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We Surprised MatPat With His Own Movie

May 18, 2024
This is Matt Pat sitting down to watch the Matte Pat


. I'm ready for some Matte Pat history and we're still not sure how we bring Mat Pat out of retirement for this thing, yeah oh my god wow get out of here oh this is a wild ride did you talk to my parents without any guarantee? We could trace the mat. We bought tickets to the other side of America with a crazy goal. Do you have a way to contact Matt Pat? Surprise Matt Pat with his own surprise


. Thanks for conspiring with us leave YouTube forever we have 8 hours we don't even have the movie made oh my god it seems like he has discovered us what happened?
we surprised matpat with his own movie
Are you secretly conspiring with the fixed channels? This is episode 5 of how to make trailers for YouTubers until you Make a Real Damn Movie for Mr Beast. You want me to call Mr Beast. Now this episode was only possible thanks to Shopify. This is the situation. We flew to Los Angeles to film. We haven't finished the script. We have no contact. matat we also don't have our actor


locked up, this is probably the least prepared we've been, but we have no option to get him out before Matt Pat leaves YouTube. Well forever, how did we end up in the worst situation we have?
we surprised matpat with his own movie

More Interesting Facts About,

we surprised matpat with his own movie...

We have ever found ourselves in the story that begins here sandwiched between Mark Robber and Ryan Tran at the 2012 Super Bowl4. On the left, the YouTuber who changed our lives, who was crazy, and on the right, the YouTuber who gave us the subscriber goal of our Mr. Beast. Yo, I talked to Mr Beast, that number is 5 million subscribers, yeah, I don't know how we ended up here, but the really crucial person in this story is the mysterious man who is also standing in our room and claims to have a secret power of YouTube and told me.
we surprised matpat with his own movie
We, if we are ever desperate to find a specific Creator, let's just call him, what we don't know is if the mystery man's secret powers will actually work and if this is our only chance to test them, let's shoot. For the stars, the only question left is which creator is worthy, so we published a community post late last year asking which creators we should surprise in 2024. We're scrolling through the comments and there are an overwhelming number of people suggesting. This particular Creator, although the scariest thing about making


is out of all the other Creators we've made so far, we know the least about matpat, we don't even know how it's possible because everyone seems to have followed his entire journey, basically the first one.
we surprised matpat with his own movie
We first heard about him in our community post and if you've been living under the same rock as us, Matpat is basically a YouTube veteran. Hello Internet, welcome to Game Theory, who combined 40 million live subscribers to listen to his unnecessarily deep theories on everything, but hey, that's just a theory, a game theory, it was crazy for you guys to suggest this Creator more than anyone, but then 2 months later Matt Pat released this video, it's not clickbait, on March 9th I will be hosting my latest theory. episode in which I will pass the channels to someone else when this video went down, it broke YouTube.
I think everyone was depressed in the first place. Matt quit. All the other YouTubers started leaving YouTube at the same time and everyone was talking about it. Matt Pat is leaving and to be clear, all of these comments came 2 months before he posted his farewell video. I think we literally have no choice but to do Matt Pat next, yes it was time to dial our mystery man's phone number as in this episode we decided to surprise the internet's greatest theorist, the recently retired Mat Pat Hello friends , this is Reed. Turns out our mystery man actually has a real name.
We have someone we want to surprise with the trailer and we want to see if they know him. His name is Matt Pat. Yeah I know people who know him so maybe that's enough right now, our goal is to film the week he posts the last video of him and then hopefully we can have something like the week after that. Well, yes, you guys are crazy. He's right, but you can blame our insanity for comments like this. Diamond Master 115 says we have to do this now and it's a little scary because once he retires who's to say he'll want to collaborate with the channel with only 500,000 subscribers but that's it.
It won't stop us because there's no better way to honor his legacy than to crystallize it into a damn movie. I can talk to his managing partner, I'll just connect them directly and then they'll be one step closer to Matt Pat himself. Wow, that sounds great. the message, but we didn't have time to wait for a response, the challenge for this one is that we must become Matt Pat's biggest fans, know every detail of his law and earn the right to make him this movie, how much Matt Pat do you have? ? I saw that we did our research separately this time.
I have no idea what Curtis came up with and he has no idea what I came up with. Let's just tell it to each other, a super nerdy genius boy who majored in theater and Neuroscience, he didn't have many girlfriends, well, he didn't have girlfriends. I feel like I'm just breaking into a new YouTuber, but he's dropping it and I'm like, oh, I missed that, ooh, our producer just sent us some casting options and After an intense brainstorming session, our script I had an impressive total word count of zero, well two, oh yeah, they fade into the count I guess or at the airport, so what's the plan for today?
