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What if Creepers Could Do Redstone?

May 29, 2021
What if the Creepers


make Redstone? These are the source of thoughts that run through my head regularly. I can't stop them. I can't stop thinking about them when they arrive and then eventually I just have to try to figure it out. For me, if I were a creeper who possessed the ability to place Redstone components and create my own Redstone contraptions,


would I do with this? What would I really do? I guess we're about to find out we're also about to find out if this really works no let's see if it works now they didn't really do much so my area was obviously too big but now that I'm floating around and doing this it's much faster than delete. trees manually I've been doing it wrong my whole life so our space is now completely clear it's time for the part that I absolutely despise, which is the design element.
what if creepers could do redstone
I mean, I feel like


are pretty narcissistic, so I feel. like they definitely had his face on the bills, I mean they put his face in the middle of the a in the word Minecraft. I feel like they definitely put their face on their base, some serious building later, this is where I am. We have a vine face that has been slightly modified so it doesn't look too 2012 and we have some ruins. We have a ladder that goes up to the mouth. I think this is a pretty solid start, but I think I would say one thing we definitely need is a little bit more terraforming around the front.
what if creepers could do redstone

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what if creepers could do redstone...

I would say something like this, we will definitely do it. The focus of today's video is on Redstone, not necessarily the building, but I have to say, I'm actually pretty happy with this. I didn't love it when I started building it, it all seemed a little awkward, but now that I have some of the details in place I think it looks really cool, so let's get started. filling it with some Redstone and I just had an absolutely ridiculous idea, which means we're going to have to change the design a little bit, but I actually think it


end up looking pretty good.
what if creepers could do redstone
It still looks pretty good. so here's the plan, the


wouldn't use piston doors, yeah I just can't imagine a creeper activating a piston door, it just doesn't make sense to me, the creepers of course will use explosions to open their doors, Now the reason why I changed. Removing all that black stone for basso is because we can actually create basalt generators, which means that when we blow up the gate we can replenish it using a basalt generator under the ground. Personally, I think it's a fantastic idea, so first things first. look how much damage this TNT does I probably should have backed things up before doing this, shouldn't I? oh wow oh, it's actually blown up, that blew Creeper's mouth off a lot more than he expected.
what if creepers could do redstone
To be frankly honest with you,


's wrong? If you just use one piece of TNT, it's much better, it still does a lot of damage, right? What if we have a piece of TNT that is also a little further away? I think we could be a winner with this one. On Earth, is this TNT made that caused more damage? I guess we'll have to figure it out. I hope my idea for a battle generator actually works. I haven't built a bass generator in a long time. but okay this seems to work so under this Soul Sand here I have some pistons that will push the battle up and then push it to the other side and then from there push it further up to create our piston gate.
Now obviously this is all largely theory, but I have high hopes that it will actually work and it does, it's just that these battle generators are a lot faster than I expected so I sped up my Redstone clock a bit. bit and is now running at the correct speed, so now I just need to add a


