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I only Studied the Night BEFORE every exam and Still got A+ (watch this before your next exam)

Jun 03, 2024
I have a confession to make throughout high school, I never used to study bro, actually don't let me say that I never used to study, there are subjects that I never used to study and that's not because I was lazy or didn't want to study because I was actually a good student, but the thing is that he had problems with other subjects that he knew, for


ple, mathematics. I was too busy doing math to worry about subjects I didn't really care about and that I was pretty good at. true, the thing is that I would not study these subjects, but what surprised me the most is that I always used to get higher grades than the people who claimed to be studying these subjects throughout the term, throughout the term I relaxed and I will be doing mathematics because I was having trouble with math, so



before test day for subjects I didn't study I would do


and I would actually perform better than people who


all the time. the entire semester, so my point is that


method could save you the entire semester if you know that you don't study or if you know that you have other subjects that you find challenging, you can save the entire semester doing those subjects and the day. before the


you can do this method, it's like an easy way out but not really an easy way out, and that's when the idea came to me or I realized that working smarter is actually better than working harder Because imagine studying for the entire semester and then someone who studies the day before the exam


passes more than you.
i only studied the night before every exam and still got a watch this before your next exam
I think for me that would be more frustrating brother, so I had to research and come up with this method and select it for myself because I knew that I didn't want to study this subject for the whole term and I had other things to do, so that's exactly the Trick C I'm giving you today: I






exam and


got more points than other people who started the entire semester. All semester I still got advantages bro like for example in Gio bro I was good in Gio and I knew it so I didn't study goo all quarter and the night before every G exam I did this method and I still got 90 like literally 90.
i only studied the night before every exam and still got a watch this before your next exam

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i only studied the night before every exam and still got a watch this before your next exam...

I don't know what they used there, how to grade themselves, but we use levels, so the highest is level seven and I always used to get level seven, bro, which is literally an A+ like A+ from the 90s and The Reason why I'm holding the microphone is because I don't want to scream because there's someone sleeping in the other room so I can't make much noise today and can you tell me if you like me to hold the microphone more or or I just scream and scream so the method goes there, there are four steps and they are literally easy steps that you can do one after another, but you need each step so you have to stick to the end of the steps. four step one: you want to select the pages you want to read first from the entire book.
i only studied the night before every exam and still got a watch this before your next exam
What pages do you want to read? You have to be intentional. Now what this does is set the desire, set the intention and make you almost. I am aggressive towards what you want, for example, if you buy a book and say you know what I want to read this whole book, you might feel lazy, brother, if you say I want to read this whole book, but if you choose maybe some pages like five pages and you say you know what I'm going to read these pages before the end of the day, that's setting the intention for you to be more aggressive toward what you want and that's exactly what we're doing for


mind. that intention because with everything you are doing wrong you have to be intentional to be able to be aggressive and go after what you want that is exactly what you are doing you have to select the pages that contain the information you want to study correctly first know what you want to study and select the pages, step one, then step two, divide


pages, let's say you have nine pages, divide them into three, now this is also attacking your mind because you have selected nine pages but then you divide them into three, so now you have three sets of three and in your mind you think you know what ah.
i only studied the night before every exam and still got a watch this before your next exam
I have to get to nine pages when I get home. I have to study the night for n pages. No, in your mind now it's like you know what. I have to study three sections and three sounds like a smaller number so you won't hesitate to do it more and knowing myself in subjects that I didn't like to study helped me a lot, I would be like you know what I need. reading three sections which is much easier on my brain and remember you always want to make things easier for your brain, it may seem like a tiny thing but it will definitely help your brain that's why people say to divide your tasks or attack everything one by one one. or go one day at a time because anyone can go one day at a time, but when you think about the future that's when everything gets complicated, so that's exactly what we're doing when it comes to this task, we're breaking them up. so it's like one at a time, three smaller numbers, then you read when after dividing you read your sections and when you're reading you want to use a highlighter and what that does is it's going to be useful in the