Okay, so the plan is not to freak out, get on the plane. finish the script, hopefully by the time we get there we'll have an actor locked in, okay we're freaking out, we just got a text from our producer and basically our only lead for a Mat Pat actor is officially cheating on us so we're in We're about to film in a couple of days, we don't have anyone to play Matt Pat, okay our inner man has some news for us, we don't know if this is the end of the road or the beginning, hello. We are nervous, tell us the good or bad news.
The reason we're so nervous right now is not only because we're about to find out if Matt Pat will be able to attend the premiere, but also because the premiere would be the perfect setting to execute our master plan, as you know, our goal for this series is to make trailers for YouTubers until we make a really amazing movie for Mr Beast and since we received this goal of 5 million subscribers to meet Mr Beast, we now know the steps to follow. making our first feature film, but what really gets us is that it would only have happened thanks to your support, we now know that the best time to film your shot with a massive YouTuber is the 3 minute window immediately after showing them your movie of the life, but when we were thinking about how a retired YouTube veteran could help us get subscribers, we remembered Matt Pat's iconic 15-second cameo in a certain Hollywood movie, some people say that, but you know, it's just a theory, his fans got a little strange, oh.
Oh my goodness, and even though he would be retired by the time we film our take, we can't help but present to Matt the proposal that we'll put his name in the credits of the Mr Beast movie if he accepts the lead role in one. From our short films we believe that his character from the FNAF movie deserves his own spin-off. We have a feeling this guy is hiding something, but that's just a theory and if he accepts the proposal, this may be one of the only times Matt Pat is a fan. We'll see his face again after a while but he's the kicker, we'll only release it once we hit 1 million subscribers and if all goes to plan that would mean we're 1/5 of the way to our subscriber goal to direct.
Mr. Beast M, but all this means nothing if Reed is about to give us bad news. I feel like I have his world in the palm of my hand. Are they excited to talk to you? Oh my God, let's go. so we set up a call with Matt Pat's team for tomorrow and on that team is Matt Pat's wife, I step over that, oh, that's a big deal because without her, the third game wouldn't even exist, but before we jump to that call. we have some casting to do this is like the vibe we want to go for, it's actually him, yeah, yeah, this is Alex and although we didn't have any luck with our lead actor, we definitely discovered teenager M.
I just played a 16- years old although I'm 23 you have the amazing BR roroll and after that call we received an audition tape for a very important role welcome to game theory Matthew doesn't know it exists she's perfect she looks like the real thing St hi hi ctis, it's a nice to meet you, thanks for scheming with us, yes we absolutely love scheming, yes that's good, we're very familiar with what you guys have done, we're big fans, okay, it's crazy that you guys watched our channel. but this means we all have to be very careful to hide this from Matt Pat.
Well, we want to make one for Matt, but it's top secret. Jason and I are great at keeping production secrets. What is your timeline? When do you want to finish it? Well that question was a complete layup to push the timeline back, but because of Diamond Master 115 we're about to go all out, we might have it done by the end of the week, oh wow, oh wow, that's right, this it would mean from our first day of filming we would only have 10 days until the premiere yeah I don't know why we do this to ourselves it will be very exciting guys thank you very much see you thank you guys I can't believe it we are about to do it. make Matt Pat his own movie, but without a lead actor there is no movie for a role like Matt Pat.
What's as important as an impressive stunt double is knowing that you can truly capture the Essence of it. Hello Internet, welcome to the game, that's why we were so relieved I received a last minute audition tape from a talented actor, Vinnie, yeah, okay, he can do it on the first day of filming and last night I saw something crazy on the Internet, it seems like we found out no, what happened, wait, wait, yeah. Is this what I talked about the other day? I said, "Hey, are you guys secretly conspiring with the fixed channels?" This is the montage of my life and I was like, "No, crazy, we don't know how the hell the map knows our channel." This isn't it, no, no, there's really nothing to stick to, little one.
Does he know we're about to do it right now? mat has been on this train for the last two days i asked you a question about your nickname and he's like the origin you're working with the enemy Stephanie you said you'd be able to keep the secret that's crazy. I can't believe Matt Fat knows our channel. This greatly affects how we bring it to film. It's okay if he has done it. a little hint, but we can't let you know the day where he will go, otherwise this video will not be called, we will already surprise Matt Pat, it will be if Matt Pat discovered us and we still show him a movie.
