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What's Happening To Phineas And Ferb?

Jul 02, 2024
Phineas and Ferb will return, eventually yes, we already know about this great revival of the Disney Channel classic Phineas and Furb for a while,


we don't know is when it will actually happen. I refer to my first video talking about the resurgence. dropped a whole year ago to be honest, I thought we'd have more to talk about by now, but it's a tradition here to start every summer talking about the triangle in the Tetris block and while I know we're all excited for There will be more Phineas and Ferb, The anticipation gave me some time to think about things and ask the perhaps controversial question in case Phineas and Ferb returns, is it a good thing that the show we all watched growing up has not one but two new ones? seasons at some point in the near future, that's a lot of new episodes for a show that already had about 129 episodes originally plus two movies and a handful of specials, and plenty of other classic shows have failed because they just kept going.
what s happening to phineas and ferb
I know. I'm usually a guy who lives in denial, don't let it end, but do Phineas and Ferb really need to go back? Will this revival lead to many more classic stories and jokes or will it ultimately be a big mistake for the show's Legacy or will it be a nebulous third thing that leaves everyone feeling indifferent? Well, I guess the best way to find out is to simply analyze the original series. Yes, for once I'm going to talk about the show Phineas and Ferb and not the toys. cies of soundtracks or the infinite number of video games but if you like Disney video games then you may have heard of one called Disney Dreamlight Valley and if you haven't prepared yourself because they have kindly sponsored today's video developed by Gameloft Disney Dreamlight Valley It's a life.
what s happening to phineas and ferb

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Adventure simulation game in which you can create your own avatar and live in a magical world full of Disney and Pixar characters. It's about customizing, interacting and just really relaxing. Disney Dreamlight Valley is a super relaxing and perfectly cozy game that I really appreciate. Just sit back, fire up the game, and enjoy the mountains of content that are already available, not to mention the new content updates that appear every few months. I'm talking about new characters, quests, new multiplayer features added and tons more, and if you guys have been watching my channel for a while, you know, I love a good old Disney animation nostalgia and a cozy Sim life, so this is


I like, my Dreamlight alley, sorry I love the custom decor and all, but I love interacting with the different characters here as a lifelong fan of animation, establishing a small life in a city full of some of my favorite Disney and Pixar characters it's a lot of fun for me and it really means that all your favorite characters you have the classics I love watching Mickey Mouse Minnie Mouse Goofy Donald Daisy and the best of all Scrooge McDuck you know I'm a huge DuckTales fan, so when Scrooge McDuck was one of the first Disney characters I talked to, I already knew this would be a good, legit game.
what s happening to phineas and ferb
Jack Skellington, from my favorite movie of all time, gets my instant approval simply for existing in the same world as these characters, helping them explore and build the city. It's just a perfect way to unwind, even just relax after a long day. and hearing classic Disney music start playing in the background really calms me down, you know, so if all of this sounds cool to you, the game is available to purchase right now, in fact, if you're watching this video right now that was initially uploaded. the game should be on sale, all you have to do is click the link above in the description of this video and you can choose Disney Dreamlight Valley for yourself and start your adventure.
what s happening to phineas and ferb
The link is right below the video so you don't miss it again. is Disney Dreamlight Valley, the Cozy life Sim Adventure game full of Disney and Pixar characters that you can see right now in the link above in the description of this video. Many thanks to Game Loft and Disney Dream Life Valley for sponsoring today's video. Thank you. Guys for watching and supporting the sponsors, you help the channel a lot and now we return to Phineas and Ferb, so what is Phineas and Furb? I know, I know for most of you watching, that's an incredibly simple question and it's something I've already talked about. about a million times, but just to lay the groundwork for this video, let's review it in its entirety Phineas and Ferb is a 2007 Disney Channel animated series that follows two stepbrothers Phineas and Ferb as they spend each day of their summer vacation. summer doing crazier and crazier things.
