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10 Bizarre Car Trends Explained

Jun 02, 2021
- People love to do things to their cars. If they didn't, I wouldn't have a damn job. Sometimes people do really strange things with their cars and today we will look at some of those


. We have fake rust, we have ironic plates and we compensate your car. Why do people do it and where does it come from? Wait cuh, because I'm going to tell you. This is the D-List. Many thanks to REC Watches for sponsoring today's episode of the D-List. Everyone knows we love driving fast, loud cars, but my love for the splendor of car driving extends much further. beyond the asphalt.
10 bizarre car trends explained
I'm talking about dirtying vehicles, tearing them down and doing dirty, dusty donuts, and what better way to do it than a Land Rover Defender, but you can't race or off-road if you're not there on time. That's what they always say. You have to get off the road on time, but now, thanks to REC Watches, I can get there on time and look good doing it. That's right, REC Watches is back, and this time with its R&R Collection. The R&R collection consists of two different dial models, handcrafted directly from a 1981 Land Rover and a 2003 Defender and a design inspired by their organ donor car.
10 bizarre car trends explained

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10 bizarre car trends explained...

James, I don't like watches that represent Britain's off-road heritage. I like speed. Well, buckle up, cowboy, because I know you're going to like the watch that RWB and REC got together and collaborated on. It is made with real parts from Akira Nakai's RWB Porsche, his personal car. You don't like Land Rovers or RWB Porsches. Well, I know an all-American classic. I know you guys will like that. If you don't like one of those three, then you don't like anything. No matter what style you like, one thing is for sure and that is that all of these REC Watch models are very limited.
10 bizarre car trends explained
Head to or click the link in the description and enter the code 15-OFF-DONUT to get 15% off your entire purchase. Guys, this is a premium item, so 15% is quite a lot. Now let's talk about some more weird things about cars. If you're a city slicker like me, you may not know about this funky trend, but if you're from the South, like me, you've probably witnessed these strangely posed pickup trucks. I'm talking about the Carolina squat. Yes, Ja! Even though it's named after the Carolinas, this truck trend actually originated from the trophy trucks of Baja California.
10 bizarre car trends explained
It turns out that the real reason the rear is lowered and not the front is that it helps when flying over the sandy dunes of Baja California. This angle makes it more likely that your truck will land on its rear tires and that's important when you're speeding through Baja because diving while going a hundred miles per hour is not good, but like many of these truck


