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I Went *UNDERCOVER* in EVERYBODY'S Fortnite Lobby!

May 21, 2024
retail. I don't know if you're there, but maybe I'm about to. You're giving me calls to go absolutely crazy, kids. They're kidnapping me, oh my God, they were all kidnapped, but did you see what the abductions were? broken in Arena yeah, it was like in the game for a moment, right, uh, I don't even know if it was in the J, it was probably in the JB. I played in Arena today. They kidnapped me and it was just a good fight in the locker. room basically before you enter the mini or what doesn't it take you to doesn't take you to the mini game that's content okay you know I'm just observing my surroundings right now, I'm not really happy that the kidnappers are back. m I'm in the Mothership vibration right now, you get all the gos and getting all the gos.
i went undercover in everybody s fortnite lobby
I'm getting a couple rings now, you know, jumping through some things, what skin are you wearing, oh, I'm wearing the alien skin, oh, okay. you know, uh, the movie the extraterrestrial, although, oh yeah, you can, you know what, you can give me some people's locations if you want, people are going for the Rings right now, they'll come out with big loot, yeah, yeah, that I would be. Be kind, be kind to know, are you with a gold bomb? uh, I can't reveal that information, oh no, that's not you, this guy is building so slow, yeah, I would never build slow, that's it, oh God, I'm fine, fine, you, fine, I'm like poisoned how I'm poisoned what bro it's a new poison ability hi yeah it's like a trap d like what no way are you lying no no actually I'm not trolling I have no idea what damaged me that's so weird I guess I thought I knew everything I don't know about no dark trap.
i went undercover in everybody s fortnite lobby

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i went undercover in everybody s fortnite lobby...

