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Weekend Homework ! Elsa and Anna toddlers - Morning routine - someone wakes up late

May 03, 2020
clean and fresh clothes 10. the first sentence oh no no no cooking in the kitchen empty cock what day is it today oops my blanket fell off yes, it's the


whoa, it's the


it's the weekend elsia is still sleeping I can't See her because the blanket is covering her well, I'd still better stay quiet, I'll get up early, oh, and I'd better brush my hair first and get ready, let me look in the mirror, I have such crazy hair, I think I need to calm him down. I'm sure Elsia won't mind if I use her brush brush brush brush brush brush brush brush brush brush brush brush brush brush brush I'm tired of braids all the time I'm going to do something different hmm how about a side ponytail brush brush brush close I get up in the mirror and that's it.
weekend homework elsa and anna toddlers   morning routine   someone wakes up late
Oh, I love my hairstyle. I forgot it. I can not hold. I need to go to the bathroom. I love Saturday


s because it's the weekend and we're going to do a lot of fun things and I'm going to have. wake up elsia soon and flush the toilet and wash my hands ah the water is cold here we go and I'm still in my pajamas I need to choose my clothes for the day here is my side of the closet hmm what clothes to wear Well, since I already wore this yesterday , I think I'm going to wear this and it's my new outfit so I'd like to wear that.
weekend homework elsa and anna toddlers   morning routine   someone wakes up late

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weekend homework elsa and anna toddlers morning routine someone wakes up late...

There we go, now I'm going to go change cooking in the kitchen cooking in the kitchen wait. Why am I being stupid? I have to bring food to the table. You're so funny. I like it when you're funny. Elsia. um. Sorry, you mean Elsa, not Elsia. from the refrigerator I hope we still have some oh yeah we do come to the door let me in okay so I have some pancakes for the girls over there and some eggs for us and some sausages and some fruit we really love eat. I love this. so much outfit oh yeah, I almost forgot about the shoes hmm I think those pink ones match my outfit elsia she is still sleeping what a sleepyhead what is that smell it must be breakfast I smell pancakes and waffles let's see what let's see what she's cooking my mom good


mom why hello anya how was your night? did you sleep well?
weekend homework elsa and anna toddlers   morning routine   someone wakes up late
Yes, I do. Are you excited because it's the weekend? Yes, but where is dad? um, they went to work, oh, but I thought they didn't work on weekends, well, dad works on the weekend, but not tomorrow, just today and we'll have a lot of fun at the place he promised us, yeah, the park, the park does, so you can sit here and I will bring you food, okay mommy, yes, do you have my favorite berry pancakes? If it's well charred, yes, I look at all the berries, I put extra berries because I know you like it, favorite, can I have some milk too?
weekend homework elsa and anna toddlers   morning routine   someone wakes up late
Yeah, the milk is on the table, I just need to get you a cup, um, so that's what smelling good, okay, let me get you a cup, anya, look what you did, you left the kinetic sand here when you were playing last night, it will be You better pick it up, huh, oh, yeah, Elsia and I were playing with it, yeah, you better move it after eating. I'll clean it up mommy, don't worry, it's okay, I have your cup, thank you, here you go, wow, who's almost going to fall, and I'll pour some milk so they don't spill, Elsia was being a sleepyhead, She's still really sleeping, yeah.
Let's give her a few more minutes hmm well, she better come faster because her waffles are going to get cold like an ice cube yeah, that's funny mommy yeah, what's wrong with you? Do you hear my stomach rumbling because I can't wait any longer for Elsia? and I want to eat I have no idea you have to wait even if she comes tomorrow you have to wait until then it's a joke I don't know why I feel like making jokes today sometimes you can be very funny mommy of course you can start by eating, go ahead, honey, it's okay, yes, my favorite and buy some kiwi.
I wonder how long Elsia will stay in bed. Eggs and sausages. My favorite. Very good. Lclc Elsa. I have some coffee for us. There is. Oh, thank you very much, Jana. I love coffee. I know you do it here, you can take the purple one and I'll take the pink one and let me pour you some. Why thank you Anna? Why talk like a princess? Elsa Oops because she is a fabulous mommy queen. Yes, you are right, Anya. Yo, okay, we're ready to go, but Elsa, can you go wake up Elsia? I think she's gotten enough sleep.
Yes you're right. I'm leaving right now. I'll be right back. Oh well, see you. I know it's the weekend, but it's time. to wake up elsia you slept too much and it's time to rise and shine i hear you have