Things like building a roller coaster, creating a portal to Mars, creating an army of robot clones of themselves, starting a band, okay, maybe they're not always crazier than the last, but you get it, while their sister oldest, Candace, is always trying to attract boys. problems by telling on them to her mother why uh, I don't know, she doesn't seem worried about them, she doesn't seem worried about anyone getting hurt or anything getting damaged, she just seems to revel in the idea. of getting her siblings into trouble, big brother stuff, why can I tell you in the meantime?
While all this is going on, Phineas and Ferb's pet Platypus Perry sneaks away to live his double life as a secret agent. Every episode has him go fight evil. Scientist Dr. Doofensmirtz is a lovable, clumsy idiot whose evil plans are always very petty and stupid and almost always go wrong, usually in a way that manages to overlap with whatever the kids are doing at home, causing the evidence disappears before Candace can show her Mom likes it when Doof made a machine that forced people to dance, he accidentally shot Phineas and Ferb's latest creation, causing it to get up and dance before Mom would come home.
Perry defeats Stof and SCH smiles for the day. He sneaks home without anyone noticing Phineas. and Ferb celebrate a job well done and Candice bangs her head against the wall. That's the formula for almost every episode of Phineas and FB and considering how many episodes there are, it's absolutely surprising how much it works. I mean, you'd think there were four seasons. Using the exact same formula over and over again would get incredibly boring after a while but the good thing is that this formula essentially has infinite possibilities, the only limit is your imagination or I guess the imagination of the writers of the show if the premise It's Phineas and Ferb doing something impossible, that's all, so they can literally do whatever they want, they're not just big machines, they can start an animation studio, make it snow in the summer, create a video game, or reform a hair metal band. dissolved from the 80s, anything, but the program always makes sure. to add many episodes that stray from this formula episodes in which Candace helps Phineas and Ferb instead of trying to get them into trouble episodes in which Perry and Doofen Schurtz team up episodes that explore a wide variety of what-if scenarios that don't fit the regular patterns one of the first and best examples of this is my favorite episode buddy we're getting the gang back together this was maybe halfway through season 1 and it's a double length special where




work to get back His parents. ' Favorite band Love Handle is reuniting for their wedding anniversary and for once, Candace is totally willing to help and it's nice to see everyone getting along.
Also, in the B-plot, Perry helps Doof and Schurtz prepare for her daughter Vanessa's 16th birthday. one of the first examples where Perry and Doof are portrayed more as friends than rivals and has always been one of the funniest parts of their dynamic episodes, as they have a feel-good feel to them and change the pace enough to keep the formula fresh, allowing This show is incredibly formulaic but never repetitive, but a comedy show like Phineas and Ferb draws entirely on two things: its writing and its characters, and we've already talked a little about the writing, but I actually don't think this show gets enough credit. because of how great the characters and the character dynamics are, you have Phineas and Ferb who are two relentlessly optimistic and positive characters, they can literally do whatever they want and they are absolutely untouchable, they make these crazy creations every day and they don't suffer consequences, everything turns out well for them.
The other side of the coin is that Doofen Schurz is also a genius who manages to create a new Impossible Machine every day, but Phineas and Ferb create their stuff for fun. Doof always does his things for Petty Grievances and instead of being Untouchable and suffering no consequences, his creations always blow up in his face, then you have Candice, whose only goal in the entire series is to get her brothers in trouble and keep them from have fun instead of a new mission every day, she always has that thing. in her mind, but where everything always goes right for her brothers, things always go as wrong as possible for Candace, honestly it can be a little hard to watch life just completely destroy it at every opportunity, then you have Perry the Platypus, whose only goal in each episode is to stop whatever doofen Schurz has planned and succeeds every time Perry tricks Schurz like Candice does with Fin and Furb, but from opposite perspectives not only does the protagonist act as perfect mirrors for the antagonist, but that each half of the show acts as a perfect mirror of the other half Phineas and Ferb are basically dumb and Schurtz if he didn't fail all the time and Perry is basically Candice if she didn't fail all the time.
