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The Universe Is Way Bigger Than You Think

Jun 07, 2021
of life arising is yes, we have no idea, we have nothing to go against, all we know is that there is life, we don't know where it came from, why it exists or what it is, we don't know, so, What can we say? Yes. it could exist somewhere else but we don't know what life does either everything else could be dead it could just be things it could be everything like the restcard I


I would feel much calmer if I fully believed that the problem is that no one can prove that nothing would prove anything that's the problem amen I want to have faith I have faith I feel much better now it makes me feel better, it makes me feel better this is the observable


and it contains everything we know about it it is home to at least two billion different individual galaxies which together contain more stars than grains of sand in the entire Earth at the distance from the Earth on either side of the observable


there are 46. who is counting the brains, which means that the total width is 93 billion light years of wide, what is perhaps even more interesting, however, is what actually lies beyond the observable universe.
the universe is way bigger than you think
Note that the observable universe is all of that. We can currently see and it is very possible that the rest of the universe outside of it is much larger and more fantastic than we can imagine. We just don't know what else is out there. Oh, this is what he sent me, that's it, that's rude. Me, I'm ruined because the light from these incredibly distant places hasn't had enough time yet in the history of the universe to reach us, but on Earth I'm ruined, I'm ruined, that, that, that concept has ruined me, which It has ruined me.
the universe is way bigger than you think

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the universe is way bigger than you think...

What ruined it for me is the fact that there is so much more than we will ever know. It made me sad that I will never know what it is like even in the example universe let alone beyond the observable universe that we could discover through the When you die it is possible, but also if you know that there will always be more that is right, they will always do it. They may not need to know. You don't need to know. Imagine we just find the edge of the universe and you find out which plate we just touched at a dinner we have British bacteria on a plate oh it's just a big donny looking at us oh my god imagine you get 10 you get the end of the universe and just There is a gift holding it, the thing is that you I am in a room like a small fish tank.
the universe is way bigger than you think
Oh, I'm screwed and light from some places may never reach us because some parts of space far away from the world are expanding faster than the speed of light. It means that the light from these planes will never, in infinite time, reach Earth, which means that even if humanity is eternal and exists forever, there will still be an unknown number of places in the universe that we will never know or see, So it is very likely that, as incredibly huge as it may seem, the universe is only a small portion of what we can currently see of the entire universe according to the theory of cosmic inflation proposed by Dr.
the universe is way bigger than you think
Alan Guth, assuming that the Cosmic inflation began at 10 to minus 37 of a second after the big bang and with the assumption that the size of the universe before inflation began was equal to its age multiplied by the speed of light, this would seem to suggest that in the Currently the entire universe is 150 sextillion times larger than the observable universe we were waiting for him to throw it out a little too quickly. What about sex? That reference number looks like this with so many zeros. Let's let this number sink in for a moment. This would be similar. for you


ing that the entire observable universe everything you could see was the size of a light bulb but then you realize that actually the entire universe is


than the old planet of pluto imagine a light bulb in the center of pluto but we inside the light bulb was completely unaware that Pluto existed outside of it and that is a similar situation to this.
We are all incredibly small, but you shouldn't worry because size doesn't matter. All it means is that there is a lot left for us. discover together what that is not good, no, I think it is good, I want to discover more, can we discover more and we? That's a great filter moment. I feel like it's cool that we're kind of small because no one knows what we are. you're doing, you know what I mean, yeah, we just do our thing here, we're sneaking around doing something, yeah, but I'm just jerking off a little, no one knows, oh no, either no one cares or no one cares because we are. so dumb the other side of that is we're so dumb no one cares like we're like animals in a safari park it's like yeah yeah we're just bacteria or something let's do that yeah can you imagine there was in another universe another universe another galaxy where people could fly and so how cool would that be why not why not well, have you seen, have you seen birds, friend, yes, but I mean, okay, the thing is fine, I, jj , recover the humans. 200 years old, could be a human like me, imagine if people could fly, look at us now we jump on jacks, people use jet packs and fly around the bread man, bread man, well, go forward about 20 years and look at the phones and look at the phones now, yeah, yeah. someone 50 years ago you give someone an iPhone and they would say this is this is magic this is this you are from the future which you are but yes this video was made possible by squarespace we have finished that we did it We did it, we did it, we did it.
Is a good mark. You know, fair play. You have Squarespace and a space video. I love it. Let's have some nice and elaborate thoughts in the comments section below. long video you know yeah this is potentially the longest reaction to a short video I think we've ever done but I hope you enjoyed it guys I need to go and pray I need to go and pray so I can catch you guys. guys, later, calm down

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