, most Carolina Squat Trucks never venture off the road and end up looking like they have a broken suspension while driving down the highway on the way to Baja Fresh, and because of that, a lot of people like to hate these Carolina squatters .
But as we'll soon learn from the rest of this list, many automotive trends start out as something motorsports related that quickly evolve into something more aesthetic, but who am I to judge? Can I get a #squattersrights? - Fake patina. - A nice patina can add a lot of character to a car. Ask Nolan, he's a registered patina fanatic, but the thing is, you can't just snap your fingers and get a beautiful natural paint rust mix. That's up to Mother Nature, but if you want a worn-in look and don't have time to let your car rust in a shed, there's another option.
You can always paint your car to make it look like it has patina. In the age of endless resto modifications and dwindling classic car resources, you can now make any car look like a bird has been shitting on it for the last 40 years. A nice rust finish looks great on your uncle's old Dodge truck, so why not a 2015 Hellcat? And if you don't have the money to hire a craftsman patina painter, you can get vinyl wraps that come pre-rusted. I wonder what Nolan thinks about the patina wrap. (silly music) - Look, I know we all here at Donut are all about respecting all the cars and all that.
All, all the cars are great. That's our stance, but I have to say it's one thing to like someone painting a fake patina. That takes some skill, but having a wrapper printed to look old doesn't sit well with me. I do not like that. Patina is earned, guys. What makes it cool is that you had to find a car that had been sitting somewhere for, in my case, 70 years. - Sounds a little elitist, friend. - It's a bit elitist. I'll say you're right, Max. - That's control, Nolan. - No, it's not access control, because at the end of the day it's just a rusty car.
Back to you, James. - Racing cars had big, thick letters on their tires. That is a fact and cannot be argued with science. Look at this one, look at this one. Watch this. Tire companies pay a lot of money for that real estate, and now, thanks to modern, sophisticated technologies we don't yet understand, like paint, stencils, and decals, your car can have big old letters on it, too. - Tire labeling. - This is a trend that has been very popular in recent years, but in reality people have been painting letters on their tires for decades, and like anything that becomes really popular, people will inevitably start to hate it. .
I mean, you should check out my DMs, but in my opinion there are some really cool examples of this trend, like when Akira Nakai, one of the coolest guys in this big fat land, spray paints Idlers on car tires RWB builds it, just because it looks good. He started a damn tire company. That's great. Very good, and sometimes looking great is what it's all about. Ask Zac Efron. - Truck nuts. - Speaking of looking cool, there's nothing better than putting realistic human genitalia on a truck. We did a whole episode of Wheelhouse about truck nuts a while ago and it showed up on the trending page, which is crazy to think about because it was partially demonetized because no one was talking about great plums for 15 minutes.
This is another trend that makes a lot of sense, okay. This fits right in with that old saying that the bigger the truck, the smaller your wa, your sausage, and is the next logical modification after a lift kit, knobby tires, light bar, and Monster energy drink decal . What will you do next? I don't know, where do you go from there? I don't know, let's put balls on my truck. Oh, that's a good idea. We all know the type of person who puts balls in their truck and here in the US people love to be identified as that type of person.
These plastic bird bags come in all colors and sizes, up to 18-inch and 18-inch balls. Now they even drive Cybertruck crazy. The damn Cybertruck isn't even out yet. That's the kind of innovation you can expect after 30 years of truck testicles, all right. Do you want to know more about truck nuts? Watch Nolan's episode of Wheelhouse. It's really great. I'll put a link at the end of this video. If I have a truck and plan to have it within the next year, it would have a big fiberglass rear tailgate and it would be like the centaur of trucks. - You know that Calvin peeing sticker? - You know we couldn't make a list of the strangest car trends without mentioning the damn Calvin peeing on things sticker.
Don't you like something? Let the world know by putting a picture of a child urinating on your logo that you don't like it. Which child should we use? I don't know. Maybe the one in the (fart) newspaper. Perfect. This one has been around since the '90s and Calvin has peed on a lot of things since then. Are you a Ford guy? Don't worry. There's a Calvin peeing on a Chevy sticker for you. Are you a Dodge boy? Don't worry. There's a Calvin peeing on a Chevy sticker for you. I have some examples here from some of Calvin's truck nuts.
This is good, I agree with this. It's Calvin urinating on COVID-19. I mean, I think we can all agree. They are not big fans of COVID-19. Oh damn. This is like an alternative Calvin. This is not a great Calvin. She's like a contraband, contraband, Calvin, and she's urinating on his ex. Now. I don't know if that means I don't like my ex, or that my ex and I still see each other from time to time and we like water sports. Oh, Calvin urinating on ISIS. Yeah, that, he takes that ISIS. Oh, and here we go. Calvin urinating on Bill Waterson's legacy.
Now why would I say that? Bill Waterson came out and said that he never wanted to do any kind of merchandising and having Calvin pee on things goes against the point of comics, which was childhood understanding and wonder. So, one, these are all bootlegged and constructed, basically plagiarism, and like many things on this list, you can go too far with this trend, okay? I was just informed that Nolan has another counterpoint. - Okay, then yes. Bill Waterson, great guy. Do you know who didn't think the same way? Jim Davis of Garfield fame. Jim Davis had a very cynical approach towards Garfield.
He wanted to make as much merchandise as possible. He wanted to profit as much as he could, that's why there was the Garfield cartoon. There have been Garfield movies and all that kind of stuff. I do not know, man. We should, we should drink before these. -I love how Nolan talks bad about the merchandise while he's wearing his own shirt. - Sticky trim. - Car designers spend years going to university to learn how to modify small details in a car's design to make it attractive, practical and stylish. So why the hell would you go out and buy a $12 fake plastic vent that does nothing and stick it on the side of your car?
