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Was Cliff Burton really the ‘GREATEST’ Metallica bass player?

Mar 14, 2024
look at this very loud, kind of like a guitarist, man, Cliff wasn't the guitarist. I don't listen, man, Cliff wasn't a guitarist. I know, I know easily, who the


ist is, he was the only





, well he's certainly not the only one, but your face is the only one you actually know, like anyone gives a shit, give me some names, I'm a big Newstead guy, Newstead was my guy, Newstead wasn't the one Nobody's boy, what was my boy, he was at the shows. he barely owned a base before they killed me in the comments, please don't kill me.
was cliff burton really the greatest metallica bass player
In fact, you know, I don't think any of them think, but in this video we're going to see three bassists, Cliff Burton, yeah, we have. Jason Newstead yes and finally we have Robert Trujillo first Up For Whom the Bell Tolls lives Cliff Burton at the base is amazing what Aria yes yes with a lot of momentum and I think a moral power war abroad I'm also going to turn on Here there's some kind of wall like Ottawa and we have this sound, oh, if you want some tavern notation for the riffs that we're going to cover today, by the way, just click on that link in the description, download that free workbook with all the tablature notation that we take care of is in E, right, yeah, and if I take it off, let me do this with the sound one more time, a little bit slower, foreign, but if I take it all off correctly, it's just this.
was cliff burton really the greatest metallica bass player

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was cliff burton really the greatest metallica bass player...

It's so delicate, but what an epic line. Okay, let's move on to the next bassist. We have Jason Newstead. Jason Newstead came in and there was justice for everyone, and the sad thing is what happens: the base is basically missing from the mix, there's a whole story about it, you'll see this producer tell me about it in a minute, but first of all, check out this sound so you can get a vibe of what the actual album sounded like, ah, I need help. I'm in trouble and I need help. Don't you remember when you were little and you can do that?
was cliff burton really the greatest metallica bass player
He doesn't go hungry. I know where the base is. You must play the best I can. I can play on the boat. So check it out. We will show you this clip from the producer. one minute, I'm going to pick it up right now, but if you're trying to do that, ah, you know, if you're trying to do that, how do I do it, obviously I'm doing it with a


important selection because it's hard to do it with your fingers to achieve that attack, so all I'm