We're about to meet our version of Matt Pat for the first time. How did it go to finally meet them? What were your initial thoughts when we asked you to be Matt Pat? I've been waiting for this my whole life waiting for this no, I sometimes There are people online who mention some similarities and how we look. Matt and I have somewhat similar manners because I also come from a very theatrical dance background, which is one reason we thought it would be great. This is our film version of The Game. Theory set, take two. I'm getting out of this and I'm just trying to let you know how to be him.
You're probably wondering if Vinnie is going to pull this off and the action but also how we got the actors I finished the script on time well you can thank our new friend for helping us with that hey Steph how are you doing hey good , Thank you for doing this. I think we know what the first scene will be. I thought it would be cool to like it in some way. recreate that iconic farewell video, it's not clickbait on March 9. I will be presenting my last episode of Theory. When did you first like to talk about his theatrical dreams?
Oh, the day I met him, he said that he was planning to be a professional actor. He always. He had that plan very clear, yes, we really want to tell that part of his story. Matthew Patrick, a great cut that was great if you think about it. This channel, Stephan M's first child with an announcement like this. I wanted to bring it back to the way this whole thing was. something started cutting that was really good let's go back and tell us about matt pat in high school he's like every high school trope you can imagine yeah this is my sweater rolled up into a scrawny kit we need to get it look more convincing, damn it.
See, Matthew had a very heavy unibrow, big glasses, he was super skinny, he was the kid who came very early to set up all the chairs, he was part of all the choirs, he was that nice kid, he looks so good, welcome. You're new here, I think it would be sick to show the moment when someone calls you matat for the first time, it's the first time someone gives you a nickname because normally people just give you a nickname.I would call Matt action, hey Matt, pack up for lunch, that name is long before YouTube, great job.
His first bedroom had a Super Mario theme, we have to recreate this bedroom, it's the details, something most people don't know is that his father was a conspiracy theorist and I'm talking about things like moon landing. Matthew's first memory is when he was four playing Castlevania action while his family was getting ready to move I'm going to throw these away, I'm sure I've used them since Nicks and I faked the moon landing, he could remember the page and the position on a page where the things, you know. It would be great if we merged some of these things together, you can read the story of the human expedition on page 95, paragraph 4, but it's an interesting theory.
I love it, I think it's funny. He is a self-proclaimed super teacher pet, but he once met a teacher. who swore they wouldn't give an A+ so he complained to the school that everyone knows Miss Reer swore never to give an A+ and I'm sorry, but don't you think it's a little immoral to deny a student the ability to achieve the highest grade possible the director Keller and the teacher were forced to give it an A+ oh my god Matt Pat just posted his final video guys wow today is March 9 Matt Pat just posted his final video crazy we'll have to watch it later whatever he does in this video it will appear in the movie thanks for watching that's crazy what should we add to the movie from that?
I think we know that's an r in Alex, that's a w in Alex. I saw this video of him in a green suit. What's that? Oh, he used to wear that all the time in college, we can finally recreate the iconic green suit show. Can you imagine seeing this person constantly walking around in a green suit? Sometimes there was a staff in the tea. This is perfect. It really put me off at first, I assumed we were M partners, pet, yeah I'm just there to get the extra M credit. I am not with you. They were both trying to avoid taking another math credit.
Programming computer games sounded like so much more. more fun than 3D calculations, nice, but I won't call you Matt Pat Matt and Steph are nice. I feel like that's the story. We both end up becoming good friends over the course of the class and then they move to New York to pursue it. your dream, this area looks like New York, okay, we are about to recreate your old memories, reasons for action, we arrive at number 52 New York, pee everywhere, pee everywhere, all because of the dream, nice, we received the injection, we were very poor, they couldn't pay for Christmas. gifts brother, we couldn't do things like buy Christmas gifts, oh Christmas tree, oh Christmas tree, your branches are getting really dry in this harsh place, they were like getting really close and then, in the worst part he proposed to me, I realized what was happening and I started crying and I stepped back and knocked the mirror off the wall and it broke into pieces on the floor.
He made a museum of our relationship within the apartment and then ended it with him proposing to me and showing me the proposal video of how Okay, great, that's enough, uh, when you're ready auditioning for theater in New York is a miserable prospect. He called me once when he was standing by the dumpsters in the back crying. He is trying to make it as a theater actor. Is not working. Then we find out that he is simply trying to get a job in similar media. I applied for my first job, oh, like a normal person job, a normal person job and he doesn't get a job, everyone rejects him.
