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We Tested the Most Dangerous Foods to Eat While Driving

Jun 18, 2024
You've heard of Mukbang, this is Truck Bang! (tires screeching) We asked Donut Underground members what are the worst


to eat



? and today we are going to test to see how terrible it is to eat these


in a car. I'm joined by my friend, the hungriest guy I know, Nolan Sykes. I'm James and this is List D. - Many thanks to Curiosity Stream for sponsoring today's video. Oh, thanks for the ride. I'll tell Zack what you said (grumps). You know, I've learned a lot traveling the galaxy with lizard people, but that's all I can say about it.
we tested the most dangerous foods to eat while driving
I took the Libra oath to never reveal her secrets, but if you're eager to learn, let me introduce you to Curiosity Stream. Curiosity Stream is a smart TV for your smart TV. They have thousands of documentaries and non-fiction TV shows that can be streamed on topics like history, nature, science, good, technology, travel, and more. Lately I've been watching shows like "Ancient Engineering" and "Pizza: A Love Story." Fun fact: lizards don't like pizza. The cheese goes through them. Anyway, whatever you're interested in learning, Curiosity Stream has an option for you. So click the link in the description or go to to get a full year for 14.99, that's 365 days, that's a lot of days. - Jeremiah Burton, you have broken the oath of balance. - No, I did not do it.
we tested the most dangerous foods to eat while driving

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we tested the most dangerous foods to eat while driving...

The cheese goes through them. - You must be punished. - You'll never catch me. Eat Swiss, lizard scum. - Oh no, not Swiss cheese. - This first meal was suggested by Trevarious. - It's warm. - It's warm. They are chili dogs with extra chili. Dude, this is the... - This is the least bad. - This is bad as S level for eating in a car. - I would never try this. - Never again. - I would never try this



. - Let's change shirts and try this. So this car... really easy to drive, huh? This car is harder than


because it is a stick. - How am I going to do it? - Okay, then you'll go with your shapeshifting hand.
we tested the most dangerous foods to eat while driving
Yes, you make the change to change. Easy. - It is easy. (James laughing) I can totally do this. (both laughing) - You look very happy. - I thought it was going to be a nightmare. This is very easy. Look, downshift. - Big blow. - Good. You were delivering that plate one-handed. - Easy. Easy, nothing difficult. - No problem. - Trevarious, that was a good shot, but it turns out that chili dogs are really easy to eat while driving. The hot dog is a very convenient food to begin with, and at the end of the day, chili is just sauce on top of a dog.
we tested the most dangerous foods to eat while driving
So if you build it right, you'll be able to drive it. The next one was presented by Whiep, popsicles in the summer, without air conditioning. Fortunately for us, none of our cars have air conditioning. So we can try this. It's not that hot today, so I thought, let's make this melt a little. (torch hum) (upbeat music) Let's get in the truck and try this. Now, to me this is not so bad. I feel like my dad ate popsicles in the car constantly in the summer. Some drops fell on me. - I think the only risk you run when you eat a popsicle and drive is the sticky factor. - Good.
I have something sticky. - There is a lot of waste there. - That's a lot. Now it will go directly to the gear lever. It's on the steering wheel, the steering wheel is sticky. And you know what, that mess came up to me by surprise. - Yes. - I didn't see that mess coming. - A minute ago we were very confident. It's a different kind of mess, not a visual mess, but if you're like me, I hate sticky things... I hate sticky things. - I hate it. - How does the moon clear ice from your windshield?
Use a skyscraper. - Well. - Popsicles are very nice to eat in the car, but yes, you have to be very careful or you will be left with a very annoying sticky mess. The following was suggested by a group of people and I'll tell you what, I agree with them 100%. Bone-in chicken wings. Alright. How do you feel so far? - Suspiciously. (James laughs) - Go for a flat, well, classic option. You won't even eat the whole wing. - That? - You have to eat the whole wing, friend. People will get mad at you. - Damn, that's good. - I must tell you that, as your passenger, I am upset. - Oh God. - I have a completely equipped wing.
Oh no, it's getting slippery. Are you enjoying it? It seems like a pretty active activity. Rough. - Your hands are getting quite dirty. - Oh no, sacrificing the shirt. - Although they are pretty good wings. - Yeah? - Yes. Oh God. - Did you leave the ranch? (Both laugh) Wings are harder than popsicles. - That was really difficult. - Well, that was disgusting. We all saw that eating ranch chicken wings in a car is not an ideal situation for any party involved. - Don't do it, let's move on. Let's keep moving like this. - This next meal was suggested by Gaming Genius. - The genius of video games? - The geniuses of the games themselves. - That's a fondue machine.
Will you make me eat fondue in a car? - (laughs) Yeah. You'll look like you're covered in dookie. Highly strung? - A little, a little nervous. - Oh no, you're putting it between us. - Oh no! I had one already threaded, but it's... It's okay. (sirens wailing) - Oh man, we're already off to a good start. - Here we go, big one. Big berry. - This is the first one with a real gun involved. - There is a danger component here. - As if fondue were something dirty in general. For starters, I wouldn't wear a white shirt to a fondue restaurant. - Are there fondue restaurants? - Yes, The Melting Pot, that's a fondue restaurant.
He used to frequent it when he was a kid. - Oh. Actually this is like... - Isn't it that difficult? You're making a big mess. - Sorry, but it doesn't feel as


