?
He's behind this rock oh shoot where's the little Serpentine? okay, you're so weird, glap zoid, that's your real name, that's your birth name, glap zoid, the glapat, okay, you. I know what Rejoice managed to get to the bunker, let's see if he would have gotten a deagle from these. I mean, he could use a second deagle. A second deagle would actually be a sniper spot, oh sniper ammo, okay though, I didn't get a second deagle. okay, let's customize this. I like the red, let me take it away for a second, let me see. You know what I'm going to keep the red dot on.
I'm going to do a speed loader hipshot, okay and then, reduce Rec, let's suppress this bad boy, yeah, this thing looks sick now, okay, who's shooting at me? oh silent but deadly oh second deagle there you go wait wait i should personalize this deagle. What am I looking at? I'm a deagle machine baby machine I should personalize this deagle wait someone is definitely down here oh they had a deagle too I'm not going to carry three deagle that's obsessive you know I don't need a third deagle we're going a little crazy that point is pretty good, okay so this blue one I'm going to make this my I'm going to put a sniper scope on it honestly it's going to be a sniper scope that's going to come close to my box so what the fuck is hip fire accuracy on the Deagle it's actually kind of nice, this thing looks so futuristic, look at it, I mean it's so loud it doesn't even sound like a muffler, okay I'm confused, it has and then it doesn't have silence at the same time, okay.
I feel crazy right now 13 handouts with the deagle, I'm going to call this thing the Punisher, dude, oh shoot, okay, we've got someone coming up fast here, let it with a medallion it has to be one of the other medallions, even if whatever it is. a minion ah I have a I have a sniper scope on this thing okay you know what 102 where are you going where are you going bing bang that's my wall in your face sniff it they caught him sniffing that wall bro nobody knows why he was sniffing it but he was sniffing it Me I'm moving right now I have twin motion the deagles the deagles aren't going to get a limb for themselves you know someone up here oh my friend created a duplex hey oh oh oh you had a Deagle I'm impressed too.
Oh, no time to celebrate, this thing is having an identity crisis right now. Not gonna lie, this Deag is having an identity crisis bro, you can't decide if he wants to be silenced or not, he really can. I'm not Master Deagle, this gun sucks, but I don't know where this guy went. No one else has a Medallion, so it's a little hard to find some people. I think I eliminated everyone on this side, even if we go below that. notion, let's keep moving, okay, just, is it possible that the world's first deagle only has 20 bombs? Seriously, who is asking these questions in modern


In two grosses, there are three people left. I need two out of three, two out of three, baby, I gotta cover as much ground as possible, okay, I need, I need to win this, I need to win this, people need to see the deag, the deag is in action, it shoots in flight after the midday. Delight, trust me, you don't want to mess with the deag, okay, okay. I'm just going to slow down, I just have to slow down here, okay, Bob O'Brien, here, he thinks he's him, oh, gee, he's moving, he's actually moving, too risky, too risky, I'm not going to do it, I was going to go. for the final blow, but it's too risky to just try there, he has a much better chance of not messing it up compared to me, he's using real weapons, come on, come on, come on, 20 b with dles baby 20 b with deagles, come on.
Who got it like this? Who got it like this? It's me, the deer, the big um, the digger, the big bad, dig the digle hunter, can we get 21? Alim dub hello boom goodness kind the only challenge is complete baby oh my god maybe better than honestly we think who is nasty to him who is nasty to him 8000 damage to players my deagle review after get a 21 elimination dub sucks don't use it i'm serious i just make it look good that's how we do it that's how we do it that's how we do it baby on

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