doing is obviously coming down up, but the articulation I'm really looking for when I do that is in triplets, yeah, because if I bring it down, when you're practicing it, make sure you can understand the accents because the second accents on an upstroke, yeah, and then, oh anyway, look at this, this is the guy who mixed it up and did justice for everyone, um, and he's telling the story right. where the bass went in the mix and he goes well now the bass, this is a great part, okay, I want you to turn the bass down in the mix where you can barely hear it.
was cliff burton really the greatest metallica bass player
I thought it was a joke, so I did it. and then for this, okay, lower it another six to eight DB. I looked at Hatfield like that. I said, "This guy is serious. Lars did it dirty. He did it. He loves what it was. What we do. I wonder if anyone existed. They could remix it, it would be awesome if they could ever do that, that would be awesome, let's hear some new ones." steps of Jason yeah black album 91 comes out I think and it changed my life huge huge huge if you survived that it was Bonkers yeah massive baseball recorded in I think it was recorded on a Mach One wall though.
Jason used some different bases he used the Specter ns2 Sadowski yeah well I think Sadowski was later yeah amazing bass tone and I fell in love with Jason Newstead because he was the guy for me that I was you know when I was a teenager when this record came out and it was very important and for me I brought this tuner to my first base teacher and my first base teacher had to deal with it, oh I guess this is like the E string is tuned to D , it was at this moment that he knew he was up.
I have to apologize deeply. I was going to show you this in the D drop, but it's not in the D drop, it's an E flat standard, all you need. What you have to do is take a base melody on each string half a step, you'll be ready to go, well, here's the part in the correct key, isolated also abroad, again from the Black Album Jason, you said that obviously this one is call My Friend of Misery, yeah and you sound good with this man, check this out, it's amazing, okay, yeah, and then, I wanna play Rocks, I wanna play Rock, dude, you're a cool part, yeah, oh yeah, so let's go to watch a clip from a documentary called some.
Kind of a monster where they're making that Saint Angry album and at that time Bob Rock Allen I know you're a big Bob Rock guy in the house, he was playing bass. I think he's credited throughout the album for this, but they were looking. for a member of Metallica and there's this amazing montage that has stuck with me for years after watching them essentially audition all these different bassists and you have to hear how different each bassist makes the band sound, it's crazy, it's crazy . It blew me away, there are some big, famous bassists there too, yeah, which is weird because some of them are out.
It's you, no, you think he's bringing his unit to the audition, but there you go anyway, okay, come in and see who you are. favorite there, I mean, without a doubt, for me, the person who sounded the best and looked the best and it seemed like the music was not up to par with them, yeah, yeah, interesting, right, yeah, that's so cool They picked the right guy, oh. man, it's weird what Eric Avery should have in there because it's like because he obviously doesn't have the tone and stuff like that and he usually plays different styles of music and plays it up an octave, which you know, like he took a chance and played it like that. that way and gave it its own flavor and some of them I just feel bad for Twiggy because her base was super out of tune, but I'm wondering if you know if it's the intonation because they're like maybe down here. maybe they did it too maybe they brought it to you maybe they're in tune here but they get here where they do it softly because come on, yeah, yeah, you can be complicated, you know, it's up to here, so if your intonation is up here, you're really going to hear it, so I'm wondering if it was an intonation issue, um, but yeah, my target on that was Robert Trio, for sure, yeah, man, and the documentary is amazing how they incorporate it into The Band he's super cool and he's just an absolute monster, he's got his thing, he plays with his fingers mostly he's like Cliff, he's a beast, yeah, and he just completely crushes, uh, and we have the band playing before Suicidal Tendencies, Suicidal Tendencies , and he also played an infectious, infectious Groove and I was an incredible fan, yeah, reviewing the bands and we're going to talk about Robert right now, actually because we have him here, this is live, uh, from Big Day Out For Whom the Bell Tolls, but he really starts. it was completely different than how Cliff did his thing um and the tone Oh, that's fierce, that's fierce, look at him sitting down, he's a Fernandez, oh baby, oh, this guy's familiar muscles must be like that, he's got funk, right?
Yes, sir, yes, my contagious, yes, Suicidal Tendencies You Know comes into play, yes, friend, did you know this? Did you know that Les Claypool also auditioned but he didn't appear in the video and I don't know if it was this time that he auditioned? so it's like maybe in the past, yeah, oh that's interesting, so you might be interested, like maybe it's got too much funk in it, you know, okay, we thought it'd be cool to do it before we get into who we think it is. really because I actually have a favorite, um, I feel like I don't know, actually, you don't know, you don't know, before we get into who we think was the best Metallica bassist or maybe who would if out.
Hetfield, who he would have played because he's different because I'll tell you in a second, but we wanted to get into this Metallica song that just got released. Sleep Walk My Life walks away because there's some incredibly awesome bass on this one, obviously Robert. Trujillo is on base in this crushing tone, he's amazing and he's playing with a pick and he's playing with a pick, which is cool because he was like the guy with the fingers that came in and said, oh, he sounds a little like Cliff maybe. he always plays with his fingers, but I love that he's not dogmatic about he can play with a pick, he's always growing, that's big for Robert, very cool, check him out, so cool, oh so cool, like when he we heard for the first time, it was like what's he doing first. of everything, he just starts like he's an F sharp, yes, by the way, you need a plectrum, yes, okay, and right before he starts doing all that, he tries to go up and down to start.
I like that tempo. on a Downy and you need to know it's a little bit, it's not, yes, a little bit of palm silence, yes, you're scraping, it only happens with a correct angle, so it's not full, it's not that, but no, this It's too clean, yeah, it's like, yeah, a little scratchy, yeah, you make two groups of two, yeah, two groups of four, so two two four four two four yeah, cool, that's cool, okay, twice as fast, yeah, two two four two one two one two three four one two three four one two one two three four one two three four one two one two one two three four one two three four one two one two three four one two three four yeah so obviously we have the notation tab for you below and the workbooks are amazing even if I have them Say a lot yeah they are they're amazing so take it and hey I have to ask you why you said that maybe now Cliff isn't necessarily your favorite, who's your favorite guy?
Okay, you have to tell me I have favorites. For different reasons, I know this is a real cop-out, so if I were Hetfield, yeah, who would I want to play bass for? Who would it be for Toad? And I like the tone and maybe you're like Just Vibe. I'm trying to find a way to articulate that. In fact, Jason you said I think Jason Newstead Stone for me was one of the best ever. It definitely wasn't that first album you made because they got rid of it, but you know the tracks we featured on The Black Album.
So like when I was growing up, maybe because I grew up with it, but that was just amazing for the technique, just outlandish, like an aggressive technique, obviously, Cliff Burton because of his originality and then I love Rob too, five guys like Robert . something that Cliff and Jason didn't have, like I just felt the Grid in a different place, yeah, so it feels like heavy and funky, yeah, like there's something funk about it, yeah, yeah, so that's my kind of thing of categorization. I actually love them all, but for very different reasons, yes, objectively, they are all very good at different things and, in the same way, they couldn't do what everyone else did and it's great that there were those different personalities in the band and it's such a great story, I mean.
Obviously a super tragic story for Cliff, uh, but the stories and the chapters of this band's life, I mean, I love every one of them for the reasons you said, but for me I'm planting that flag, I'm a Jason guy Newstead, Jason, yes. Man, I love his sound and I love his vibe in the band, uh, but the more I learn about Rob, I'm like, "Ah, Rob is cool, you obviously mentioned that before the tablet notation below, if you want to know, you know where we are". and where you can come and learn bass with Liz, if that's what you're trying to do, check out Scott, you'll find us there and other than that, make sure you like it and subscribe to the video and us.
See you next time, take it easy, bye.

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