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VY FACES HER FEAR OF WATER! Swimming Pool Challenges to Unlock Secrets of GKC Safe Underwater!

May 18, 2024
Yes, today I am facing my biggest


: at the bottom of the


there is a


that belongs to G. Casey is at the bottom of this


and the only person who can


it is V, he claims that he will swim there. Yeah, one step closer, okay, that's one small step for V, one giant leap because despite it, the sky, yeah, I can't believe V is facing her


, she has a real fear of


, it's not even magic, you guys remember last year when he did that. try to breathe challenge she was like crying in


because she's good at handling it it's called a phobia or fierce illogical it's totally a phobia for real Hobie you're doing something very brave right now you're leaving I mean we all have fears that we have You still have to face it and today you face your biggest fear.
vy faces her fear of water swimming pool challenges to unlock secrets of gkc safe underwater
I mean, if any of us could pick locks, we'd be sinking into the deep end doing it, but unfortunately the one who's afraid of water is the only one who can do it, okay? Back up, I'm going to come back, come on, okay, if you're floating, yeah, how are you going to swim ten feet down with a life jacket? You can dive, yes, it will prevent you from going down to the end. We need you to open that lock. down there life jacket any kind of bad weather fortunately I have some


that will be great water


that will help v/o yes at the end of this challenge she will be ready to go down yes hopefully the first challenge to fetch water did you hear that I'm going to throw these rings in the pool, there it goes, it sinks to the bottom, yes it does and whoever collects the most rings in one go wins the challenge, no problem, this is them, Regina wins, right? how will it help me?
vy faces her fear of water swimming pool challenges to unlock secrets of gkc safe underwater

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vy faces her fear of water swimming pool challenges to unlock secrets of gkc safe underwater...

You have this V. come on, the three of us will go first, we will show you how to do it, then you will be the last and by then you will have learned everything, okay, wow, very deep, we have to practice because projects are closed boxes. deep down, whoa, whoa, what are they just big feet, oh my god, you got them, man, I adapt to my surroundings, not a mermaid, Amer man, uberman zu n Durga, okay, I guess I can go, what? Do you think these are waterproof? Regina, them. They're ready I'm ready Watch and learn Okay, three, two, one, Oh Bob, that was super fast, but you know what you were the one who launched them, you knew where they were going to beat and you just went there, no cheater pants eaters fair. on fire No, Dallas, you liar, the lying plants were taller, by the way, Oh, who's next?
vy faces her fear of water swimming pool challenges to unlock secrets of gkc safe underwater
I did it, how long didn't I? That's very, very quick, let's see if any of you can beat me, okay, I'll go here, you can hold the rings. Wow, that's easy, you told me I could do it, you know what they say about men with big noses, haha, lots of boogies, how's your nose? Cut that part, the color of all these, swim me in the water, miracle monster ring, wait a minute, we did it. You're not leaving yet, the V challenge is ready, follow me, there's a ring right there, step to your right, three and then the fourth step here, few rings left, she doesn't even need them, we'll give her a break, the only four rings. the life jacket is restricting me I just gave them four rings I put them all in a row on the steps, yes the easiest challenge, creativity, creativity that will pick the lock, right?, guys, come on, guys, it's just baby steps, eventually you will get there. you know a challenge, it's a little harder for a V he'll teach her how to swim oh yeah, okay V, you know one of the hardest things about


is just getting to the pool in the first place, right, so long ago cold, it's so cold.
vy faces her fear of water swimming pool challenges to unlock secrets of gkc safe underwater
The best way to get in the water, just do it after the bottom and that's the point, they don't call them deep end Daniel for nothing, it's true with their clothes, you do it now, okay, yeah, you'll get it, it's time to play Boy, I've got you on camera Daniel, you've never done the cannonball before, no, you're amazing, you're fierce, yeah, I mean, I know what you're talking about, V, you know how scary this is for V. , believe. we should just call him they don't call you cannonball Dan for nothing here you can do it Daniel I'm just kidding this is a piece of cake you're kidding this is easy I'm going to jump right into that circle ready I think it always counts I almost got lost sorry miss I bet Regina can do better wow, that was so good Regina, that's the best camera I've ever seen, are you okay?
Got you ready, here we go, super cool Daniel banged, yeah, he's got a leg, I've got one A little overconfident, dude, when I was there, yeah, I saw a rental


