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Why Quackity's Audience Turned On Him

Jun 03, 2024
With 6.2 million subscribers, Quack is one of the most successful creators in the gaming space. He has collaborated with big names like Mr Beast KSI and at one point was a member of Dream SMPP since his days there, several high profile names have faced major cancellations. Rut's career was basically ruined due to accusations from his ex-girlfriend Shelby Shovel, while George, who was not found, had to fight tooth and nail against SA accusations by a small streamer named Katy Bugs and all of this comes on the heels of the demonstrably false accusations. headed towards the dream now quack is on The Chopping Block as is his successful Minecraft server. qsm is a quack project being the first multilingual multiplayer survival Minecraft server with live translation.
why quackity s audience turned on him
Quack speaks English and Spanish, which means he's been able to communicate with a much broader


than the average creator, but these


s have long been divided by the language barrier. The server was intended to bridge the gap, but as the project grew in size, it also expanded its scope to live translation from Brazilian Portuguese, French, Korean, and German. It's home to English-speaking creators like Halo bad boy Iron Mouse and fit MC. Korean creators like AA. French creators like ketto and a long list of others from around the world. As complicated as it is, it should come as no surprise that qsm has been in the works for years and when the server was announced, Quack posted something very sinister, a reminder that I seriously don't care about people trying to discredit my work.
why quackity s audience turned on him

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why quackity s audience turned on him...

I know I have done a lot for both of my communities and will continue to do so. because I enjoy it, so who was trying to discredit it on March 8, 2023, dreamed and squawked? He participated in the Spring Heaven or Hell event, it was a great show that attracted many viewers, but this is also his last known public interaction and it happened on The same dream introduced the concept of United SMP and the private United smpp was going to be a server multilingual with live translation, essentially the same project but directed by a different massive creator on March 10.
why quackity s audience turned on him
Quack announced the qsm with much fanfare. Anyone else is just extremely proud of Quack. knowing that he had wanted to make Spanish content for years, finally doing it and getting this far is just amazing, so happy for him, that same day the dream was posted on his alt talking about his very similar project, but he said he didn't know anything about the qsm. I'm also working on a project that should be pretty soon that I started a little while ago. That's not what I mean when I said it's similar, it's like you'll know why I tweeted what I tweeted. every time you see it, but at the same time it's not, it's not at all, as far as I know, it's not at all like a charlatan thing during this dream, he also said that he won't vote for charlatan in the Streamer awards like another creator. called fool treats it like a real job, implying that the healer doesn't deserve it, yet he still recognizes that the healer will probably win if he had to pick one, my instinct would be instantly oh fool just because it conveys so much and it's like a it's like it treats it like a real job you get up and clock in and out and stream all this time T but then tube is like that too recently at least but quack is going to win so congratulations quack quack won best minecraft streamer and Around the same time, he retweeted that previous tweet saying that he doesn't care about people who discredit his work.
why quackity s audience turned on him
STS was able to put the pieces together and speculated that he was talking about a dream here, why wouldn't he? He felt he deserved the award. and he worked really hard for what he had and then this other hugely popular guy was on a live stream saying he thought someone else deserved to win his ego was hurt the battle of charlatans vs. dreams begins, it's been a thing for a while now, charlatans shooting dream and dream team and celebrating that they are no longer friends check out the retweets of the quote in georg's response to quacky from the streamer awards just over a week later, the qsm officially launched and the creators started playing on it Would you have that girlfriend?
That won't be a problem while people are having fun on the server. The dream did not appear, why not invite the most famous Minecraft Youtuber of recent years to his biggest project? However, fans of both drew their own conclusions. on Reddit it's not that they can't still be friends behind the scenes, but they were pretty close before, so the change is noticeable when he regularly interacts with the bad boy Halo and didn't even respond to George about their meetings with mean tweets or Sky and George had a stream a while ago where he mentioned that Quack hadn't even confirmed that it would be a Twitchcon for him despite attending and that Q seemed to reject George to go to Mexico with him.
