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What Would Happen If The Sun Went Out For 24 hours

Jun 07, 2021



if the sun


out for 24


? It couldn't get dark. Well, we'll be secondary members again. I probably have them cold. It will also be cold. I think it's okay, it's okay. We're going to find out, we're going to find out that it was a rhetorical question that I wasn't actually asking you, brother, oh, don't ask me in the future, so because I'm a no, that's


he just said, I'm, I'm. knowledge brother, I'm full of it, we have Ethan Simon, Toby and Josh Simon react, let's speculate for a moment,




if our sun suddenly


what would happen if the sun went out for 24 hours
You're right, even what would happen, uh, guys, I just don't want to know. which I don't want to be decorated as a modern genius, but you know, I'll take it, I'll take it, if people want to throw that title at me, they didn't answer the question, they're just congratulating themselves, even if it's for a little while. year yes, that's what the geniuses do simon, let's just avoid the questions the last photons of the politicians of our star and the last particles that make up the solar wind have begun their final flight towards earth no one yet suspects that the heart of our The solar system has stopped working eight or nine minutes later and the sky suddenly turns black.
what would happen if the sun went out for 24 hours

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what would happen if the sun went out for 24 hours...

Darkness descends upon the entire planet no matter the weather at the time whether it is the deep darkness of midnight or a bright sunny midday. In your location, you can do it quickly and easily see the difference, you know, right now, like it's dark in Australia because we're during the day, everywhere it would be dark, bro, we'd all sing it, that would be good, bro, So what about watches? a party all together without global bushes brother global ships that have night like you could employ someone is just going to light a torch on the moon. I'm talking about probably most of the time you're probably right, but the moon controls the tides and stuff, right? yeah yeah how cool is that bro I love planets that's so crazy I know moons and moons but I mean space and it's so cool bro like a big thing in the sky that controls the loops of our little blue dot, oh man, that's class I.
what would happen if the sun went out for 24 hours
I mean, that's what you've supposedly been told, yeah, that's absolutely fair, there's a high chance there's actually a big megalodon down there, just freaking out a switching machine, yes, a guy in a cave, what is the name of the god of water?, what is his name?, how many times did he say? I'm in this video three minutes since there's no more, tell me I'm lying to reflect for a moment before the onset of the all-enveloping darkness here due to changes in the magnetic field around the Earth and disturbances in the ionosphere. The terrible consequence of it all is the complete and absolute cessation of the photosynthesis process, resulting in the cyanobacteria no longer producing oxygen.
what would happen if the sun went out for 24 hours
This is how we would say, difficulties for all living beings after one hour. A real panic reigns on the side of the Earth, until now daylight. Power and communication. outages propagate do you think someone started working on a solution to varying degrees? uh yeah yeah because ultimately we've basically figured out so far that if the sun goes out in an hour, we're all going to be pretty much dead yeah Elon is sending us to Mars. Dude, so why would we like it? Why haven't we started thinking about the solution? Elon sends us to Mars, even that won't help them because we have the same sun, brother, we have the same things, you know what it is, it's like when a football player needs to change the scenery it may make you feel better, but since Inside the planet is still warmed by its molten core 24