circuit that will turn off the battle generator for a certain period of time, allowing the gate to remain open for a while after it has exploded. and then finally the battle generator will close it again, so imagine this is like a pulse extender that keeps your door open for a certain period of time, except instead of pistons we have explosions and then 100 Creeper-style regenerations and I tell you.
Do you know what this 100 Mumbo style Redstone is because it's a disaster? It's just horrible to even try to move properly. That said, there is a very small chance that it is now working, as I say, an incredibly small chance and, as always, slightly. regarding when you work with TNT because normally when TNT goes wrong, it goes very wrong, but this is good, so our door opens, everything exploded and currently no battle is generated and now everything is closing, okay, that It's quite elegant. No, it takes a little while, but that's of course because we have to deal with the TNT power-up sequence, but that's not too bad, not bad at all and then the door stays open for a while. a decent period of time for you to get through and make sure you get in and eventually everything closes.
This is so dumb but it's also incredibly incredibly cool. I'm also going crazy, but if Creeper's faces always look like this, I feel like the mouth used to be a lot more defined than it currently is. Now it's like it has a small part of it completely tilted back and then the rest is a little smudged. I'm not saying it looks bad. I'm not saying it looks bad. everything, but it actually means that my temple here is a little more precise than I expected on the temple thing, we should keep working on it and I've had this incredibly stupid idea, okay, I'm well aware that it's stupid, but when it's about the storage system, I feel like a creeper wouldn't just have a normal storage system, it would have an exploding storage system, yeah we're going to create an exploding storage system, I'll be honest here.
I'm not entirely sure how at this point, as you know, I have a rough idea, but I don't know if it will actually work. I have to ask myself questions I've never had to ask before. I have to solve Redstone problems that I never had to solve before we are definitely in Shaky Ground, but I have high hopes and I'm curious to see if the first of my Great Hopes is really going to work out. we can place the sugar box here press this button and it actually dispensed so it goes to the dispenser and it comes out okay so here's the idea okay this is the article entry so we can put items in the shulker boxes using these chests here, but we can't actually access the shulker boxes to access them, we have to blow them up when they explode, they will go down to this chest here, then we can grab them. take them out, take them out and then when we're done with the boxes of sugar, we can put them back in by dumping them into these droppers and then pressing the button and they'll be dispensed back into the system ready to pop again. when we need to access them, like I said before, this is stupid, but if you click on a video titled What if creepers could make Redstone and didn't expect it to be stupid?
So I honestly don't know what to say. you one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen if we expand this to 15 then we can do something clever now I know this looks like a big red stone mess there seems to be absolutely no logic in this but because this platform is 15 blocks long, it means that each of these Redstone lines are actually separated from each other because when we press one of the buttons at the end we feed a piece of Redstone dust with a signal strength of 15 and obviously that drips down and because this line is 15 blocks long, it means that the only piece of