Problems were brewing behind the scenes, it was at this point quack changed the server scope from just Spanish and English to the rest of the languages ​​in order to gain an even wider audience and just 5 days later, dream announced their new mod for usmp that would translate everything you said in voice chat. to the language of native speakers and the text above your head, allowing anyone to have a conversation with each other in the game, everyone noticed the similarities between the two servers. Dream responded by saying he had no animosity for the charlatan, obviously the server can coexist with qmp only a few people out of 60 will cross between the two without charlatans.
I don't think any of this would have happened anyway. The dream translation mod was announced on YouTube on April 2 and on April 3 the Q lobal translator was announced, it was the qmps. very similar software advertised as the first of its kind and quickly adopted by all players in their SMP, meanwhile, dream fans claim to be receiving increasing hostilities from chatty Spanish-speaking fans upset that dreams are trying to steal your favorite Creator's Thunder, when will they ship? a hit man I think we should go to Florida and burn his house if we raise money all together we can hire one with efficient and immediate work I have two guys in Florida who are willing although I'm afraid if something happens to them, but I can't wait to send someone to beat up that fat man, maybe we could use your uncles as mediators and have them communicate with someone.
Stan perceived these threats as quite serious, especially considering that Spanish-speaking fans were hosting spaces on Twitter where they supposedly doxed. Dream Live we don't have 100% proof that this happened on this call, but considering that Stans and others were constantly dream doxxing when his face reveal happened, I wouldn't be surprised if the two servers running simultaneously caused a lot of confusion in the public, why? two big creators in the same space running two servers with the same basic trick when a healer announced his server on his Twitter. Mr. Beast himself seemed confused as to whether they were the same or two separate projects.
Sleep intervened: it's a different one qsm launched as a Spanish and English server. I announced my translator mod live about a day before qsm shared theirs and it turns out they have similar good ideas. Mine will be public. It's incredible to see the language barrier being broken in so many ways that it seemed like Mr Beast was stoking. the flames of this conflict as when the dream published something that had no relation to any of this. Mr. Beast asked him if he would pay charlatan or contract a day later. The dream jokingly said he wanted to do charlatan kickboxing for a live event saying it would happen a day later.
On Saturday, April 8, many fans asked if it was about the two competing servers, if the dream fight and chatterbox, the online community will have the opportunity to see the creators step into the boxing ring this month following the success of Creator Clash in May 2022, the highly anticipated event will return for its second installment, yes, that went very well, we lost $250,000 on the event that the kickboxing match never happened, but shortly after the dream finally addressed the public tensions around to the two servers running simultaneously for any of you confused about the Quack drama. and I worked on the same thing accidentally and kept it private like most projects and they accidentally crashed into each other because of it.
I have absolutely no hard feelings towards Quack and I love him to death, so it was all good. on good terms on april 26, 2023 the qsm had their official global announcement for even more languages ​​and everyone expressed a lot of excitement because they were introducing japanese and turkish yes oh my god yes now we can recreate global conflicts and tensions policies, but with niche microe. celebrities can't wait to see TN in the square, but in Minecraft at the same time, Dream finally relented and addressed the obvious behind-the-scenes tension by saying that Quack had ignored his messages and they were mocked pretty harshly for this, since everything it felt like that.
He complains like an ex-girlfriend who didn't receive a response to his messages. I personally probably wouldn't make a post about how a Creator cheated on me, but I would teach theirs if you want to be the jilted ex-girlfriend's dream, however, it also addressed something else. serious than a charlatan ignoring his messages. I've seen more threats, doxxing fights, slander, and hate between a group of fans than I've seen in a long time. I have personally experienced a high level of threats and stalkers in real life and even had someone show up at my house and even put trackers on my family's vehicle around this drama for the first time since which the preface revealed that the dream believed that rising tensions between fanbases were causing this increase in toxicity.
