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Jun 19, 2024
I didn't say move the camera away, move the camera away, move the camera away coming towards my face, you been holding the football tackle until the whistle, that's


you need to stop


, yeah bro, tomorrow we have the division game one against the best. from the league and we heard that they are bringing in a professional striker, so if you are free we were thinking if you want to come tomorrow and play for us again, let me know if you are free, don't worry, if not, look. Ry, he


against Pep, he


at Wembley in the P final, he played at Tren Park against the best in the league, that's


we're going to find out today, it was great, what's happening brother, it's good to see you again, your favorite play, the last one. super time, come on, he got a hat trick like 5 minutes or something excited about it, yeah, come on, FC is going down, would you take a zero, zero right now, yeah, that's the tactic, what formation we play, they pass to Cal Milo And Stan? get the rebounds, how do I feel, man, I always feel good, today we have a very strong team, as you can see, we have


giant here, who is your favorite for Balandor, for Balandor.
we played the biggest bullies in london this is what happened
I think Milo has been very good. I think I have been. pretty good, strange, yeah, I think probably between me and Milo, to be honest, we have a good team today, wait, but where does he fit better than me? I see, where is he man? When are we going to start introducing fans? Yes you can be late if you miss more than four. great opportunity, no. You miss more than three great opportunities and Alex Alex, every time you miss someone's clip here, that's a fin, since have you ever missed someone's clip, although yes, you missed mine.
we played the biggest bullies in london this is what happened

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we played the biggest bullies in london this is what happened...

