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Which Swim Goggles Are The Best? (TEST)

May 31, 2021
what brand of




can survive a shark attack, let's talk about that mythical good summer as a reminder, we will release a new video every Thursday this summer about the mythical society, here's a sneak peek of this week, why do dogs can't they talk? Oh Ellie, uh, uh, I cursed my witch. Visit for exclusive mythical beast experiences and offers, including new videos with our team members, before you jump face first into that pool full of child urine you probably want to


in. protective glasses, but there are so many options on the market,


one should you buy today?
which swim goggles are the best test
We will put the most popular swimming


to the


. It's time to buy them, break them, rate them. Swimming goggles edition. Each round will perform an unconventional


. that we came up with and at the end of the round the worst player will be eliminated, yes, and since you will want to know how long the glasses last over time, we will keep the same pair of glasses as we go through the round. rounds and we chose those goggles based on the Amazon


seller list, top editorial guides and Reddit threads, the swimming goggles we have chosen are the Speedo Vanquisher 2.0 swimming goggles, Agent Michael Phelps' swimming goggles They surpass swimming goggles, friendly Swedish goggles, and level sports special operations.
which swim goggles are the best test

More Interesting Facts About,

which swim goggles are the best test...

Polarized swimming goggles 2.0 to the goggle test zone. The first step in swimming is diving, so this first test will test


goggles can withstand the force of your face hitting the water and to simulate the force of diving I have this power. washing machine, we could have thrown these mannequins into a pool, but we don't have a pool, we have a pressure washer, yeah, I'm going to shoot every single one of these mannequins. The link will time them and the one who stays. At least it will be eliminated boom oh yeah, it's revving okay, I'll stand a foot away this is our first pair of glasses these are the speedometers it's blue three two one explosion okay okay three two one okay that didn't last long no, That was too fast, those are weak, I didn't do it, how long did it last?
which swim goggles are the best test
Like zero, good point, I'm going to say 0.2 seconds, it was less, it was a lot less than that, yeah, I'll just say instant failure, yeah, moving on. this is the agent and they are reflected these look great let's see if they hold up to the explosion three two one oh that's pretty instantaneous okay I think these are very difficult dives yeah you're diving very hard okay we have two. two on the low end here you can't differentiate now let's move on to michael phelps i have high hopes for michael phelps because he throws himself so hard yeah he's known for that are you ready three two one that was 3.07 seconds what What do those seven little ones mean? 3.07 seconds, yeah, okay, now let's go to the friendly suites, nothing friendly about that for you, uh, it seems bad to me, I'm going to be very hostile about it, three, two, one, oh wow, that's the one another moment.
which swim goggles are the best test
That one almost fell over the wall. Wow, I think it's the worst one yet because we have three that fell instantly and finally the level sport is reflected in two, three, two and one, okay, okay, clearly we have a winner, but that's not what we want. We're trying to figure out that we need to find a loser. Now I can say that the friendly Swedes flew further and faster than any of the others. Look at it, it's over here. He traveled the longest distance of all. them, which means you're going to lose them, you dive, you don't know where they end up, where they are, they're there against a wall, so we have to eliminate one and it's fair that the one that flew the farthest is that one, so goodbye to the nice Swede, so not everyone swims in a pool, sometimes you have to swim in the lake or the stream and there are all kinds of things in that water that you don't want your eyes to see, like bird poop and meat. eating amoebas, let's stop this list, you have to seal it, that's right, the seal is very important, let's test the seal with these eyeballs that we have here, I'm going to blow on each of these with the glasses. down, of course, and some people have eyes like that, so I'm going to note how hard and how much force it takes to break the seal for each of these, whoever has the weakest seal will be eliminated.
These are ready. go ok, start over with a speedo oh oh wow okay that right eye didn't look good that was pretty easy pretty easy yeah okay nothing hard let's try this one oh oh that wow okay you have two eyes , yeah, you got two eyes breaking loose on that one oh yeah, two ah even easier, that was even easier man, okay, so far the agent is in last place, okay, let's go with Michael Phelps, these are the ones They really held up. first round whoa oh whoa nothing nothing nice michael phelps makes some glasses sure isn't going to beat me man im worried about you oh god im a little worried okay oh okay oh man you need to refocus oh i just need One minute, you still have your timer on , Michael, wait, what are you talking about?
Phelps, it's clear you need to find something. Okay, now we're at the sports level. Here we go, oh oh oh. Okay, we have some serious liberation, but only one eye. That was hard, so this is a looker, this looked like this until these two, but yeah, this one here we have the double bump, I can't do it again because I'm totally exhausted, okay, but it stinks and it's gone, agent. is eliminated there are some things more annoying than swimming with scratched glasses but one of those things is being attacked by a shark and you might think that the worst part of being attacked by a shark is dying well, you're wrong, it's getting your glasses scratched, it's So for this test we have a shark, as we are always taking a very scientific approach, this balloon perfectly approximates a human head and the screws inside this mouth perfectly approximate the mouth of a shark with screw teeth native to the Gulf of Mexico, I wouldn't put your hand in there because when my foot hits this, maybe it'll accidentally get stuck and scratch the glasses or your hand or face or whatever's in there, so here's Earl who's just swimming and then He's got a scream, uh, looks like I got myself into a bit of a pickle, whoever has the most scratches at the end will be eliminated, okay, link, Earl's head is secured and ready to be bitten, ready, yeah, three, two, one, bite, oh, oh, okay, Earl is dead. but again that's not the important thing is that the glasses scratched Earl's fishing rod that was connected to his head was also compromised.
This is also a trust exercise because oh my God I'm going to hold this aside and you're going to reach there oh God okay how much come on screw let's see what we have here okay so we have significant scratches on each one, but it's pretty much isolated to a pretty significant scratch on the speedometers, let's fix the rest and then Yeah, we have nothing to compare it to, so now we have Michael Phelps' glasses on count number two. I'll place it perfectly here, okay, link when you're ready, three, two, one jaw, oh, count two is dead too.
Okay, wow, okay, take it out, do we have any scratches? Hey? So it's a little hard to tell, but the right glasses were actually hit in two different places, but it didn't take much damage and eventually the tear that you really rely on. Yo man, I'm surprised you got me on the pedal ready three two one wow, what a count number nine, how he hit the balloon against the glasses and kept the balloon from exploding, I don't know what happened, but it was incredible, wow, okay? ? I'm going to come in, you got it, yeah, wow, so we have, I don't know what happened to that balloon, it was very strong, but you know, it's just a variable, okay, there was a real scratch, but just a little bit. of scratches and nothing on this side, so for you to compare the three, well, it's easy to see here that the speedometers are gone, man, they have significant damage, there was a lot of scratched paint, it's a deep cut, I hear you, I think we have to do it. ditch the speedos, they're gone as any 13 year old can tell you that one of the


