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Will It BBQ? Taste Test

May 30, 2021
Today we ask the old question:


you barbecue? Let's talk about that mythical good summer every time we eat grilled meat on this show, we know it's going to be a good day and who better to sponsor an episode about barbecue than today's sponsor, National Pork Board, that's right, we're about to revolutionize the practice of barbecue and, by roasting delicious pork on some grills you never even dreamed of, it's time to barbecue. Well, first things first, we have to baste you with some fats from the meat now pork has the perception of being high in fat because people associate it with processed cuts like bacon or sausages, but pork tenderloin actually has less fat per serving than skinless chicken breasts and there are also other lean cuts like ground pork tenderloin.
will it bbq taste test
New York pork roast pork and much more, but the point is that there are a lot of healthy pork butts out there, yes, and today we are going to cook some of those lean cuts, but like we said, we


not use regular grills, we will push the boundaries exteriors of what barbecue is so you don't have to and for those of you who say barbecue is the meat, not the grill, you are correct and that is still our personal position, but our resident culinary expert, The legendary chef Josh has told us that he thinks it's okay to refer to what we call grill as barbecue, so since it feeds us so much and so well, we're going to call a truce, yes.
will it bbq taste test

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will it bbq taste test...

So for our purposes today, the definition of barbecue is a framework for cooking meat over an open flame and that is the part we are going to prepare for the grill area. One trick to get tasty meat is to throw some wood chips from a fruit tree on the barbecue, but we thought why not use fruit from a fruit tree as barbecue and we chose watermelon and called it griller melon and our art director Paisley cut the watermelon lengthwise, creating a little base for everything to sit on, cut some ventilation holes in the bottom so all of this can breathe, then took the top of the slots cut into watermelon to replicate a grill and then created a lid .
will it bbq taste test
Here's the lid, it's actually maneuverable for inventive purposes. I'll take the cover. Right now, you want to take the girl and I'm going to bring some hot coals. Yes, I have the meat to nestle there in individual layers here and I have my bone-in chop. Yes, this is a pork chop. we're just going to throw one right there in the middle, listen to that sizzle, oh man, oh that's starting to work, let's tip it up, so now we're going to cook it on this side and then we're going to turn it over and finish cooking. We know the real


of this is not just how it


s but whether it's cooked properly because you can't eat it if it's not cooked properly, which is why we use their fancy device called a meat thermometer, we have to make sure that the internal temperature of the pork gets to 145 degrees Fahrenheit and then you let the meat rest for three minutes before you eat it, so that's part of this