No one cared about the original thread that the dream made. Term. being evaluated by comparing his quack response to his original response to the harassment accusations, however, Dream went on to share evidence that he apparently came up with the idea of ​​a multilingual server before squawking, showing a message thread where he said United and PS like the United Nations a handful of people from each language where new people are added proximity chat with a custom mod that places translated subtitles over your head so you see live subtitles from different languages ​​this is starting March 8, 2023 and people in the responses were quick to claim that Quack had been working on it for four years, therefore it was his idea.
A blackboard from the moment shows what Dream had been planning. This also apparently suggests that he planned to invite Quack to his server as one of the Spanish-speaking players for two days. After Dream made this long post about Quack, all dream-related emotes were removed from Quack's Twitch chat and on May 8, 2023, Philza mocked Dream and United's entire SMP project while speaking to Tommy. How are you, Tom? I could open this wide, man, that's some additional context for that tweet that could say right now, you want to go there. Things got a little more intense when Tommy released, if the YouTubers were honest, where he criticized many of his peers, specifically dedicating a section to the tensions between the two servers and the dream painted as a manchild, yes, it was done a minecraft server to combine multiple communities, my communities, and bring the world together, this is an awesome idea, hey, I don't like that idea, it's actually my idea, it's not yours, that's not cool, okay, we can both do it, I guess stop ignoring me what what stop ignoring me this caused some fans to criticize Tommy saying that he had sold his former friend's dream in exchange for participating in this other project that at the time was being more favored by fans, it was defended by his followers.
I get that people are mad at Tommy specifically for how he played the S SMP drama, but I don't understand how some people have


this into a Head Cannon. where he sold out to get a spot on qsm or wanted to cater to dream haters to get views, the two haven't created content together or dated in a long time and Tommy is surrounded by people who don't particularly like dreams . I'm not here to argue about Tommy's video, all I'm saying is that there are many valid reasons why you could come to dislike Dream within this time period, many of which wouldn't be serious enough to require a public expose as many of them. you hint that it's clear that there were tensions behind the scenes between all of these creators, some had distanced themselves from Dream due to accusations that others had personal grievances and walked away, while Quack felt disrespected by Dream and that one of his projects most important personal They were stealing part of the Thunder from him, but for the moment all this did not seem to affect the general perception of the qsm, if anything it was more of a joke for those who were inside, at least notuntil more serious accusations quickly emerged.
A year later, qsm had apparently been a huge success and all the creators who played on it from the English-speaking side apparently loved the time they spent on it, but on March 3, 2024, several qmp volunteers spoke about the functioning. conditions on the server according to a 22 year old French moderator named Leah, she started working on the qsm as a volunteer and then became an employee earning about $183 a month so it's not much and she's barely an employee though, she said The server administrators needed her to be constantly available to do various types of work, including voicing multiple characters in S SMP broadcasts, designing art, and helping to write the server's story lines.
The qsm is more than just a server; It has a full timeline of events that fit into a larger story and viewers can watch to speculate about the next plot. He was asked to help with this plot when he was apparently not established in his initial set of responsibilities, much more was asked of him than what was initially required of him. do and, according to her, many others were afraid to report the mistreatment due to the threat of legal action. They had all signed confidentiality agreements, why would you need an NDA when you are moderating a Minecraft server on tweets?
Leah said that qmp fired her 2 weeks before, she said it was because she leaked on the stream that she spoke with YouTuber apier Pierre. he is a french member of qsm, according to qmp policies moderators are prohibited from talking to streamers and apier confirmed in a tweet that they did talk and apparently it was his fault that this leak happened. Many of us admins are so eager to work for our favorite content creators that we weren't seeing the issues for the next week after qsm fired Leah, other moderators would start submitting their own stories. Another French mod, ibob, said on Twitter that the moderators were volunteers from Pur and said they did the work of community administrators for free.