In fact, the show even plays with this idea, sometimes there's an entire episode where Perry and Candace swap places and an episode where Phineas and Ferb's plans are swapped with Doofen Mzes. This may seem simple or obvious, but I honestly never realized it until I re-watched the show for this video and I'm so impressed. How perfectly thought out this cast of characters is, how they contrast their energies and at the same time come together perfectly, all to create that synergy. I guess that allows the two halves of each episode to flow expertly and to me that's the secret sauce that this show allows. and its set-up deliberately formulated to never feel stale, it's never been forced, everything works together so naturally, and then you have all the supporting characters like Phineas and Ferb's friends Isabella Balit and Buford, they all add a lot to the story. group dynamics and have their own peculiarities.
Isabella is madly in love with Phineas, something the show isn't subtle about, but she's also just as confident, optimistic, and up for anything as Phineas, they're a perfect couple. He is the child prodigy, the science genius character who can provide your nerd jokes, so he is often paired with Buford the bully who eventually joins the group, they are a perfect comedy duo, these characters, along with many other supporting actors, they are certainly a nice note, but I think for a show that moves as fast as Phineas and Ferb. that works and yes, side note, the pace of the show can often be quite fast, bordering on frenetic, sometimes between the two or three stories that happen in each episode, between Phineas and Ferb, Candice and Perry, Doof and Schurtz.
There's a lot to get into. 11 minutes and that's not even mentioning the musical numbers of course, no in-depth discussion of Phine and Furb will be complete without talking about the music and I'm an intense music nerd so obviously I have to talk about that and Phineas and Ferb. It might have the best examples of cartoon musical numbers in the entire history of television animation because, my goodness, Phineas and Ferb managed to feature at least one new original song in almost every episode of the show. There was no song in the first episode. but after that, it's basically a rule that every episode has at least one new musical number, sometimes several, and when I went a little harsh on the Steven Universe songs in my last video, I basically have nothing but good things to say about Phineas songs. and verb and maybe it's just those Disney resources, maybe it's because the show came out during the Peak High School Musical era, but the songs are amazing in every way, which I mean, it shouldn't be surprising since Dan Penm, co-creator of the show, he's the guy who wrote The Campfire Song for SpongeBob SquarePants, one of that show's most iconic moments.
I mean, even starting with the theme song, it's a perfect encapsulation of everything, not only do the lyrics perfectly set up the premise of the show that lists a bunch of crazy people. There are things to do during summer vacation, but the pace of the song is so upbeat and fast, just like the really high-energy show, that it feels instantly classic and totally modern at the same time or uh modern for 2007 at least and the reason behind that is actually quite interesting if you look for the original Phineas and Ferb pitch reel, whichI guess it was released as a bonus feature on the DVD or something, you can listen to the original demo of the theme song and in terms of lyrics and melody it's exactly the same. song that we know today, but it's this completely different classic cartoon theme song, much more upbeat, it has that Looney Tunes or Silly Symphonies energy that thinks like Tiny Tunes or Animaniacs, honestly considering how Timeless, the Phineas and Ferb series has turned out to be a theme song that launches Back to the Early Days of Cartoons is quite appropriate, but the choice to then crank it up and turn it into this more modern SCA Punk pop punk track performed by Bowling For Soup just puts it in a completely different level, add the modern to the retro and create something that is as timeless as the show itself and that's just the theme song, the actual show has so many classics with incredibly catchy melodies, great vocal performances, a huge variety of genres and really really good production and again the fact that they managed to get a new song in almost every episode at this level of quality is crazy now, to be fair not all of them were hits, the songs are almost never bad but when you have to write so many tracks, some will be inherently more mid-range than others, there are some songs that are basically just a 30 second thing that repeats an idea and ends as soon as it starts, it's great for the scene, but you wouldn't really listen to it alone, but on the other hand On the other hand, that means there are some songs in this huge discography that are real underrated gems, have you ever heard the climbing wall song from the season 4 episode Just Desserts, it's one of those fast songs that ends in an instant and most people probably barely remember it, but it's a sleeper hit, it's kind of like the 8 nerds.
