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What Mask Am I Wearing? (GAME)

Feb 27, 2020
today we


the tough questions, let's talk about that mythical good day today we'll hang out with the actor creator the urban clothing line that death saves and the charming man about town is Joe Manganiello like, oh yeah, the last time you probably wore Lehman


s be on the set of Justice League in Monaco Monte Carlo The Bay of Monaco is like Deathstroke, probably not. I haven't dressed up for Halloween in the past. Well, that's a cool mask. I think today's masks are going to get a little weird. Yes, definitely. Be weird, it's time to know


the mask is around your head.
what mask am i wearing game
Yes, it's okay or you'll be dead. So in each round, one of us will have a strange mask and the object is to guess your own mask by asking yes or no questions to whoever answers. he who takes the longest to discover his mass loses and must listen to the burn of a modern masked vigilante, which is an Internet comment, you will basically have to listen to a bad comment written about you online, okay Rhett, let's look at his mask, God mine, wow, it is, mmm, it will be. my first question


kind of voice do I need for this mask not that what kind of voice do I need for this mask I don't want to give a hint too soon but there is definitely a voice um it's my mask food yes yes oh, I would say that in part, in part, it's food that's used in a certain way as something that's not typical of food no, it's adjacent food, it's food packaging yeah, no, well, it's packaged, Joe, yeah, you know, I'll give you a hint.
what mask am i wearing game

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what mask am i wearing game...

Not only do I need to guess the food, there's another component to this that's really important, the other component is a person, yeah, so we talk like a sausage man or something like Roman. I don't like food and a man, yes, yes. yes, yes, yes, so the mass is not a man because it is on a man, it is a man because the mask is a man, it is not made of human flesh, yes, there was a question that yes, yes, as if the mask Was a man, yeah, what are you doing? barrel sauce for tuna is what stops scaring me.
what mask am i wearing game
Do I know the person? Yes personally or not I would know. You do not know. Is the person a celebrity? Yes. Is the celebrity a singer? yeah, really sure we could say that, yeah, I think he's been on the move, but prank questions are an acting skill, ah, let's not put words into it, he's definitely done some amazing voice acting, your mom can be quite fair, there we go, yeah, yeah, yeah, just an amazing voice. acting, don't get obsessed with it, what do you know? I know it's a person, but there's the food adjacent to him, yeah, it's like this famous person, weird chicken in his face, right, no, no, it makes sense together, it's cohesive, is it a? pun no, go back to the guy, ask him more about the details, you didn't learn enough about the person, is he currently acting in movies?
what mask am i wearing game
Probably not, no, I don't know he was acting in movies and I said the '80s and nothing like that. new arts yes I'm sure of the arts but he's not really in a