I mean, I'll tell you what really happened, but that might give it away if you were looking at me. Don't know. There's a guy with a prop gun in semi. sacks brother, I could expose him at the end if at the end he is, stay where he is. I haven't seen anyone use it effectively, but they may have used it so effectively that I haven't. Look, I want a game with good communications, oh, I have the best charging I have ever seen. The minigame has just ended. I don't know, maybe I really do. I have the best load I have ever seen in my life.
i went undercover in everybody s fortnite lobby
Trust. 38 players left. I'm just thinking about what a robot would do. Oh, this guy just spent 500 gold on the broken vending machine and got five prop weapons on Lake, got five prop weapons. They robbed you, that's crazy, that's a mistake, that's a mistake. um, but I don't understand, why is that? It's not very random if they do. I thought it was supposed to be random. Oh, oh my god, this guy is all over me, what the hell, relax, calm down, bro, oh? Oh my god, wait who's with you, bro, it's crazy, super complete piece, I can tell you their identity, oh, okay, they're still vibing, come on, come on, come on, okay, that's not you, that's not you, big dead, full piece, big dead, you'll never guess who.
i went undercover in everybody s fortnite lobby
I'm sad, these guys are pretty good here, they're equal, you know, wait, what do you mean they're equal? Mash, wait, it's just that you, I think one is superior to the other, Superman has no ammunition in bone burps. and he has 30 health. They just stuck a nail in his face. That's bad. 28 people were very interesting. Oh, that's not the kind of skin you'd wear. up like a blue AR no no no no either, I guarantee I'd just use it as a normal air, tell me that so you can use SCAR sense to throw me off, no I actually legit like it, oh okay, It's like in reality. legit yeah after the first two shots it's like shooting anywhere but sometimes I like to spray it all over and it's actually decent yeah wait wait this guy attacks me.
I start singing, I think you'll be taken aback, you know, yeah, good shots. Uh, I'm not gonna shoot anybody, what the hell, what the hell, how's your day going, bro, oh, well, it's going good, do you have any idea who's who, but honestly, I don't think I've seen you yet like if it was already over, but man all these guys look like BX, wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute, just a second, I might be onto something here, I'm just catching a glimpse of you chasing this guy around a station on duty, no sir, the way you said that is I'm, I'm fighting with someone, but definitely not that guy, oh yeah, no, boy, no boy, this guy is good, wait, wait, wait, what? who is it?, wait, who is the gas station is pretty good, has an exotic gun, my gas station, mhm, oh you. making me blush here you're making me blush out of here even if I die I'm not going to say anything well no don't say anything Gods guys it's not the Nutcracker this guy is playing like a robot it's like he's dying intentionally he's dead . you could legitimately hurt my feelings imagine I'm like this this can't be him this guy is an Absolut robot and it's me look look last night I changed my senses okay and I haven't played since I haven't played so actually that's hint for you, you see it, you do it with shaky aim because now you can't tell I'm dropping a 20 bomb, right, no, okay, here comes the honking guy who's swinging the manic CK package.
You know, big fan, sniper, he's having fun with this, with this car, this truck, he keeps honking. Gotta get away from him, good comms, get hit, are you hitting the Ferrari, bro? I'm only whipping Exotics, I'm only whipping Exotics, oh so you're the guy with the exotic gun, oh I can't kill or deny if that's true or not. My fan just killed. He is deciding between Gold Gold Haack and Gold Pump and he chose the Gold Haack. I don't. I know it's a bit sus, a guy without a hat, some people are really good with that, yeah, like this guy who's, oh wait, no, this guy, this guy is really crazy, just p b, that wasn't you Right shot, you were the poison, right, I see someone.
Where the hell bro? There are only 10 people left. I'm a little scared. Oh man. I'm finding that I only have a limited amount of juice. One of these guys could be you two. These players are crazy. I don't want to meet the guy you. What you're saying is like it was pulled out of his fucking mind, no this could be you bro who made you smile like that bro I still have zero eliminations. I'm not trolling, I'm not trolling, I swear you can't even. Tell me, oh, that's funny. I would have thrown it away if you knew.
Yes, I can't see all this. I mean, this guy bought the new skin and all I feel is kind of like a streamer would. He just buys. I'll be honest. sometimes I meet random creatives like one V one and some people have all the emotes that I have, yeah dude this guy just got attacked and his reaction time to build a wall was like 5 seconds. I swear to God, that's not you, bro, I'm I'm telling you, buddy, I've thought of everything to make this work for me here, everything trusts me, wait, wait, this Rick looks good Rick and Morty Rick and Morty R fighting the Demi God no, wait, wait, wait, the young controller player, no this no, oh no, I'm about to lose, oh my god, oh oh no, it's definitely you, the controller player, the controller player, not the controller player, oh, the controller, raise the whole BX, say something, what's 2 plus two, 2+ 2, that's four you had?
Thinking a little too much I BR, the map is hard bro, I failed on the map, if this isn't you then I don't know, you're about to be destroyed. I'll be honest, I've been watching for a while. So oh yeah, this guy got you, man got you, this guy is crazy, dude, I'm not trolling, this guy is crazy, I told you there are some crazy people in this game mode, dude, you're trying to get me, Brother, I'm not trying to get you. oh wait wait this guy is like triple edition no wait he's a fan. I bet I'm telling you these fans are going crazy here, okay, listen, listen, I'm, I'm locking up my gu, you don't have to, no.
I don't have to confirm it, but I'm making my assumption that it's the manic hide I'm putting him in, there's no gunshot, the guy just got shot from a turret, absolutely See, no kids, bro, shy kid, this new sense is watching. Clean, if I was fighting with someone, be careful, oh, this guy is crazy, bro, take this psycho away from me, he said you're watching the game now, take this C away from me, you'll never know I'm going to be an actor, okay? I'm an actor with acting skills, you'll never know if it's the real me, he dropped, he tried to pitch, he messed up his pitch, he just pitched hello, no, that wasn't right, final answer, you're the skin maniac that I am. disable auto-hide or hide players is that he, if it's not you, I'm losing my mind, wait, that's the squatting dog and you, at the end of the game, wait, that was actually the squatting dog, which in It was actually the squat dog, oh they rolled it, bro, he got it. rolled that's him no gg gg okay you got me you got me on the show even though you put on the show

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