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Why 70s Kids Are The Strongest Generation

May 04, 2024
Did I forget someone I forgot about x x Yes, I didn't actually forget about X? It's a little trick because I was born the first year of Generation X or the last year of Jen Jones, depending on which chart you look at, but everyone forgets about Generation all this with all the


s, they did the silent


of the Boomers and then they skipped over 65 million of us Jan Bradies, and then they went straight to the Millennials and the post-millennials, but here it is all. Everyone needs to know about Generation X. We don't care, we don't care, in fact we like that they left us off their little list.
why 70s kids are the strongest generation
CBS News because we're like the secret dive bar that only the locals know about. About how we don't advertise, but we're never going out of business now. We Boomers and particularly Jin Joners and Gen Xers share some things in common. The first thing is that we are strong people, we didn't need sunscreen, we just put it on. on giant sheets of aluminum foil with baby oil and iodine, just Hawaiian Tropic Red Label, we put our chairs on the roof to be higher towards the sun, we only turned around when the radio station told us to, but we care that We grew up along the way. in the back seat of our mom's station looking back at the people behind us, just waving back, just no one was wearing a seat belt even in the front seat, if your mom's arm wasn't strong enough, You deserve to go through the windshield, we did it.
why 70s kids are the strongest generation

More Interesting Facts About,

why 70s kids are the strongest generation...

Back then we didn't have helicopter parents, in fact we had the opposite of helicopter parents, we had Home Depot parents where you think there should be someone working in the store who could help you, but there's no one around you, you're alone, this is Home Depot. Do you need a manual saw? Well, there's only one left in the entire store and it's way up there, so grab one of those rolling ladders, my friend, carry it up there, crawl on it, and don't step over it or cut your arm off because no one. I am going to bring you to the hospital.
why 70s kids are the strongest generation
It will be your fault that you get hurt. This is what you get. Suck it. Blow. Move it away. Rub some dirt. Bleeds over the sink. My mom's favorite was Don't Bleed in Me. shag rug A guy sent me one the other day it was like letting the dog lick it, it will heal faster, no one cared if we were bored, no one cared what our grades were, no one cared that we were having lunch in a full lunchbox with unrefrigerated dairy products and rust that had a rusty lunch box yes, we are all still here and the thermoses did not match because the first one that came with it broke it left nobody cared that they were hitting us in the face with rubber balls real red ones to dodge, the real red ones, the ones that smelled like rubber, that were coming towards you, not the little foamy baby ones they have now, the real ones, it rang when it hit you in the face and left a cross print, right? on your forehead, right there, no one cared, no one cared at all, no one cared about the emotional trauma we suffered because of the SE monkeys who had sea monkeys.
why 70s kids are the strongest generation
I still haven't gotten over sea monkeys. I paid my $125 with the back of that comic. I was supposed to have the whole sea monkey family, the mom sea monkey, the dad sea monkey and the Junior sea monkey, the little baby sea monkey, they lived in a castle and they were going to come live with me and they were supposed to that I could teach them. tricks that's not what we have we have three envelopes in the mail full of deception, deceit and dehydrated brine shrimp no one cared no one cared that woman in Romper Room never said my name never said my name in her stupid magic mirror even though of all day I was trying to walk with the Romper Stompers, just two upside down plastic cups tied to a rope, they just rip your ankle off, they weren't that dangerous, although they are the metal skates, so the metal skates They attach to your shoe this way, right?
You didn't get hurt because you were going fast because you couldn't go fast because of the friction of the metal on the sidewalk but like the third one in your shoe came out of that thing but you fell because it was still tied to your ankle with a little belt so you tripped over it and you fell and broke your butt, that was it, nobody cares

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