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Who Would Be King of America if George Washington had been made a monarch?

May 29, 2021
Today I am going to explore the question of who




of the United States today if George Washington had




. The first thing you should know is that there is no easy answer to this question. George Washington had no biological children, so even if there had


a King George I of America, it is not immediately clear who his successor might have been, which is why I came up with not one but three different scenarios based on three different relatives who I could have chosen and the second thing. What you should know is that this video is not to be taken seriously like all my videos of who


be King.
who would be king of america if george washington had been made a monarch
I'm doing this just for fun and maybe to teach a little history along the way. It is now true that in 1782 a US Army officer named Colonel Lewis Nicola wrote a letter suggesting to George Washington that he accept the title of King, but Washington strongly rejected the idea and since then the idea of ​​an American


y has never been suggested. Seriously, but let's have fun anyway. I've labeled the three lines we're going to draw as the Senior Line, the Custis Lee Line, and the Mount Vernon Line and we'll look at each of them before loo


at George Washington's potential heirs.
who would be king of america if george washington had been made a monarch

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who would be king of america if george washington had been made a monarch...

I looked quickly at his ancestors. The first member of the Washington family to live in what is now the United States was John Washington. He was born in England and first came to the colony of Virginia in 1657. There he ran a tobacco plantation. He was a colonel in the local militia and was chosen to serve in the colonial government as a plantation owner in the early years of the United States. He obviously was also a slave owner, as was George Washington, a few generations later, John's property was inherited by his eldest son, Lawrence, who was George Washington's grandfather.
who would be king of america if george washington had been made a monarch
Lawrence married Mildred Warner, who turned out to be a twelfth generation descendant of King Edward the Third of England, this means that George Washington, like most US presidents, had some royal blood in him. he. Lawrence died when his middle son, Augustine, was only four years old, so Augustine, who was actually George Washington's father, was raised by other relatives until he was 18, after which he inherited some of the land he owned. It formerly belonged to Lawrence and John Augustine married twice to his first wife, Jane Butler, had two sons and some children who died young. So, these two individuals here were half-brothers of George Washington after the death of his first wife.
who would be king of america if george washington had been made a monarch
Augustine married Mary Ball, George Washington's mother together they had four children of whom George was the eldest and a daughter named Betty Augustine died when George was only eleven years old at the time. His older half-brother, Lawrence, inherited his father's estate. Lawrence served in a war against Spain known as the Jenkins Ear War and ended up naming part of his land after his commanding officer, Edward Vernon, so from that point on Washington's main property was known as Mount. Vernon Lawrence had four children, but all four died very young, so when he died the land was divided between the next two older brothers, Augustine jr. and George August Jr.
He was supposed to get the main property of Mount Vernon, but he chose to take a different piece of land and that's why George Washington, the third son, ended up with the main property. Obviously, there is a lot I can say about George Washington, as he is one of the most famous people in American history, but let me mention the highlights. George served during the French and Indian War in which the British defeated New France. He then ran his plantation, became very wealthy and became involved in politics as tensions between Britain grew. and the 13 colonies sided with the revolutionaries and was eventually chosen to serve as commander-in-chief of the Continental Army during the American Revolution.
Of course, the Americans won that war and George Washington ended up serving as the first US president. Now this is where we are going to depart from real history and enter alternative history. Let's imagine that instead of becoming president he was