will it bbq taste test
I think this qualifies as a sharp object, so I'm going to hold it tight, yeah, because you know. Many people cook pork until it is completely white, that means it is overcooked. You want this light pink color that indicates you've cooked it to the right temperature, so now we just wait a little while to sit it down. I know people will walk by like why you guys are sitting next to a watermelon, what are you doing? My friend is a grill. You're stupid. Okay, let's take the lid off and then check the temperature. I mean, this pig has really been cooked. hey, this is promising, man, you're going to be looking for that inside tip 145, oh look what it is, what it is, it says 146, okay, okay, yeah, I mean, passing with flying colors, let's throw it in there, it I feel for this.
We have to let it sit for three minutes, okay though, fully rested, give me a good cut. Are you going to take it apart? I'll look at that now. Does it have a watermelon scent? The rub is so strong in a good way. I think so, I have a touch of watermelon, just a touch, though mm-hmm, it's moist, cooked to perfection, ma'am, and then we have dessert waiting for us inside the watermelon, but today the outside of the watermelon is the champion. you can keep reusing this, it's a pork flyover, okay, just because you're a happy man, you're a happy man because you know the watermelon is going to be grilled.
Yes, I have always considered grilling the act of lovemaking to meet each other and if you are Let's make love to meet each other, why not do it with the best lovemaking instrument of all time, the saxophone? Yes, we call this Kenny gbq. Yeah, we do it right, so Paisley took some valves or valve caps and made this meat hook here and then we can. open up put the coals here and then put the meat down there so listen I've got the tenderloin over here but let's load it up with some coals to start with some hot three four five six then eight nine okay now. take the other side of the spoon and push, do that, you'll have to suck this, try to get the embers to come up the other side of the circuit, well, okay, now I'll have to touch the meat directly. hook it there, uh, stick it here, hook it like this, leave it like this, so now we'll cook it on this side and then we'll turn it over and finish cooking, of course, a key to preparing the meat. and a barbecue should have adequate ventilation I'll say pieces of the saxophone are falling off as we speak like this it fell off yeah it's probably going to be hot that was hot I wonder if this spot that fell off no uh oh yeah do that circular circulation Can you try the meat What was blowing?
Not sucking well, suck once and see what happens. Well, this has been here for a while. How bad can I tell already from the way it came out? Oh God, okay, this isn't up to temperature, but if you want. To be scientific, yes, the ends are cooked, but by the time you can cook the middle to a suitable temperature, the ends will be so burnt that they won't be edible, so I don't think this is viable. Something tells me eighty-six. Point one degree is not the right temperature, so the saxophone will roast. Not now, usually when I have a belly full of BBQ my next stop is the bathroom, so we thought why not make that the first stop and do the BBQ?
Lucas basically took all the time. the innards of the tank and then I drilled holes in each side so that the top of this thing is actually the grill grate, so I just filled basically the entire tank with coals, okay, that's less than half, it's brilliant. we all agree more let's get another one oh god it just broke we'll add more coals like the bottom fell out. I don't need to understand it. I don't think more coals will help. anything but you know what, let's see, we have, we have a little time here. Did you see that before the toilet is completely destroyed, we'll see if we can roast this ground pork?
You also know, we have barbecue. ready-made sauce Oh, popped, oh okay, oh wow, the ground pork patty is still there. I think we're still good, man, we're still good, turn it around, oh that wasn't a turn around, I'm not, oh God, what are you doing? We're still good, hey, we're still good, good man, we're still good, feel good, we're still good, yeah, yeah, you don't have to see, you know, to see the other side of that, we're still good, man, oh . It keeps falling apart but we're still okay, yeah man, we're still okay, a burr is still up there, it's still okay, I mean we could toast some bagels, that's what the other side is 'cause he tore it up with the bagel, it happened before I touched it. man we're hardly good but we're still good yeah we're so good damn look at that flippin you won't be able to see the other side you mean the saira on her hey look at that that's cook . a little overcooked that's ash you dropped it in ash sorry we knew we're still good sure you don't want to squirt some barbecue sauce on a toilet brush it's definitely warm is this sauce warm?
I don't think so, forget it. all over that ash, that's fine, you can't really over sauce a burger, let's test the internal temperature of the burger, why is it raw, right, yeah, it's not, that's not right, the whole bottom of the thing cracked . I'll leave the whole the whole. the thing is broken all over the front, look at that suggestive, okay, I'm just going to make a little suggestion, okay, oh, okay, well we're still good, it's still raw and we broke our grill, yeah, okay, I think the answer is quite clear. toilet, will you barbecue? No, there are now a variety of different cuts of pork and what better way to dispense a small vending machine.
We call this the vendor line or I call it the dollar guzzling meat warmer. This thing is a real vending machine. It's a little used and a little gutted because we removed most of the plastic pieces except this tray which is loaded with the meat and we have holes in the bottom to allow the smoke to rise and then there is a hole. on top to help with ventilation and we have many different cuts of pork here we have tenderloin, sirloin, ground pork bone in chop and tenderloin. I'll put it in there real good since it's already loaded, all we have to do is load the coals, okay, yeah, now push that back, close it, no, I gotta put all your kindling in, man, the wood turned mesquite chips, I'm just going to throw it on top there, now it's that nice smoke that will close it up, okay, this thing has been smoking for over an hour.
I feel good and the glass has basically smoked so let's open this up so you can see, okay, it looks like it's going to work, wait, but before you take it out you want to test the temperature, yeah, this one here, yeah. I feel really good about this medium, okay, so it's 159 out of 145, we should have gotten it out sooner, so it's not optimal, but now we know this puppy can cook. The problem is that I'm not going to get it out of there, I mean, we have a torso sold, oh yeah, let's see if it still works.
A quarter of what you think pork is worth. I'd say at least a dollar. Yeah, okay, there's a dollar, so. I'm going to VIN d8 I can hear it it's working it's working who's trying to make noise come to daddy and throw it in his hand Oh sometimes you just gotta take three whole yeah like you get one I get one and then we get one for a friend, okay? uh you want to pick that up and I'll give them to you right here hey, watch out for that knife, son, here you take the knife, you want the knife, okay, put this back here, there's a lot more nameless pork from now on.
Let's start with this one, let's cut it in half. Well, it


s like a vending machine. That's good, that's good man. I prefer the pork with watermelon, but I'm not complaining. This is more high tech. Yes, it was completely distributed and given to us. two three, go crazy, how did that happen? Yes, then the vending machine will have a barbecue. Yes, we want to thank the National Pork Board for sponsoring this episode. Incorporate pork into your healthy diet. Go to Port org. Slash Cooking for more information. Thanks for liking, commenting and subscribing, you know what time it is and now is the time to spin the wheel of mythology.
Oh look at these, click on the example link to see this. Try smoked watermelon barbecue and more mythical things and find out where the wheel of mythology will land. Keep your drinks cozy with this GMM beverage cooler at the legendary Punto store.

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