New Wave Jam in the style of Talking Heads or Oingo Boingo, so of course I like it, but it's like 20 seconds long and I don't even think it's included in the mountains of soundtrack CDs. It's crazy that a cartoon can publish. There are so many great songs that there are real hidden gems that get overlooked as if you were talking about the discography of a band that has been around for 10 years and I wouldn't say that the songs ever experienced a noticeable drop in quality or anything other than in terms Looking forward to the Revival, you have to wonder how many more classics they have.
I mean, even as far back as Season 2, the original show reused songs from time to time, but to be honest, we're talking about Disney. I guess I'm not particularly worried, writing good songs is his thing, but talking about music reminds me that I want to go back to that episode, Dude, We're Getting the Band Back Together, where Phineas and Furb get the '80s. The Band Love Handle reunites with her parents. It's my favorite episode of the show. It has a great, wholesome premise and some fantastic songs, some of the best in the series, but when I was re-watching it in preparation for this video, something caught my attention.
I haven't been able to get it out of my head and it all has to do with this flashback of Phine and Ferb's parents, Linda and Lawrence, attending the Love Handle farewell concert and falling in love, something is not up to me, so if you allow it. For me, this section will be my own little movie, Theory, so again, Love Handle is supposed to be an '80s hair metal band that broke up due to the pressures of a shrinking fanbase. Now as an 80s music nerd I immediately assume they mean 90s love handles were on top of the world in the 80s and then lost their fan base and relevance in the early 90s because that's when grunge came along and killed off all metal bands and look at how Linda and Lawrence dress in the Being described as a stylish couple, I have to assume that what they are wearing must be the defining style of the era and based on the hair , the glasses, the sweater, all of this feels like it's the late '80s or very early. 90s, yeah, you know that period in the 90s where it was still kind of like the 80s and for some reason everyone was wearing sweaters.
Yeah, we've seen how this show represents '80s fashion and it's never that reserved, so I'm going like Here are some early '90s vibes, which would make sense for a farewell concert for a hair metal band. Love handle is playing a huge stadium for probably the last time in decades. Lawrence has this swoopy haircut that looks like something out of a '90s sitcom, but it's still kind of the same. Sticking to the '80s mullet-back vibe, Linda is wearing that kind of oversized, poofy teal sweater that would have been popular in the late '80s and early '90s, the two kiss due to peer pressure of a stadium and me.
I guess because they like her and this starts her romantic relationship, it's a good story, but I had a couple of problems with her for the scenario first. Let's say this is 1992, a year after grunge killed off hair metal bands, but fairly early in the '90s. That '80s trend hadn't completely died out yet, and according to the oversized shirts and the short, spiky hair of some of the extras, I feel like Friends is just around the corner from arriving in this timeline, so we have our setup assumed. and what this does is create a couple of weird inconsistencies first it's canon that in the 80's


's mother linda was a pop star she was a one hit wonder named lindana this is established very early in the marvel episode She is a one-hit wonder and even in Today she is recognized as Lindana, her songs are re-released in the best advice compilations and she is making great appearances in concerts.
We never received any confirmation of what year in the 80s she had her breakout, but considering her stage name is Lindana. madana, who released her first album in 1983 and her song is I'm lindana and I want to have fun, clearly riffing on Cindy loppers Girls Just Want to Have Fun, which also came out in 1983. I think it's safe to assume that lindana broke out in '83. which, surprisingly, is actually completely supported by the opening line of their only hit, the first line being I'm not Roxan, I'm not Eileene, I'm not Shirona, name checking three hit songs named after girls as a title, all of the same type. 5 year period roxan, the police song from 1978, my shirona, The Knack song from 1979 and the most recent, Come On Eileen, a hit song from 1982, for all those who are relevant references in a hit pop song, All signs would point to Lindana breaking into the mainstream. in or around 1983, so in the early '90s it seems very unlikely to me that Linda was in the crowd at a love handle show and a spotlight shined on her and no one realized it was a famous pop star, especially since she probably was one.