there, like the one in our kitchen, that you stole from me of the projects or see who put there, Daniel pretending it wasn't you, then it wasn't. I was Regina, you were there. Flashback, don't open the flashback. Hey, you did it. Daniel probably has a short circuit. Now how are we going to open it? I got it, don't worry, let's try another code, hopefully it beeps. it rings oh please work if we put rice in it if your phone gets wet and you put it in rice that always fixes it well that's a good idea the angles can be listening what I'm not going to get in trouble oh you're in trouble For me, Daniel, this is yeah, okay, well, if we can face your fears today and get the other black box, we probably won't need this, please do this for me.
Okay, what's that safe down there? just like getting it back up, maybe now there are three of you, yeah, this one was very easy to get up, but the other one is stuck to the brown people, three of us did it, it's too dangerous a mission if we all fall Look, you know I'm second best lock picker oh so the only thing you're good at is opening your nose hey you know I cut my nose off Chan we've seen you do this well and just do all the things. spine, then just poke his nose, Regina, so you said, I mean all of mine, just know, Daniel pixas, you know guys, what I'm saying is V, you don't have to go down there.
I'll go there and pick the lock and I'll pick what his name is, oh my god, there's no way he even knows what his name is. I will put everything into all the technique. You're as good at picking locks as I am at ice fishing, you'll be fine. come down there no, it's okay, no, no, go, I have this, Daniel, okay, bottles, please, girls, okay, please, get professional, thank you, lock picking kit, please, here you go, Daniel okay good luck okay guys make sure you subscribe to this channel because to make sure you do great because it's cool the way we need guys we need your help because I need help right now the point was subscribe please we need a stronger spine in just my heart beats so fast Daniel is going to fall there, he's brave, he's going to pick locks For us, I know that picking locks you think is a little easy because you think you're second best, there are a lot of tools and those things, but you have to make sure you do it and the first one is okay, turn it over first and then invert the liquor, you don't.
I want to be ten feet down, okay, you're doing it, reverse it first or I flip it first, you don't want to do that, okay, heart boy made that mistake, reversed it and then flipped it, oh, okay, it's flip it and reverse it, you can do it next time you see me. I'll have some goodies from underneath, here we go, do you hear the click? I must have turned it over myself, furious, yeah, do you reverse it? Oh, I forgot to separate the back when you're


. holding your breath it's easy to forget things all the oxygen there's actually no oxygen to breathe the other Daniel maybe you need this other tool here just paste it and reverse with this tool okay okay they have this type of sorry no I don't have to say I'm sorry, you can do it, I'm sorry, okay, I didn't get it again, your two cooks and then wait a minute, that's two clicks, yeah, oh my gosh, that's a very advanced lock, you're going to need a special tool. stop on the chair over there, okay, I drink water, it's so deep that I was out of breath, okay, I can go again, you don't have to film anymore, I'll film and open the box, oh my God, look at my hero here. it's the special tool you need to


that special to click lock, although it's a little secret and then reverse it, okay, you must be nervous, you're nervous, everyone go, record, okay, here I go, it's down, ha been down.
There's a time and he's got some good ones oh my god oh my god Mimi's coming he's coming I've got you Danny Boy your arms are okay we're all back oh you've got it oh my gosh we're going to have to do CPR we've got to give him mouse resuscitation to mouth oh yeah, okay, you know how to do it Regina, I have to put my mouth on her mouth and breathe in her mouth, okay, you got this, come on, oh wow, it works on you, you did it, but geez, Regina. she saved your life she gave you mouth to mouth resuscitation I did it you weren't there for that you don't remember I think I thought I had a dream like that so I should have witnessed it so I basically almost died did you just do it?
See, that reminds me a little. It all came back to me now. What's happening? What is the problem? She said: Dad, big deal. Oh, God, quick, let's put on dry clothes. Yes, it feels so good. OK. I just remembered. I know Nursery Rhyme. What did that do to you? I'm still making a children's song. What is the relevance of what we are doing now? Yes, a new beginning will emerge from a figure. This guy is the one you found. Now there are four hidden in places never seen before. Find them all and you will know. the way to defeat oh wow wait I've never heard that nursery rhyme before this is a Jersey thing Daniel I've never heard the song before oh Jersey yeah wait a minute Jersey New Jersey I think I'm from New Jersey that video of me and my mom said New Jersey, maybe my mom used to sing this to me when I was little and now it's like ingrained in your brain, it could be there in me and in my subconscious, they erase my memory, but that thought is still there, okay, that's right. cool and all, but what does this have to do with chords?
Well, present the courts. You know what you know. Remember when we scanned Melvin's QR code under his chin. Yes, this video and the spine are only pointed out. the comments that on the screen showed the guitar chords for D and then e and then D what it is were still like tablatures I didn't see that, let's see, let's review at least not that I know of Yeah, right there were like three little dots that Those used three hands and he put them on these points here and they are chords, guys, that's why these five ninjas at home we say like D E and D.
I didn't understand what they were talking about, you guys figured it out, you're so smart. so the song is connected to defeating projects, they're going to some hell Melvin knew about the song, but mom Madison did, so my mom okay, okay, let's analyze these lyrics, Daniel, they must be something important, so it was like something like that how to find them in places. You've never seen what happened before, well, the rope broke, it hit you in the face, oh yeah, hit me, oh, you tried my face, your feet, how sharp it is, so we gotta put a band-aid on it, Daniel, come on , let's wake you up.
Face, it's okay, I hope you don't need stitches, man, I mean, this rope is pretty sharp, we'll check it out here in the bathroom, okay, look, it's like here, let me see, let me see, you hit me, Like, let me go. I look at this closer and then I have a scratch there that reaches to your chin, maybe you are like a melon, let me see.

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