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79 Minecraft Secrets You Didn't Know Existed!

Apr 11, 2024
From illegal guards to hidden doors, here are 77 things in Minecraft you





. Everyone


s that the Wither is immune to arrows in the second phase of him, but I bet you


't know that fireworks will still damage him, so you can quickly shoot rockets at them. Even if you don't want to be creative with your decorations anymore, mix item frames with mafia heads and banners to create what look like mafia head banners. It's a fantastic way to add a unique touch to your base if a honey block is near a bee nest. Bees occasionally fly close and attach themselves to it, resembling a honey-eating action.
79 minecraft secrets you didn t know existed
By doing this, the bee stops flapping its wings and attaches itself to the honey blonde. Crawling is normally very slow, but by building a tunnel one block high, it fills it with water and traps it. If there is a dolphin nearby, you will receive Dolphins Grace, which will allow you to go through the tunnel to make the travel method even faster. Replace the floor with dirt and make sure your boots have Strider Depth and Soul Speed ​​now when you pass. Traveling at light speed. Sea pickles may seem like just another decoration, but they are actually very useful.
79 minecraft secrets you didn t know existed

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79 minecraft secrets you didn t know existed...

The size of their impact boxes is perfect for dividing items that go into a single stream of water. Hoppers are best for picking up dropped items, but they cannot pick them up. It picks up items if there's a full block on top, but by simply swapping out the hopper with a mine cart with a hopper, it will magically suck items through the entire block. The magma blocks at my feet will burn your toes, but there are two ways to avoid it. deal damage, the first is by simply moving and the second way is by using boots with the Frost Walker enchantment.
79 minecraft secrets you didn t know existed
Ah, my feet feel much better now. Did you know that if you push a block of honey? The Entity at the top moves with it. This feature allows you to create. amazing transporter Bells to show off all your diamonds just watch them slide this is a melon farm and ender pearls although it's a strange combination it works surprisingly well it combines a normal enderman farm with melons growing nearby as the endermen run towards the Killing Chamber and pick With the melons this way you will get whole melon blocks instead of slices like in a normal melon farm.
79 minecraft secrets you didn t know existed
Look at this bowl, it looks quite normal, but it is actually a very rare item. When turtles are struck by lightning, they actually drop wooden bowls. What's weird is that it's not a glitch or a random choice, someone at Mojang covered it up intentionally. It's basically a cooked turtle shell. Dragon breath is extremely deadly, but there is a trick to not taking damage. Just bring empty bottles and when the dragon shoots you, right click on the dragon. Breathe as fast as possible, you will bottle up all your breath and it will simply disappear without arming yourself.
The composter is broken. It's supposed to turn plant remains into bone meal, but something is missing in real life. Bamboo can be composted, but for some reason. It can't be composted at the door, what's even stranger is that in the Bedrock addition you can compost entire blocks of Grass Devastators. They are one of the scariest mobs, but I used to have a secret fear when they were first added in snapshot 18 W 43a. They were actually afraid of rabbits and would run away from them, however Jeb later tweeted that it didn't quite fit the terrifying nature of the Ravager and the feature was removed.
Did you know that this black and white cat is inspired by the real life of a Mojang employee? cat in 2012, Jeb added his own cat named Newton to the game and a developer tweeted about it, let me bet that, wow, the foxes had a bit of a rocky start in Minecraft Journey. Originally, their textures were all ruined when they were coating them. It was so wild that it was shared in a development video. Don't throw your trident if you end up throwing a trident, it's easy to accidentally throw it into the void, even the Loyalty enchantment can't save your Trident, no, my precious Trident.