to do no oh yeah well look elsia look the time it's almost 10 and you still haven't had breakfast hurry up hurry up bonnie it's almost over look who else wants to want you to wake up is your mango bird is biting your hair come on elsia you need to wake up now i like having a bird every morning she always


me up good so now is the time to rise and shine elsia okay is arya still sleeping of course not, He's almost finished breakfast.
Oh, I better get ready. I'll be in the kitchen in a few minutes. Mommy, let me get ready. Okay, you better go quickly. Well, I don't know how Anya woke up. It's early to choose a dress. I think I'm going to choose this one. I like this one and I think I'm going to brush my hair a little. I did my hair, but wow, there's a lot of hair on this brush. Do you have any? I've been using my brush again let me take it out you you're okay brush brush brush there I love my side ponytail yeah go brush and I put my shoes on so I can go to the kitchen delicious that was the last bite well well look who is finally here, but mommy, I was so sleepy that I couldn't get up, it's okay, we were waiting, you can come to the table now, okay, hey, Anya, is your p


Well, yes, because you came so


, I already finished eating what you really You are a sleepy, a sleepy, a sleepy, stop it, okay, I'll stop because I'm your cousin. Can you wait for me? Okay, we can talk together. Oh, and I'm starving. Chocolate waffles. I do not like I love. that yum yum yum yum my favorite hey you're eating chocolate waffles and I have chocolate the dog on my lap oops I mean coconut ah every bit of that coffee tastes great but I'm already done with breakfast what about you Anna yes I am? done very well we have a list of things to do


we better get started yes you are right and if you need help with your


just call me well mom since it's the weekend I don't have homework let's play just wait a second.
Anya, we looked at your school folder and I saw the homework there. What are you talking about? Come on, Anya, if you work really fast, you can finish it and then play. No, but you're still wrong. No homework. the homework was from a long time ago no anya what just go get it and then you will get over it no no no no no no nothing today mommy no horror nope it's okay don't do your homework and I'll go get the call for miss natalie to tell her that You didn't do your homework Elsa, where is the phone?
Okay, I'll do your homework, so first I'll do the laundry and then you can do your work on your laptop, and Elsia, I want you to finish all your food and then start your homework when you're done, if I have time Can I feed the puppies also first? I want you to do your homework and then feed them. I already fed them in the morning, but look how sad they are. I'm pretty sure they want


to play with. Yes, I already fed them. elsia the reason is because you don't want to do your homework, do you do your homework? homework homework i wish i didn't have to do it but i guess we have to learn so mrs natalie said let's use this dictionary and she will say some words in the dictionary and i have to write some words on these papers so the first word is dream hmm she said that I have to use that in a sentence so oh yeah, Elsia was sleepy, she didn't want to wake up this morning, yeah That's exactly what I'm going to write.
How about Elsia is a sleepyhead? No, I don't want to be rude, I'm done. It was a good meal, but now it's time for homework, but I'm sure I'll play with the pets. a little wouldn't hurt and after that I'll go straight to the task yeah I'll go put the puppies in first oh you're so cute Tracy and the puppies how are you? Let me pet you a little and what are you doing? There dandelion, how are you there? You're so cute. I'm sorry you're stuck in your cage, but don't worry, you can get out later.
I think I'll feed them a little. Well, here you go, pups. two dog bowls full of dog food eat dandelion it's too loud good girl tracy you're taking good care of your puppies juicy fruits for you and the cake is delicious and that's it yes, I finished my homework wait a minute elsia not yet he's finished eating he should be here by now anyway now i have some free time i love my cat and my bear i have to take these clean and fresh clothes to our room elsia why are you staying here with the pets? uh uh oh yeah uh I did some of that and part of the homework is looking at the puppies yeah yeah yeah uh I'm going to go do it right now okay don't talk uh oh elsia you know we love Puppies, everyone loves them, but first of all, I already said it. you fed them and secondly yes, I told you to do your homework and you're not doing it I don't like that story mommy what but what if


finished well she woke up earlier she had breakfast faster you should have done it I did that too elsie It seems like I'm really late today maybe I should do my homework right it was just a mistake but let's try to make sure it doesn't happen again okay mommy look who's coming I'll see you and I've already finished my homework for it anya I just got some sleep and I'm tired and I'm late today it's okay I'll do my homework as fast as I can and then I'll finish to play with you so stop saying what you say elsiad the sleepyhead I'm just going to pretend I don't hear you I just want to finish my homework ah, sit on my pineapple look mmm this task seems easy, okay, now I will show mom and Anya that I can finish very, very quickly so that The first sentence was visit our channel and subscribe to see more videos.

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