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We Ate Nothing But CHICKEN and BROCCOLI for a Week, Here's What Happened

May 30, 2021
We ate






for a


. This is



when you are doing a photo shoot when you are preparing for a bodybuilding competition. Many times you will see people just as they approach the finish line. They really turn it up a notch and start doing things like only eating vegetables, lean meats, no extra additives like sugar, so we wanted to do the same thing,


would happen if you only ate




for breakfast, lunch and dinner? for seven? days in a row we will become super skinny we will look better than ever or we will just be exhausted tired and completely out of energy well we are about to find out wish us luck are you tired of being easy to make super delicious?
we ate nothing but chicken and broccoli for a week here s what happened
Cereals filled with sugar and chocolate. Do you feel like soft, hard-to-chew food with the consistency of cardboard? We are going to eat chicken and broccoli, cereals full of protein and fiber. It is a cereal that has a disgusting loosening effect. He puffed up this chicken and brought the cereal. No gift for you, elon. kiss stealing muscle the power of super healing magnitude i have never been accused of being approved by shoving you in the face you know, chicken and broccoli cereal eat it because no one else will do it another day another food challenge it's the first day of the extreme competition of bodybuilding diet just chicken and broccoli, fortunately in this case it's been a


since we've done a lot of these food videos in the past, type experiments w


we try something for a month to see how we feel about it, we give our opinion and kindly. to see how our bodies react, okay, first things first, you have the chicken that we are going to use frozen, at least I am, uh, it's much easier, you just put it in the freezer, you can keep it for a long time, you buy a lot . and I'm going to go with chicken strips, they're so easy to cook and they cook a lot at once, they're that perfect type of finger food that you eat one at a time, but look, this bag weighs two and a half pounds, so I'll probably eat about two bags a day to get the right calorie count.
we ate nothing but chicken and broccoli for a week here s what happened

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we ate nothing but chicken and broccoli for a week here s what happened...



will be a lot of protein, not a lot of fat and not a lot of carbohydrates. This, so yeah, I'm basically going to stock up on chicken. This is probably one of the easiest shopping lists ever, basically just chicken and broccoli and that's it, so let's get two things. Wow, he makes it easy. Oh, we have frozen broccoli. Plus, it's another way to easily preserve food for an extended period of time instead of keeping it fresh. You know they can go bad pretty quickly, so if you're going to get fresh food you're going to have to eat it right away, cook it and eat it, but frozen.
we ate nothing but chicken and broccoli for a week here s what happened
Basically put it in the freezer and it'll be ready whenever you want, so I'm going to stock up on a bunch of frozen broccoli so that when I need it I can take it out of the freezer and have it ready. for me it's a very simple and easy way, but I think we'll probably get a few fresh things here and there, throughout the week long trip, here we go with frozen broccoli, simple, easy and you can buy a lot of it, which is nice. We are in the condiment section and one of the rules we will follow is to make sure we are very careful with the condiments we use.
we ate nothing but chicken and broccoli for a week here s what happened
We want to make sure we stay away from condiments that will add extra calories. Any extra sugar we want to make sure we use things like mustard or hot sauce that are zero calories and don't contain sugar, that way we can still add a little flavor to the chicken, but we're not going to go out. the limits of basically eating chicken and broccoli or at least the calories and the macronutrients of that so yeah at least we'll have a little bit of flavor that will be nice so we're in the spice section here and just like seasonings , we want to make sure. we take something that doesn't add extra calories or sugar or anything like that, keep it very simple, I mean there's


