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INSANE Double Slide Tackle | Sunday League's Greatest Moments #9

Jun 02, 2024
Horrible entry, a phrase heard all too often on Sunday League pitches in sleazy fishing shops and coming from my gynecologist today, yet we celebrate the glory of amateur football and react to the best clips I've ever seen. you have sent. My body is ready, roll the VT, there's no Uno here, screw you, I can't believe I'm laughing like that at first I thought it was someone else screaming, fat piece of him, he's the cover like a bunch of potatoes, even if He's not hurt, you have to pretend. at that moment my word maybe that's what happened to the angry Ginge maybe that's why he's so dumb God, he actually gets kneed in the head, that's pretty bad, he doesn't even say sorry, a little hit on the shoulder, I can't hear anything. anyway blood was gushing out of both ears the rest of his teammates don't seem too worried maybe he was angry Ginge hey no M is mine he's fine oh no oh no oh no when it's low quality you always know that the clip is going to be good, oh my days, that is absolutely tremendously fun to watch, you love this don't you?
insane double slide tackle sunday league s greatest moments 9
He just engages in single-player Hot Potato for a couple of seconds and the fact that he also hits himself in the face halfway through. really good, great stuff, this has worked perfectly for you hasn't it, isn't it a nice little ball inside? Cuts to oh oh oh, that's really cute, too good for these videos, absolutely said the Defender also went a little overboard, really, really good, pretty cool celebrity. Well, he hasn't gone too far. I'm going to say it was an acceptable celebration,


murder, that's brilliant, the ball or the men can pass, not both, well you just knew that was going to happen, let's argue, so here's a question, does that count?
insane double slide tackle sunday league s greatest moments 9

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insane double slide tackle sunday league s greatest moments 9...

Whether it's two yellow cards or just one, the level of discipline required takes into account how many players you've actually injured. I feel like you should let me know in the comments. I'm not really sure how I feel about that because like he obviously just made an entry there, but on the other hand he's 2/3 of the way to a UAV, that's all that clip is, did he just walk out of the field? He just landed in the trees, oh yeah, nice camera work, very good though. very comical camera work oh that's not a great entrance oh that's even worse I don't really think there's any malice in these entrances it's like he's going for the ball okay no, I'll revisit that one I think it's a sign of intelligence that you can appreciate when you're wrong, right, oh my god, that's great, what a goal, oh my god, that's an incredible Scorpion Kick mate F, that's great if, like this man, you're interested in creating something for everyone the ages.
insane double slide tackle sunday league s greatest moments 9
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insane double slide tackle sunday league s greatest moments 9
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I think I've also sometimes heard them popping in plums when people get hit in the gonads, it's not that horrible rattling sound that was one of the bad ones that makes you feel in your tum tum, let's see if I can play it over and over again time, oh I can, that's fun, I also just timed this guy and he goes on to try five. The star's skill moves towards defenders without worrying about his teammate, who he just reversed the yellow team's puberty by defending in this no, no, idiot, oh, there is no pressure on the ball at all, you can't blame him for the spin because he bounced. so many times that the twist surely doesn't exist at that point, by the way, some of you in the last video suggested that I rename the three best Sunday League clips or like my favorite Sunday League clip from each , so I'm going to do that at the end of this one, I'll name, uh, the one that tickled me the most in particular, okay, nice little padded headbutt, oh wow, that Dennis Birg Camp that just put us there, what a touch It's so unnecessarily in the top corner.
I love it. In fact, I've seen this five or six times. It's hot and the volley is so cold. It's such a pretty clip. Fair play M. He hit the referee. H. The referee. The referee. Yeah, my favorite thing in those situations is when the referee will just lose his mind right after and throw out a red OK playing from behind. We love a team that plays with Ticky Taker, oh my god how does he know the goalie is so far away? Why does he shoot from it? There he looks as surprised as everyone else. I think he would cancel the game and just accept the 3-0 defeat at that point in the second leg.
Oh wait, why did he allow it? Gosh, I think he only allowed it for a while. high boot, yes it's definitely not offside, oh my god, oh my god, you're not allowed that for a high boot that's just an unwritten rule of football, you have to wait to see if the Overhead kick goes in, if it does, it's not a high boot. Absolutely monstrous moves from that referee who is refereeing these games Stevie Wonder free kick oh damn that was a bit tasty pure perfection and I enjoyed every minute oh this is already fun come on please continue please continue with the destruction there is always someone who sh to oh this is fantastic oh i'm really enjoying this please i don't want this to end please never end this is such fun content oh can it last forever it's still going on this is crazy yeah , yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, that was Liquid Football. opinion that this level of football is more entertaining than the Champions League men only want one thing and it's disgusting oh what a save that's what very impressive reflexes second viewing part of a camera save part of a feedback from Aaron Ramsdale the people are jealous people think they can Better just pick it up and let it fall on the ground.
What are you playing rugby? Just a little call to see the clip in the last video. Guys. Your rugby mum's reaction is brilliant. Plus, the ref, not the umpire, doesn't do anything about it, man. Surely Randy Aon gets the yellow, okay to keep our eyes on the guy who falls here, this one lying on the ground. I guess oh no, oh no, oh that's terrible, that's one of the worst I've ever seen, oh my god, that's brilliant. Well yeah, you deserve that cheating idiot Al, why is he cutting in from so far away like the defender isn't even close to him and he's cutting in to shoot, head toward the goal for a little longer, commit to the defender and then make the perfect pass? the grace in the jersey number is not suitable to wear the number 10 him, William gas in disguise Oh, my days, why is there a reaction to that?
Why don't people lose their minds and their thongs? There was a song that Guan Daniel once made, the old FIFA YouTuber. There was a line in the song that my cousin and I especially enjoyed that talked about playing FIFA on PlayStation. Ladies Lose Their Minds really resonated with me, that was the reference there that whatever woman was watching should maybe have lost her thongs. no, get up, get to work I'm really struggling to see how it can get any better than that, how do we get over that? That's phenomenal. I love when the universe drops these little nuggets of Sunday League action on us.
It's just funny, it's been blocked since six. meters away and then he just completely whips him Ben xenos, look how Gast he is too, that's sweet, it's really sweet the way the whole team comes around too. I enjoyed that clip too, that was good. I don't rate the useful life. of those windows, should we take bets on where this goes? Why does that referee look like Mark Kenberg as H? Those windows are about to be Classen BG, yeah well, we should just watch the clip, maybe trying 10 takes to be funny, I got a really funny laugh too.
I absolutely agree with them doing that to shot number 10, oh wait this is a clip from the same game man God I'm a little worried what else they're going to cook up. up for us here, fall, fuck, what finish? I've been falling for 30 minutes, that was strange. It looks like someone took that last clip and then aged them back 40 years. It's poor quality, so I have high hopes for football. It's also shoddy, it's not self-made, oh, why are you laughing? It's not a funny situation, oh God, he's had such a howl. Little kids getting hurt will never be funny, that TW kid, who is also so difficult, the six year old version of John.
Anor re has almost ripped his head off, he has a magic sponge and with that, that's the last clip of the video. Now I'm going to introduce a new section in these videos called clip of the day where I choose my favorite and create. We send £1 to the winner, you know, give them a bit more incentive. My production team just hits their screens as more work is created for them, but I think it would be good today. I think I'll give it to the skinny



. purely, but it's a huge achievement to make this happen, it's really something special, so we're going to give it to them.
Thanks so much for watching, be sure to send your best Sunday League clips to the email address on the screen now. I'm looking forward to the next round of these and I'll see you next time.

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