king and reigned until his death in 1799, what would have happened next to the three possibilities that I am going to tell you. to suggest? Start with the one I think is least likely to have happened: it's the scenario shown in the middle in gray, as I mentioned. George Washington had no biological children, however, he did have stepchildren and adopted children after the French and Indian War whom he married.
A widow named Martha Martha had two young children from her first marriage, John and her sister Patsy, these two became stepsons of George Washington and were raised in Mount Vernon. John, however, died of illness during the American Revolution, his two youngest sons, one of whom was the only one. Later, his son was adopted by George and Martha. Martha was the biological grandmother and George was the stepfather. That adopted son was born the same year his father died. He was named after George Washington. His full name was George Washington. Park Custis. Parke Custis was the name. inherited from his biological father's line when George Washington became president young George was only eight years old, raised in the presidential mansions and therefore a member of the first first family, but if George had been king in Instead of president, he would have chosen his adopted son as his successor, especially since George was so young, probably not, but let's imagine he did whatever would have happened next.
Well, his adopted son would have reigned as George the Second for a long time, 58 years, and then the throne would have passed. to his only surviving daughter, Mary, and guess who would have been the queen's royal consort, none other than Robert Lee, the famous general who led the Confederates during the American Civil War. Now we're dealing with an alternate history, so if America had been a monarchy. instead of a republic, it would have even had a civil war, perhaps in that scenario there would have been a public dispute in the north separating from a real south, but let's imagine that the country stayed united, remained a monarchy and ended up abolishing slavery without the civil War.
It would have happened then, well, Queen Mary would have reigned until her death in 1873 and then Robert Lee's first-born son named George Washington Custis Lee would have become George, the third in real life, he had no children, so let's assume in this alternative. In history, that was still the case, the throne would have passed to his nephew, who was the third person to have the name Robert Ely, but in this scenario, he would be the first Robert to have been king, so he would have was King Robert, the first. Now obviously if all this had happened you would probably have ended up with different marriages, different children and different life expectancies, but again we assume that everything remains the same except for the existence of a monarchy, in this case Robert the first would have been followed by his brother who would have become George the fourth and then by his son Robert Ely the fourth who would have been Robert the second now I couldn't confirm if robert e lee the fourth is still alive or not maybe someone can let us know in the comments if you have currently 95 years old and, according to this scenario, would be a longer reigning monarch than Queen Elizabeth.
The second, if he died, the king, according to this first scenario, would therefore be his eldest son, Robert Lee. This Robert E Lee is a high school athletic director and he was recently in the news saying that he supported the demolition of statues of his famous great-great-grandfather, so that was Custis Lee's line and like I said, it's probably the least plausible. Of the scenarios that have occurred, the second line that we are going to see is the line shown in red. I call it the top line because it follows the top biological line starting from George Washington's father, Augustine, in most royal dynasties.
If a king dies without a legitimate biological heir, the throne usually passes to a younger brother or younger brothers because kings usually do not have older brothers because if you are the king, you were either the older brother to begin with or your older brother died without heirs and that's why you ended up as king, but in this case King George I would have had an older brother with an heir and I think there is a good argument to say that he would have passed the throne to that older biological line rather than to a adopted or to the line of his older younger brother, although Augustine jr. was only his half-brother, while Samuel Washington was his full brother, Augustine Jr. and George shared the same father and therefore Augustine junior's son, William, would have been seen as the highest-ranking male in the entire Washington family;
In fact, George Washington's nephew William was the first name listed among the executors of George Washington's will, so if we imagine that William would have been the next king of America, the line would have proceeded as follows: there would be been King William, the first, for eleven years, King Bushrod, for twelve years, King Spottswoode, for 34 years, and then a King Bushrod, the second, for fifty years. three years and these unusual names would certainly have distinguished the American monarchy as unique, but from this point there are two different ways the story could have gone. I think it's most likely that if the United States had adopted a monarchy, it would have adopted a system of male-preference primogeniture like Britain had at the time of the revolution.
Male-preference primogeniture means that the throne always goes to a son. unless there are no sons and in that case it can go to a daughter, which is why Bushrod Washington did not. he would have children and therefore in this scenario he would probably have been followed by a queen. Estella Estella had no children, so the throne after her would have passed to her cousin named Lee before passing to Lee's daughter, who would have become Queen. Adele after Queen Adele we would get the current queen, which would be Queen Brenda, so in this scenario we now have a Queen Brenda reigning since 2000 and we would have a new royal house, the House of Hanson, named after her father, Odell's husband.
Now at this point I should mention that all the names at the bottom of this chart are real people living in the real world as private citizens, so I won't give you much information about them because I don't want people. Tracking them down and doing what Tony Robinson did in the real monarch of Britain in that documentary, he showed up at some guy's house in Australia and said, "Hey, guess who you are the real king of England, so yeah, please, Don't do any of that now." those of you who are curious what would have happened if a male only system had been used, in that case the throne would have passed from Bushrod ii to his brother who would have become King James and then once again it would have passed to be real. although in this scenario the king would have reigned a little longer and would have been followed by his cousin's son, William, who would have become William the second, but something interesting happens here.
William was actually the last male descendant of Augustine Junior and therefore upon his death the line would have actually jumped to a male descendant of George Washington's eldest younger brother Samuel, so even if we had chosen the George's younger brother to begin with and we would have followed a strictly male succession, we would eventually have ended up with this same person here and which person would have been King Paul, would have reigned for twenty years and would have been succeeded by his son Richard, who would be King Richard and the current king. Please note that this men-only setting is the only one where we still have a Washington House. instead, okay, so that's scenario 2a and 2b, we still have one more scenario to look at and it's shown in green on the right side and I personally think it's the most plausible of all, remembering of course that none Of these theories is in fact, everything is very plausible.
I call this last line of descent the Mount Vernon Line and, as far as I know, no one else has suggested it in various imaginary scenarios, while these lines have the Mount Vernon scenario which is based on observing the will of George Washington, looking for For a clue as to who he might have chosen as his royal successor in his will, he left most of his estate not to his eldest nephew, but to this nephew named Bushrod, a different Bushrod than this Bushrod here, the inheritance included the main property of Mount Vernon, that's why I call it the Mount Vernon line, but it also included all of George Washington's private papers.
Therefore, we can conclude that Bushrod must have been someone George trusted and admired greatly. Bushrod is also the only person. in the Washington family, in addition to George Washington, to occupy a really high position in the US government, Bushrod served on the Supreme Court from 1798 until his death in 1829, he was appointed by the second US president. USA, John Adams, therefore, in this alternative world that we I amimagining, I think there would be a strong case to be


