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I Collected Every Illegal Item In Minecraft

Mar 11, 2024
Many new


s have been added to Minecraft over the years, but they all suck. What are you supposed to do with the pot? It's literally useless, so to solve this problem, I will collect most of the



s in the game. which have never been obtained in Hardcore Minecraft starting with a 12 multi-shot crossbow, but to obtain it I first have to go to the 3D shareware and as you can see this looks a little different from the version we are used to, but it I will do. We'll talk more about that later, for now, let's find the crossbow that has less than 1% chance of appearing in these barrels, so let's start searching and there it is, that took a lot longer than it should, but we don't talk about that Oh. and if you're wondering if it really works now all I have to do is transfer to the main world and that's the first complete element and I think now is a good time to mention that I'm starting with the easier elements and working my way through. for the harder ones, you'll eventually get items that don't even exist, but for now we're going to work on the next item, which is dur, but not just any piece of land.
i collected every illegal item in minecraft
Farmland that the internet says is either impossible to get to survive or just fine. If I go to the 2022 update, one block at a time, I can pick up any block and not just blocks. I can also pick up animals and I think you could see where I'm going with this, so if I find a village then I choose. Then I should be able to transfer to my main world and I have officially obtained Farmland. The next item I'm going to get is an enchanted golden apple TR I say it five times fast enchant the enchanted golden apple Enchanted golden apple enchanted Enchanted I give up anyway to get the apple we have to go to 12w 49a and now we have to get some items like basic materials and apple and now the hard part, I need to get eight golden blocks because if you didn't know, in older versions of Minecraft you could create golden enchanted apples and unlike newer versions of the game, there are no gold farms , so I'm going to have to do it all manually, okay, so I got all the gold and now I need to create an enchanting table, enchant a book, then I need to use an anvil to put the enchanted book on the golden apple and now I officially have an enchanted golden apple enchanted.
i collected every illegal item in minecraft

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i collected every illegal item in minecraft...

I just need to transfer to the main world is what I would like to say, but apparently I made this world in the wrong version, which means I can't transfer the item to my main world, which makes several hours of work become useless, which which means I have to do all that work again, okay it's SP a few more hours and this time I got another enchanted golden apple in the correct version so now all I have to do is transfer it to the main world and that's it another whole


item now. The next item I'm going to get is a barrier block and I know what you're thinking, Bello, it's impossible to get a barrier block without commands.
i collected every illegal item in minecraft
Well, if I jump to snapshot 20 w6a, which is the first snapshot where bastions were added, then if you find a basin that has a lava basin and then clear this lava pool, you will see that there is a barrier block sitting there , why I have no idea, but if I do this setup, if I transfer the Bas to the block in a Time Update which as you can see is the version that I have both hands on and now if I click this button, I'll be able to raise the barrier. Now I just have to transfer to the main world and that is the barrier lock. and before we move on to the rest of the items, I'm going to make a vault to store all the items and instead of making it look like all the Bor involved, I'm going to use wall barriers to make it look like you.
i collected every illegal item in minecraft
If you're walking in the air, then I'm going to put lava around it because I think it'll look cool, but before I do that I need to get a couple of materials and now all I need is 262 barriers, which I'm just going to make. to do some off-camera work for two, could you see that's all the barriers I need? After clearing some space, I'll make a fancy Redstone door and put blocks around the edges so the lava doesn't spill out. Now I just need to break down all the barriers and finally I just need to leave the lava and that's it. the Vault is complete, but as you can see it's still empty, so let's work on the next item that can only be obtained in Minecraft 2.0, which is just a very old April Fool's Day update.
Now to get the item I first need to find a lava pool and then make a nether portal H. I forgot that in this version there can be anything in front of the portals or they won't work now if I go into The Nether you will see there is a zombie pigman holding enchanted signs and if I kill they will have a chance to drop them oh wait that one didn't drop one here we go but I want a real good sign and since there are over 7006 combinations I'll be here for a while wait this one actually really well and that didn't even take that long.
Anyway I was ready to be here for several hours before transferring the items. I want you to meet my friend for some reason, when you feed the sheep in this version, they get bigger, no, no, mister sheep. Anyway I think it's time to move on to the next item which is snow grass and since it was released only a few people have managed to get the block but no one has managed to get it as an item so far yeah. I figured out how to do it, so if I go to the 20w 14 snapshot Infinite Dimension, then if I make a book and write something in it and then throw it into the nether portal, a random Dimension will open, so if I get another book. then type sky grid in it, it will create a dimension that has all the blocks in the game, it even has structure blocks and command blocks, so if I find a snow grass block and transfer it to one block at a time, I will be able to update it . to pick it up and although it looks like any normal block of grass, if I go into third person you'll see that it's actually snow grass and with that I officially got snow grass, oh wait, that was my only piece.
Just kidding, I already got it. a full Sher box anyway before we move on to the next item make sure you hit the subscribe button because for