dust at this end that will actually receive energy is the one that lines up with the button we pressed at the other end.
Always a very useful tool to have in your Redstone toolkit especially for situations like this, as always with everything to do with TNT this could go horribly wrong but let's see, I should have activated a piece of TNT and it seems like I did, but then it seems like there's more. more TNT drop cable, oh everything is broken behind the obsidian, that's not really what I planned, luckily this is what backups are made for, so with a slight modification done on the Redstone, I think we could have a winner, at least that's what I really believe.
I really hope we have a winner here, I mean okay, so there was an explosion, nothing broke in shulkerbox but nothing broke in redstone either, so I guess it's a win, more adjustments were made and it actually just blew up the system that is not Well, I'm starting to think this might not work, but after a lot of experimentation I think I nailed it. I managed to create a reliable explosive storage system, something no one asked for, but as you can probably see, it has me very excited, so if I press this button right here, I want to get access to some of the shulker boxes in this area, I'm not not entirely sure which ones, okay, there's no way to predict it, but as you can see, that's it worked, we've blown up the shulker boxes and now I can grab them from this chest right here.
I can do whatever I want with them. I can take elements from them and then if I just drop them into these droppers here, you can see that. we can start sending them back to the system so that it goes in there and it comes back here. I mean, I don't know what the use case is for this system. I really don't know, but I think creepers would like this. this is how I imagine creepers would interact with their storage systems. It's so ridiculously stupid, isn't it okay? So we have an explosive door and we have an explosive storage system.
What comes next? I would say a super foundry. I'd say these creepers could really work. with some kind of super casting system, so I'm installing one here that looks pretty cool, doesn't it? I mean, the only problem I have with these super castings is that you never know when they're finished. I suppose we could. use, you know, a lamp indicator or maybe some note blocks, oh, we're okay, yeah, we could pop a little, yeah, we can pop a little more, so I've created this system right here that when the elements leave from flowing from the super smelters. then we'll get a redstone output through this monostable circuit here and then I'll run it on a redstone clock and we'll get a barrage of explosions, so to be honest, it could totally destroy our base, so remind me to back it up before we do this, so let's do a test of the TNT system first.
Oh, that doesn't sound good, no, it's actually worked very, very well, so now if you do a full system test, let's see how. well this works fine so things will start to melt when you pass the first item that should activate this pulse extender oh dear oh dear oh dear I didn't plan this yeah we're going to have a lot of TNT we're going to have a lot of DnD no good not good not good trying to make Redstone in this situation is definitely an optimal right. I need to add another pulse extender. The pulse coming into our pulse extender was too short.
Please, it's a never. ends, never ends, this should work. I think we have done it. Try again. As I say, you know, some of the elements in this fuser here will travel through the hoppers and activate our pulse extender, and that should work. stay on long enough so that when the next item arrives, yes, just activate the pulse extender and keep it on now as the items are about to finish melting in our furnace, so after a short delay, also known as this pulse extender, from- When turned on, that's when our alarm will sound, so just give it a second, obviously, it's a pretty long pulse extender, it's the time it takes for an item to melt, so there's a small amount of delay, but here we go, our alarm has been activated and yes, you will definitely know when the casting has been completed.
Fantastic. I'd say it's a super casting ready and dusted. I thought this would be a good time to decorate a little. It's very dungeon-y because I feel like creepers would live in an area that looks exactly like this, so in the next section of this build I'm going to create an ammo resupply area for creepers. Honestly, I'm not entirely sure how the internals of cryptocurrencies actually work, but imagine that they have to be fed a little bit with gunpowder or beans, actually because you know I feel like I'm going to explode if I eat too many beans, so that could be part of this.
We will have two stages to this resupply, a powder set. a set of beans that should cover all the bases. I can't believe I'm committing to this fart joke, but here we are. I hope that when I press this button I get a full stack of gunpowder and a full stack ofbeans. that's annoying but I'm going to ignore it here we go this looks good it felt like a stack and it was there we go blast power now what do I have planned for the section behind me? Well you may notice that currently there is no way out of this place, we are now trapped inside, in my opinion there is only one way a creeper should get out of this Little Creeper Dungeon and of course that is through explosions. .
I mean, if you didn't see that right now. video so honestly, I feel a little bit sorry for you, all we have to do is create a little Redstone system that looks a little bit like this. Throw some water under this fence post and then we connect all of these dispensers to some sort of redstone input and we have possibly one of the oldest but most satisfying and fun redstone contraptions in Minecraft. Now let's see, it's been many years since I built. one of these things, but they still exist, why is it still so fun? Why could I do that all day?
You know, I don't know why I literally launch myself into the sky in a virtual video game and yet it feels so satisfying. so i think it's time for a quick recap on a world where creepers can make redstone. This is the base they decided to create and the way they enter their base is through an explosive door. I mean, right away, it's already incredibly satisfying. Then everything exploded and eventually it will close behind me because we have a basalt generator that will regenerate all the basalt that was just completely destroyed. We have a storage system that relies on explosions to access resources, so for example, if I want to show you a selection of shulker boxes from this area here, I simply press the button and, as you can see, those shulker boxes arrive to the chest so you can collect them and do whatever you want.
I want with them and then when I want to put them back into the system I just have to place them in these droppers at the top and then press the buttons and they will all be redistributed ready to explode once again and of course if I want to put elements in the shulker boxes without having to blow them up, then I can place those items inside these chests right here and they will come to the shulker boxes. We have a set of super melters that inform us that they finish melting creating a cataclysmic explosion, a repeating cataclysmic explosion, imagine if your alarm clock ran on gunpowder, that kind of explosion, but you have an explosion refueling area for any creepers that are inside from this dungeon area here and need to stock up. the things that make them explode, so of course we have the gunpowder that is necessary, but more importantly we also have beans.
I think these are the most fart jokes I've ever made in a single Minecraft video and finally, when our creeper wants to leave the creeper temple well, I mean, we do it one more time using explosions, a series of explosions that They launch into the terrain of Minecraft. I mean, I don't know how well you'd do with this, you know, it seems like there's still a long way to go, but we'll ignore it completely, so here we go, that's my creeper temple, that's my interpretation of the creepers making Redstone . I hope you enjoyed it and I'll see you in the next video.
See you around and I guess now comes the question of which mobster I should do next, if any. You know, maybe everyone hated this and didn't find it funny at all, but I already made zombies. I've made vines, I guess there are skeletons in my head. but they're not that interesting, um, cats, dogs, I could go the friendly route, I mean, dogs would be interesting.

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