We were traveling over an hour to this dirty grocery store where they sell all the dented cans, these were the lowest quality things you could get, everything is miserable, you've just spent months and months feeling like you haven't gotten anywhere, you have arms full, like the worst edibles you can find. He just has to stop and leave everything and he's like, I hate, I hate this. I am so confused. I do not know what I'm doing. I don't know where I'm going. I studied theater at university. I have no skills. and no one wants to hire me because of my useless mat and this isn't to be hyped or anything like that, but I was like, are you kidding me?
No, that's not true. You got a full scholarship to one of the best universities in the world. country, you got a perfect score on your SATs and you are one of the most creative people I know. I basically like to rewrite your resume in your brain in a way that made sense. I thought that's the job you're going to get. intersection of quantitative analysis and the creative arts that's where you're going to go and that's exactly where he went and that was the most prescient thing I've ever had. I love that C is like crying, literally getting emotional, we're married.
Also, our wives are very supportive of our dream and we have taken big risks and it is so beautiful to feel like that team. It's great to have partners who also support us. I mean, YouTube is not easy, very good. you were there, she's right because YouTube is hot, but our wives aren't the only ones who have been there from the beginning, that's a real school bus for the next scene, we have an empty bus and we finally had a bunch. of subscribers how many subscribers do we have when you subscribe about 100K about 100K about 10K I think it was like 4.35k 1,000 or 2,000 oh I'm very late to the party, I'm like 400k, welcome, we still welcome you, we wish you Could fit all 500,000 of you on this bus, but it's still so special that some of you responded to our Instagram story and actually turned out to be extras.
This is crazy. Some of them are filmmakers. They're all really great people and if there's one brand that deserves a c on the bus it would clearly be Shopify. Shopify, by the way, has been supporting our crazy dreams from the beginning as we had like 30,000 subscribers and technically without their support we couldn't have even hired the bus let alone finance this. full preview Shopify is the all-in-one commerce platform we've used to build devices. Store where you have shown your support by buying our posters and when you buy something you like from Stick. store, you are basically helping to finance the movie Mr Beast and if you have a great idea that you need a fund, creating a Shopify store might be a good idea for you, there is this really cool feature called Shopify magic where AI can help you write better. product descriptions and even writing and sending newsletters and the really cool thing on the back is that they have this thing called live view so you can see exactly how much you're making in real time.
Plus, Shopify's customer support is amazing, you can really feel it. love in everything they do, they even sent us a package of Shopify products with a card that said this. They have never made us feel crazy about our dream and have proven to be a brand that truly stands up for the underdog, so use our link. in the description so you can start a free trial of Shopify today, okay, let's make a movie. Let's make a movie and since you guys never made us feel crazy, some of you are about to get a little screen time in a Very Important Next Scene, but back to Matt Pat's story, Mar, so he decides to create this little YouTube channel called Game Theory just as a resume booster.
We should have a picture of him doing Game Theory voiceovers like a closet recording in the closet. because that was the place with the best audio in the department at that time you love action video games you love action video games well now you can play and learn well now you can play and learn hello Internet and welcome to Game Theory imagine I also see photos of all his different fans. What if I told you that Sans from Undertale is canonically Ness from Earthbound? I don't know anything about that and that's why, as a gift to the Pope, I gave him a copy of Undertale C which was perfect, bro, yeah. action I'm seriously considering a diet Cokey beer.
Could I really eat my entire Christmas tree? But hey, at least this theory is better than Sans' disaster. I'm right? The final FNAF timeline is finally complete and then marriage is like the center of it all. I really believe that everyone is theoretical about something, it's about being open and curious. I had this idea of ​​how to hold it. It has to do with this kid who was trying to join the choir, so while we were researching all the videos. We saw that there was one that really spoke to us about who Matt Pat really is.
I noticed this freshman I had never seen before sitting alone in a corner of the room in action. I go out and introduce myself. welcome, you're new here, I'm Matthew, do you like chorus?, uh, I like drama more and I'm like a total theater geek on top of being a total chorus geek. I'm like, oh my god, we're going to be Fast Friends, I'm a theater fan, well besides being a choir fan, I should introduce you to the club, you could audition for next Friday's show, so, go ahead, We will return on the bus. Mark turns to me and just out of nowhere says hello, uh, I just wanted to say thank you, yeah, uh, so that week when I introduced myself to Mark, he felt like everyone had given up on him, everyone except apparently me. , thank you for saving my life, such a simple conversation. like that at 6:15 in the morning at choir rehearsal is the difference between Mark living and dying.