subscriber we have this video I will place a snow grass block so if you want to claim your own snow grass block make sure to subscribe anyway, back to the video. Well, for the next item I need to go back to the 3D shareware to look for a luck potion that has a very small chance of appearing in these barrels and while I'm looking for it, let me. tell you a little more about this version, so the reason it looks like this is because 3D shareware is actually just a very old version of Minecraft that eventually became a name for the fools update or at least that is what the Wii says now that I have the potion.
I want to show you one last thing before I go back, so if I type this word in the chat a horse will appear that runs hundreds of blocks per second and can jump over 34 blocks high, making it the best horse in the world. game and having said that I'm done here so it's time to go back to my main world. Oh, and if you're wondering what the luck potion does, it just gives you more luck when fishing or searching for chests, who would have thought anyway? The next items I'm going to get should not be able to be obtained without commands, but after some extremely difficult research I discovered a way, but it requires me to go to the 2014 Infinity Dimension snapshot to get some materials, such as slab buttons and finally dispensers . then if I open the Sky Grid Dimension again and then find the three different types of command blocks, do the same setup that I use on the barriers and finally if I transfer the fragments to the update one block at a time , I will be able to choose I lifted all three command blocks, oh yeah, and I also did that for the structure block, but for some reason, when I tried to lift it it wouldn't let me, however, after a few tries I finally got it before moving on to the following. items I'm going to get a couple of items that will make me practically Immortal and there are actually five of them, four of which form an armor set with each enchantment and the last one, well, that's a secret, so for Now let's focus on the armor that can only be obtained in 1.14.2 and getting it takes a lot of time since I have to finish the game so wait wait let me catch my breath so here we go that dragon fight is actually one of all Anyways, it's a lot easier than I remember, now comes the hard part of getting the legal armor and as you know getting a normal enchanted armor is already time consuming so imagine getting illegal armor with