Look, I'm not here to shame anyone, that's okay. There are a lot of cool things you can do to make your rugged looking car your own, but there have to be some rules or else we'll all live in chaos. Let's take a look at what the heck is going on here. Oh Lord. Skulls, look. That's it, it's a bar to hit skulls, skulls on the hood. The most offensive thing to me is the scale of the WWII fender paint, because obviously the guy wants it to look aggressive, but the mouth and eyes on this Jeep animal are very small and not intimidating at all.
Look what we have here. It's a Nissan Altima, I think they are hoaxes. I actually love this one. No notes. That Metro is incredible. It's like a really cool Gambler car. Shout out to Tate and the rest of the Gambler 500 team. One of the best weekends of my life. The craziest part, though, is that this isn't just a fringe group of people doing this. They wouldn't make this product if people didn't buy it, and even major car companies are now putting fake trim on their cars. Say what you want, nothing speaks louder than dollars. You know what I mean?
Now, Max threatened to sue me for this, but I said, "screw it, it's worth it if I can finally tell these uppity West Coast elites what I think." - Tesla vanity plates. - Please don't sue me, Max. I'm running out of money. Driving an electric vehicle is fine. Doing your part to save the Earth is great. Ridiculous mode is fun. Getting a sarcastic, personalized license plate for your Tesla is not cool or fun. I know this because I am a retired professional comedian. Nothing makes people who already don't like electric cars dislike electric cars more than a license plate that says: Why buy gasoline?
I have watts, hahaha, gasoline. We understand. Be happy driving your Tesla because there are plenty of people who can't afford to drive one, and there's no reason to rub it in their faces. This is so ingrained in Tesla culture that there are lists on the Tesla forums with a bunch of sarcastic puns, a bunch of sarcastic puns that you can choose to put on your vanity plate. I have no problem with Teslas. I like Teslas. I think they're good, but come on. Who decided that techies have to think they're funny? You're not funny. You are rich.
This one, I actually like, it says gaps in the panel and that's like having a defect in your car. That's self-deprecating and it's fun. - Car eyelashes. - Okay, okay, okay guys, I have an idea, listen to me. Tabs for your headlights. I admit, I think they are very cute. There's really no reason for it other than fun, and sometimes you want to give your car a little more personality. I mean, the front of the cars look like faces and the headlights are definitely the eyes. The wheels are the feet, the tires are the shoes, the exhaust is the anus, of course.
What you may not know is that it goes beyond eyelashes. You can get an eyeliner for your headlights, which can shape the expression you want your car to have. Angry, (grunts) seductive, all kinds of expressions. There are even little eyebrow stickers thatYou can put on the headlights to make your car look like that actor with the big old eyebrows. A lot of people like to hate and make fun of them, but don't let people tell you what you should or shouldn't do to your car, unless it's a lame pun on your Tesla. The next automotive trend is controversial. - Extreme camber. - First, let's talk about camber for a second.
Negative camber means that the bottom of the wheel is farther away than the top, and this is not necessarily a bad thing. In fact, most cars, especially racing cars, have negative camber because it helps with handling and drivability. Negative camber has also been a huge part of stance culture because it allows you to put wide wheels under your low car, and you know I like big wheels on small cars, but like almost everything else on this list, Some people like to take their lean to the extreme, sometimes to the point where the car is barely drivable.
There is a whole subculture in Japan called Oni-Camber, which literally means demonic camber. It has been described as a branch of bosozoku, dealing with vehicular absurdity and the function of throwing the damn sidewalk along with the front splitter. I'm not going to lie, this is a very dumb thing to do to a car. Extreme camber will destroy your tires much faster, and if you're not the best at parallel parking you'll probably bend your wheels, but I mean, it's not like they have veiny human testicles hanging from their bumpers, so it could be worse. Now this is the reason we made this video.
This is the best. We didn't even know they existed until a couple of weeks ago when we saw them at a car show. - Car show dolls. -If you've ever been to a classic car show, you've noticed that some of the cars have like these little monkey dolls with their arms crossed in front of their eyes, crying against the grill of a car. Hey, do you know what my car needs? A child crying over him. So what's the problem with these things (farts)? It turns out they have a lot of different names, like cry dolls or punished dolls, but the most common and slightly less creepy name is timeout dolls, and these monsters were very popular in the crafting and quilting community before moving on to displays. of cars.
No one really knows why they became so popular, but some people think it was a way to get the whole family involved in the car scene. While Papa Bear was busy waxing the old Bel Air, Mama Bear was sewing a matching doll for the car show, but timeout dolls are just the beginning of this strange trend. There is another style of wrist that is very popular in the lowrider scene. These things aren't just cute. They're dressed like the owners, like a miniature version of them, which makes them cool, I guess, and not so creepy. Let me know in the comments if you know someone I can order a crying doll version of me from.
I'd love one. Have you ever thought, damn, I want to do some cool things, but I don't have the right hat? Boom, problem solved. Introducing the first official Kentucky Cobra cap. Perfect for doing anything. Perfect for doing things like this. (exploding) Perfect for climbing stairs. Perfect for shredding. Perfect for relaxing on the couch with your boo. She's in the bathroom. I've been waiting a long time for them to come out. We've been working on them for a while and I'm very, very excited with how they turned out. High quality embroidery on the front. That's the new official Kentucky Cobra logo.
Donut bump on the back, also embroidered. Mesh back, love the fit. It's my new favorite hat. I can't wait to see you wearing them. Post photos on Instagram, tag me in them. I will post again. (cool music) This is what you'll look like when you buy one. Now there are millions more automotive trends that we didn't cover in this one. Let me know in the comments which ones we missed. Maybe we'll make a second version of this video. If you want to know what automaker trends are, check out this episode of Wheelhouse. Follow me on Instagram at jamespumphrey, follow donut at donutmedia.
I love you. (upbeat music)

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