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Putin & Kim Jong-un’s Dictator Hang & Climate Activists Target Taylor Swift | The Daily Show

Jun 30, 2024
Let's start with some important international news that you know when you're in high school and your two worst enemies stay over and talk about you all night. Well, that just happened to the United States tonight, two of America's fiercest adversaries together in North Korea. ground Vladimir Putin arrives in Pyongyang for the first time in almost a quarter of a century North Korea's Kim Jongin pulling out all the stops in an elaborately choreographed state visit for Russian President Vladimir Putin's sidelined and sanctioned leaders, side by side, reviewing the troops cheered by the crowd of children with balloons, the two unveiled a strategic defense treaty that promises mutual assistance should either country face aggression, best friends forever Russia and North Korea, is the perfect alliance, they go together like vodka and hunger, everyone wins.
putin kim jong un s dictator hang climate activists target taylor swift the daily show
I mean, Russia gets weapons from North Korea and North Korea. get whatever Putin has those Russian dolls and Tucker cs phone number. Don't know. And now that Russia has weapons from North Korea, watch out for Ukraine, be prepared for some missiles exploding on the launch pad, but my favorite part of this visit was just getting to see two




ing out together because when Putin landed by first time everyone was formal and polite to each other. I mean, look at them trying to get each other into the limo first, no, no, no, after you. I insist, he's friendly, but it's also obvious that these guys have blown up a lot of cars.
putin kim jong un s dictator hang climate activists target taylor swift the daily show

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putin kim jong un s dictator hang climate activists target taylor swift the daily show...

No, no, no, you start the engine. No, no, you do, no, you do. Okay, we'll both spin it at the same time, but over the next few days, the two of them had a lot of fun together. Kim picked him up and they went for a walk. Just two communists in cars drinking coffee. They drove through a botanical garden. It seems like they adopted a couple of dogs together and clearly Putin had a great time because when he left he looked very sad, hugged Kim and said goodbye, then stood there waving too long and then got on the plane and waved from the window .
putin kim jong un s dictator hang climate activists target taylor swift the daily show
Can you at least act like you have another friend? Well, it looks like you're saying hello to your mother. on the bus to Sleep Awake also based on Kim Jong-un's face Putin must have been a pretty high maintenance guest just look at him bye bye come back soon oh god I thought he would never leave next time he stays at the Rison let's move Passing to




e, if from all the sweat on your butt today you couldn't tell that the Earth is still warming, which is why



have taken their protests to the next obvious place: a pile of rocks, a couple of climate protesters They have been arrested afterwards.
putin kim jong un s dictator hang climate activists target taylor swift the daily show
Video of the incident


s two people running towards the Stone Circle while spraying orange paint, a third person can be seen trying to stop them and then a fourth, the climate activist group Just Stop Oil, has taken responsibility for the Incident. Guys, I appreciate the cause, but what did Stonehenge do? I mean, literally, what did Stonehenge do? I got the stone part, but what is a henge? I don't think this helps the cause. All they did was make it look like Stonehenge. I went to town on some Doritos Chicos, these stunts don't work. I promise you Exon saw this and thought it was a good point.
I wonder if there's oil under Stonehenge, yeah, I don't think painting Stonehenge orange is going to do anything guys, okay? year the sky in New York turned orange and we still didn't care okay everyone was like oh that's weird let's turn on the air conditioning yeah I'm telling you who they should go after the billionaires and their private jets two members more of the organization simply. stop oil has been arrested for spray painting private jets and Taylor Swift could have been a Target tayor she's our queen take another billionaire another billionaire just stop oil said uh the airfield is where the Taylor Swift Jet was parked but Essex Police in the United Kingdom said the pop star's plane was not at the airport.
Oh, thank goodness Taylor doesn't have to fly commercially, but guys, spray paint isn't going to ground these planes. Okay, you have to do something radical like cut some wires or install a Boeing. pots and finally some important education news from Louisiana, where school children are getting a lesson from the best new textbook ever. This morning, Louisiana's governor signed a law requiring the 10 Commandments to be posted in all public school classrooms. The only state at the time had such a law. requires poster displays of the Ten Commandments in large, easy-to-read print this is in every public classroom this is from kindergarten to state-funded colleges easy-to-read font I hate to break it to you, but Louisiana ranks 38th in reading, I don't think the fwn is going to help you see that I can make that joke because I'm from Kentucky, we are ranked 32nd in Louisiana, well read more about Louisiana's new Ten Commandments law and what it means for the separation of the church and state. lives in Louisiana with Michael Costa Michael, how can Republicans justify religion in public schools?
The Ten Commandments are not religion, just because they are in the Bible does not mean they are religious. Okay, the Ten Commandments are universal. moral principles that these Louisiana Republicans want everyone to live by just like their party does so they live up to these same moral standards yes of course it's not as hard as if you know you shouldn't kill well pretty simple , don't kill anyone unless you're defending your position you have to protect yourself or if a protester is blocking traffic I have places I have to you know what, let's forget this, it's complicated, but look at the rest of these, the rest of These are clear, for sure. sure you won't commit adultery yes, yes, well, obviously not if it's a porn star and your wife is pregnant, I mean, God is going to give you that, but that's okay, Desi, if you're going to be picky, let's cross out commit adultery, okay and if you're going to have to do it if you're going to commit adultery you also have to lie about it so you can't make false testimony either um false witness Ronnie that's just Bible talk for lying to your wife um but the rest of These are solid as a rock, okay, and that's why he put them on a rock like the number five, okay, honor your father and your mother, you can't get more moral than that, oh oh, like giving parents maternity leave and universal child care, what not, no. no no no no no no honor them like this honor them like texting them at 11:55 p.m. on Father's Day, you know, let's forget it, there's too much confusion, let's cross out the number five, and while we're at it, I don't even know what the carved image means, so that one's gone, don't say the name of the Lord. in vain, yo, that's just cancel culture, so I can just, oh, here we go, here we go, look, uh, uh, uh, remember the Sabbath and keep it holy, we should all take Sundays off, here we go , order something from GrubHub, watch the NFL, yes, but delivery drivers.
I can't work on Sundays either, right, yeah, I guess no football because you can't play on Sundays, okay, look, let's get all the straw out of here, okay, okay, none of this is necessary, okay, there Come on, there it is. Boom, perfect, uh, yeah, but all you're left with is the moment, yeah, exactly, this was a nation founded on individual determination, putting yourself first is the American way. Do the children know what Val means? Well, we are going to


them and, if there is one. thing that Republican support is teaching kids new pronouns oh wait a second I can't do that I can't do that yeah yeah Michael cost everyone.

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