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watch this before your next exam

May 04, 2024


is probably my most requested video. This comprehensive guide will be


secret weapon to destroying everyone in


class, getting good grades but also having time to do the things you really want to do in elementary school. I didn't get very good grades. I think my brain hasn't developed yet, but in high school I was very arrogant about getting a perfect score on my GCS. The GCS is like the SAT for Americans who look at it and I did it, and the funny thing is I'm not in the book. smart I think my intelligence is okay, but I'm definitely not by the books and I wasn't even a hard worker like my friends in my class always fall behind at like 400 p.m. 5:00 pm. 600 p. m. sometimes study after school almost every day until the


and they will be in the group chat sending photos of the


s to the other person they will ask how do I do


question, how do I do question 12, now it will be there They are like guys, should I take this girl to the arcade or should I take her bowling?
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And that's honestly the sad truth: there are people who work less than you and get better grades than you and there are even people who are dumber than you. better grades than you and that's because they are doing something they don't do, they know what is important and what is not because we all know the 8020 rule. 80% of the results come from just one or two things if you want to be a YouTuber. 80% of the results come from recording and editing, then you just upload the video, that's it if you want to get fit. 80% of results come from diet, exercise and maybe recovery, which are the only things that really matter, so let's apply the 8020 rule.
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When it comes to studying, here are the three things that really matter when It's about studying. Number one is active recall, so the evidence shows that this is actually the best way to study active recall. It's how I can take screenshots of the pages. and putting them in my brain is the best memorization technique and since 50% of the school just memorizes something and regurgitates it this is going to be very important so this is how you do it: you take a book or whatever you want to memorize, you open to the page you read the page in its entirety and then you close the book and go away and do something else after 5 minutes 10 minutes as long as you need you come back before opening the book you recite what you know and let's say you only know 10% of the page because you read it correctly, so you open it and see, okay, I only knew this part, what's the rest I didn't know?
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Then you fill in the gaps in your knowledge and then move on. away for 5 minutes you come back before opening the book you recite what you know let's say now you know 20% you open the book you fill in the gaps in your knowledge you repeat now you know 30% now you know 40% and then very soon you will know 100% of the page each Once you fill in the gaps in your knowledge until all the gaps are filled, the time spent is actually the most important because that's when your brain subconsciously likes whatever you put in as information. in long term memory and that's how you remember it, it's not scientific or anything but that's why we use spatial repetition, we space it out to give our brain time to absorb the information and then we use recall active to actively remember what I want to remember, this is how I did it some people use flashcards to facilitate this personally.
watch this before your next exam
I just opened the book and read it myself and that's how I was able to memorize an entire history textbook like I hadn't memorized word for word, but what? What I did was memorize the main concepts on the page, so instead of memorizing everything, I just took the page and pointed out the main things and then during the exam, since I know where the dots are, I can connect them myself if I remember a date a place a person an event and the result of this event these five things I can connect because I know where the dots are now I can connect them during the exam and write a coherent paragraph about this event the


practice papers this is It is very common in my country, but apparently it is not very common in other countries.
Basically we have this thing called the 10 years of tys series, which is basically the last 10 years of exams put into one book, so this is what you do: ask your seniors. who are a year two years older than you, ask them for the tests, the tests they took when they were your age, get them, remove the answers or block them, place them like a book on top of the answers so that you can't see it and then just do the questions and make sure you have the answer sheet too. If you don't have final year students, you can go online and search for English papers of all levels and then many will come out, make sure they are Don't download any viruses, but do download the PDF files with the answer sheets and this is so overwhelming because the school usually teaches the same things every year, they just express it differently, so the math concepts are the same, they just change the numbers, they change the setting in which they present it, the English work is the same just they change the passage so some things will change but the concepts and skills are generally the same as long as they have the same syllabus if you are looking for a job like 1990 then obviously the syllabus would changed, so make sure the syllabus is the same school exam, the same things worded in a different way, so basically practice exams are the best way to simulate what will happen on the real day. it's just doing a little better than last time, so you know how in the gym, when you do an exercise, let's say you do 20kg