It hasn't even been 10 years since her hit song, if she is still being recognized and drawing crowds today, then in the early 9 years there is no way she wouldn't be at least recognizable, but the biggest problem is the line of time again, assuming that this perhaps exists. 1992 and this is the time when Linda and Lawrence got together for the first time, so why are Phineas and Ferb stepbrothers? We know that these two were married on June 15, but we are never told what year they got together here and they already had children from the previous one. Relationships then in 2007 when the show takes place, Phineas and Ferb should be approaching 20 and Candace should probably be moved since she's approaching 20, even if you move the timeline forward to say they got together in 1999 , that alone would barely match the timeline we see in 2007, but that late 80s/early 90s fashion described as chic for the time wouldn't make sense in the year 2000, so it has to be before That Rosy's romantic story about her parents reuniting on the Love Handle farewell show simply can't be the whole picture, it's too simple and just doesn't add up.
Something had to happen after this that caused them to break up, have kids with other people, get divorced and then reconnect, reunite their families and stuff. That's what the show Revival should be about, give us the romantic comedy, the show's music is fine in the next section, so what's interesting about Phineas and Ferb getting an official Revival is that this isn't necessarily new. Okay, the entire Revival series is new, but Phineas and Ferb. returning in general is not, to some extent, that they never completely disappeared, they were too big for Disney to let them go completely, in fact, in the middle of the last few episodes of the show, some specials were actually made as pilots for potential spin-offs you got doof 101 and the bishops doof 101 was a one-off segment that took place after summer vacation where the duen Schurz, who retired from Evil, becomes his daughter's high school science teacher.
Vanessa, this is going as well as you'd expect. Accidentally causes something bad to happen. Perry the Platypus has to come and stop him and that's basically the main plot of the episode, the B plot, however for some reason it follows these three insects who are trying to make contact with humans for, I don't know, a scientific discovery. It doesn't matter what the punch line is in each of their scenes, it's just that they get crushed or hurt in some way, that's really the only joke and it's not that interesting and then you have the bishops, an hourong special that focuses entirely on Perry the Platypus and the Secret Agency he works with featuring a reformed Dr.
Doofen Schurtz from Evil who joins the team plus a cast of other animal secret agents. It has its own new theme song and all that can be said right away is that this show has a slightly updated art style. It's clearly still Phineas and Ferb, but the scale feels larger, the backgrounds seem more detailed, and it's hard to explain, but it just feels like they showered in some of the more cartoonish imagery to bring the show in line with other action comedy series. Overall, it was fun. It's time for an extra look at Perry's secret agent life, but I can understand why this wasn't picked up for a full series.
It feels like one note without the same potential for a long-running series that Phineas and Ferb had, I mean. The only characters that even speak in the special are Doofen Schurz's monogram, Carl and the villain, oh and then you have the B-plot special characters, oh my god, it's the stupid bugs again, they really wanted to make this stick Aren't they the same three? The bugs are now trying to get noticed by humans so they can join in, but again, every one of their scenes ends with them being mutilated in some way, that's all, it's a pretty fun concept, but I can't believe they thought this would be So. enough to carry an entire series' b-plot, oh my god, overall these two spin-off concepts just didn't work and I can see why the ideas are cute, but I can't see enough here to keep me interested.
In more than a couple of episodes, they take the endless possibilities inherent in the Phineas and Ferb concept and bring them back with tighter setups, smaller casts, and gimmicks that I could see becoming much more repetitive than the original show's formula. I guess they actually were. I was determined to make a Doof and Perry spin-off, but turning a B-plot into an A-plot isn't easy and I'm sorry, but the mistakes just weren't going to be enough, so the spin-offs didn't really work out, But the creators of Phineas and Ferb still had the opportunity to make a completely new show.