enchantment but no Don't worry, I already have it. a three step plan to make sure I get there as quickly as possible and it starts with looting and cities and the idea here is to get enough armor to get a good starting point and then build off of that and I already have some rockets so That all I need to do is get some elytra and finally start looting.
Looting all the N cities took a lot longer than expected but it's still a problem with my rocket supply and after losing just a couple of entities I was pretty much out of rockets and now that I'm done let's look at the loot, oh yeah, that's a lot less than I expected, so I think it's time to move on to OK, so the planner filled up an Enderman XP farm so I can get the enchantments I'm missing, but first I need to get some materials like water blades, stairs, more lava sheets and finally leaves and now that I have all the materials it's time to start building and this R is actually very simple, all I have to do is build 128 blocks in a vacuum. then I need to make an 11x 22 leaf platform with blocks in the middle and finally I just need to make the kill chamber and boom, I'm done with the farm, but I'm also going to add a lovely table with some books and Now, to match the different protection enchantments, yes it's actually that simple so now I just have to get a perfect enchanted illegal armor and as you can see I now have all the enchantments except the repair ones so it's time to finish the armor.
I just need to get two repair books and then put the books on the armor and I officially have the best armor in the game, so all I have to do is transfer to the main world and become Netherite, but I don't have Netherite and I'm also going to add the rarest adjustment to the armor and now that I have the best armor in the game it's time to move on to the fifth item that will make me Immortal which is a stack of 64 totems and as you know it's normally impossible to stack totems but if I go back to my 1.14 world and then update the world to 1.17, I'll be able to fix a bug that allows me to stack totems, so let's do a simple raid farm and AFK until I have enough totems, yeah, turns out this farm doesn't even work, like this I'm going to get better gear and do the raids the old fashioned way, lunch break, yeah it's been several hours and I only have 16 totems so I'm just going to build another raid.
Farm, it will hit some raiders and those are all the totems I should need, so now I just need to get a curse from the Vanishing book and put it on the totem. Wait, you have to be fine, so after some more research, it turns out. that you can only enchant totems in creative mode and for some reason that didn't cross my mind when I tried it, so on that note it's time for the next item, which is weird, netherite boots and I know what you're thinking. Netherite boots are illegal, well it's because they have 69 durability so to get them I first need to search some bastions for Netherite and then trade with piglins to get a Soul Speed ​​3 book and now that I have the boots , I need to degrade my world. at 20 w1a and I'll be able to get negative durability just by running in Soul Sand, so enjoy this cool build and while we're on the topic of armor, I'll get the most unusual armor set in the game. so let's go to Pre-Release Beta 3 let's get some basic materials and now I need 29 diamonds but I don't have 29 diamonds so I'll see you in a moment so I finally got all the diamonds and now I'm going. to use them to make a full set of armor, a pickaxe and finally an enchanting table and now that I have the armor I need to find a fortress for books and XP that is fused by these huge glass pillars so let's get some books and now.
I just got to AFK here until I get enough XP, this will take a while and now that I got the XP I'm going to do a quick enchantment setup, enchant all the armor and if you're wondering what enchantment I have, woohoo. I got the enchanted enchantment anyway, if I update the world to Beta 1.9 pre-release 4 all the armor will drop by default so now I just need to transfer the armor to the main world. Now,This next item will generate a lot of you're happy as it requires you to kill hundreds of piglins and we all know how annoying they are bro, anyway to get the item.
I have to downgrade my world to a 1.6 snapshot and now I need hundreds of rockets because to get the item. I need to fly from bason to bason, finishing off every piglin I see and for some reason that will make the item I'm getting even more illegal, so let's start rating basons, yeah, so I don't realize how weird What is this fall? but hopefully to speed up the process I'm going to enchant my sword with loot which should hopefully give the piglins a slightly better drop rate so it's been a bit and I finally got my first illegal drop and if good is good, I want an equal. one more overpowered one with a bunch of enchantments so it's time to get back to work and for the most part the Bastion ranking went extremely smooth but there was one part where I walked into a container and the piglin almost shot me, wait, wait, wait, no, no, no, no, and at that moment I really thought I was going to die, but then I remembered that every time you join the game you get spawn protection, so I abused that mechanic and killed to the piglins anyway after that little incident, I kept looting bash after bash making sure to keep my distance this time so I don't almost die again, okay?
So I spent about an hour and I have three teams with so many enchantments they don't even fit on the screen and that's the entire Piglin team now for the next time I need to go to the time block. I update and now I need to finish the game, so let's grab a chicken and start looking for a ruined portal. Wait, it's a skeleton using binoculars, that's pretty ironic anyway. Now I just need to find the nether fortress as the chest has final portal frames and now if I place the last frame down it will create an inverted nether portal so now if I get a chicken and a skeleton and combine them I will be able to shoot the final crystals and that's all I have to do and now as you can see these Endermen have a bunch of random items so I just have to wait until one appears with the player's head and now I just need to assemble the dragon into the void and it will take me back to the Overworld because in this version you could apparently do that and now I just need to transfer the item to the main world and now that I have Steve's head it's time to move on to the next item which is the milk, and I know what you're thinking: how is milk illegal? well it's because it comes from a squid but anyway let's not ask questions to get the milk I have to go to Beta 1.2 and as you can see there are a couple of differences the first is that I'm no longer hard and the second is that I don't have a bar hungry now to get the milk I need to get some basic materials then I need to sniff some iron and now I just need to make a back and find a squid and if I'm on the right version I should be able to do it.
Yes, I just milked a squid and again, I'm not going to think about it too much since last time I checked squid don't make milk, now that the questionable item is out of the way, it's time to get it. a book of protection five, so let's go to version 1.14 and now I need to get some materials to make Lecturn, then I need to find a village so I can exchange it for any level five enchanted book, no, no, ooh, okay, now I just need cut a little. the trees turn them into sticks and then trade them for emeralds and I need to repeat this until I get enough emeralds so I have a decent amount of emeralds so it's time to trade them for a book oh I forgot they are reset trades .
If you don't buy from them that's fine, now I just need to lower my world to 1.13 and then I need to lower it again to 18W 22A and if you're wondering why I had to lower my world twice it's because the world would just continue. crash if I didn't do it anyway now I just need to put the book in the chest and finally update the world to 18 w22 be and as you can see the book has become a protection 5 book and if you are wondering why Don't put this simply on my armor, it's because it will give me protection four instead of five.
Now before we move on to the elements that don't even exist, there are two more elements that I want to get, the first one is an element. that has no name and the second one is a pink potion that cannot be created, so let's start with an unnamed item that can only be obtained at 12w 41A instead of choosing any random item, I have decided to use a music disc, so while we wait for the night. time, let's get some basic materials and some iron for an anvil and now, to get the music disc, I just need a skeleton to shoot a creeper, bro, okay, like I was saying, I just need a skeleton to shoot a creeper. and the creeper will drop a random music record, so now I just need to use an anvil to remove the name.
Oh, it turns out that the crafting recipe wasn't added in this version, so I quickly updated the game to 1.4 and then down again and that's the full unnamed item, which means it's time to move on to the potion that You can't craft it which I forgot to get from the 3D shareware earlier and like the other items, this potion is also found in the barrel. No, no, no, oh good first try, now I seem to transfer the item to the main world. Now, as you can see, I still need to collect four items, but I already