He also confirmed that the organization asked the administrators not to talk to each other or that the main creators Noah he wrote in Portuguese that qsm did not pay him to translate threads and edit clips; He alleged that the organization eventually fired him after failing to keep up with the workload by showing on Discord screenshots of his layoff notice, fans were outraged, imagine having the world's first multilingual Minecraft server and paying his employees. employees €150 a month and threaten to sue them if they dare to complain, as he


on an urgent broadcast to keep everyone informed about what was happening, he said he was informed that the volunteers were not paid and that, given too many hours of activity, he understood that there was a process that volunteers would go through to eventually be incorporated into a fully paid position, which he was not aware of what volunteers were asked to do.
This made it clear to him that he needed to get more involved in the administrative part of the qsm and he regretted that it happened this way. From now on, I want to do one thing. Of course, everyone involved in the quackery studies will be paid and if at any point my own funds are not enough to pay the workers or maintain the project, then the qmp cannot continue and will close, that's how committed I am to this project while all this was becoming quack another problem had also arisen one of the members of qsm Wilbur suot had just been accused of abuse by an ex-girlfriend his reputation was subsequently destroyed and all the creators publicly abandoned him Wilbur was no longer It is part of the QMP but this was not enough, the story already came to light and people were going to talk about it. qmp was trending on Twitter with 75,000 posts on March 4 alone, mostly people criticizing quackery on the server as a whole, but it quickly became clear that Leah hadn't been entirely truthful about her time working for Quacky Studios, an admin Frenchman named Jay would respond by saying that she had lied about most of her statements and that she was actually fired for various reasons because she desperately tried to hide that you had misinterpreted many situations that were discussed in private. to you and you have lied to the studio, to your colleagues and to the content creators, you began to create a very toxic environment and began to spread lies about the studio to your colleagues, you sent private messages to other people on the server, inciting them to become against the study. for personal vindictive reasons for you when it was leaked that you were talking to other content creators outside the server, which again is not the only reason for the removal, we launched an investigation to make sure the rules were being followed and found that you were breaking actively rules that you yourself recognize this when we confronted him about breaking these rules, he began making up lies about other members of the studio about the same rules he was breaking, claiming that there were others in the studio who were not being punished for breaking the same rules. broke up, we discovered that you were covering up for your colleagues who were making egregious claims under the excuse that it was through private DMS.
You privately told someone at the studio that one of your colleagues claimed they weren't accepted into the acting role because they cited administrators. didn't trust the qmp content creators enough to not set her up and then they showed a screenshot of Leah, which simply implies that this is a very serious accusation, so it's completely false and it's disgusting and deplorable and completely unprofessional, you made the claim that you created a lot of artwork for the team and yet they paid you $0 for it, you failed to mention that the artwork was never directly requested from you. This is completely unnecessary for us because we have a fully paid design team prepared to make artwork and designs for the project, if you had asked to pay for this we would have gladly compensated you for your work, but you directly requested these commissions and you never made it clear to any member of the management team that you wanted to get paid, you were not forced to do art or designs, it was never part of your activities, then they showed multiple screenshots of Leah directly asking to do the artwork for free, furthermore, you claim that you were scolded for not being available for long periods of time and that is completely false every time you mention that you were not available.
I didn't have time, they told you it was completely fine and J also had screenshots to back this up. Jay then explains why confidentiality agreements were part of the qmp and says that there was no need for contracts at first, so they did it. I don't even need them, however, this all changed when they discovered members of the studio selling paid private and custom qsm assets and codes to other Minecraft studios and server owners. Some members were even caught selling contact information of team members who sent Discord screenshots of their organization and leaked conversations between various developers on the management team, on top of this, some actors we had at the start of the server were not prepared To take on that role, they would use this position to try to create personal relationships with the content creators they would use.