Milo Murphy's Law. I've talked about this show before, but I never got into the weeds of my personal opinions on it. This show is about a boy who is a descendant of the guy who coined Murphy's Law, which states that anything that can go wrong, will go wrong, of course, which means disaster follows this boy wherever he goes, but he is always prepared and optimistic about it, in fact, even though everything went wrong, they always managed to work. In the end, I really like this premise now, it has the same infinite, open-ended possibilities of Spinas and Ferb, although the way those possibilities manifest themselves is a little more repetitive either way.
I really enjoyed season 1. I got quite invested in Milo Murphy and his friends. in the cartoon Antics, but the show fell apart for me in season 2, see the show's efforts to differentiate itself from Phineas and Ferb. Milo Murphy's Law actually has an ongoing plot, but for a good portion of the show the main characters don't. I'm not actually involved with said plot for quite a while, the plot development comes exclusively in the B plots which follow these two almost unrelated Time Travelers who are simply obsessed with pistachios for some reason and since the plot primarily follows these two, a lot of the This meansthat we have a surprising number of episodes where Milo Murphy and his friends are an afterthought or barely involved, which, you know, always made the show less interesting to me, but then we have the big change at the beginning.
From season 2, Dr. Doof and Schurtz return and become a recurring character on the show, which of course means that Perry Monogram and Carl also appear and the plot starts to revolve around that too, so there are even more things that distract from the main characters and the central premise of the show. at the end of season 2 I was enjoying the show seeing where the plot was leading and everything, but I really missed when it came to the show, do you know what it was supposed to be about? I just lost my investment to a certain extent, the show just felt trapped in this Purgatory of wanting to differentiate itself from Phineas and Ferb while also staying trapped in Phineas FB Shadow and ultimately turned it into a show that was never more than decent and, although you would think that would make me nervous.
Whether the creators could still make a good show with Phineas Revival or not, it's actually almost the opposite. I kept getting this vibe throughout Milo Murphy that the creators just wanted to make Phineas and Ferb anyway, hell the show has a whole crossover episode with everyone. the Phineas and Ferb characters, not just Perry and Doof, so if anything, I feel like sticking with their specialty may be a good thing for Revival because in terms of breaking new ground, their second show just didn't stick the landing. Which, while it doesn't make me nervous or anything, is something that's on my mind going into the new seasons of Phineas, there's also Hamster and Grle, the most recent series created by just one of the two people behind Phineas and Ferb, and while Honestly, none of the episodes I've seen have really captivated me.
I don't think it's very relevant to this conversation. The big Phineas and Ferb Disney plus movie was released about 2 years before the show premiered, so there is talk of a Phineas revival. they were definitely already underway, which means comparing hamster and gredle to Phineas and Ferb, interesting and understandable though. I just don't think it's that relevant, since this show was more or less meant to coexist with Phineas and Ferb, not be a spiritual successor, although I will say. Despite being more modernized for the 2020s, rather than the hamster and gredle of the late 2000s, it's basically everything you'd expect from a show in the phine and furb lineage, the songs still seem so great. as always and even if I don't find it that interesting, it's Clearly, I'm still very much on the base obviously the most important thing to consider in terms of what a modern Phineas and Ferb would be like is that Disney plus movie Candace vs. the universe, this movie was released in 2020 and was something of an official return of Phineas and Ferb. and I have to say if Revival is more of this I think we'll be in very good hands, this movie basically feels straight out of 2007, even though it had been 5 years since the show originally ended, it was like No Time had happened, which technically in the history of the show, I don't think any time has passed.
I think this whole movie should take place on that original summer vacation, but we go back to the original series here with any reboot or revival of a show and the natural question is how does this affect the ending of the original show, so how did Phineas end up and Furb? Well, the show has two endings, there's the actual ending and then there's the final point in the show's timeline, which premiered as a separate special in a few episodes. Before the finale, the special was called Act Your Age and saw a 10-year time jump showing Phineas and Ferb already grown up and preparing for college and the main focus of the episode is Phineas finally realizing that Isabella , her lifelong friend and neighbor, was in love. about him and the two admitting their feelings for each other before they go off to college, you know, it's a really sweet episode that sets up the future of this cast really well.