anymore well he's in some kind of


yeah clearly yeah games I had no idea about written all over your man . I'm learning a lot. I'm really at a loss, I mean, frankly, so wait, if I knew what the food was, I know who the person was or I have to know what a food is called like Kevin Bacon, it's not called, it's an occupation, food worker. bills, small worker's clothes, clothes that are nearby he is a tennis player he is not a plumber no he is not in a service industry the character he plays is but he is professional someone called to come to your house paul blart mall policeman why would you call him mom? he's a he's a cop, although no, he's a fixer of some kind, yeah, it could be that something specific has to go wrong, so you have a problem in your house and you call the exterminator.
No, this is something that as there are more and more cables or cuts. less people know about this the cable guy finally okay it's the cable guy cable all the pasta who is the cable guy dico rat Larry the cable guy so what's in your mask oh is this is his food is Larry the cable guy is like he hangs up and sells food? Look at yourself, that was painful, sell rubs, let's make you specifically say Larry, the cable guy, roast beef, seasoning, hat, mercy, okay Joe, let's see what you have now, does he have to keep his eyes closed?
I'm open, okay, you know? Jesus, okay, okay, um, so that's like a no, don't do the same thing, yeah, smaller, darker, this has something to do with optometry, no, it has to do with the military. Wow, no, it has to do with celebrity, is there a celebrity component? No, there are many components but none of them are celebrities and you know what I'm going to lower you to make sure that most of this mass can be seen clearly. new oh my god, that's all I'm going to do. the size of a hobbit suddenly it's okay, I'd appreciate it, it's okay, you can, it's okay.
Oh God, it doesn't have to do with food, no, it has to do with books, no, no, but maybe where the books reside, no, not that. I mean, good books, don't listen, no, it doesn't have to do with a library, no, it has to do with one, unless I mean, there could be you, there could be one of these in the library, but there could be one of these. in any building, anywhere, it's a table, it's a shelf, no, no, it has to do with Ikea, no, but only in the sense that he, you know, Joe, stops looking at it when you ask him questions and gives you a misleading answer.
I know what it is I think it's just Larry's hat, the cable guy, it was so horrible to me that now I want to look over you. Okay, great. I'm going to look through the holes right now. Your glasses have to do with interiors. plumbing no it's okay but there are pipes involved or being Nye I should say it's okay so no so Melissa Tim is what your pipes are like the angel and the devil oh my gosh you hear me a little bit to go with it. I have to do the cooking No, but no, but you said you would take him to the kitchen.
You could take it to any room. Is it a bong, not a BA? I thought it played creatively in any room. You know, I carry a rug. Know? Maybe. yes, what is the tube, you can take it to any room. I would take him to each room once. Once I took him to a room. I take it to everyone. It's like I like something that cleans itself with. yeah, yeah, okay, so there's a mop, you know, it's a vacuum cleaner, yeah, the tube, yeah, a Swiffer, what do you put in, you put in the tube with the thing.
I think it's over. Look at yourself, what do we call? this is like a vacuum cleaner hose attachment that's right oh man you're a vacuum sized fighter pilot look dude this is like post-apocalyptic yeah yeah yeah look Batman yeah I was born in reality, turn around, introduce yourself, hello, I'm using. a mask i can't see basically anything i'm looking at looking at me this is amazing you're really taking this seriously my mind is blown right now oh really yeah your eyebrows are raised ask some questions the link is there food in my mask in some cultures yes, indirectly, is there an animal in my mask? yeah, my mask itself is an animal um no, the mask is not an animal uh, are there things I can buy at Walmart?
Oh, buddy, yeah, Joe, the reason He's asking this question is because when Link plays a yes or no trivia game, he likes to mentally go to Walmart and then start asking what's in aisle 16. I don't think you can buy. I don't believe it. but they're definitely at Walmart, yeah, you can, you can, yeah, you know what to get. This will take this little guy somewhere. I'm sure, I mean, you can find them at a Walmart store, let's say the line buys one. Would you find them? Yes. Oh, nice. Okay, should I go to the hallways? Why not?
This is definitely something. Is there taxidermy involved? No, no, is it dangerous? Yeah, well, I guess it depends. I don't think so. I don't think you actually are. in danger, but you wouldn't be in danger specifically, but I would say that next to Lee you would be like there are situations where you should be afraid Yeah, right, yeah, yeah, but not this one, yeah, right, yeah, yeah, yeah. I forgot what and 'We were all talking about what do you say, this, nothing is directly dangerous for your head, is there something, is it all animal or are there other components in my affairs, other components, I was mainly another component, yes, I need find an approach here?
I need to find a line of questioning to come up with something, if we wait long enough the answer may present itself before you: is it breakable?, anything is breakable, like if I hit my head on the table, would you freak out, yes, it's contained, No, i do not do it. I don't think it matters, it doesn't matter, it doesn't matter right now. Oh God, shouldn't I scream? I don't think they care. Hey, so these living things that are in my mask, oh shit, will they remember me? an animal that has evolved to the point that it can remember me no it's an insect yes oh shoot so Micah's mask is made from a certain type of insect it's where you can find these insects it's a housing unit for the entire hobbyist it's my head and anthill more specific it's my headache fire ant hell no no no more specific about ants more specific about what the thing is it's my head ant farm Hey, oh, there's Oh, they've been crawling all over sides, yes, they are outside, they are up towards the farm at the top yes, there was a bunch around the edge of your yes, they are all in this area, oh my goodness, I think they have all gone somewhere.
I think they are inside the mask at this point, yes, surprisingly. link Rhett is the loser here you have to read the internet hate comments ok here we go this is what someone said about me this is from Honey Crisp why Rhett looked like he smoked a mess hahahaha it was part of the kind of thing that I don't I don't know I'm getting old and I don't cut my hair anymore and you know, hey, you don't have to respond to the haters, congratulations to both of you. Link that you can take home with you and that's it. in my ear we have to take this off, it's freezing, you finally know how I feel about that for a second because we want to thank Joe for joining us today.
Be sure to check out the death saves and get yourself some of that cool lane. usa and thank you for liking subscribe and clicking that bell now you say you know what time it is Joe you know what time it is you know what time it is Hi, I'm Emily and I'm Caleb and this is Cooper and he's two years old. You have an hour and a half and it's time to spin the wheel of mythology. They have a newborn making a video and they named him "You know Cooper is my real name." Click the link above to see this.
Play a real or fake game with Dungeons & Dragons. monsters in good, more mythical and if I know where the wheel of mythology will land there, hormonal II driven and testosterone driven, then how does that sound? Sounds like the men's party with that Auster guy.

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