step so when you're reading remember that you want to divide your sections into sections, in this case three sections and you want to use a highlighter when you're reading and I'll tell you why step three take a 15 minute nap after reading each section.
Now, every time you finish a section, when you finish section one, take a 15-minute nap, literally, like you're sleeping in the room and you'll wonder why you sleep. What does that have to do with me passing my exam and getting the grades I want to get? It's because there are all the signs behind it every time you sleep, whatever you've learned is more deeply ingrained in your mind, so it's harder to forget, it's easier to remember, I should say. What I mean by that is that every time you read or learn something new, there are things called neural pathways and connections, so these things form in your brain, it's like your brain is reborn, but then you have to remember that it's reading a night before the exam, so these new neural pathways and connections are being made in your mind.
You are still weak so it is easier for you to forget that you can read something and then forget it as soon as you read it well, that is exactly what we are trying to avoid and that is exactly the remedy we are using to sleep for connections . that were made in your brain, now they are stronger, they are not easy to break every time you try to remember, they do not break, they are now stronger and firmer, therefore, every time you try to remember, the connections are fluid and you can remember more easily. but if you read all three sections at once the connections will be weak, you will have difficulty remembering things and when you need it most in the exam you discover that you read it the night before but you can't remember anything and that's exactly why we want you to sleep.
You know, when people say I was studying all night, those things don't work and most of the time you find out in the exam that you failed because you didn't have time to sleep and it strengthens those connections so that you can't remember anything now, step four when you wake up, scan the section you just read and try to remember now, remember when I said user highlighter, that's exactly what we're preparing for step four when you wake up. scan the section you just read and try to remember now when you're scanning, I mean literally just go point by point not point by point, just skim through what you just read and try to look for the highlighted words, anything that's important to you looking for the highlighted words and go over them and when you do this you have to fill in or fill in the blanks for example you may be reading a sentence that says like this could mondri is the Pow of the cell because then Finish the sentence and try to remember because it provides energy to the cell.
Now it's called active recall and active recall is the best way you can learn because it's like answering the questions on the paper that will come on the exam right on the exam. they will ask you a similar question they will ask you what the mitochondria does or why it is called the powers of the cell and now you just did the same thing in the morning you were reading a sentence and then you answer the question by filling in the blanks so that is exactly what you are going to do, you are going to review what you just read, you look for the highlighted words and you try to fill in the blanks in your mind, this method applies to everything that is not mathematical because mathematics, you actually have to work hard , this applies


to subjects that you can read and study and that have a lot of work that you need to cover in order for you to do this and you actually need to pick up the book once or twice. during the quarter because bro, you can't just go the night before and try to read 50 pages, it's like when you have a topic you didn't do or something you don't like in the whole book, no, no, no, it doesn't work.
So now it's life advice that would really save your life one day. I just want to say that there is no such thing as studying at the last minute won't help you. Last minute studying has saved me more times than I can count, bro, before every test I take. study at the last minute and surprisingly it helps me a lot because, for example, let's say there is a five-step process that you have to complete or complete and you forget one step that studying at the last minute, bro, can save you like five points in an exam, so continue. your books before every exam and everyone else is talking making noise joking before the exam you lock yourself in because you know where you come from you didn't study and you are using the method I told you to use so make sure your mind is always renewed and you will discover , brother, when you go to the exam, you will do even much better than people who spend the whole term studying and that is exactly what I used to do now, this is what I would literally tell you. before the exam started, if I was there with you, first things first, I would say brother, relax, like you would probably look stressed and you would be doubting this method and I would say, brother, relax, you have this brother like just trust the method brother, if you did all the steps you will be fine, finally I would say that you have to accept all the consequences that come with all your decisions, what that means is that you have to accept that you did not study brother and you have to accept that you will get whatever grade you whatever you get because of the decisions you made, if you choose not to study for the entire semester, then you have to accept, okay, you know what I chose not to study for the entire semester. the whole period but I accept whatever consequence I face, if it's difficult it's going to be difficult, I accept it and you also have to accept whatever outcome you come up with and the reason you do that is so that you don't fall into the journey of regret because the more you regret, the more you will fall into depression and the more you fall into depression, the more you will be able to study for future exams, so before each exam, whether you have studied or applied this method, you have to accept all the consequences that come with everything.
This is just so you don't have any regrets and so you can be almost natural, don't worry, don't be too stressed and just accept your fate, brother, and I'm not saying that because you're going to fail. I hope you can apply this before your exam. For those people, not for those people, it sounds a little discriminatory. I know some people judge this method or the video and say I'm encouraging people not to study, but that's exactly the opposite. from what I'm saying I know people students we don't have time brother we don't have time to study all the subjects because of the homework they give us because of the homework, the assignments, the projects, the research, everything that was given that whenever you need This method, you should know that it exists, right.
I'm not saying that you don't study in the most optimal conditions, you have to study throughout the semester, but I know that sometimes it may be impossible or you may have challenging subjects. that you want to study more than the other subjects and at the end of the day you don't have time to study some subjects and that is exactly when you can apply this method; Otherwise, brother, study, but when you desperately need it, just come back. To see the video,


this method and you can also apply this method for the entire period because if it can work the day before an exam, why can't it work for the entire period on a normal day?
You know what I mean by that. That said, I hope you learn something and I hope you can apply this method whenever you are in desperate need, in a situation that you can escape from and you are literally about to cry because you didn't study and yes, welcome to DC the dreamer calls da your art and the word is just conquest, take care of yourself

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