Phineas and Isabella are dating now and go to college together. Candace is at Ferb Law School. is dating Doofen Schurz's daughter Vanessa, who is almost 10 years older than him, interesting choice, but yeah, it's a nice story that probably would have made a great ending or epilogue, but it's not either, it's just a random special of an hour in season 4, now the real one. The finale is called, of course, The Last Day of Summer, where after a series of Groundhog Day and Jinks where the Last Day of Summer repeats itself over and over again, Doofen Schurtz decides to give up evil and become a good guy Phineas.
FB Candice and her friends stop the destruction of the space-time continuum and it all ends with a big musical number because of course it does, but the interesting thing is that other than it getting good, there's no big story. Revelations happen here, it's just one final adventure to round out the summer. and the feeling at the end is that it's been a great summer, thanks for joining us, so while the actor Age provides a more definitive ending to these character stories, the actual ending leaves things pretty open, I mean, all you have What to do is jump to next summer and boom it could all start again, yes ironically speaking of witches turns out to be true, when I started writing this video we finally got some updates on Phineas and Ferb Revival thanks to the ansy Animation Film Festival , which is something I've literally never heard of before in my life, but apparently it happened a few weeks ago and they were talking about Phineas and Ferb and it made me think, oh yeah, I should probably talk about the actual Rebirth at some point, right?
No? So what? Do we know well that Phineas and Ferb Revival was first announced in early 2023? Phineas and Ferb would return for two new seasons led by original creators Dan Penm and Jeff Swampy Marsh, which was actually something I wasn't sure would happen. At first, Hamster and Gredle, the most recent show in this lineage is just a Dan Penm project, not swampy as a co-creator, and when Dan started blowing up on Tik Tok a few years ago, I saw a lot of people start to disdain him as The Only One creator of the show and at first I was worried that Swampy had been left behind or refused to participate, but no, the whole gang is here, but until recently we didn't know much more, but with the updates of a toy, we have more information , it has apparently been confirmed that the new series is being treated as a full sequel, picking up right where we left off, as if nothing had changed.
The revival will take place a year after the original sound in the next summer vacation, starting everything. The issue begins again and we return to the status quo of Phineas and FB. I guess if the original show takes place in 2007, which is probably because of the technology seen, like flip phones and cable boxes, and because most kids' shows take place in the current day when it takes place. will premiere so their audience can relate, that means the new Phineas should technically be


in 2008. God, I wish they'd commit to that, just make the new Revival just a period piece that preserves Disney Channel pop culture .
Like 16 years ago they would never do it but I really wish they would, unfortunately yeah they probably won't even just watch the Disney plus movie that is supposed to take place in the original summer vacation, they already updated the phone Ferb to make it It's like modern, so I really want this to be like a 2008 period piece, but they probably won't. God, it would be fun though, but yeah, anyway, taking place just a year after the original series means there won't be any complications. with the actor's age stuff or something, Phineas and Ferb can go back to their usual adventures creating new and crazy things every day of their summer vacation, only a year older now, but that begs the question of whether Doofen Schurtz retired from Evil. at the end of the original series he is a good guy, we see this in doof 101, the alap files at the end of the original show and in Milo Murphy's Law.
And if they stick to that, then what exactly are the new Phine and Ferb going for? doof for his Perry doof and Schurz B plots, it's Cannon that by the time this sequel begins, doof would have been retired from Evil for almost a year and the actor proved that doof kept his decade-long promise. Are they just going to reconnect? that whole character Arc for Doof and Schurz for the sake of having more status quo episodes they're going to try to explain it somehow it's all this Revival just a stealth relaunch of the bishops it's the bugs coming back it's kind of like the revival that in It's actually going to be a little tricky to pull off, I mean they'll most likely just retcon the character's growth or come up with a super quick explanation and they may also put Perry, Doof and Schurtz back into their old rivalry because that's what that everyone wants to see that this is a Nostalgia project and most people probably don't even remember that fool, Mrs.