in disguise, panic and kicks have not and will not come humanity is trying to figure out what the hell happened while faced with massive power and water supply outages the temperature on the surface drops between five and seven degrees Celsius, well, if it's summer, between 41 and 45 degrees Fahrenheit, it has decreased now.
I'm just saying it's summer, so they'll be doing something, I mean. It can't be summer bro, no, it will be when you wake up in summer, yeah, you look out the window, what's the first thing you notice bro, during the rest of the summer? What do you mean it's daytime because it's hot? during the day because of what Simon, the moon, it's obviously summer because of the summer vacation, is there a god of summer, let's take a look? you just said, you just said that all the plants are going to die, right, that's like oh, what's going on?
Spring, hooray, hooray, hooray, she's the goddess of the season summer keep us locked up please ring locked in the drop it's passing 30 degrees Fahrenheit we wake up and chase after Jesus and it might be dangerous to start dying the inhabitants of the oceans for the moment we feel almost decided yes, yes this is a disaster what did you think all this is this quad is a disaster with two minutes of video after seven days it is still dark the average temperature on earth now is minus seventeen degrees centigrade that is oxygen and then simon is in pain in areas where there are tectonic fields thank jesus the inhabitants of shallow waters suffer tremendously from the cold and the surface of the ocean is starting to turn into ice.
That would be crazy. We only have more land to build eyes and rush to organize and equip shelters. One month, why do we wake up? Today I don't know well that's a sick movie that's good 22 degrees space is always cold there there is no such thing compared to summer okay things have died well those are bullets because there are no dinosaurs anywhere idiot that's a skeleton dinosaur how Do you know what a dinosaur skeleton is? He looks like one that could really be anything. Most of the life left on Earth is now found only near geothermal springs and underwater.
Interestingly, the liquid on the surface of the oceans slows down the cooling of fish. They are slightly oceanic tectonic fault areas that you can see well, the water is still warm, it is obviously warming naturally, but even the drama of a mass extinction event begins to unfold a year later and the surface of the earth in dust, the oceans are gone, wait the video is 24 hours the sun goes out for 24 hours how is he here too? What is this guy doing? Oh, guys, everyone's still frozen a year later. What happened? Yeah, bro, you missed it. It was supposed to be 24 hours.
Why are you here, brother? according to summer stevenson he says oh boy I can't wait minus 40 degrees centigrade and that's the same in degrees fahrenheit life endures now only in the depths of the earth's oceans maybe some groups of humans on the surface of the planet in places like Iceland and other areas with large amounts of geothermal activity believe that the Earth will continue to cool for another time in the usual sense of the world will simply be impossible and let's not forget about the gravity of the sun, after all, the sun could suddenly go out without losing its gravity. pull, look at the space planets and other celestial bodies and they are reporters, then the planets and asteroids that we are just going to drop, well, where did you go?
Come on, how did they know? That way, how do they know how? Be, listen, if you can explain to me why I just let his face fall, brother, you are the greatest genius on this earth, brother, why did he fall like that and then just let him go? What if the world were reversed? What if you knew? It was 12 hours later, would we go up and you know what if we're a hot air balloon, bro, we're hot inside, what would happen if we went up, bro, what, why did we fall? Yeah, did you ever think about him?
The fact that if you go north at some point you'll start going down, but if you go east you'd never go west, oh, that sounds like some kind of ticking, what you've seen, there's a podcast, the earth, for example, will rise. to deep space where it could be bombarded with asteroids and a very small possibility that after wandering in space for a long time the Earth could integrate into another star system and find a new sun at the end, oh, those are important changes for the future real of our star in a couple of billion years oh this music makes my channel feel fun.
Become a red giant. Our star will swallow the mercury of Venus and Earth and Mars will warm up to several thousand degrees in five billion years. the sun will explode and break off its outer envelope, this says what is really going to happen in the center of the solar system, a stellar core that gradually cools, a white dwarf or we have nothing to worry about, it is for another day, launch the technology so you can escape. We're going to another planet, guys, guys, this is so cool that we're just sitting here in this blue, oh, nothing matters, I'm telling people this, bro, I've been shouting this, I recorded it last year, I thought bro , I don't care at all because I'm going to die and everyone knows how cool you should care for once.
I'm sure he does care bro bro, do you know how mental it is that we're the products of stars that collided with each other a while ago bro, it's the countdown that's still going on, by the way guys, can we? What is correct? I am stardust that manifested itself in a human brother, I am a human. I just told you, friends, no. I care about anything Simon, nothing matters brother, I don't remember everyone remembering that next time angry about anything, yeah, because you know what the moment we upset him, nothing in the moment I lose, but then I realized , Sam, what are you doing? brother you are an idiot nothing matters brother I'm looking at the sky now come on would you like to subscribe bye thanks for watching bye

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