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We Built Weapons on RC Cars & Battled in a DEATH RACE!

May 30, 2021
Today we are customizing our own RC


and competing in a 100 lap



. We will customize each car with epic


to destroy the opponent's rc


during the


, the race will be 100 laps or until there is only one car left. and lastly, the winner of this


race is going to win a brand new 70 mile per hour rc car, let's start building, we only have one problem, this car here, the Traxxas Rustler 4x4, is 10 miles per hour faster faster than the other two, so we have to do a challenge to see who gets it here we go I'm ready I'm ready promotion power speed aggression hello guys want to hear the challenge yes what's the challenge the first person to shout is the first no, it's the first person to shout i'm a fool i'm a fool at the top of that hill that's not worth it jeffrey going up the concrete chris making the pass it's 50 50 right now chris is in the lead well he didn't say any rules oh jeff for him pass, well, he's on top and Chris gets the good car.
we built weapons on rc cars battled in a death race
I think I'm too out of breath to do anything, Chris, I warned you with your prize, yeah, yelling at the top, okay guys, you're ready to build. Okay, dog, go, I need to go take a nap. The first step for me is to first paint my body to make it look great. All I have to do is cover the windshield with tape to preserve the bodywork and I'm out of shape. I'm going to paint it blood black, so I'm going to give it a Mad Max look, so I have some rusty colors. I'm going to spray paint it, huh, crazy brother, yeah, buddy, because Ryan made us run to the top of the Hill didn't make you, we're also going to start spray painting.
we built weapons on rc cars battled in a death race

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we built weapons on rc cars battled in a death race...

I have this matte green one, so let's go for some cool vibes. If that is all. It is being painted green. All. He looks like a pig. die halo jeff that looks legit dude this is so cool dude who are you batman bro i'm making the batmobile dude we're also going to set the accessories up a little bit with this sweet matte black finish so i removed the spoiler that i taped my windows we're ready to paint here come on, I'm going for less weight, more speed that way I can ram everyone with a lot of destruction, so now some light silver is super oxidized, you know, that's what we want, it looks really good.
we built weapons on rc cars battled in a death race
I like it and I also spent some money on some light armor that will look illuminated so now this needs to dry and then we'll be ready oh my gosh that's going to be cool so there's not a lot of places I can drill in here without screwing up. something, so let's try this, okay, I think it was successful, here is the second sword, look at that, now it's deadly, so I ran into a very bad situation, uh, when I try to bend it, it just breaks, look at this , Chris, look, I don't. even bend so much oh no, I'm what you called denzel prashanzo do you want to have


we built weapons on rc cars battled in a death race
No, once again, I'm just disappointed without my performance, but I made a cool colored car. I like the look of that steal that looks like a sick room broom. I just have to focus on the track and nothing but the track, well, I'm going to go right for your tires, brother, I'm going to blow them out, you know, let's remember the time when I had a doomsday weapon and I called. It's the disappointment, the rc disappointment, the rc disappointment, well at least I have a cool, uh, complete body, so I guess I'm done with that, my rc car is finally complete, I call it the tetanus shot , dude, you look bored, you definitely look so dumb.
More dope than mine it will be, buddy, mine is a piece of dumpling, buddy, this thing is epic, it's a dangerous weapon, I hope we can make mine the same. My car is now complete, as you can see it has two saw blades with spikes sticking out of them. On each wheel we've got some front death spikes that are a little loose but they're good in there so they'll still stab and we've got a saw blade on this side so damn you got a lot of weapons bro I think that's got a Pretty deadly looking actually I'm a little nervous I'm a little nervous for you too Chris oh there's something I forgot to do this is blood our blood this will be your blood what do you call it brother?
I'll call it a tire splitter, I actually really like it, so here we are at the track and it's time to race. This will be the deadliest race you have ever seen. Comment below which car is your favorite. The tire splitter. Tetanus shot. disappoint man let's race so my game plan is this so I'm the most experienced with rc cars. I feel like if I just see my cool handling on the track, let them fall behind, I'll win, I'll just take my time off. someone said win the race and I have no weapons, I have nothing to worry about besides the other two weapons, but yeah, I just hope for the best, my car is the fastest, I will demolish them by ramming them directly and blowing them up.
Their tires broke their windows taking out their engine leading it's time to start this race three two one come on buddy you're blocking me buddy here we go no this is too hard okay so what's wrong with mine? constant wins the race someone said wins the race this is so hard it's so hard no oh refraction buddy no you stop me yeah I can take my lead so I can't see no my car keeps passing over what my guns make it hard to drive, buddy get rekt bro, here we go, i think buddy, everything is breaking down in my car, i'm going to leave it right, stop one, i'm in second, whoa, oh, my armor is falling off, buddy, come back here, Jeff, oh man, I'm weighing the advantage right now. it sucks driving rc cars oh my god here I come I need to talk about my weapons I don't want to back down I just overlapped you whoa you know it's a huge air dude I'm still in the lead, you get robbed So far my weapons are all in bad shape, I can't fight, my guns fell off, we're only two turns away right now, buddy, I can't control this, no, I'm going backwards, you guys suck, buddy, I'm about to. to get to the last three buddy i gotta take jeffrey there's the ham in the store three you guys are so far behind guys my prediction is true the fact that i'm better with rc cars it's totally working Not from here, friend.
I'm just trying to take it easy because this is so hard oh here I go oh that's sick I just did something very sick no I just crashed I don't know you went the wrong way I'm on lap three because you suck no You're out of the loop limits one turn Are you in four? I'm at five. No, I'm on six. I'm at five right now. Be careful, they almost destroy you. Jeff, man, wow, doing some jumps, I'm just trying to take. a little slower and I went off the track, dude, my stomach got in the trap, no, I'm in the lab, 15, baby, right behind you, 13. guys, this is a walk in the park, here There are their metal plates everywhere, I know my car was.
It wasn't sturdily


