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Jun 08, 2021
Hey, what's up guys? I'm very nervous and excited, especially nervous about today's video. As you know, Island and I have been together for two years and we talk a lot about having children, but we cannot physically have a child. together then we would have to get a


mother or adopt so we have been thinking about it and talking about it doing research and one of the ideas that came to us was to give one of our sperm to a


mother and that is we would have a child and I agree with that, but I was thinking, how can I think of a fun way to see which sperm might be better?
we got a surrogate
And that's where today's video begins. Ryland and I spun the tube, sent it off, and just received our results. Garrett. If we haven't opened it, she will bring them to us and read them aloud and we will hear about our ancestry and also our genetic health risks. We will discover many things. and I'm nervous and it's real because I mean the only thing I know about my genetics is that I'll probably have a fat kid. Well, now Rylan doesn't know any of this is happening, so I'm going to go tell it. He, Garrett is on his way, there's a lot going on, oh my god, this isn't going to go well, but I hope it does, Rylan, what are you doing?
we got a surrogate

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we got a surrogate...

We are so different. Well, then you know how we send our little test tube. A while ago, my goodness, well, the results came back. I do not know what that means. Didn't I explain it to you at all? There was a lot of spitting. We're going to have Garrett come read us all our results, including ours. genetic health risks and see what sperm we should use for our baby, wait and say it will tell us who will have what disease when they are older and also things about weight, body and hair loss Morgan, what are you doing admiring my slime?
we got a surrogate
I look at myself in the mirror naked, oh my god, he's beating the dogs, g-wagen, that line you just said, he was crazy, it's okay guys, it's okay, oh my god, oh my god. Wow, leaving all my responsibilities, go ahead. Wow, oh my gosh, hey, Garrett. Wet, you know how to be single forever. I upload this. Can you come in to see the actual video? Oh my gosh, should I title this video? I bought my friend a G or what if my friend is five years old and he's just a great gift? Don't you have something you brought?
we got a surrogate
Yes, I have something very important and a scary pimple cream on my face, but he made me look really weird, so I'm going to shake the pimples off, that's my life. I have something strange under my nose. Do you see, yes, what is that, you don't like that punishment? I guess we're all gross, that's the first real thing you've said, okay, wait, that's going to come out, oh my god, make it come out, this has to feel like this. intense wait what yes, finally I have my coconut, look back, drinks scattered, all, well, come in, I have something important for you guys UI, this is not a girl, it is not porn, no, it's like a game show .
Okay, this is a game show. game show, okay, listen, I'll come and go, I have something important for you. I don't know how to be a game show host and I just have to be me. This is really, really, really exciting. I have already examined them. I don't know what this is, wait, where should we do it? Should we sit somewhere like a game show? Oh I got a mic you need a mic you should be like the results girl okay everyone let's go to the game room and Then when we see you again we'll have music from the game show.
Exit the program. Sorry, don't let the dog side be welcome in your results. You're ready to be nervous. Dachshund, let the dogs out, my God. You're ready to be nervous. or be excited about the fight, yes, we get it, okay, welcome, oh yes, we. I'm actually a little nervous, don't be nervous. I read this, you are doomed, that is something unpleasant. I've been tested for a while, Shane. Okay, ready, white boys, get real, this is Morgan, this is intense, get real, get ready. Well, I'll start with Shane first and we'll tell you his ancestry. Morgan reigns on the top line, congratulations sir.
Shaye, you're 99.5% European, really, oh my god, you're British, one audition that's why my British accent sounded good. Next Ryland, congratulations Ryland, you are 99.4% North West European including British and Irish, French, German and Scandinavian, you are actually very similar, yes give it to her in your best British accent Shane I want more spam , wait, pretty similar, yeah, now for the genetic health risks and wellness report, wait, does this mean what we might have in the future or my house, wait, I didn't sign up to do that, yeah, it you did, you spit in the - baby, I thought I was acting like you're right, close it, be serious because before I do this I have to read you a very important message. disclaimer dramatic music okay listen sorry sorry the reports do not address your current health status or overall risk of developing a disease so right now you are fine so they are not for diagnosis and They should not be used to make medical decisions, but rather can be used to inform lifestyle choices and discussions with a health professional you have a lot with Morgan genetic weight very good genetic weight now hear that your genes influence not only your weight but also on the impact of different healthy habits, so Shane's genes predispose him to wait, wait, wait, I'm afraid 6% more than average.
Are you thinking about normal? Let me get to Rylands' results mrs. Ryland congratulations you will weigh average which is also another word for normal so fun next deep sleep awaits what if it is my sperm the baby will be a little fat only 6% of the muscle composition this will be yes, your sisters surprise sprinters and endurance athletes differ in the composition and capabilities of their flexed muscles. Nada Shayne, your genetic muscular competence is common among the elite. weightlifting competition right now actually halfway through the break challenge give me the camera what do you have to lift Andrew over my head?