as the wings. - Like chicken wings? (siren wailing) Someone called an ambulance for you. - It could be a hostage situation. - Would you like to play a game? - Oh, my pants. - You lost a berry. - How do I look, Max? - Looks like you have a cool soul patch. - Alright. Well, I do. - It stinks here. Nolan, fondue in a car. - I wouldn't recommend it. - The following meal was submitted by several people and I must say that I agree with them 100%.
For me, this is a very difficult food to eat in general. - I can not wait. - It's definitely like food that sticks to the plate. - Oh, it's a very greasy paper bag, let me see that. - The greasy bag of hard tacos. Oh no, buddy, these are messy kids. - Yes, sure. (James laughs) Okay. - Beautiful day in Southern California. One thing we have in Los Angeles is some great tacos. - Not bad. - I mean, the taco is a food I've eaten in the car before. - Me too, but there's a reason you don't do it very often. - Dont do it.
And you don't usually make tacos crispy. - Did something fall from the ceiling onto my cue? - Oh God. I mean, if you get the timing right, it seems doable. - It's feasible. And not many people have manual transmissions. - Oh, 100%, in a car, you could definitely eat a taco. - Car, you're totally fine. You could drive with your knees, all those


things. - Tacomatic transmission. - Taco-matic. - You also have a small plate. - Yeah. I mean, if I didn't have the wrapper, all these fillings would be all over the floor. - I thought it would be very complicated, but it is 100% manageable. - Yes. - Surprise of the episode. - Yes, the dirtiest food in the package was one of the easiest to eat. - Well, I think tacos were originally developed to be eaten on top of a horse. - If these were the