Barry, the platus, most people probably don't even remember that fool Who abandoned evil in the first place, I don't know, man. Beyond that, we don't really have much else to work on, we know there will be songs and apparently some fan favorites will return, but that's all something we really could have guessed because well, it's Phineas and Ferb, the greats . Elephant in the room here is the release date, there isn't one, we have no idea when any of this is coming out, we don't even have any teasers, which means things are running a lot slower than you would expect, which I would feel what's going on with last year's writers' and actors' strikes, possible animators' strikes on the rise, and just the fact that you know that cartoons take a long time.
The other option is that progress is moving along nicely, but Disney is just being incredibly secretive about it because they know how anticipated this revival is, but I'm personally getting a little anxious to see something from the revival reach the public and inspire more confidence. tangible that it will be worth the wait because, unfortunately, after rewatching much of the show and really analyzing my thoughts on it, I wouldn't say that Phineas and Ferb is a show that needs a revival, like it hasn't been discontinued, wouldn't have been left on a cliffhanger and there really isn't any story that feels like it's just begging to be told in this universe with these characters, the original run really felt like it covered almost everything and at some points it felt like the ideas were being stretched a bit, like the execution was always great, the show was never bad. actually, but the ideas themselves weren't always totally on fire, I mean the show.
Parts of the roller coaster episode were revisited and reused twice, which means there are basically three roller coaster episodes and even as far back as season 2 they were making clip shows, uh. These no longer exist, but in the days of classic cable TV, popular shows could save on production or allocate resources elsewhere by dedicating an entire episode to just being a compilation of clips from older episodes with some kind of thread. driver. framing device to hold it all together, you got a whole new episode for a fraction of the work and Phineas and Ferb had some that for a four season show feel a little egregious if this is what they needed to do to make the original show like By great that it was, so you know it's good, but if the original series was already reusing ideas and content like this, I can't help but feel a little nervous about the Revival and honestly, the things that I think would make a Phineas Revival interesting and Ferb are Things I'm pretty sure the creators would never do.
What if they did the Eded and Edy thing and put Phineas and Ferb in school and we watched them do crazy things in the summer? It would be great to see what they can achieve. trying to do the same crazy things but now like on his lunch break or without getting caught by the principal or like they found a solution that would allow Phineas and Ferb to team up with Perry the Platypus plus, yeah, Perry can't blow his cover . be ruined as a secret agent or relocated to a different host family, but what if they found a way to work around that so the two of them could work as a team?
Having Perry there to help with inventions and stunts would be a great opportunity. cool new element or even having Phineas and Ferb help create devices to defeat Doof and Schurtz with Perry and you know they've tried this before, but really only in one-off and alternate reality specials, and I'm not saying they're like good ideas, I completely understand why they would never do them other than as somethingUnique: The summer vacation setting is imperative to the energy and atmosphere of the show and mixing up Perry and the boy's adventures could throw off the entire dynamic of the show.
Get it, but it's strange, unexpected changes to the status quo like that that to me would make a revival of a show like Phineas and Ferb seem more worthwhile based on the history of the show, the people who made it, and the quality of recent Phineas and Verb . media I have every confidence that this revival will be at least pretty solid, but if it's just going to be two more seasons, potentially more of the same, I'm not sure if it's necessary for Phineas and Furb to have accomplished amazing things during its original run. run and I'm sure it will be a nostalgic treat to get more of our favorite Disney Channel cartoon.
I just don't want this show's legacy to potentially be downgraded from being a once-in-a-generation groundbreaking series to just a family-friendly series. Comfort food that you know is fun and nostalgic, but maybe past its prime. I'm not saying that's going to happen by any means, but it's my main concern going into it and I'm very excited for that aspect to hopefully be proven absolutely wrong. I spend years in denial, pretending Phineas and Ferb isn't over, and when I finally get my wish, boom, I moan, oh my god, someone shut me up.

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