I didn't just look at him a little he acts like it's natural it's not a problem nothing sit down both of you sleep movement which of You're okay this is a fun game and one of you thinks he moves more while he sleeps because this has genetic factors that influence how often people move their arms and legs while they sleep, so you guys should know that well, so I have a creepy question. Hi guys. "This is so scary. I wake up every morning with scratches on my body and then sometimes I look at my face and think: where did this come from?
I don't remember old bruises on my body and you always say: where?" . If you get that bruise, your cat hates you, oh well, congratulations, you're right, you're more likely to move during the process, please, yes, I knew that, Ryland, you're probably average, oh, okay, before nothing, I'll consult with my assistant. How can I do it? you say that word, this is age-related macular degeneration, very funny, okay, so this basically means how well or how quickly you will lose your sight, you won't lose it, but it will get a lot worse, Jim, you have one of two variants genetics that we have. tested, there are more chances that we, what if me, maybe you can't see well and you just say you can, you need to get tested.
I don't feel too sorry for you, I'm literally legally blind, okay, Riley? one of the two genetic variants also I hope you go first because then I can let myself go okay guys honestly this is getting heavy because it's serious and if you still see Alice you know it's serious this is Howard Alzheimer wait. What if Alzheimer's? Yes, apparently we can tell them this. I'm not afraid. I know it's actually a great weekend. GU phenomena. This is actually quite serious. Alzheimer's disease is characterized by memory loss, cognitive decline, and personality changes. Alzheimer's disease is late-onset. the most common form of Alzheimer's disease that develops after age 65 wait, that's really scary not even really scary.
I know it's very scary. Many factors, including genetics, can influence a person's chances of developing the condition. The test includes the most common genetic variant associated with late-onset Alzheimer's disease. Wait, okay, this is going to get serious, another congratulations, that solution is a little creepy, but I'll tell you, okay and whatever, okay, so you're both okay, here's the only thing I we will begin. it's positive that they both have the same results oh my gosh that's okay and that's oh my gosh oh my gosh so of course know that you'll always remember it so the last one you're ready for this is something that is also very heavy and something like that. scary maybe no not Parkinson's disease so this is something some people live with Michael J Fox has Parkinson's disease and actually lives a healthy life answer Parkinson's disease is characterized by tremors, muscle stiffness and problems with the movement, but the good news is that both of you actually have the same results, but not Parkinson's, that's pretty much the only type of both of you and you will like them well, they should smell good, very fun, scary, but fun, you guys should play this at home, oh my God, can you with your family, here we also have the results of Morgan's knives and it's just a photo.
Oh, otherwise you are dead, thank you for thinking of the fan, okay, everyone go to the table. I have something to say, where is Gary Gary? What are you doing? I'm going to get some goldfish, but you know. I take them all, you eat all my snacks, that's what caused it, okay, it's happening to everyone, no, no, so if we try there, it's firm and I think we're going to use mine. Now we just have to see if Morgan is really ready to eat. a boy, my pegs like you guys, something if you ever feel sad, remember your sperm gave Wayne one time fun times, you were born, so you beat all the other sperm, something for you, This is a maternity outfit that you will wear. for the rest of the day and living your life like a pregnant woman, guys like Brown's batsuit, those like my taxable body, okay, Morgan use the couch, do you ever worry that you're going to sit on the sofa as if it were here?
Okay, Morgan, pregnant, come on. The best part about being pregnant is that you can let things go. Look, I have my glasses and my sweet baby is not on the shelf. We're going to have to get you a longer shirt. Yes, your own shirt. Or I just want to be any t-shirt. you can arrest cheeto on top and no one can tell how much you've been eating we're not there things pregnant women shouldn't eat tho alcohol frozen alcohol wait alcohol isn't free sorry student, I heard the only thing about being pregnant is that you can eat things weird Oh, pickles and I saw Cheetos dipped in frosting, that was the first thing, yeah, so here Garrett, I like it, you know one, oh my God, that's huge, it had like 12 layers in depression, I want carrot cake. too bad we need to serve well it bulges a little it's a real baby his arm is going to be a little like and I can Oh Garrett take advice I'm swiping making fun of all my liquid when you drink tea I want to be you're pregnant because you're getting ready to tweet putting the dog team right, then I think everyone has only you inside who are the baby, well, is it your fault?
I have a question. Oh, how much do I get paid for this? It's a real baby. Oh, hypothetically, it would be enough if he gave you tips because these are not very good, you know what to screw up a salary? I just want different tits than theirs and I will do it now that we know you enjoy it. Being pregnant we have to discover what you are like with a real baby. I feel like a big bucket full of butter on my knees lest this end early tomorrow. I have something coming to our house and you guys, what's going on?
I'm sure I'll take a break and she wouldn't come yet if we also do this not so early wait what's at home. Can I finish my suspense? I'm sorry, like I told you last time, I have something coming to the house and it could be a baby and it could be real so you won't have a real baby on the way it'll be like an animatronic baby years old you can't throw a real baby literally it's not real that's not legal I guess we'll know tomorrow if our baby gets here he'll be dead for 40 minutes yeah oh my god why do I have so many pills?
Rattle ready. Will we be good? Someone in the entry process. No, but she could be having it. Many of you think it would be fun. when I came in and said that parents give you a little boy

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