Miss much mine, I think he's just making my heart break. I don't remember him ever missing a clip, but hey, I'm telling you right now, he's missing my clip. Adent just wants to realize that he scored more goals than he scored in the first game with the great Ryan. How do you feel? No, I'm not 510 man, um, excited to see how we play, that's a lot of FIA words, you know, yeah, man, you've got the big man in front of you today, I know, I know, uh, he's a league player. one, you know what I mean, has a FIFA card.
we played the biggest bullies in london this is what happened
You're excited nervous I'm nervous man you're still adjusting to division one aren't these your first few days? you should play today you shouldn't play you're under contract but it's starting and I've got metals on like Well, for you on your sh, now I'm, I definitely am, because now that you're here, everyone will have an incentive to go. I mean, welcome to div, last time, is this the last time they ask for photos? Man, this time they said I was going to break it, everyone's against us today, yeah, how do you feel now? You heard all that.
we played the biggest bullies in london this is what happened
I want to play more now. I can't lie, we have one. No team can stop him. It's the Callum dagger. One minute. He left a dagger that silences a lot of noise. Where are you, Bonnie, man? I did it you did it I did it this is technically in time for you that's what I'm saying you said it not me Alex hit me when you get home she It was like hanging up your phone by yourself, picking one up and then going. I try to live from that cold, live from that cold. I try to win with my brothers, guys, you know how it goes, don't even smoke, she on me, wavy like the jokes. candy and then says, yeah, call me when you get home, she said, hang up your phone, we were alone, have a candy and then says, I don't even smoke, she's allowed on the field, but you're not, that's fair enough .
Unfortunately, you don't make the rules calm down, just keep the camera rolling, if he picks his nose, you're disgusting and we're far from Five Guys against the best in the league. Ryan Tapoli is back playing for Five Guys and wanted to see if div one is all it seems after all the commotion at the beginning. I expect an interesting game. I am nervous. I'll be honest. It takes a good block to finish it sooner. Hey, so push back. Oh, and that's it. late and the rest SC for an early word r the guys already bogy have to be careful moving it very well from Adri no way there is no great tackle great tackle great tackle from Adrian Five guys playing very well for still on the floor the guys they come back what you say, good tackle, you keep talking about it, brother he was on that court for about 10 minutes and the referee is letting a lot of things go, it's already nice, Adrian, great touch, great touch, take it, take it, unfortunate, little more , don't answer, just hit them. pro vers Pro who is going to be victorious good race done well Adam did well just ignore him brother it is childish it is childish a foul what does that mean what does that mean brother is that Dan is impressed how many referees how many turn what not It Comu, it comes in my face , I apologize and this man has been nervous since minute 1, I mean, he kicked Callum off the ball, how is it going?
For 2 minutes and they expelled him for 2 minutes. Ben, goodbye, my friend, take advantage. yeah, I'm happy to see him go, hey, this is a joke, man, how many and you can't really do that. R, strike out, well done man, brilliant, well played, Milo. However, he has horrible footwork and has tried to take Milo's head off. could have been killed how we got the second goal that would be huge take St take a step he's taking it man hey it's just Peter Crouch Peter Crouch lost his mind Ryan is like what a good touch good space touch gotta kill him there, nice blocking by Theo.
Opportunity on the Ed block. Why is he returning to the field? Hello, I hope he has calmed down. Well played, well played, well played, oh my goodness, Ryan lost both his legs loose. There are 5 minutes left until the break. Callum, that's a joke, man, come on referee. you gotta protect our players man, Theo can't tackle Theo to follow him. Crouch to eliminate it. I don't give a damn. I think he's just trying to get into your head. He now he shot, why not? And I think the players of him. fell injured unlucky unlucky they cooked him oh, where was that man going? it goes on it goes on and the game goes to Su for him what Monday I say he turned off the camera moved the camera away moved the camera away you must remember that this is a football game it gives you monkeys you shouldn't knock them down it's a little incentive you know it's an incentive it's a incentive to do all this and we've had a lot of potential candidates this season but ghost boy you're a nasty piece of work welcome to the enemies list and I doubt it'll be the last one today man even spicy watch it you watch it on YouTube and you don't believe It's going to be spicy, don't concede any goals.
They've been handed the ball and then we like to zone out and we don't catch them, man, you know what I mean, and don't turn on each other, that's the only thing they don't do well. There's not much time left until the middle. I could throw everything at him oh it's a Bad Touch that's bouncing and look he scored and prevented the goal too oh man I have 30 seconds left everything is in order Adrian has to move he was on don't lose Adrian and you can hear the noise , Five Guys haters are love and everywhere all that Five Guys hard work undone Adri, come on guys, come on, all we have to do is we're going to have to reaffirm the faults, me included.
I am not reaffirming these faults enough as we need to. To firm it up, put our body in front and just take the bolt in our foot, take the bolt in our foot, come on man, I'm talking to him, when are you going to cut those side bars, paying for these lots is a big strain if you hate Oakwood and you love Five. Guys, subscribe and we'll be sure to bring Bonnie in the second half. Bonnie Screamer to start 2024. We will be there no matter what. Adri Focus huge, huge second half AFC Oakwood two Five Guys one, but we're in this game, probably not I don't know what it's like two early feet from Adrian the next goal is huge on the way referee it's a terrible save left ball Adrian's feet They have to move him Adrian unlucky unlucky it's a great shot save play drian how far behind are he and us in a flying body it's already late Ryan is still alive and here they come why only one with a good game has done well but not good enough feet well played boys well played Concentrate quick free kick Adrian and Adrian are doing very well there is no need for trying to slow down the momentum now focuses on Adrian, the best player on this field when he concentrates on Ryan, little space, Ryan le hit Rose, another chance that was a chance for Cal, yeah, Cal, don't leave it, Cal boy, or it's a good shot to be. fair, you lent a hand to that, I did it, yes he did it, what a save, the next goal is vital, get knocked to the ground, that boy ain't getting enough at home, shut up, oh let me, fight, he ran , unlucky, unlucky, understand. close to being 22 years old Ryan, he shook the post, what a shot, keep some of the saves in this game, it's been crazy, from start to finish, unfortunate stuff, now he comes back, someone covers him on the sidelines, that goal is coming , is it that man?, he lost the B, hey, get in front of him Adrian, don't let him touch him and you never want to see him chasing Callum.
I mean, maybe he's joking, but Callum clearly doesn't know that he's a man who really shouldn't be on the field. At this point, he is actually behaving worse since the red cards, another dangerous challenge. Jesus, that guy's been to Türkiye and this guy's teeth, the shiny guy. The future of Neymar. Ryan Taff is dating. He has decided to make the change himself. He needs to remember that he is a professional, I think. he's trying to protect himself it's getting too crazy out here yeah next two minutes to score who's scoring uh gra grab grab grab five guys still in the game Theo starts to lose control you know the rest don't do nothing Adrian still got it jump to Adrien St more conviction Stan grab good guys still got him unlucky come back come back nice big tackle play with the whistle whoa whoa whoa whoa he's out grab grab grab ignore him that's what you gotta stop this or Peter Crouch you go to make that list of enemies and it's two for two.
I wish I could say he's the last one, but I doubt they'd want to beat up a 50-year-old man. You have bulli, although how about trying to make jokes too short? Five guys, five minutes left and they're still fighting hard. bnie B a great first pass I'm not sure turkey you were very happy with me unfortunate unfortunate and it has vibrated the bar hits the bar inches inches another day some of these come in don't make a foul don't make a big play big play how did it come? and Oak has been clinical all of them and look, he's running towards Louie and is there any need?
He's putting it in your face, he's just going to celebrate with his teammates, he just scored and turkey. on the enemies list n out of 10 dentists would disagree with this man's behavior and that hairline and those teeth the team is ignoring everyone bro simple smart football you got this go try to create to Ryan Adrian, he has to get out, man, and even Alex is. getting angry, that's ridiculous and disgusting, takes some of the fun out of the game and Oak is having a moment in his life right now. Adrian to catch someone needs to shoot, make a shot out of position, work it but he just can't find a great shot. tackle that was a great tackle drop the hey gra a shot the keepers had a great game Ryan hey he gotta come out man you never hear Ryan yell like that.
I mean, the referee has completely lost control of this one and you should probably cool him down. game Ryan look Hur Ry, are you okay? I hope you're proud of yourself and feel like a great man, you'll get what's coming to you, probably a consolation goal, well since it came in, but five guys have kept fighting in this game despite the challenges even though the words are Exchange and Five Guys lose 42 to Oakwood, it just wasn't meant to be and for the Five Guys fans we are very sorry we couldn't beat these guys and for those without a date I mean AFC Oak You.
We have won, enjoy your victory, what a sad little life, our life is good, our life is good, yours isn't, I just heard you brilliant, you weren't there today, seriously, you were fantastic, I promise I won't leave you to look I'm shaking your brother I thought you were taking a don't go out with that brother our last good of yours is who you're talking to has been keeping the football why is this guy here why am I still going home and next time don't do it embarrassing professional you still got Pete we're doing great go home bye another day like my knee is closing horrible guy man oh it's depressing he had to go out man I was just telling mil that I never didn't want the ball in the game.
I don't want to just hold down the Wen people, they are a nasty bunch. I was actually nervous on the field. Crazy stronger than League One. I think you should be confident. M. They are the best in the league, right? I think you are very good. side trying to play the right way, he's thinking it's definitely time, yeah, he's thinking, he's thinking, this is the time.

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