I think that was also very powerful for Matthew, yes, very powerful, what would you say is the impact that Matt is most proud of? Well, that's how it has been. It's been a few days since we finished our writing sessions, but I came up with a really good idea for the last take. 100% is the inspiration to be open and curious about what this crazy idea is, so subscribers just arrived, imagine the same theater you auditioned in that was empty. Come on guys, as he says the last line of him, I said for the last time, not for the last time, one of the last times, who knows what a clap and a half is for the hardcore fans?
One and a half applause is a reason for things that we really appreciate it and it is this, remember my friends, it is just a theory, but suddenly it is filled with all your fans who saw it or, at one point, a game theory, it is almost as if they finally had that theatrical performance, they don't know how many. The brands are there watching you, so I don't know about you, but if I'm going to help shape the future of the Internet, I want it to be a positive future cut that is a summary of Matt Fat's movie, thanks for being good.
Everyone is fine, we just finished the session, but we have 3 days to edit this. We don't have much time before we fly to North Carolina. Did we tell you we will fly? No, we're flying to North Carolina. We're about to take off for North Carolina, it's the land of the Beast and M we're playing the whole surprise game with Steph and we're flying there to show him. Now everything should go as planned if Steph can keep it a secret. a little more how are we doing with the movie it's half finished we have to finish it Lucas hates that I say this but there is a possibility that this video won't finish on time you have a face we are in the middle of an airport on a layover it is approximately 7:00 p.m.
We lost 3 hours of time because we forgot how time zones work. We showed this to Matt Pat in less than 12 hours and it seems like it doesn't make sense and there's a big structural problem that we don't have time to solve. a review of everything, the first three quarters are done, but then it feels like it should have ended when we wrote the script, it made sense, but in the edit it feels a little different, it's a little scary, we have Steph cheating. mat Pat is coming to the movies tomorrow we have the video it's not done we don't even have the movie made we have to do it tonight somehow we'll figure it out it's 12:00 a.m.
We have 8 hours and I still can't understand the music the music the music it's actually a little strange like it's the first time I think it can actually be shown in eight hours what do you think? Don't know. I have time to think I just have to move on we need a miracle I feel fresh even though we haven't slept for 2 days It's 8:00 a.m. We didn't sleep a wink but we finished the movie we finished the movie just over time, I hope 3 hours ago it wasn't even close to finishing, we prayed somehow that a miracle would happen.
We're about to show Matt Pat the movie of him. It's Premiere day, baby, Premiere day, now we have to test to see if the movie works. we finished 3 hours ago i can hear it it's working yeah this is crazy 10 minutes left until your team arrives it just arrived okay guys quick question who ever wanted to scare matt? Do you want to do it? Oh, it's this Freddy. I've never done. I've been the most excited to do anything in my entire life, get ready right there while he comes, just wow him, go ahead, let's do this quick guys, this is like hectic, now let's get that one over here, just scrambling to get everything set up 1 2 3 which is normal for us it will literally be here in about 2 minutes oh my god this windIt's, I think we should go in, okay, I think it's okay, we're moving in, this is last minute, I could be here any second, I say.
Let's dig in and move this table over there, bring it closer to everything in the shadow and okay guys, I think you're really here and then Matt Pat came along. Hey, do you mind if I put the microphone on for you? It's totally fine. Hello hello. content I'm excited to see Madam web this morning yeah it's just that what we're doing this I knew I knew it Steph knew it I've been sniffing around this I have a feeling I know what this is I know get out of here I'm going to get the poster the movie.
I've been waiting for something like this all week. I mean, my job is to spot clues online, so I think some weird things are going on. Oh my gosh, look at this Sur surprise I've been looking for. Hope to meet you sometime Matt Curtis, nice to meet you, nice to meet you, welcome to your own premiere, this is crazy, come see it, check it out, oh this is so fun, the jacket is perfect, it looks so much like you . like me this is you in your youth your glasses were this shit I know 100% absolutely oh my god look this is like my old bedroom they have the orange couch and everything it's so cool I think Snap never saw this C , you can find These posters in the YouTube Cinematic Universe house stick up. store recording closet, oh, and then hang up, this is great guys, we heard you love candy, so diet coke.
