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Best Pancake Art Wins $1,000!

Mar 20, 2024
do you hug? I like the shape of the cam a little better, I'm not going to lie, it looks more like the Emoji, this looks more like a Christmas tree. I'll give you this look, look how soft. Yours is very soft, it's like a perfectly cooked


. I like it. I like what I'm seeing. I think one thing makes one of these better. The eyes in yours, your pupils touch the bottom and in the real Emoji, they. re floating, the winner is Dam, come on Baby Woo, poop head, do you know I'm going to eat my poop?
best pancake art wins 1 000
No, I'm facing him next round, it's four on four, yeah, wow, I'm sad, that's crazy, all tied up again next round, guys. I'll be trying to make a hot dog.ooh hot dog


will it taste like a pancake or a hot dog probably like a hot dog? I hope he knows both wheels of Doom here we go ready I'm going to call him I'm going to call you you You better fixed it, no, you fixed it, you touched it, I wasn't touching the thing, no, I took it, he didn't touch it, it's not even fair, but I'll be right back, boxing gloves, that's great, that was unnecessary.
best pancake art wins 1 000

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best pancake art wins 1 000...

I will have to do it. make a pancake with boxing gloves on yeah hey we picked it up I don't know I'm going to turn it over and use it well you better figure it out because your time starts now or what we're going to start with the muffin scheme is well, that's a muffin. In fact, I'm surprised I made that time for the hot dog to come here in orange. I don't know what color hot dogs are, but today they are orange. I'm going to go for more of a top view, you know, looking down at the hot dog so you can see, you know, the mustard, the ketchup, the bun and the dog, very precise, I don't know how I'm being so precise, oh, I'm fine here, oh no.
best pancake art wins 1 000
It's dripping everywhere it's time to add the most important part to a hot dog to catch up, okay, make the buns right now, they're good, okay, oh, I'm leaving things out, I have to add the second part of the bun, Stop throwing things, I'm trying, okay? It's so hard, okay, oh no, it's going all over my glove, okay, I made the buns, let's add the damn dog, oh, I dropped it. I'm going to say ketchup last because that's what you're supposed to do with a regular hot one. dog you put the mustard and ketchup last but we're making pancakes here which means you have to go on the opposite side oh yeah this looks good look at that ketchup and mustard then let's add the dog can't get the dog out of the bun but you can put the bun in the dog, don't put that in there, wow, that looks good, I'm done, come on, I'm trying to finish, you, uh, you got some sauce on your boxing gloves ready and you fell. the floor you guys are done, yeah, we're done, this looks disappointing, yeah, you know what I'm going to fight with you because you made me do this, you know the rules, turn it around, meet me at the table, it's okay, let's turn this thing over, let's turn around. it's ready 3 2 1 oh cool my thing fell apart 3 2 1 oh let's see what Derek thinks let's GES oh yeah oh that's what happens when you have boxing gloves let's take a look yeah , yeah, the camera


, you guys suck. that sucks, see you in the next round, okay the score is 5 to four, oh yeah, okay guys, next thing you're doing is Pikachu W, okay, okay, let's see who gets the Doom wheel , oh great, come on, come on.
best pancake art wins 1 000
Come on, come on, I'll be right back, oh god, holy shit, fish, bow on your head, how you don't have to wear this for the rest of the round, that looks so silly, that's cool guys, your time starts now, go, okay, Pikachu. time, okay, here we go, we start with the head. I know one thing about Pikachu and that is that he has giant ears. What is Pikachu? It is a bird? We're drawing the ears, okay, let's go down, how does it go there? good hands ah this is not turning out as well as I thought it was going to be this looks pretty good I have I have a shape okay I have Pikachu out but I don't know how I'm going to fill them in we need a face we need eyes mouth nose all that good one eye is okay do it one tail two eyes white dot one tail right now perfect oh my god this doesn't look like Pikachu oh oh that's what I forgot Pikachu has like this a lightning bolt lightning tail needs a lightning bolt to come out of his tail lightning tail is this Pikachu no this is so stupid you are terrible at drawing Pikachu oh Pikachu has red cheeks he has red cheeks now I think all he has to do is just paint the boy yellow here we go cam shut up what he doesn't even say anything okay Pikachu finished where's the target oh oh what happened bro it's getting a little confusing here hurry up hurry up I'm trying I think I'm okay but in a way ruined time I'm ruined it looks great turn this over and meet me at the judges table what? wow I think it looks cute okay let's flip mine 3 2 1 oh wo w w w w wo w wo wo wo oh let's go to the table and see who won what follow me okay come on baby I know I got the


I'm not going to lie when I was trying to serve him, the white came out all at once, so he has a little birth. The mark looks like yeah, it looks like he just put a little birthmark on it, but if you ignore that and you see the red dots, what if I'm going to ignore this birthmark and ignore it? and I'm going to ignore this, let's take a look, this is a nice camera, I'll give you those nice cute Pikachu paws, nice feet, look at this tail, look at the detail, you can move with your tail, buddy, yeah, you can fly.
Out of that thing, what is this? Also, I've never seen Pikachu's hands come out like that and the winner is the kill. Yes, it's time for Ben to eat my mystery pancakes. Let's find out what they really are. Yeah come on. What is this? oh, that's disgusting, it's my creation, it's still dripping, whatever it is, this is red, this is what we talked about before Ben, this is the Habano, just let me eat it, to be honest, I don't even care what What's in it, it's all bad, so take it. big old bite oh my god look I don't know what's here but it's time to eat it 3 2 1 go oh oh oh oh oh that's disgusting stay wild baby peace oh

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