week, just do 21, that's progress, the mindset is just lifting more weight than last time, but for us We're going to think that you just score a little better than last time, so let's say you do a practice paper and you get a 50%, that's not a very good score.
Well, you just look at the answer sheet and see the parts you're not very familiar with. with the use of active retrieval you go back to the material and study some more and do another practice trial now you get 52% 52% is progress and then you continue doing that on each practice trial you see where you fall short you go back to the material you studied again new you come back stronger, keep filling in the gaps in your knowledge until you can really do it, so that's the best thing about these two that I've talked about, active recall is putting information into your brain practice work. how you actually use that information in the environment that you will experience on test day because it is the same environment, the same document, but again worded differently and the practice exams are also ruthless because they will show you exactly where you don't understand the concept because it is exactly what's going to happen on the actual day, but it's better to fail the practice test than to fail the actual day, so if on game day you're going to play basketball, you wouldn't coach football, you'd play basketball if you were in performance.
The day you are going to play the piano on stage you would not practice the violin well, so if on the day of the exam you are going to take the exam, you would not highlight the textbook, you would not read it, you would randomly take the exam. Jobs is why practice jobs work, you're training for what's coming and lastly we have the burnout line which is how to work intensely and I've talked about this before but I'll quickly mention it again because I think This is really important, so those two tactics that we talked about before is how we put them into practice in our daily lives, so the burnout line is pretty simple, there is a certain level that we can all work on that We're both focused, but it's also very intense, it's very mentally demanding, and it's right below what I call the burnout line, which is the line where if you cross it, if you work too hard, you're going to experience burnout and it's going to affect your life when you're working. in this zone it's like the questions solve themselves it's like the essay practically writes itself this is a deep flow state and let's say you can maintain this deep state for 2 hours, you could probably do it 4 hours if you really try hard but then You will be exhausted so what we want to do is be in this state for 2 hours, do as much work as possible and then continue with long recovery periods, so basically you will be at the top of the Chart doing deep work and then , once you're done, you'll go all the way down and just make up for intense work followed by long recovery periods.
What most people do. What you do. Do not fool yourself. Sometimes I do. Also, and I hate it, we stay in this yellow zone in the middle, this yellow zone is where you are doing superficial work, you are not really focused, it's like when you have your laptop, you open and


YouTube videos, but you also have the exam or any paper on your table you are trying to do at the same time and because you are in work mode because you are at your desk because you have the book open you feel tired at the end of the day because you were in work mode but you didn't even do anything , so instead of living halfway between work and rest, simply choose one.
This is super obvious when I'm playing basketball because when I play basketball I'm on the side resting like on my phone drinking water or whatever or I'm playing basketball. It wouldn't be like shooting and looking at my phone at the same time, that doesn't make any sense, so choose to rest or practice. Don't do both at the same time, basically the chart makes it really simple: stay green, don't be yellow and definitely don't be red, so what I've written here is pretty simple, work hard, rest hard, don't you stay in the middle because if you stay in the middle that's how you end a day feeling tired but with nothing to show for how many days we've wasted with that brother, but obviously first you need to know where your exhaustion line is.
You tried hard enough to know where this line is and the easiest way to find out is to cross that line, do a little too much to know where the line is and then you can gradually taper below that and work in this Optimal Zone and if you continue working in this optimal zone, it will start to expand, maybe now we can only do 2 hours next month, you can do 3 hours next month, you can do four hours, so to conclude, we want to work like lions, short high sprints. intensity work followed by long recovery periods, okay, so to pretty much use the three things that I've talked about in this video, let's say you wake up 2 hours before school, you can do some practice work, and you can do a work of active remembrance, imagine.
Do it every day and on weekends you do a little more i.e. five practice jobs on weekdays, let's say you do two practice jobs per weekend i.e. nine jobs per week and then you have the active recovery work to help you do. better at those jobs, let's say you do this for a month, 4 weeks in a 4*9 month, that's 36 jobs and then imagine that on exam day half of your class have been working like elephants, not like lions, they have been having his nice study sessions. a library, your Starbucks coffee and then the other half, like some students, will have very intense teaching to try to get by, but that ends up wearing you out.
They didn't get enough sleep the night before. This is your competition and you are walking into the exam hall having taken this exam like 50 times in the last month because you have been doing your practice exams so day 51 will be easy for you so to conclude just understand that hard work is just the beginning. Even if you only sleep 4 hours a day and work the other 20 hours, you can never be the hardest worker, because we all have 24 hours in the day, a person could be doing the same thing as you and just be tied for first place and that It is simply because time is limited, we will never be able to expand it.
I have written this here. Good grades are simply the intensity of the work time and most people try to increase the time which is stupid because it stays fair as long as it is intense. work can be increased in the same way that the strength of a muscle can be increased, so as we can increase the intensity of work, increase this and not focus on time, most mediocre students focus on time, not in the intensity and when you really start going high. Intensity work, you say: Damn, I can only do 1 hour and 2 hours of this a day, but in reality you can do a lot more and that's when you realize that those students who say they can study 7 hours a day, 12 hours a day they are lying. themselves because, okay, they can sit at their desk for 7 hours but they can't produce 7 hours of deep work andthat's why I made this video about how I only study 2 hours a day because working hard doesn't mean you're accomplishing much.
Where did the suddenness go once you start focusing on intensity instead of time? Since you're focusing on intensity, this muscle will start to grow and since this muscle is growing and getting stronger, then you can do it for longer, that's when you can start pushing. the hours because you can endure more hours because you start to get over the exhaustion line, you start doing 2 hours of deep work this month next month maybe you can do 2 hours and 30 minutes and after that 3 hours, that's how you study, You study smart and then you study hard. don't get it backwards take action the sun keeps going away and coming back look, it will be gone in about 5 seconds 5 4 3 H I love the weather, it's okay, give it a kiss

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