Oh, well, they've researched that AB we have your favorite candy junior and cookie and one for everyone, one for everyone, fantastic. are you ready, yes, cancel your movie please, but what Mat P doesn't know is that after the movie we will be presenting, oh, the proposal before we start, yeah, what did you think you were doing this morning? uh I suspected, yeah, there was something cooking why uh just because a lot of weird things have been happening Stephanie has been asking me some weird questions on our sub. I got hints that maybe I was the subject of a future episode, so I've been wondering if this shoe would drop at some point. period or if I was just being paranoid and here it is, it's unbelievable no, I'm so excited, I'm so excited about this, I'm also nervous, ready to cringe, I don't know, I'm curious what you've gotten out of my life.
I wonder how they feel because there could be a lot of different emotions, so enjoy, thank you, thank you guys, and then the moment we were waiting for won't be clickbait. On March 9, I will present my last episode of Theory, if you think about it. If this channel is Stepan's first child, oh my goodness, now normally I would like to write something like this quite accurately, Matthew Patrick, but with an announcement like this, oh my goodness, I wanted to get back to the way this whole thing , Pachu, it's just a conversation oh wow only I prepare the chairs and the choir Oh my God, are you kidding me?
Did you talk to my parents? welcome you're new here uh I'm Matthew do you like the chorus uh I'm more interested in a drama oh let's be quick friends nail the energy they must have the story of the human expedition page 95 paragraph 4 but interesting Theory that's amazing, what? Don't you think it's a little immoral to deny a student the ability to achieve the highest possible grade? Oh my god, I'm the worst, yes, I majored in theater and neuroscience. Oh my god, I'm crying behind a dumpster. Oh yes, that's exact, we couldn't afford to buy groceries. I want you to rewrite your resume in your head because you know both sides of the coin. that's where you're going oh this is a wild ride it's crazy to see this do you love playing video games?
Well now you can play and learn. Hello Internet, come to them, wait, oh man, broken mirror for my proposal, hey, uh, me. I just wanted to say thank you, yeah, uh, so, thank you for saving my life and with that I'll save it for the last time, not for the last time, one of the last times, remember, folks, it's just a theory, a game theory, wow, we have the way out. that's crazy, that's crazy, oh my god, guys, that's unreal, they did so many things, that's crazy, oh my god, we have to make a film theory about this, oh, that would be crazy, that's Unreal, how do you feel now?
I'm so overwhelmed, it was so wild. They are absolute references that I think, oh my God, how did they find that? like Mario's bedroom, carrying the bags in New York, the reference to the children's choir and min. You were right to focus on that moment because that moment when I say, oh, I want, I want the world to have been made a little better because I was a part of it, so I think they were right to identify that as filmmakers, you know, congratulations, good job, filmmakers, I want to go. Go through it little by little, piece by piece, to appreciate all the details that go into this, so before the proposal, that's exactly what we did and it basically became an improvised film.
Theoretical episode. Are there any Easter eggs? Well, what am I auditioning for? You see my dad. super cool, reminds me a little of Scott Coffin which is kind of scary and in fact there are hours of footage like this that we couldn't include in this video, like our uncut conversation with Steph, something that most people doesn't know is the actual deleted scene we removed from the trailer at the last minute plus Steph's honest thoughts about the trailer, but you can find it all on our patreon. Do you want me to call Mr. Beast from time to time, it's time for the proposal, yes, we have a goal, yes, it's to get.
What is a million Milli? I was going to say it's a million or 5 million, right, 5 million, so you could do the Mr Beast movie, the Mr Beast movie, this is where you come in, well, this is where I come in first of all to accept. the proposal that you have to shake hands simultaneously is fine, which we're going to bring back because I don't know why we stopped doing that was the best thing we've done Curtis now that we know you've retired. Yes, so this could be really big question, surely you are an actor, we know that you have acted, we will put your name in the credits of the movie Mr Beast, okay, okay, yes, if you accept the proposal, can you play the leading role in one of our films? just theory, we would write a movie, we would make it super fun, we will come wherever you want to go, you want the movie to be good, look, we have spent a lot of time learning about you, your journey is very inspiring, if you can do it? here you can achieve it anywhere the impact you have had on people we would love to work with you all of us, big or small, are influencers in some way.
On YouTube, you really don't know how many are watching each video. What did they put in if they can stay back, there is a shot that they would be perfect for, yes, I am looking for them for that little flash of starting to enter the cinema and they are a great inspiration to me, thank you brother, you want to show us your movie that light to take you to the end of the future filmmakers right here I gave you a little model of the two of you there the camera oh that's so special come on but we just need to know if you accept the proposal I accept the proposal, let's do it.
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