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We Went NO SUGAR For One Week, Here's What Happened

Jun 04, 2021
We tried eliminating


for a


, this is



, but first,




? Sugar is a general name for a class of carbohydrates that include lactose, fructose, and sucrose. Sugar has become heavily integrated into modern culture, especially with the rise of packaged foods and is often hidden in things you wouldn't normally think about, like coffee and condiments. 200 years ago, the average American ate only 2 pounds of sugar a year and today the average American consumes almost 152 pounds of sugar in a year, or 3 pounds per year.


more than your great-great-grandparents would consume in a total year.
we went no sugar for one week here s what happened
In the past we've gone low on sugar, like eating only chicken and broccoli, but in this episode we'll try to do it by using a variety of tasty foods all the time. while we remain sugar free and we will do it from two different perspectives The family man and the bachelor


we come wish us luck sugar is the most popular ingredient added to foods in the United States New Hampshire Department of Health okay so we got The first meal of the day will be breakfast, of course, I'm going to keep breakfast pretty simple. I'm going to use four whole eggs, four slices of turkey bacon, and a cup of oatmeal with my oatmeal.
we went no sugar for one week here s what happened

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we went no sugar for one week here s what happened...

Usually I would eat a little bit of fruit, maybe add a little bit. The milk gives it a little bit of sweetness, but I can't have that, so what I'm going to do is add a little bit of unsweetened almond milk and a little bit of cocoa, but that's just a good example and I point out that t


will always be options available and being restricted in some way always makes you a little more creative every time you change the way you eat, it's a good idea to go to the supermarket and make sure you buy foods that fit your new eating habits.
we went no sugar for one week here s what happened
We're actually going to have zero sugar, so we want to go to the grocery store and choose foods that make sure we're strict. First of all, it will be meat. Meat is a very good source of fat and protein, and it will contain no sugar, but of course there are some meats that have added sugars, specifically those that contain a lot of barbecue sauce, so you want to make sure you only buy meat from a single ingredient, either ground chicken fillet. Beef, whatever it is, will be an easy way to get lots of nutrients, protein and fat without any sugar.
we went no sugar for one week here s what happened
Secondly, you want to make sure you have some type of vegetables in your diet and we are going to stick with Dark green vegetables have more fiber and less sugar, so if you choose a little more brightly colored vegetables, you will contain a little more sugar, we will avoid fruits and yes. Fruit is very nutritious and also has a lot of vitamins and minerals, but it also has a lot of fructose and for the sake of this challenge we won't be using fruit eggs, it's another way to get a lot of protein. and fats are very rich in nutrients, so we won't eliminate eggs, but one thing we will eliminate is milk.
Unfortunately, milk contains a lot of sugar and yes, it has a lot of protein, but let's stay away from lactose oats is another great way to get a lot of complex carbohydrates without consuming sugar, but you should be careful because there are some oats that contain added sugars to that taste better, so we'll stick with simple plain oats I just want to mention something real quick now, of course, there are different types of sugars, there are monosaturates, diatas and polysaturates, some are simpler and some are more complex polysaturates, carbohydrates a little more complex, but in general, carbohydrates are going to be broken down into glucose in the body, so I really try to stay away from sucrose, fructose and also lactose, they are a little more simple sugars or simple carbohydrates, and we will continue with more complex carbohydrates or polysaturates in our diet to continue having carbohydrates, so here we go.
I think we had a pretty successful shopping mall, we got a lot of good foods, we made sure to stick with our list so We won't buy anything necessary in the ones that contain sugar, so we will make a lot of different meals. We will have this food available and it will make it a hell of a lot easier to stay on the sugar-free path, buff boy and I are at the grocery store, we've made a list ahead of time, it's always good to game plan and, especially in something like this, a challenge in which you have to reach zero sugar, you have to be very careful, so we have our list, we are all ready and now it's time to start collecting breakfast, lunch, dinner and some snacks, are you ready boy , yes, yes, it's time to shop and of course our top priority here is to stay sugar free?
Fortunately, in modern times it is becoming easier. To tailor a specific diet to your liking and there are a lot of great options, but of course, as I mentioned before, it really helps to game plan. I


