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Jun 05, 2024
to take your neck there. I'm just kidding, I want to see his


, explore my


, what's this guy's name? Khaleesi, oh Khaleesi, this girl, yeah, you see, you see that power that he has. just if she's just trying to hold on, that's great because I could definitely feel the pressure change from around my neck to my arm and now my core and torso 71, very nice heart rate 70. She's 12 pounds, wow, three left Seconds more, Melvin, it's almost. I really enjoyed this one I can't move on to the next one okay guess the animal okay you're ready for this oh ready and that's quite a weight for you oh wow oh my god oh she He's running away from Slytherin, oh how does it feel?
who can face my biggest fear
You know what I am. Cold, you can feel, you feel the power, right, you can feel the muscle, yes, definitely, very cold, heavy, let's see your heart rate 120. 120 is definitely not as high as the terrain, no, yes, the tarantula was the first , it was very scary, but now. I'm, I'm cool, I feel like you do anything, yeah, you can do anything now. The world wow, really cold, yes and soft, you can direct, you move your arm directly, wow, yes, I can feel the power, oh, she's going to bite you, Chad, yes. she's getting ready daniel hello hello regina she's more afraid holding the camera get behind my back good job guys now move on to round three I can't wait to film wait wait what about you?
who can face my biggest fear

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who can face my biggest fear...

I told you a million times, I'm not afraid. From everything you saw, how I acted during the tarantula is not very good, oh, you're nervous, okay, what do I do like this? I wish a tree would go away, wow, it's cold like a foot long, I didn't think you were hitting me? High five, stop, oh, you're giving me a high five, oh, pull the snake, crawl across the uh, the foot right there, you'll have to hold it, it's nice to meet you, snake, I'm Daniel Gizmo, right? what are you a snake? If that is. one snake I don't know what three two one okay wait buddy thanks guys wow we're all getting really brave well wait daniel said there was one last scariest thing.
who can face my biggest fear
Is this even a good idea? Absolutely fine, let's do it, oh God. Oh my god, what's happening now? The challenge is all of you. That seems scary. Yes, they should go first. Show us how it's done. Oh my God. Get up. The little finger. Here we go. I'm just seeing that sting. The only thing is. when he rises up and then he pokes right above his head, ah, when he rises up, it's more just saying how the defense posture is big and bad and that's up, he's up or not, you'll notice when he comes up like he's basically arching Up, oh, up, those are the illustrations after getting over that first initial tarantula.
who can face my biggest fear
I feel brave, you know, approved now, yeah, I mean, I've always been brave, it's just that first initial step, oh oh oh, okay. Wait, it's going to bite you, what can I do? I'm looking, I look totally fine, I can do this, he can crawl back up, yeah, he can crawl back up now, you're just bragging, yeah, okay, actually I am. Really chill about it now well good job wow she's okay this is a girl too. Actually, I haven't seen it well. She's probably a girl, that's why she's running away from Melbourne. Well, this is great.
I'm at 71 Falls. I'm not that scared, my hands are sweaty, I'm nervous, but I'm not scared, guys, you guys have done so much for me in my life,


s, shit, oh my god, oh my god, why is it okay? It's Daniel's turn. Yes, you did it. great, you're okay, there you go, yeah, it's your hand, boy, well, it's there, it's there, regina, give me your hand, come on, no, no, no, no, no, it's going to hurt, I will Are you ready for this? it's like daniel.exe stopped working it's going to bite me guys you should subscribe to this channel right now what's my channel?
Yeah, yeah, that's the best one, so grab your phone and then there's the subscribe button, if it's red, tell them to press that. subscribe, it's been 30 seconds, oh yeah, sorry, you finished great, look at that, I don't see anything to be scared about, oh, that was amazing, very easy, okay, now we're all like professionals, that's right, we conquered our beer , we can do anything. I'm not afraid of anything Daniel, as I should, oh yeah, how about putting a tarantula on your face? Well, I said you're brave, uh, I didn't mean uh, I mean that, oh, I mean you were lying, you were outright lying.
They were ruining one of the ninja spy tenants, eh, already, fine, I'll do it. Wow, now, gasoline, can it be dangerous? Oh well, you're not as dangerous as putting your hand on it. I was so scared. Oh my God, isn't it? eye, oh I see it, I see the legs, am I the bravest ninja spy or what? Yeah, yeah, yeah, okay, okay? Do I want a prize? I am the winner? Yes, I won. You receive accessories, but we already knew that you are the bravest. yes, I think we have all overcome our


s, well, thanks Jasmine, thanks Rosie, very welcome guys, that was amazing, very easy, yes, you conquered all your fears, Daniel, no, you conquered your fears, I just helped you.
I mean, gas, right, oh, that's right, yeah. the tarantula, thanks for that, the tarantula is big, so we all conquered our fears today, right, we learned that when you are really afraid of something, once you do it, you think it's not that bad, it's always scarier. your head when you think about it, but once you do it it's not so bad, yeah, you just have to take the first step, but the first one is actually very, very scary, did you see how scared I was, yeah, you know, ya I'm not that afraid. I think I'm ready to start my new channel.
Let's start from scratch with zero subscribers. Yeah, I mean, I was afraid to do that because I had two million, but today I held a fucking scorpion. I'm going to start my new channel. channel, wait a minute, sister, brother, why start over when you can join me on my channel and help me create awesome and cool gaming content? I don't know, I think a better idea is for you to join Daniel's channel. What will this channel be? Yes, it will be. That's great, you guys make a great team like me and Chad, oh what a comment below write regina join daniel or regina join melvin what's up so great regina don't be afraid to start again because now I'm not afraid of anything.
You are all brave spy ninjas, you know you are not afraid of anything, oh daniel, yes, can you help me? Yes, what I said, you are not afraid of anything anymore, you are my father, deja vu, I know what you are doing. I'm not afraid, just kidding, that's all, one, two, three, kick, punch, one, two, three.

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