difficult foods to eat on horses, it would be a different episode. - Still waiting.
One of these days they'll let me make horse content. - What do we have now? - The following was another popular request. Nolan, you wake up late, get in the shower and say, oh no, I have a meeting scheduled, but you're hungry and you have to get your brain working in the morning, what's best? Convenient breakfast to eat in the car? - Probably a protein bar or something. - Probably. But today we don't eat the most convenient foods, but rather the most dirty ones, and that's why we eat some cereal. - I see Max with a bowl of cereal in a bag. - Nolan, you're a great cereal guy.
You love cereals. - I love cereals. - Do you put the milk first? - No. - I think a lot of people do. It's like, why is that even an argument or a conversation? - That's a lot of milk. Okay, you can stop. You can stop at any time. You can stop at any time, James. - Okay, here we go. I just want to give people what they want. - Alright. - Let's do it. - Come on. It's nice to think it's oat milk, yes. Cow's milk would have been a problem. - Oh yeah. - This is great, friend.
Oh God. Big blow. (Nolan laughing) I'm going for that first bite. - As a passenger, it's pretty easy. (Nolan murmurs) - It's actually not that bad. - From a visual point of view, this seems much more normal to me than chicken wings. If I was in traffic and saw you eating cereal, I'd say, "That's weird, but it's okay." -Chicken wings are like psychotic. - You are a psychopath. - TRUE. Good afternoon sirs. - That guy didn't even look twice. Chicken wings, the guy said, what's up, buddy? (tires screeching) (James laughing) - My shirt got wet, I'm sorry. - I brought some cereal. - There are a lot of Cheerios on my shirt, James.
It's running through my belly. - It's cold. - It's cold. - So if we hadn't tried to make a launch, I think we could have returned pretty unscathed, but as things stand, Nolan looks like a baby. (Both laugh) Cereal, very fun and surprisingly not too difficult to eat in the car. - Yes, but don't compete with anyone. - Don't run with anyone while you do it or you'll have a lap full of milk. - Yes. - We are officially entering crazy city. The following article has been a long time in the making. - Well. - And you spent so much time smoking them that you're late for work. - Oh no! - Then you have to eat them in the car.
What are the ones you ask? I'm talking, ♪ I want my baby back, baby back ♪ A big old sack of ribs. These are heavy. These are heavy, man. Already messy. Ready to go out again? (Both laugh) You look a little worse, friend. - I feel full. - A big old lap full of ribs. A big old lap full of ribs. Back full of ribs. - This is fun. Yes, I'll casually eat a rib. Oh, (beep). Look, I can move with these three fingers here. - With your delicate fingers. You have the rib fingers and then the moving fingers. - That's how it is. - This is another food that if I saw you in traffic eating it, I would say: you're weird. - You're crazy. - Oh no!
I have to say, the chicken wings really grossed me out. I find this very funny. The image of this... makes up for it. - For me it's very funny. It's not gross, it's just a lot of fun. You are simply covered. - I feel disgusting. - So I guess the ribs aren't as gross to look at as the chicken wings, but as you can see, Nolan is just slathered in barbecue sauce. We have reached the end of our messy gastronomic journey and we end this video with a marvel. - I'm so full, James. I'm so full. - We're almost done, friend, we're almost done.
I didn't even think about this one. The Donut Underground, you are a bunch of psychopaths. Donut Underground is our membership program, you can learn more about it by hitting the join button below or I'll put a link in the description. We publish videos that make no sense to appear on the main channel. You have access to our Discord, it's a really fun time. - It's so much fun making me eat things, guys. Check it out. Oh, it's in a can. - The final test. Crab legs. (both laughing) - Have you never eaten crab before? - Actually? - I don't know how to do this.
Am I supposed to do that at 30 miles an hour? Oh God. So let's try it. I'm fine. I felt like I had a huge snot in my nose. - They're probably chicken wings. (both laughing) - Okay, my God. - Oh, good job, friend. - Alright. (James laughing) - Don't you like them? - I do not like. (James laughs) Oh, I don't like crab at all. I don't like crab. - It's good, it's like sweet meat. - It's not sweet meat. Sorry if you live in Maryland, I know you love crab. I'm just not like that, you know?
Here we have fish tacos in California. Go ahead, here I am eating crab legs. - You have the right immediately. - I took out the crab. - The surprise of the century, eating crab legs in a car is not the easiest thing, in fact, it is downright dangerous. - Horrible idea. - Do not do it. The car stinks, our hands stink. Nolan, thank you so much for coming on this show and donating your body to science once again. Thanks to Donut Underground for helping us make this video. If you want to see Nolan suffer even more, watch this episode of High Low and High Low will be back very, very, very soon. - Good plug. - Very excited about that.
And before you keep repeating the comments, we Googled it and it is legal to eat in a car in California. I love you. - See you.

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