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We Found the GALAXY Pigment - Need to Spray This NOW!

Mar 29, 2024
This little one here, oh, how much does


cost? We really should have looked into it as


has the potential to be pretty awesome. I think we


something that could be pretty amazing. Gabe and I have been on this mission where we're scouring the internet looking for crazy websites that have super unique and interesting


s. We want to throw things in submerged cars that really don't have to be in submerged cars or maybe they do, we just didn't know. This here is a flake, yeah, okay. Anyway, this is a flake, it's called Galaxy and I think for a very good reason it's a super small .004 black micro flake with holographic flakes mixed in or do you think it's what I think is a real black holographic flake, like this What do you think this?
we found the galaxy pigment   need to spray this now
It's a black flake with a holographic film on top or a layer very similar to what we would have with our silver holographic or blue holographic. Some of those colors let me show you what it looks like. It is black with a hologram. I mean, this has the potential. to be pretty impressive, here's the M3, it's got a black base, so let's try this load of


, uh, I mean, if we're going to get full coverage, probably 25 to 50 grams per pound, the problem is a lot of you guys know that when you use flakes you really have to bury those flakes with extra layers of clear or the edges of the flakes will stick out and get a texture, so we really don't like that. wearing scales, we don't really promote wearing scales, but you know we're having fun today, so this little one here, oh, how much does this cost?
we found the galaxy pigment   need to spray this now

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we found the galaxy pigment need to spray this now...

I have no idea, we really should have looked for that, so what are we going to do? One bag, two bags probably. two bags, I mean, we have a scale, yeah, where do I have to go grab it between you and me? I guess this is 10 grand, make sure you close it tight with the bag, 13 grams with this, so it's 10 grams, okay, look, my old eyes still work fine, so 10 grams, so what is it? that? What are you thinking? Three bags per gallon, two bags per gallon. Let's see, we want intense coverage. Well, there are ten.
we found the galaxy pigment   need to spray this now
Let's see how they blend 10. 10 looks weak 10 looks super clear I can see the mixing rod through it so it will definitely be more than 10. but remember once this goes over a black base it should start to appear , do we want blackface to play a role or? Are we covering it well so that there are 20? It's strange to work with a flake and see it sink so quickly. Generally everything we do is with pearls 30. Let's take a truth that could tell us a lot, should I jump to 40 and then paste the truth or do it now right, so there are 40? grams, which would equal 20 grams per gallon because as always we cut this with another clear coat okay let's do some real let's see what we're dealing with okay I'm seeing it I'm seeing it it definitely has that kind of dark black galactic vibe with that kind of shine let's go deeper if we look at the pigment per square inch if that's even a unit of measurement they're quite far apart aren't they on top of each other?
we found the galaxy pigment   need to spray this now
I think we could probably go more, so this is 40 grams per gallon, two more bags will be 30 grams per gallon and then I think I have one more, so there are 30. I have two more, save them for emergencies. I think we'll see. You have to mix this really well and especially when you use flakes while


ing your coats, you have to shake the gun from time to time because the flakes will just settle to the bottom of the paint container. You do not want that. let's see if we increase, yes we did, we increase the density of the scales, there is definitely a lot more, it doesn't


direct light there, yes, okay, I hope you get the gist, so this is happening on the M3.
I'm great. excited, let's go abroad thank you, thank you, okay guys, we're done with the project for today and I want to be as transparent and open as possible with you when we first


this pigment. The images on the website show a super dark color. Super rich, almost vantablack, looking black with holographic sparkles, we had never seen anything like it, we couldn't wait to try it. As soon as you get the pigment in real life, you notice that it is a blackish holographic flake, but the black tones in the flake. when you handle it they are very different than the black tones you see on the website now, sometimes companies enhance the product images on their site to generate more interest, it's not a big deal, it happens all the time, but what I think What's at play here is that our expectations for how this color would perform and how it would look were based solely on the images we saw on the website, so they may have fallen a little short, there's no resentment with the company, sometimes things don't work out.
They don't match exactly the way they expected, it still has an incredible holographic effect. Much color. Lots of shine. I want to know what you think. We're going to take him outside right now. Rate this color in the comments section below one another. five one you're not impressed at all five you love the way it turned out if you want to dip your own super simple car click up here we have a ton of kits to help you get the job done thank you so much for Hanging out with me today either way I had fun very much.
I'll see you in the next video. Foreigner Foreigner thank you Foreigner Foreigner

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