better than the classics like salt and pepper, of course you can add extra things like, I don't know, garlic salt or chili powder, paprika or whatever you know, it gives flavor to your chicken, in this case for us, the chicken, that's it, so, yeah, I mean you can really take whatever you want and that's good.
With spices, there are so many options available and there are so many. There are a lot of different combinations you can do to make something interesting. I mean, that's the part about making food: you can make it however you want to make sure you really enjoy eating it, so we'll probably take a few things here and there to make sure that once we've roasted our chicken we can flavor it. Damn, it's day two. All the food has been purchased and I just wanted to go over the calories and macros. Fortunately, with this diet it is super easy because you.
I'm basically eating the same thing every day, so what I did was I prepped like crazy on Sunday, I had everything ready and now, over the course of day one and day two, I've been eating the exact same thing. 55 ounces of lean chicken meat and 11 cups of broccoli, calories are 200, carbohydrates are 72, 22 of which is fiber, fat is 42 and protein is a rather unpleasant 340 grams. Now I usually don't like to go. more than one gram of protein per pound of body weight and that's like maxing it out, I mean normally for me it's going to be between 0.7 grams and one gram so 340 is way more than my weight which makes sense because big Part of what I'm eating comes from chicken and luckily I got some chicken that also had a little bit of fat in it because of course if you want to try to have some fat in your diet, you don't want to eliminate it completely. but this is definitely a different macro split than what I'm used to and I can't really tell if I'm adapting to it, it's still pretty easy.
I marinated the chicken in some sugar-free sauce, so luckily it's tasty. I'm cooking and steaming broccoli. I still haven't gotten completely sick of it, although it was definitely a surprise to have it for breakfast these last two days, so the calorie macros are lining up. Food preparation is good. Now I just sit back and see if I can keep eating the same thing over and over again for another five days, so three days after the chicken and broccoli diet, the hidden training has to be done together because I think we both need some motivation. Energy levels are a little low, a little hard to do and we're going to eat chicken, we're going to eat broccoli, we're going to drink water and thank goodness we decided to have some caffeine in the form of coffee too because I definitely needed it.
I'm way behind, I feel a little better now I always feel a little better when I increased my heart rate, started exercising, but today, more than any other day so far, I'm feeling the effects of being on a very low carb diet and very low in sugar. Yes, it's always funny for many of you, when you see athletes, especially bodybuilders, they look very good, thin, you know, basically, like they are specimens of a human being, but in reality they are at their weakest point. . If you have a diet like this, where you just eliminate everything, you get leaner, but you don't feel good at all, so it's funny how you know the differences, you may look good, but you definitely don't feel it. well, you look good, but inside you feel like oh yes, yes, feeling good, well, maybe not feeling that good rumor on the street is that you are made of broccoli, the truth is that it smells like broccoli, they say that you are the What do you eat and I want to watch.
In the mirror I'm starting to look a bit like skinned chickens, maybe that's good, we're only going for a week, I really don't want that, uh, super skinny, nothing but veins and muscles, strength levels have definitely gone down . I know, like I said before, having Brandon here as a training partner really helps me stay motivated. I think if I went it alone it would be very slow, we still keep the rest times relatively short and we really rely on each other to get through this, but there's no doubt that I feel a little weaker and don't have as much energy as normally.
I just finished the basement workout and I have to be honest, it was a little painful for me. It was really hard to get over that, but another workout went one step further to ending this damn eating experiment. Well here we go, it's day four and it's been quite a journey so far. I must say that it is a little more difficult. than I originally thought it would be mainly because I've had some experience eating like this in the past. You know, doing some photo shoots for some fitness magazines, they usually called you and gave you two weeks' notice and you said, Well, I have to prepare, so you immediately follow a very strict eating schedule, you do lots of cardio and your workouts will increase, make sure you look your best for the photo shoot of course you shave, tan and all that kind of stuff. from the classic, you know, fitness, slash, bodybuilding, look, um, so this time I thought: ah, you know, this challenge will be a piece of cake.
I've done it before, but I don't know what it is, but it seems a lot harder. than it used to be, probably because it's a little stricter and you only eat two foods, chicken and broccoli, so it gets so old that I feel like I don't really have much of an appetite. I really want to eat and when I finally sit down and eat, it takes me forever to eat each bite. I mean, every bite seems like a chore. Everyone around me has finished their food and I still have a full plate. I have to finish this to make sure I get enough calories and I'm not going to cut back.