Share your Discord passwords with your friends so that your friends could play with the creators in qmp. This was incredibly serious and at no point did we want to put qmp content creators at risk. These streamers felt uncomfortable with volunteers trying to be more. staff with them when they were hired to fill professional roles to make the server more interesting, as a result the team began demanding contracts to make the guidelines clearer and prevent volunteers from selling server assets and information to the outside. Jay goes on to explain the onboarding process. That said, for the qmp you initially applied via Twitter to be a volunteer helper with the qsm project.
It was made very clear in our public forums that this position would be voluntary; in fact, 90% of our current team started as volunteer members. from our study and were promoted to fully paid jobs after being on the team. We have supervisors who constantly monitor their performance and ask them questions about their position and how they feel if managers agree. We asked the user if they would be interested in a higher position that pays like a full-time job. Again, the NDAS are not meant to silence anyone from sharing their experiences; however, they are there to protect the confidentiality in which this project is executed.
Currently, you are organizing a Q&A by sharing all the information about the organization in matters that you are not even involved in, you are sharing false information about the structure of the organization and even the tradition, this is precisely the information that was sold to other people who made us create ndas in the first place. Jay finished his response by saying that it's clear that even though Leah had misinterpreted what happened with her time at Quacky Studios, there were some serious issues that needed to be addressed by others who would be charlatans. Meanwhile, he stated that Jay's post exposing Leah had been made without his approval and was subsequently deleted from the internet, however, it definitely casts a lot of doubt on Leah's credibility, but bad actors within the movement would soon be the least. of their problems.
Leah was approached by Passion Fruit, a publication that wrote an article about this situation. who then directed them to solidaires informati, a French union of IT workers, including those at the video game Space, a representative of the organization said in an email that the union had been in contact with Leah and some other volunteer qsm workers for a few days. He claimed that Leah worked full time, meaning approximately 35 hours a week under French law. We affirm that Leah should have a classic employment contract with a minimum wage and all French social rights. This same union later issued a public notice requesting testimony about working conditions. in the qmp claiming that the administrators are working in degraded conditions that amount to disguising the work, remember that the French YouTuber I mentioned well updated his Discord server saying that he planned to find a way to financially support all the volunteers are really risky, especially with foreign labor laws he was therefore unaware that all factors at play would be on hold.
Leah's leaks had presented another problem. The healer did not want to communicate with the team members for fear of possible leaks that could then be distorted and made public, as a result, he planned to restructure. The whole squawk studios operation from the top down seemed like things were finally going to change for the server with some restructuring, it might be up and running in a few months, but of course it wouldn't be a Minecraft story without queue scripts. who is supposedly called Adrien, a Roblox YouTuber with 50,000 subscribers and supposedly Quack's brother, this is me, this is Rose scrips, the question here is do I look like Quack's brother.
He posted frequently on YouTube from 2013 to 2018, but suddenly stopped posting. Posting comments on each video was disabled in April 2024. Rumors began to circulate that the secret owner of qsm was actually Adrien. An account on Twitter claimed that his account was still active on the Medicine Man's Kitchen Discord server, which is public and has more than 26,000. members, but why would this be a problem? I mean, it's just his brother, why can't he be on the server? On September 29, 2020, a Twitter user named Meco made a series of claims about Ros' scripts, they said that at the time of these alleged interactions they were 11 and 12 years old, but online they lied that they were 13 or 14 years old. .
They joined the QQ server in mid-to-late 2018, where they occasionally joked around with Ros's scripts on Discord. After a few weeks, he started talking to her. much more and even joined a group chat with her and her several teenage friends after they moved on to private voice calls, he would start making playful sexual comments to her one on one, they were under the impression he was trying to move The conversation moved into riskier territory which was when he started telling his friends outside of the group chat as well as the server moderators and Axel an old online friend of Quacky who had collaborated with him many times claiming not to have any screenshots. of these interactions because they suffered a series of panic attacks regardingall of this now, without evidence, you'd think this would die where it started, it wasn't an account called Donald's guy, a former quacky editor and an admin on their Discord server. came out with what he had, claimed that as of 2021 Adrien was 25 years old, meaning in 2017 he would have been 21, showed script messages from Ros supposedly calling a 16-year-old a little girl, going on and on about her age in a beautiful way.