things about having a pair of goggles is being able to go below the surface and look at people in swimsuits, so Visibility is very important, that's right, so for this final test we go head to head in a vision test, the first person to finish your vision test, your glasses are crowned, the best of the mythical good morning, let's do it, Well, the representative behind this blanket is your eye chart. and we have mythical team members here to throw Titanic-themed stuff at you to make this harder, it makes sense, are you ready?
I'm going to time this and compare it to my performance, okay, ready, in three, two, one, come on, come on. restructured we said again to be on youtube we are too old to be on youtube 17.28 seconds how do you feel? oh a little cold but i lived can i try? Yeah, okay, I've got my contacts, I'm ready to see a chart, and you've got them. They throw Odyssey-themed stuff at you. What's this about olives, grapes, and baklava? Your favorite. Okay, link three, two, one, chapstick, Chef City, just sit on this water chip, you got it in 12.41 seconds, which means your glasses link sport level.
They are official. The best mythical good morning glasses, yes, but he really pursued peeing in his water, yes, I saw it well, I helped well, congratulations, my glasses, thanks for liking, commenting and subscribing, you know what time it is, that's what what you have to do in life, surpass the competition. By the way, click the link above to see us look at ridiculous swimsuit fashion and more mythical stuff and to find out where the wheel of mythology will land, we're on Amazon, technically it's just our mythical products with premium shipping available now . on mythical

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