, that's for sure, but it was really epic, that's all that matters, no, the race is what matters, Chris, I don't know what, laugh, I'm on buddy, buddy, you're on nice, wow, I'm right behind Jeff. I'm about to pass it right now yes yes yes yes yes wait, what's that noise? I'm in first place right now. Hey, my car is running out of battery, let's take a break in pit stop time, so we're going to make a pit stop because our batteries are running low, Chris and I are definitely tied right now. I think lap 25, Robert is one lap behind lap 24, so once we get back on the track, we'll continue racing.
I'm ready to lose three two one come on come on no oh no I'm taking it easy I'm just going to enjoy this I have a substantial lead I'm not doing it right I'm not doing it right wow it's so loud I'm not doing it oh my god I'm not far away from Chris, oh look at that beauty, oh no, the grace of the fall, you're one lap ahead of me, buddy, speed up, look at his toes, oh shoot, I'm making mistakes, I make a mistake, don't steal it. you're going backwards no, why can't my boy take control? yeah I'm one lap ahead, how are you doing that?
Chris, I don't want to be left and torn apart again. No, Ryan, that was your chance. Jeff, that was your chance. Yes or no. We still have a lot of laps to go, this is anyone's race, man, I don't even know how to laugh anymore. I'm in the group, except Rob. I'm right in front of the thieves. I'm looking for second place. No, friend, you're way ahead. Yo, are you sure? Yeah, man, Rob doesn't even know what's going on. I have no idea. You've happened to me so many times. Chris Sister. You're about to overlap me for the fourth time.
Come back here. Come back here. You're late. No. I worked for that car, we're at stop number two guys, and I'm just going to inspect my truck, so I've got the saw blades on my bolts, but my rear bumper looks like a janky, that's what it looks like, it just It's wobbly, oh friend, something's broken. The bolts came out they're still there even though they're loose yeah dude so this is fucking loose cuz y'all death race cars we got some damage here guys this ain't looking good for Jeff on this one moment, you have five. I'm coming out in loops, I have no idea where you are, Robert Barber, like you're still behind us, yeah, well, I'm in the loop like 30, at least, okay, let's start, it stops, everyone ready, set, ready, you are my car. standing buddy look at my car okay this is the action we've all been waiting for guys my car is dead I'm just qualified buddy oh my god that car is so dumb steal it where's Chris?
I think my car is broken too, look. you're barely moving guess what what no chris finish your last victory lap dude two cars destroyed this is the victory lab guys yeah I think my favorite part was destroying your cars when you won It wouldn't be good enough in the first place, you're probably just trying. to destroy us huh yeah I had to destroy you it feels good try our wardrobe 70 mile per hour rc car it's a new day we got the battery ready let's see how this goes well in three two one one coming in handy for me. oh my gosh, oh my gosh, well there you have it, a 60+ mile per hour college car.
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