all the legal items in Java, so it's time to get it right.
Now that I'm Bedrock, you can see that I'm no longer hardcore, which means I could die like As much as I want, I'm here to get legal items that don't continually die over and over again, so I think it's time to get to work. in the first item that requires you to finish the game, so quickly get some basic materials, melt some iron. create a nether portal find a fortress brother kill some llamas spend several hours trading with the villagers since there is no warp forest in this version have Eyes of Ender find a fortress shoot all the crystals and finally hit the dragon a million times until who croaks, it's been 5 hours anyway, now I just need an elra to make traveling much easier and now I could focus on winning the final block of Gateway, which requires me to summon a WI, so let's find the Fortress and let's start getting some withered schools there's one, two and there's the last one okay so now it looks like I'm making a simple gimmick to summon a Wither and if I did everything right there should be yes a gateway block now before moving on to the next item.
I'm going to duplicate this quickly so I don't do that. If you lose them, then I'm going to create a base of operations and you can't tell me this doesn't sound crazy and now it's time to move on to the next item, which is an item I bet you didn't even know existed so let's go . go to 1.1 16.40 20 wait, that name is a little long, here we go, now I need to summon another Ender Dragon to get another end portal, so let's kill a couple of gases, make some end crystals and go fight the dragon, oh I forgot about the Wither from before and the problem is solved now if I kill the dragon again another gateway will appear so now I just need to make a simple gravity block and now if I send blocks like sand or gravel through him, they will become random. item that is in the game, it could even give you base and other legal items, so now I just have to repeat this process until I get the block I'm looking for and it's been about 20 minutes and I already got the block I was going for.
What is the Border block for and when it is placed it lets out Redstone particles but unfortunately you can't place them in survival now even though I already have the Border block. I want to continue to see what other blocks I can get and continue here with Definitely the place since after only 30 minutes I got a fire bedrock and finally a puzzle block and if you thought that was the last block I got using this bug , you're wrong. You see, after some more research, I found one that breaks the game. item you can get by doing this bug, so let's get back to work, it's been an hour and I got the light block and you might be wondering how the light block game is breaking well, it's because they are an invisible block that emits a lot of light avoiding any mob spawns and although it says light level four when I transfer to Java, it will now become a light level 15 block for the final two items that I need to last update to 1.17 and the first item is really easy to get, I just need to make this simple Redstone gadget, then get a silk touch shovel and I will be able to infinitely farm nether portal blocks and with that item done I can move on to the final item which is the hardest illegal item to get since it only appears in a mansion in the forest that has a fake end portal room, making it nearly impossible to obtain.
However, luckily I have this tool known as slice face that helps me locate Woodland Mansions around the world. However, I have almost no rockets left and my ltras are about to break, the rocket problem can be easily fixed by simply crouching them, however the ltras are a bit more difficult as I need to repair and break them and as usual, I resorted to scamming the villagers and now that I've solved those problems I just need to start in Woodland. Mansions until I find the fake portal room, no, come on, now I just need to transfer the items to the main world, is what I would like to say, but it turns out that most of the items, like the entrance blocks and the border blocks, They do not do it.
It doesn't exist in Java, so now I can only transfer the puzzle block and the light block to fill the last two places. I'm just going to use the rock base and the end portal frame that I got from a previous video and those are all the illegal items in the entire Over the years a lot of new items have been added to Minecraft but they all suck and while that's the case how I felt at the beginning of the video, when I started playing older versions, it brought back a lot of memories and reminds me how important Minecraft really is.
I had in my childhood

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