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Jun 19, 2024
For this week's video we will see who would be



, so let's get to know them. Hello, hello, my goodness, I am so excited because we are going to be the best


I have ever dreamed of being co-parents. with a piercing here and the real baby, call me baby, I'm calling you baby, we are the parents hello, okay, so where is our son? Are you ready to meet your baby? Yes, of course, yes, oh my God, oh my God, wait, how? I'm holding it I don't know how I'm holding it hey buddy let's see how you have to hold it what I don't know how to do this what did you say he said Mommy no we did it yeah basically Ben and I have a to do list and for every thing we complete correctly we get one point and we're actually competing against Brent and Pearson, wait, Brad Pearson, they're the other parents, yeah, I think seriously, we pass the first thing we have to do.
who are the better parents
The list of things to do is to change his diaper, what not, no, Lexi, there are more things we can do, you know what you are ready, yes, I think he is ready, no, that's okay, so our first task is to prepare to GiGi, are you ready to get ready, yeah let's get started. day Gigi, you usually get ready or someone else helps you dad, dad, we put your socks on, so we'll put our socks on like this, how does it feel good? Okay, we'll do the other one. These are so small, cute, no, they're so small, okay, so they have the non-slip on the bottom, yeah, boom, like that, oh yeah, how does it feel good?
who are the better parents

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who are the better parents...

Okay, it's all changed, oh my God, it was really disgusting, come on. right, mom, do you want to put on your shoes, let's wait, no, we have to prepare it, we have to change. Oh, Dad, Brad, what do you think we're doing here? What do you mean? I thought yeah, oh wait, so this. It's your pajamas yeah, oh, okay, oh, let's go get your clothes, where are your clothes right there? and we have your pants and your belt, you have a Gucci belt, you don't even have a Gucci belt, how old are you? She's free, she's free and she has a Gucci belt that smells like that it's not that bad I smell like that actually just here let me put it on your head there you go that's so disgusting I don't want to do this anymore okay here we go stretch, wow, you look pretty. princess, you are a princess, you are to me, I'm not a princess, okay, let's put your jeans on, okay, do you have a diaper on?
who are the better parents
No, I just have underwear, underwear, oh, you know how to potty, yeah, oh, hey, high five. I'm also potty trained here, I just sometimes wear boxers at night. There we're going to put those feet in there and then we put them on. You look great. How do you feel? well? Next on the to-do list is that we have to feed the babies, okay, that's a lot easier than changing the diaper, yeah, yeah, we know what you are, you always are and I have a feeling you probably he'll like this one because it's like blueberry and fruit, so let's feed him and that one smells good, hey, it's yours. lucky day you have to do chu choo okay I have to do it yeah okay ready here comes the train ah do you want some uh oh oh it's not in your hands okay then the next task is to make sure Gigi is fed so yeah, so GG um I have some food for you no, not bread, it's eight in the morning and she's three years old, she can't eat so many sweets, yes, she can, she could choke on this, no, it's your bitter stress, no, she needs like Cheerios, Gigi, who do you like more?
who are the better parents
Brent or Pearson is because he gives her very unhealthy snacks, do you like me, bear, I would take her to Disneyland, Gigi, you want to go to Disneyland, I can't win, oh, here we go, you just have to grab the spoon, delicious, how was it? what are we? Like waiting for him to respond, okay, okay, how come it's not for your head? How was that? I think at 99 she is in over her head. Yeah, I think we need to clean his hands now. Well, after your nutritious breakfast. I feel like you need it. to brush your teeth, do you want to brush your teeth?
No, no, we have to brush our teeth unfortunately, look, it's just food. I don't think he wants the food we have, it's just food. Look, this is really good. Are you serious? I like food Ben, a few places to go today, so next on our to-do list is to have proper transportation, you know what for? I have this one. Ben said he's got this covered, so let's see. What kind of car does he have? Oh right, here's a minivan. Oh yeah, okay, let me tell you, this is the safest car on the market right now. Quadruple airbags.
Double locking seat belts. Literally all the features you could ask for if you want security. okay so just go into dad mode quick look at these automatic doors and oh wow a car seat oh my gosh now we have to put him in the car seat. I think this level I'm not sure if you know what you're doing, but okay, yeah, this. It doesn't look good, that's fine, right, I don't think so. I'll tie them like this, okay, so now we're going to take GG to the park because she wants to have fun, sweet, not that car. right yeah my sports car no that's so unsafe there's only two seats in there and we need a car seat oh come on no she can she can help me drive help you drive yeah that's it safer, uh, no, get in my car, you know how?
The park is far away I don't care, we're not going to fall into that death trap, okay GG, are you ready to go to the park? This car is very fast, you know that, right, we don't need any seat belt, you're going to start the car, okay, then all you have to do is press this red button, okay, go ahead and press the button, oh yeah, okay, uh, get her out of the car, what a GG, you're not safe here, wait, Brett, get out of the car, um, we. I can't hear you, excuse me, yes, you're safer with mommy.
I'm not trying to walk to the park, come on, oh my god, what a big jump, what are you complaining about? We walked about 10 miles, it was a good time. I should take my car, that was it, we probably wouldn't have even gotten here, well, three hours later, we're here, great, your minivan there, where's your car? We walk because we appreciate family time more than quickly. transportation, we promote exercise, unlike you, we promote safety because that minivan has double air bags, it tells you to have double locking seat belts, it has reclining doors and then your baby looks dead, did you have fun today?
Yes, are you ready to get on the swing? Yes, yes. You excited swings, I don't want to go now, she wants to go to that one, okay, well, we're good parents, so we'll give you whatever you want, come on, come on, so the next thing we should do The list was come to the park , so we were at the park and Brandon Pearson was here too, but I think they're bad parents because parks can be pretty dangerous. I'm going to show you why slides are really dangerous. could be your kid Ben these bars are too close together look what could be your kid how cool okay monkey bars that would literally happen to your baby he could hit his head on each one of these.
Everyone loves swings, but look what could. happens perfect this could be your son now it's stuck wait wait where is our real baby? I don't know one two three good job high five great job that was amazing I whose son is this look this could be your son well that could happen for her no she didn't fall from this no she's a big girl , this is perfectly safe, she is a big girl, you are bad parents, see that she went out alone, she doesn't think it's safe either, don't tell my son. what to do, yeah, come on, our next task is to go shopping, you know what, Lexie, do you have this?
Yeah, I'm a good shopper, okay, we'll see about that, yeah, okay, I honestly don't think Brett ever bought Shopkins. black yeah I got it, it doesn't look like it with that outfit, the toys in there, oh my god, GG, come on, come on, I think we're


parents than Ben and Lexi, oh it's a cash register, start work early , Oh me. I love that I like that she always comes to you because she knows you have money. Hey, can we tell your mom you want this for Christmas? Maybe not, oh okay, what do you say? What is the magic word?
Are you trying to say what I smell? yeah I agree GG good call good call okay you know what not let's get out of here okay it's time to go shopping are you ready? He said yes, it's ready Lexi, you're supposed to be shopping for the baby. I really like the sweater. I don't like you, my life doesn't revolve around my kids, okay, you can do things for myself, where's the baby, baby, don't be like that? Wireless, I heard good things about it, not good, yes, they make colors now, yes. I was thinking about this one, I'm not sure, although yeah, it's 80, only 85 bucks, oh there's some 2K stuff, oh well I'd say we did pretty well, I've got some good stuff, I'd say the same too, maybe be true, oh no, wait.
The baby is right if we lost him. I think Brian won. Thank you.

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