Water is supposed to prevent you from taking fall damage, so explain this: when you fall into a cauldron full of water, you will die; However, when you land on a water chest that barely has any water in it, you'll be perfectly fine, how do you travel? through the ground Place rails leading to a soul sand block with a rail connected underneath and your mind cart will travel straight through this makes no sense How do you get experience without hitting mobs? Most mobs don't lose experience if you don't do this. Hit them, however, there is a simple trick you can use on your dogs, just place two dogs on the sides of your skeleton crusher and they will kill the skeletons for you while they drop experience, keep working, there is a way to get food unlimited and is by enslaving the foxes.
By building a berry farm like this and trapping a fox inside, the fox will regularly pick berries which will be collected by a hopper mine cart, but to make it even better, place a chicken nearby and the fox will never go to sleep, the The guardian's eye follows him. It looks quite scary, but when you look at it from the side you will see that it is made from a long tunnel and the inside is full of white maps. Still, it's a little strange when you first see it, those are my articles, they're yours. Friends always loot your chests, you can use maps to hide them, place a map over your chest and you can click on the edge of the map to access your chest, my valuables are finally saved, most players think that the only One way to put out a campfire is with a bucket of water, but there are two other great ways you can do it: throwing a bottle of water at it or just using a handy shovel.
Witches are invincible to this potion. If you throw instant harmful potions at a witch, she will be perfectly fine. she only she drinks healing potions, I even tried giving her poison and then spamming her with harmful potions, but she still lives well, you win this one. three TNT you can create the actual slab, it worked like a normal TNT, however during explosions it spawns an anvil on entities in explosion range. It was found in the Minecraft 2.0 April Fool's update. Why do speedrunners break the blocks under the flame generator? I always wondered. This, but it turns out that by breaking the floor, the llamas have a larger area to spawn and will spawn more.
This way, you can save time and get flame rods faster. What's the quickest way to loot a desert temple instead of slowly opening up all the flames? The chests break all the TNT but one at the bottom and activate it once it explodes. You can collect all the items along with the extra blocks to excel. The language of the lovely table actually translates into real words. It's called a game's standard galactic alphabet. called Commander King, the symbols on the enchantment table translate into words such as air baguette and ball, unfortunately these words are only aesthetic and cannot be used to predict enchantments.
Witches are pure evil, they always try to kill you, however, during raids, participating witches will do so. look for low health raiders and ravagers to cast regeneration on them I guess witches are nice to their friends. I never knew you could make this trident not only are they good for shooting mobs, they have a secret ability when you throw a trident at a stalactite. It will make it break and fall when you looked into the beacon beam, you used to see a white laser around you but in 1.5 this changed so now all you see are some particles when you look down the beam, bring it back. the sand in this block causes it to break, while we all know that things like torches and slabs break.
Falling Sand, surprisingly sold, sand breaks it too, this doesn't seem like a big deal, but if you're trying to drain lava in a Soul Sand Valley, you won't be able to use sand to clear the lava at the bottom. TNT Slime and Honey blocks can be mined instantly, so if you are somewhere like an ocean temple where you get tired from mining, you can use the blocks to clear the water and keep mining the blocks again if you have a stall. brewing and you need to fill some bottles. A good trick is to use water log slabs from the outside, they will look like your normal floor, but right clicking on them will fill your bottles. and cubes as a bonus the vines won't blow up the floor the warden looks scary but some of the original designs were even scarier in a Mojang blog post several concept art for the warden was shared one version of the warden would even flip around 180° disgusting if you want to liven up your house you can make a closet with banners that look like real clothes inside it is the perfect way to add a touch of realism to your


