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Elsa and Anna toddlers new room makeover

Mar 17, 2024
little, so here we also have, if you look here, we have a little hammock for them to hang out like here, then here we have this little one if we look here. we have a little ruler that we can use to draw shapes and stuff and here we have a water slide that you can use like this then here is a little cafe here is a little sand castle and here if we open this there is another accessory there is this that we can build is a little eraser a little watermelon boat that can swim around here really amazing it won't swim but it will float and here we have a little area to surf here we have more surfboards that we can place like this So they look really cool and amazing.
elsa and anna toddlers new room makeover
Here we have beach towels and many cute things in the sand and water. And here we have, if we put it this way, we have an amazing little living


and a pool with floats and so on. we have a pencil holder because it's a set of pencils so here we have them and let's see the stains on the butt maru wants to go to the beach let's hello kitty okay now about to put smart wants to eat something let's see what I want from the menu uh , this delicious no, hello kitty has always wanted to surf, so she will go and try to surf, okay, let's try to surf, I can't wait, I'm in my Hawaiian clothes, I can't wait, wow, these waves are amazing. the biggest waves I've ever seen, amazing, I love riding around here and maybe bought spots.
elsa and anna toddlers new room makeover

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elsa and anna toddlers new room makeover...

The motto is now full. I'm full, he can also take off his little hat and we can put it here. Oh, look, it's a cute little one. pineapple hat here now I'm going up here and now I'm going to whoa oh hello hello hello kitty and now I think hello kitty is so tired oh I'm so tired you know what I'm going to go the hammock and just relax over here and the bus was born now he wants to get on the surfboard, it's time to surf, awesome, now let's look at mine, which is a cupcake bakery, I think we have the outside here, oh, it's also a keychain.
elsa and anna toddlers new room makeover
So you can take it wherever you go. I also love that his bow is like a strawberry. It's really amazing, yeah, okay, let me open it up real quick, so here we have it. First of all, we have the Hello Kitty figurines. Here, a very cute little waitress on roller skates, which is amazing, very cute, she's also wearing a pink furry dress and here we have, oh wait, this is just hot chocolate, no, if we take her, there's my melody, it's very cute and has this hat. if we take our hats off we can have this amazing hot chocolate and then we have my melody here very very pretty and very very kawaii yeah very kawaii so we have them both here so here we have the tour so up here have. kind of um we can make the counter bigger so here you have the counter everything you can put aside for a second for them to come in and then there you have it you also have this little seesaw like um kind of of a small chair that is very cute and very fun to sit on.
elsa and anna toddlers new room makeover
I think we have this here too so you can dance to the drums and then here we have fresh baked cookies, oh actually, they're cupcakes, even better. and here we have like a little drawing station, we open this magic compartment, we have these hello kitty notebooks so we can draw something here, I think I'll draw like a cute kitty, so let's draw, actually, let's draw hello kitty, so let's draw. hello kitty this like this and here we go hello kitty little quick drawing of her pretty cool if I do say so myself and here we have a whistle that looks like a cupcake party so here you can sit here and then we have all these cupcakes and you can also sit here, which is like a little oven mitt, so let's see what they can do here.
First of all, my melody is hungry, so I'm hungry. I'm going to the cupcake cafe. I'm just going to sit down. here and wait my turn oh it seems we have a client hello miss what is your name? my name is melody or you can call me my melody that's what my friends call me amazing so what would you like to order? A cupcake party. You are special, okay, let me do that, okay, you can go to the other


and the surprise is waiting for you, okay, the other room is not that interesting, ah, I don't know what it is, okay, open the counter, I failed , that is.
Okay, so let me, of course, my delicious cupcakes are here. Okay, it looks like the cupcakes are ready to bake. Now we just wait 20 seconds and while we wait we can dance to celebrate our cupcake making victory. Don't wait for her to see this, oh, I'm still waiting, okay, go to the other room through the secret passage, okay, it looks like we're done, let's lower the banner, ah, oh, it's going to make me hiss, oh no, okay, this. There is so much, from cupcakes to big cakes, small cakes and all the cakes in the world, that's amazing, ah, I fell in love, that's good, also look who comes to visit us.
Hello, incredible. I'm going to go wait my turn too or would you let me eat the cupcakes yes, I will gladly share them eh, okay hello, I'm Hawaiian, hello kitty, hello sister, oh, hello sister, how are you?, very good, great Would you like to go serve yourselves? to the personalized cupcakes there are some left in the oven since there is no more space here, of course, that's great, ah, in the oven they will be fresh, oh, it smells so good in here, let me open the oven right here, real quick, let me eat this. It's very good now what I have to do is dance the victory dance perfect perfect now let's celebrate incredible this is very fun yes, it has been very fun well guys I hope you like this video goodbye

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