Bizarrely, this editor then provides a March 2018 audio clip of Ros scripts being confronted by a server moderator for creating a non-safe-for-work channel in which minors were allowed access. This is something that can be legally used against adults. It's good, no. comfortable with this this is not okay, yeah, okay, look, I understand what you're saying and I understand what you're trying to say right now and I understand your point, but I mean, dude, I, dude, it's not, it's not. It's a big deal, okay? It was only going to be a temporary channel for literally about 30 minutes being an admin on the healer server, it was met and discussed how Rose grips would make friends with people a little younger than him, however, many times after the discussions, the situation would be under control. carpet and forgotten most of the time Rose's scripts would be playing Roblox or something with these people who became close and had a lot of inappropriate messages.
I'm sure many people who have been close to him over the years know what I'm talking about about another server member who came forward saying they were on Discord and calling him a complete idiot to make things more interesting. Axel himself made a longer tweet about the Ros scrips situation and basically I've never been on good terms and neither were the rest of the staff, I was never exactly sure why we had problems at first but they developed quickly as we We all worked together on the server, at one point this led to many of us abandoning our positions on the server because Ros grabs.
At one point he temporarily set himself up as the owner of the server and wanted to set up an unsecured channel for work. Many of us felt this was completely inappropriate since the server had a lot of very young people. Ros scrips was very persistent about this which combined with the fact that we were all very uncomfortable with a large amount of Ros scrips activity on the server, led to many of us knowing that we would refuse to work on the server as long as when Ros scrips played a role in it, this led to Alex speaking to Ros scrips and the conclusion was that he would remain as an administrator but would still be active on the server.
I haven't spoken to Ros scrip since, apart from a very brief greeting when I met her family in passing in 2019, considering a lot of what is superficial today happened in the same years as the events I described before 2018. I should have pushed even further and removed it completely from the server. I was too passive. a position of power Meanwhile, Axel is apparently no longer friends with the healer, although the reason is unknown, there is a question that is currently recurring and, um, all I can really say about it is, uh, I think which is kind of obvious, I like, I think I think we all can, we all know what the answer to that is and that is, yeah, I mean, these accusations gained traction in July 2021, but they quickly fizzled out, fans expressed their dismay because the healer's birion in his career could be knocked down a few. pegs due to the actions of his brother, but with squawking and criticism from unpaid moderators, everything began to resurface.
I want to make it clear that everything I'm going to say here is presumptive and the evidence presented by some of his fans is honestly unconvincing. but fans began to speculate whether Ros scrips had any involvement in the qsm. One thing Jay never addressed was Leah's accusation that Adrien was one of the real owners of the qsm. She described a mysterious account whose identity could not be explained. was active in daily operations, it seemed strange to him that he had never spoken in voice chat, had no social ties or identity on the Internet outside of this role, he stated that the account with which he was paid on PayPal was linked to an account Skype under the name Adrien with the name "Quit" in mind.
People investigated further. A screenshot of the qmp website showed a user with the same name who is also active on the Discord server. Reddit users speculated who this guy was doing, but not who he was. It had been active since about 2 months before the first thread was made about Ros Grips' old aliases on Twitter, then they found a profile of Jitters under the name quid B8 who is also located in Los Angeles, which is apparently where Quacky Vive Quidd's Twitter account only follows QSM-related accounts and has apparently only been marketed to Spanish speakers given the fact that all the responses to his one tweet are in Spanish in an interview.
Leah further claimed that she had no idea who quidd was and she claims that he was this person. He never talks on calls, he never says anything and no one knows his name, yet his best guests seemed to align with the audience's suspicions. is not secure at the helm of his project, this post was made on April 8, 2024 at the same time that many were complaining about a perceived inconsistency on the part of the healer regarding his participation in the project to this day, the healer has never spoken directly about his brother or What happened to him, which to some extent is a difficult thing to ask?