bedroom each tool in


can extract its own types of mines from iron diamond mines iron Diamond, but gold, gold, you can't even mine other gold, why are you so weak for some reason?
All these blocks can't keep a skeleton from getting sunburnt, but surprisingly the cobwebs keep the skeleton safe even if you can see it. Through it, why doesn't this Golem spawn well? It is because if the pumpkin is in place at the end, the Golem will not spawn. It's the same for the Snow Golem. You have to place the pumpkin last. The droplet can be very dangerous if it falls. from 40 blocks it deals maximum damage and if you drop it through an end portal, whoever enters next and charges the end will find a nasty surprise: the main furnaces have a secret power.
Furnaces give a small amount of experience when you melt items, but the experience only decreases when you take out the item, so by taking melted SM items with a hopper you can accumulate large amounts of experience in the furnace once you take out an item manually , all previously smelted items will give you a ton of XP. This is a bone meal farm. Use stone generators. Moss blocks and bone meal to spread the moss. Once all the moss is destroyed, it can be turned into bone meal and you will get slightly higher yields. G, you know, the spiders in Minecraft hover slightly over her. the ground they don't actually touch this is a hidden tunnel that opens only when you are riding a mine cart and holding a nether star it is part of mcmmacken stein's secret door data pack which adds other entries as well as this tree that turns sideways a bed that opens downwards or this chest with the ladder inside these hidden entrances are incredible.
Have you ever wondered why jukeboxes need diamonds to make? Turns out they're based on old photographs that use diamond-tipped needles to play the music that's so cool. giving me a knockback, if you're trying to get better enchantments and all you see is a knockback, you can recast them by enchanting something cheap like a wooden shovel, then try again with your sword and voila, new enchantments, all minecraft tools They use wooden sticks as their handles, except for one of them, the Netherite tools are the only ones with a crimson shaft. The crimson, wrapped logs are actually animated and have a pulsing texture that makes the wood almost feel alive.
When the wandering merchants initially appear, they will walk towards the nearest bell, if it exists. Within 48 blocks, you can use this feature to create a super simple wandering merchant farm where the merchant will walk towards a bell and then be transferred to the abyss, although this farm may seem completely useless, it can be used to bring a group of llamas and Read. Have you ever broken a block of ice and wondered why the water didn't come out right? It's because you need a block underneath if you want water, otherwise you'll only get air if you try to break it.
Everyone knows that you can change, click on an element to move it. in inventories, but there's another trick to let fewer people know that if you hold down the Shift key and double-click the same item you're holding, all items of the same type will appear in inventories. Jumping on slime blocks is supposed to make you bounce, but if you hold down shift to cancel the bounce you'll end up breaking your legs, instead just hold down the space bar and it will cancel the bounce without hurting you. How much durability do I have left? Most people don't know that you actually press F3 and H to enable advanced tool tips and display the exact durability.
The left vindicators hate the villagers knowing this. We can lock a villager in a mine cart and spawn a Vindicator in the middle. This will cause a wild goose chase that will continue forever. This wall looks perfectly normal, but if you use a magic wand, the brakes will separate revealing a secret entrance. This incredible contraption was made by Mick Mackenstein and once you go through the entrance you can close it to make sure no one stops you.follow. If you want to torture a slime, just shut it down. A bucket of slime blocks Slimes can't jump on top of slime blocks, so they will be stuck forever.
It's a little cruel because they're jumping around dead slimes, but you can catch magma cubes and feel less guilty. The villagers are terrified. of raids when they hear that one is coming, everyone disperses into their houses and some villagers will even tremble and sweat in fear. This new arrow