Fortunately, it's only for one week. If I felt like I had to eat like this for any longer, I would probably go crazy. I know, of course, that the benefits are that you lose weight, you lose weight, and of course it's easy to cook and it's cheap too, but the drawbacks would probably be that when you purge like that, when you go on a kind of strict diet, afterwards you want to give yourself binge, so you're going to have to try not to do that, a lot of those bodybuilders after the competition just binge on everything related to cakes and donuts and you know, cereal or whatever, just because they haven't eaten that for so long and I mean, if you do that for a short period of time, it might be fine, but if you keep doing it, obviously everything you work towards before that is wasted, so you have to be very careful, that's why Crash Shining is likely to be a flop.
It's not the best way to do things, it's more of a complete diet, you know, long term, to make sure that you're always healthy, you're always going to look good, rather than yo-yoing that way, but here Come on, we only have a few days left and I'm looking forward to seeing the final result to see how everything turns out. It's day five and already my fifteenth chicken and broccoli meal and in the meantime I've had to think of some creative ways. To vary them up a little there's not much you can do, but I've done a few things like I'll use chicken broth to make some soup, so I have chicken and broccoli soup.
I will rice the broccoli so that it is good. to give it a little more texture and feel like that, it tastes a little more like rice along with my chicken and then of course I've been grilling them both like crazy, which I have to say is probably my favorite way. from eating it, for the most part it tastes great, but again, gosh, those breakfasts are so hard to eat, that chicken and broccoli just doesn't feel right, you know, lunch and dinner, I could probably do it for a long period of time. but breakfast just hurts a little so I have two days left of this and each day is getting a little harder than the last it's time for the shave and tin segments and if anyone knows anything about bodybuilding when you shave and tan You have to get it all because when you're on stage you never know what's going to be shown so oh oh yeah oh oh the shorts I thought I'd spare you everything else and as far as shaving goes, I'm gonna go I gotta go ahead and skip that because I have a lot of hair and it has taken me a long time to grow it out.
I don't really feel like going through all the time and effort of shaving, so I'm going to go straight to the tan. and of course I have my lovely tanning assistant here, my girlfriend Michaela, she will help me get to all those hard to reach places, so are you ready? Okay, that was the first coat and we'll probably let it dry a little bit. a second coat, so we have to get that nice, deep tan. You can see it well. We have a little mini competition. Hudson and I have who will be tanner. There we go all tanned.
I'll let it sit and believe. what am I going to take a shower tomorrow, yeah okay, take a shower tomorrow, rinse off a little bit and be ready to work out, as you can see I already have a nice healthy farmer's tan here, but that's I'm going to need a little more than that. I was very naive about how the whole bodybuilding competition culture worked and I remember the first time we attended the Brandon Bodybuilding Competition when we were both teenagers and we were actually preparing on our work from home it was kind of trial and error. because you didn't have the large amount ofinformation that you have now on the Internet, so we were just going through magazines in the store and we could find what other people were using. and it was hard to say what would work for a teenager, so brandon basically ate more or less chicken and broccoli and there is a very particular smell that fake tanning chemicals give off, so the whole room was filled with the smell of that chicken and broccoli those are two very different skin tones he looks at me like who are you I didn't know my dad was an oompa loompa so when we started this experiment I weighed myself first thing in the morning on an empty stomach on a Monday morning and to The final weigh-in is again on a Sunday morning on a completely empty stomach and it is absolutely amazing how much weight I have lost.
You generally want to lose about two pounds per week, which would be a healthy amount if you want to. To retain muscle mass well, I've lost a lot more than that, so that's a little scary, of course, I'm sure it's a little bit of water weight and all that good stuff, so it's not a perfect indication, but at the same time. I really don't feel comfortable losing that much and I'm a little afraid of how much I would still lose if I stayed on this chicken and broccoli-only diet. Well, it's the morning of and it's time to weigh. to see how much weight I've lost whoo 220 looks like I lost a lot this experiment is over and carbs are back on the menu yeah 215.4 that's a little scary, it was a little scary at the end of the experiment because I had lost a lot of weight and now It's equally a little scary because I gained a lot back and that's what happens when you make something like this with chicken and broccoli, that's all you eat, you're going to be exhausted.
If you go crazy, you're going to lose a lot of weight, as we said earlier in the video, of course it's good for something like a photo shoot or maybe a competition, but in the long term, at least in our opinion, it's not really sustainable because As you can see, I put it back on. I feel great, but at the same time I'm not going to kick myself because I knew this is what was going to happen, so would I use this diet in the future maybe? If there was something like a photo shoot you definitely had to be in top shape, but is it sustainable in the long term?
Definitely not a strict diet like this is only good in the short term. You know, we've had much better benefits on a full diet long term we've gotten much bigger we had more muscle mass, of course like Hudson was saying, long term it's too restrictive and probably wouldn't be as sustainable having said that. I'm really happy to be able to eat some other things besides chicken and broccoli. Yeah, back to the full tie exactly, so let us know if you want to see more diet experiments in the future and until next time, yeah, stay away.

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