ahead and used a calorie tracking app just to get some different suggestions, there are some things that had sugar in them. which I wasn't expecting so they were off the list so I made breakfast, lunch and dinner myself and kept designing it until I was finally sugar free. You can find the list here. These are all the ingredients I am going to use.
I will be shopping and then preparing a variety of tasty meals for the rest of the week as far as my liquid diet goes, of course I will be drinking plenty of water but I will also be drinking some coffee. we don't want to go ahead and sweeten it, that's where you really start to find a lot of calories and a lot of sugar, so I'm going to have it black, maybe with a little bit, you know, add a pinch of pea protein, which always does. a little tastier, but it was pretty easy since we planned the game beforehand, we're going to take everything one after another.
I've got my assistant here, buff boy, and we've got what we need, so now. It's time to come home and start preparing all the goodies, yes, between 2005 and 2010, the average percentage of total daily calories from added sugars was 133%, my breakfast each morning is still pretty similar. I stick with eggs, turkey, bacon, but sometimes I switch things up and instead of my oatmeal I use some potatoes, so it makes it pretty simple. I think sticking with foods that are very similar to what you are very used to preparing is easy, it's quick and you know you like it. and it tastes good, but by making those small changes, let's say instead of making oatmeal, you add potatoes, it can make a difference so that that way the meals don't become too stale, you are making small changes so that it is always interesting and of That way I look forward to the meals you eat.
I'm going to make macaroni and cheese with turkey bacon and spinach. I've been eating them recently because I've been trying to get some more calories into my diet. I'm thinking I uploaded them over the winter to increase the volume a little and I was very happy to see that this recipe did not contain any sugar so that is exactly what I will do today, it is very easy to make and gives you a lot. of protein, some fat and of course the good thing is that there is no sugar so we are making it right now it is very filling it is super delicious oh yeah these are my little helpers in the kitchen the only problem is that They haven't really learned to help.
However, their hearts are in the right place although, by the way, those are strawberries, not Hannibal Lecter's daughter. I didn't take that from my children's diaper. Pale, so we are missing some key ingredients in these tacos, cheese, onion and salsa, now the cheese will have a little lactose, the tomatoes in the salsa will add sugar and the onions also have a little more sugar, but hey, still we have tacos and the good thing is that we can still add salt, so we'll add a little bit of taco. seasoning the meat so I still feel like these tacos are going to be delicious and hey if you can eat tacos on a diet then I feel like you're still winning so here we go lunch is ready it was a very simple meal.
Doing so didn't take long and now it's time to finish up the rest of the day. Confessions of a former fat kid when I was a kid at the end of 9 years old there was a big trend in snacks and they were fat free so you would go to the store and those were really the ones that caught your attention because you had been conditioned to think that fat-free is healthier for you because fat makes you fat, that's why you saw tons and tons of snacks, they all said fat-free, they would look very attractive and they would be very colorful.
You didn't even take a moment to look at the back and realize that usually the first ingredient was sugar, so instead of fat you just replaced it with sugars and since it had fat-free, they usually just doubled the sugars, so as a kid I found myself constantly gravitating towards those who thought they were healthier and little did I know that it really wasn't doing me any favors, in fact in some cases it was. It's probably worse for me, fortunately as people continue to become more educated that's a little less common as far as seeing things that say like ffree, but you'll always notice those trends so that's something I've learned as I I am older.
What I've done is simply take a moment to look at the ingredients list and make sure they haven't replaced one thing with another. The United States ranks as the country with the highest average daily sugar consumption per person, followed by Germany and the Netherlands with the lowest daily average belonging to India The Washington Post You always get a little nervous when you try a new diet and then do some intense workouts in the process you wonder about your energy levels how you're doing To be able to keep up, we've done a lot of different ones at the moment vegan carnivore keto and they all feel a little different and having zero sugar is no different.