in the game for only 2 days. The lucky arrow was a reward item from Fletcher villagers who used the arrow. villagers, the luck effect that would make you get better loot when fishing. Too bad, you can't get this arrow in Survival anymore. Trident with the channeling enchantment hits lightning every time it hits a m or lightning rod using this feature, channel Trident can be placed on top of the end rods and bounced up and down to create a lightning generator, then you can surround TNT is extremely dangerous because it can destroy your entire building, but if you place an Anvil on the Prime TNT, the TNT will explode inside the Anvil and no blocks will break in the Ultimate escape route.
Just bring some leather boots and build an electric snow wall. Now, if anyone tries to get past this wall, they will freeze. death, but if you wear your trusty leather boots, you can climb the entire wall like a pro. Beds can hide a secret entrance well if you place blocks around a bed, except for one place where you will appear there when you leave. Knowing this, you can place a bed in a secret corner and when you leave you will be in your secret hiding place, but that It's not as bad as using this gadget, it will be a little expensive but if you fill the dispensers with damage and healing potions you can alternate them making the mobs take damage but never die if you have a lot of enemies outside you will need something that shoots quickly by placing Redstone torches Redstone and dispensers like this will create a rapid fire turret anything can be put here from arrows to fire charges and fireworks.
This gadget is special because you can extend it horizontally as much as you want. If you have an underground rail system, you can easily catch it with a detector. Rail and a piston that make you fall. The Pillager freezer uses pistons to surround this ravager in powder snow, causing it to freeze just before it begins to take damage. The cold is released only to start again shortly, you can even see it shivering inside the powder snow, maybe it's Good with the villagers now not, you can rain AR ARS on the mobs most of the time the arrows deal damage , but if you use healing arrows you can rain down on your enemies.
Forever. This way, the mob will feel the pain without dying so it lasts that long. For a long time, you can fill the dispensers to the brim with double chests and hoppers for additional backup and then use healing arrows to cause pain to your enemies forever without Dying pandas are one of the cutest mobs in Minecraft and will never hurt them . Psych the worried Panda types go crazy and fear every time there is a thunderstorm when he cries, you can break any roof above the panda or even just try to channel and it's a shame this only works in Bedrock Edition, give me a better exchange if you the villagers are not giving you good deals, you can give them a good shake.
A simple loop machine like this one with ice and pistons in each corner will work. Just attach a pressure plate. Redstone repeaters, a piston and a slime block to create the ultimate setup. the villager will never be able to get out and it will be very fun to see that donkeys are amazing at transporting loot but they are too slow compared to horses but there is a way to gain storage and speed by feeding a tamed horse and tamed donkey with gold . carrot, you will raise them and you will get the mule. This mob does not spawn naturally and must be bred.
The speed of the mule is between the donkey and the horse and may have storage skeletons. They are a dangerous mob because they have Aimbot, but did you know a skeleton? It can actually shoot itself and no I'm not talking about a skeleton shooting another skeleton, if a skeleton aims directly vertically the arrow will fly into the sky and land on itself. How tragic the villagers love to sleep at night, but if you ring a bell, they will get up immediately to prevent the villagers from sleeping. You can do this build with a spotter and a bell that will not let the villagers sleep.
Looks like the villager has to get back to work if you want a cool way to defend your base, try this bomber plane, double TNT on any of your enemies below. Enderman is great at escaping danger, but he's not surrounded by water. By placing him in an underwater prison like this, Enderman will be constantly afraid, but if you change a glass. for a block of grass, Enderman will eventually pick up the block and dig his own grave letting in water. Everyone knows that you should never hit a pigling zombie or all the others to make them charge at you, but if you kill it in one hit, all the piglins.
You won't know what happened and you will remain at peace if you touch a string on top of the lava for some reason it won't make a sound. This way, he can prank his friends and take them to Lava. When you pit the grass, he can look like the Flowers appear randomly, but they are not flowers in Minecraft, they spawn in patterns and can be seen by constantly eating bones and removing grass. This looks amazing. Minecraft textures are iconic because they're so simple, but you can change that completely in Bedrock Edition. The photorealistic maps were created using real life custom models and sometimes it's hard to even know you're in MC C, but seeing these realistic runners with Minecraft Mobs looks pretty damn, it stops making sounds, sometimes the parrots make too much noise for you. you can silence it.
Give them a delicious treat, just drop them on a cookie and they will stop making sounds and be poison too. Stop using fences. Instead, you should use trapdoors because placing them around the mobs will create a barrier that you can walk through. but mobs can't these sheep aren't very smart have you ever noticed that observers have a face? Well it didn't always look like that instead of a face there was a small sensor, but because both sides of the Observer looked like one sensor, it was easy to confuse them, luckily Jebb also got confused and just added a face.
This layer of defense is excellent for stopping mobs. Simply place a water edge to prevent Honey Enderman from trapping some mobs and the final layer of lava will stop everyone else. Skeletons are one of the most annoying mobs, but you can get revenge with boots, just throw some Frost Walker boots at them and leave the skeleton on a treeless island. Once it is daylight, the skeleton will try to run towards the water but will never be able to. to stop burning, this also works with other undead mobs, like zombies, if you turn on subtitles, you can see what sounds are playing around you.
This can be really useful when you're trying to find pools of lava underground, but something damn also happens when you spawn a Decider Guardian. to call the sound a moan, baby mobs are very attached to their parents and will constantly try to follow them, which is very cute, but if you are looking for a good torture method, it is perfect, the machine makes it so that the little pig is constantly trying to do it. go to the parents but they reject you you have to be an evil villain to use this did you know that to find a brown mushroom a red mushroom needs to be hit by lightning which is a very rare event but it is another way to find a mushroom brown?
The mushroom is obtained by breeding it, so there is only a 1 in 1024 chance that the baby mushroom will be brown. See the best wood in Minecraft. You probably think it's something like oak or cherry, but it's not even close. The best wood is actually bamboo because it has an incredible capacity. Bamboo can be farmed completely automatically with just a piston and a spotter, while other wood farms need to abuse trickery with TNT to destroy the wood and thousands of bone meal to grow the sapling and throw items across the blocks, simply throw it onto a path block because patch blocks are likely smaller than a full block and the hoppers below can pick them up.
This also works with other smaller blocks like Soul Sand and farmland dolphins are extremely intelligent. If you feed it a fish, the dolphin will show you the nearest treasure to thank you. Very cool, look closely at the active bar and you will notice that the box has sand textures that are transparent. Moang is very good at reusing textures until version 1.8.9. For some reason, eggs and snowballs cause damage. to the Ender Dragon and you can kill it with them, they didn't work on other mobs only the Ender Dragon, who knew that the dragon's weakness was eggs and snowballs, well those are some things in Minecraft that you didn't know existed, subscribe to have good luck.

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