The question from fans is whether this Quid person is also Ros scrips. Again, keep in mind that all of this evidence is circumstantial and if true, it would be a big mistake. even having this guy involved in the project considering the familiar brand squawked that it's a major risk on April 10, the charlatan turned on a stream saying that the qsm would not shut down, however, it would take a step back from running the server. He said that people were openly posting their documents on Twitter, which seemed like a huge violation of their privacy, while in the United States it is accepted that this is prohibited in Spanish-speaking countries their information is widely distributed.
Apparently he had received emails containing death threats. and people claiming to be close to his location saying they are going to hurt him as a result, he would step away from being the face of the project. He later said that he prefers to keep disagreements and conflicts private because he believes he is professional. Since qmp started this has definitely resonated badly with people who had never seen my content before and had no idea who I was before qsm, so a lot of people have interpreted my privacy as shady or not transparent, the reality is So. I've been that way my whole life, I've even had internet friends in the past who got mad at me for not being as open as them, but that's actually how I think things should be handled because there's never been anything more important to me. . uh in my career that the distinction between my personal life and my work life regarding the situation with the unpaid moderators, says that I was aware of it before it was made public and that I was ready to address it before it was made public public, regardless of the fact that he also seems to address the accusation that his brother was part of all this by saying he has no involvement.
I want to clarify a recent accusation that was made that it was the participation in the project of someone who has nothing to do with it, which is not true and I want to make it clear, be careful with the information you choose to believe or choose CH to spread it openly. Please be aware of where you are coming from or what intentions you might have as the reality is that these matters are being handled by the appropriate authorities not with one longer tweet or 10 streams of me talking about it so I apologize if I don't. moving forward I don't say much about this but it's because I can't it's not excuses it's not ignoring it I literally can't, they are already being handled as I said by the proper authorities so I can't say anything so from now on I hope you can Understand that part, there's no direct evidence that the healer's brother had anything to do with it, so it's for the best that everyone takes squawks at his word, but this response didn't stop fans of the dream from being taken to the subreddit. of making long posts alleging shady business practices.
They claim that winners of random Twitter giveaways and the lost Nevada Quest have also fought to receive their prizes by providing screenshots of anonymous Twitter users who claim they did not receive their merchandise, claim Quacky is complicit in the abuse of workers, and a are increasingly speculating about whether Quack's brother is the true owner of the server, meanwhile, the French Union claims that it is still investigating the server and in recent days we have seen an avalanche of hate towards several former Quack Studios workers, some people have received thousands of death threats, offensive messages with sexist or other sexual connotations and explicit messages directed at them and their families, this harassment has been greatly magnified by the latest curandera broadcast and intentionally forwarded by several curandera members of the Studio staff , some content creators have also contributed, with varying degrees of intent, to forwarding this harassment, therefore we urge content creators to explicitly, clearly and quickly encourage their communities to stop this harassment and to publicly apologize is impossible.
To hold Quacky responsible for everything his audience with 6 million subscribers does, there are bound to be some crazy people, but it is clear that this Union believes that Quack Studios is mistreated as a volunteer and they intend to investigate it as much as they can. They also said that all attempts to contact the healer have failed. So far no attempts have been made through us directly in public or private. The dismissed workers remain without explanation and the suspended employees have been excluded from all communication channels for several months and still without information about. if and when they would be reinstalled, qy was booming for years and qmp was his most ambitious project yet, but with the complexity of his server came communication problems that led his fans to dig into his past to find any irregularities that They could, it seems like an opening.
Channels between international audiences in an effort to increase communication eventually fell apart due to the lack of them from the top down in your studio structure and now that the Box is open, you will find it difficult to close it. He is in a very difficult situation. and no matter what happens, it's clear that he won't come out on the other side of this, the same Creator he was before the nightmare of him on the Minecraft server. I've been Turkey Tom, thanks for watching and until next time, leave me alone.

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