My body feels great right now. I'm really excited because it's great. It's that I can still consume carbs, but I'm not getting a lot of those simple sugars, so I don't really notice the crash, but I still feel very full, so we're about halfway through our workout right now. moment and I follow the rhythm. I was a little nervous on the first one, we start with deadlifts, we immediately set up with the pull-ups and you're a little cautious at first, but the deeper we get into this the better, I feel very excited and sugary, sorry but you're overrated with an experiment like this, the time or amount of time you do it can really matter, for example when we did keto we did it for a full 45 minutes. days because sometimes you need that amount of time to start seeing results and for us personally just doing this for a week it's not so much about changes in body composition because in that period of time really the only thing you could hope for is losing weight . some water weight in the process, so for us zero sugar had a lot more to do with energy levels because that's something I've really struggled with in the past and basically found that the culprit in many cases is the sugar and is not necessarily sharp.
Lowering the sugar to zero, I just keep it moderate, so this is very interesting. Keep the carbs but eliminate most added sugars. I'm sorry. I'm really enjoying it and it's definitely something I want to continue. do in the future because I'm a big fan of what he's done to my overall energy levels and just my core mindset and you may have noticed that Brandon kept his hat on during the jerseys. I have a small bump on his back. He's got all the tricks no I don't have the I don't have the bump when you don't have the bump um your hat says yub yub it's dinner and we really wanted to focus on keeping everything as tasty as possible when you subtract the sugar completely.
I have to get a little creative and luckily because of the rise in crust, like cauliflower, we can get away with making a pizza and I think it's pretty unanimous that everyone loves pizza. I know you do, so we're going to make it sugar-free, which is really exciting, yeah, make some dinner now and we're going to make some sirloin steaks, also some potatoes and some vegetables, with that we just slice the potatoes, add a little seasoning and we put them in the oven to roast for about 30 minutes. to 40 minutes depending, you just look at them and see if they're browned and that's when you know they're done and we're going to brown the top fillets right in the pan, on the stove we're on We're going to add a little bit of garlic, so we're going to chop it up. right now to add a little bit of extra flavor and then with the vegetables we're going to have kind of a mixed green salad um just. to bring everything together to make sure that our vegetables have the carbohydrates from the potatoes and we have the fats and proteins from the steak, so again a very complete diet without added sugar, here we go, dinner is ready and we don't add any dressing, no we used ketchup, so when it came time for seasonings, we pretty much kept the food as it was, of course, we added a little spices like salt and pepper, uh, just to add a little flavor. eitherUmami to the steak and also to the potatoes.
I think overall this dinner was a success. Very delicious, very filling and very nutritious. Confessions of a former fat kid, something that turned out to be an obstacle for me and my teenagers and, in fact, even. I evolved to 20 was liquid calories, you don't really realize how much is in a drink, sometimes it's easy to forget that you're drinking so much sugar when you're in. Actually, there are certain sodas that, I mean, they have as much sugar as water. It's really mind-blowing when you realize how much is in one of those things, especially if you take several a day, like I did when I was a kid. and when I turned 20, that evolved into coffee because I would drink them in the morning, sweeten them, and I had no idea that they were absolutely packed with sugars, so that's something to watch out for.
When you drink a lot during the day, of course, you want to drink a lot of water, but if you also drink other things, you have to be careful because sometimes you do something simple, like just cutting them. The liquid calories taken from your diet can make all the difference in the world and you can see great results. The adults just did it. In 2008, 91% of American children ages 6 to 11 consumed up to 60% of their daily calorie intake from sugary drinks Harvard School of Public Health It's the weekend and that means it's also the end of our sugar-free experiment.
This one was interesting because in the past we followed diets that were more defined, like carnivore keto with In this one we basically said, "We're taking all the sugars and we're just eliminating them and it was something we wanted to try for a week, but it's definitely not something we let's go ahead and continue doing because As we mentioned earlier in the episode, we're big fans of sugar that occurs naturally, like in blueberries, Brussels sprouts, and of course the conclusion we came to was that added sugars They're the real culprits because there are a lot of pre-packaged foods that have those added sugars really build up throughout the day and then suddenly you're consuming a lot more than you thought.
They're pretty sneaky little bastards, so what do you think? What we learned from this episode is that we're really going to keep an eye on those added sugars, nothing beats Whole Foods, of course, you can add some of your favorites too, there's nothing wrong with that, but it's really about moderation. Sometimes it seems a little boring, but at least for Brandon and I, it's definitely what works. I hope you enjoyed this video, tell us some more diet experiments that you might want to check out in the future and until next time to stay alive yeah, how's everything going?

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