that Bushrod was the kind of person George Washington might have chosen as his actual successor, so if he had known what would have happened next, we basically just have to trace the ownership of Mt.
Owned by Vernon Bushrod had no children so after his death Mount Vernon was inherited by his nephew John Augustine Washington the Second, so we would have had a King Bushrod for 30 years and then King John the First for 26 years straight of a king John II for only six years if we go back to real history for a moment I should mention that John Washington the Third was actually a Confederate officer died during the Civil War he was also the last private owner of the Mount Vernon property who was unable to keep up with the maintenance of the property, so he requested both the federal government and the state government to purchase the property to turn it into a historic site, but neither showed any interest and therefore he ended up selling it to the Ladies Association of Mount Vernon, which has always owned it. since then and currently runs it as a charity, but going back to the imaginary scenario, if John had been named King, he would have been followed by a King Lawrence or perhaps nicknamed King Larry and then by three more Johns, we would have gotten one John, the third John. fourth and John fifth, according to my research, this John Washington died in 2009 and left no biological heirs, so to find the oldest heir after this point, we would have to go back a few generations and then trace another branch. of the family where we would end up with a Mary Washington who coincidentally held several leadership positions over the years in the descendants of the Washington National Society family.
Now I couldn't find the obituary for her, so I assume she is still alive if not. The next person in line would be her son Lawrence her son, so we have a King Larry. The second, if anyone has better information about this particular branch, you can mention it in the comments here. There he has it. I have given you three possible resulting scenarios. In four possible candidates for the United States throne today if George Washington had been named king, which line do you think would have been most likely? Do you support Queen Brenda King Robert King Richard or Queen Mary?
Let me know in the comments if you find historical genealogy. and interesting monarchies, be sure to subscribe to the channel. If you check out the playlists you will find that I have videos covering the family trees of famous dynasties around the world and to see what else I am up to follow me on Twitter or Instagram thanks for watching

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