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I CAN'T SWIM! Being a MERMAID for 24 hours! My Friend vs Funny Mermaid Situations by Spy Ninjas

Jun 07, 2021


, today we will be


s for the next 24


, don't


. At the end of this video they will give you a noodle shower, if that's worse than water, oh God, and I'm actually really afraid of water. Come on, let's get in here girl, yeah, come on, there's nothing to fear, it's just a favorite of the water, two, oh, there's a clue, hey, that's my line, why are there sharks in the water? Because it's not the water, it's the open sea, look at our tails. Now come and join us, okay, but I'll go down the stairs, I'll try to be a


, yeah, I have some kind of legs, I'm like Ariel, oh my God, but once you get in the water, oh no, I think you're good, yeah.
i can t swim being a mermaid for 24 hours my friend vs funny mermaid situations by spy ninjas
I'm fine here, it's fine chilling, I'm chilling, you have to do this to impress Daniel's girl


, ally, I don't know why we have to do it, why we have to impress her, yeah, we're not even the ones we really like like. her, I've got you, I'm holding you, okay, you're still like on the stairs, basically, you're okay, oh God, this is going to be so much more. I'll most likely be showered with spaghetti, but maybe you can show everyone, God, he's already drowning. I'm still holding you, I haven't let go yet, oh I'm fine, I'll let you go now, oh God, should I hold you?
i can t swim being a mermaid for 24 hours my friend vs funny mermaid situations by spy ninjas

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i can t swim being a mermaid for 24 hours my friend vs funny mermaid situations by spy ninjas...

That took a lot less time than the previous challenges and she's not crying. I'm not crying yet and the second step is


ming, yeah these things are really cool. I can swim so fast with this b. Where are you going? You're not ready, guys. This is pretty much post-traumatic stress disorder. It's very traumatizing. They know I don't like it. water every time I'm here I'm always crying I'm going crazy I'm not ready for this you guys know what it's like to hook it up eventually what a waste of a mermaid tail I'm just kidding I'm fine but you're gonna film us, you're gonna film us do the Ali challenge, will you?
i can t swim being a mermaid for 24 hours my friend vs funny mermaid situations by spy ninjas
Why isn't Daniel doing this? Yeah, I wouldn't want to see Daniel in a merman suit or something. I wouldn't like to see that maybe she is. I'm not even interested in him, oh yeah, oh Daniel's girl, guys look, Ali texted me, let me press play. Hey guys, I need you to do the mermaid challenge for me today. It would really help me a lot if they couldn't have an ally. We already know. I have to do this challenge, it's probably for his little brother and if it makes him happy, we're probably making a bunch of spiders happy, so we should do it, come on, you have to get in the water, that's true, all the


in spinal column.
i can t swim being a mermaid for 24 hours my friend vs funny mermaid situations by spy ninjas
At home he will be very proud of you, who cares about Ally? Hopefully I can make the spiders at home proud. Come on, at the end of this video you will be swimming swimming with us and I have something that will make you do it right. Me, if you want to feel comfortable in water, you must imagine yourself as water, be water, yes, like that. Nice pussy Melvin, I can't believe you, I'm literally all wet, we're in the pool, Melvin, you're already wet, okay? Be water, just get on here, it will be easier if you try to do normal things every day, like eating dinner, except underwater.
Look, we are starting with small steps, yes, although this can also be dangerous, so be careful and don't try this. at home, okay, what do you need for this dinner? Well, since you're the fish out of water, get us a table. What's the tail wagging there? Can lenses also dry? Yes, there you have it. That's a fish out of water. are you strong enough? Hey, I'm the strong spy ninja, are you stronger?, you're taking all the s adjectives, yeah, that's spicy, sassy, ​​strong, I'm dumb, that's dumb, that's perfect b oh, it has a flotation device. It didn't even make it past the steps, just as I got the table into position, but it's still floating, so we're going to have to anchor it with something heavy like my weightlifting set.
Can you lift weights? Can you pick it up, brother, I hit. the gym is fine it's fine oh my gosh I'm gone that's right well I'm going to do the dangerous part of clamping these to the table 100 don't try this at home it's probably a lot easier to clamp the weights to the table outside the pool. instead of doing it underwater, but unless you're a mermaid, more man, it's okay, sister, brother, your side of the table, all you have to do is come out of your shell, okay, let's look some shells, let's do it, I'm having a fit, oh, I don't know if that helps, but I can't wait to go to town Melvin, you'll have to do it right sister brother, good job, big brother table, same Chris, now we have a table for our dinners which Bee will be attending now.
I need some cutlery, some bowls and some plates, what are we going to eat? Okay, okay, here are some spoons and, oh, some, I'll call them thingamabobs, right? What's her name? You know, the little mermaid, what's she doing here? There are some plates or seashells floating. They float, there's no way they're going to go under the water, oh, there you have to submerge the bowls and the water. I don't know anything about little mermaids, so no references or jokes here. Thingamabobs is the only one you know, do you know anything about what they have? a sebastian yes, what's the octopus's name ursula melvin and regina sat at the table spline ninja at home I'm afraid of water you know it's like a real fear, it's a phobia actually, it's just not a normal fear, it's a phobia, let me know in the comments below, if you are afraid of something, afraid of the dark, afraid of


alone, let me know so I don't feel so alone in my phobia.
Okay, help me, hey, you know, when the little mermaid calls her things. I'm up on gadgets and gizmos daniel get some gadgets galore cuz daniel gizmo that's why she wanted us to do this challenge oh alley gizmo doesn't sound good right no it doesn't sound good yeah yeah I need the soda and the cereal oh do you want some little things you keep saying I'm 20. but who cares, again, it's okay, I want to be where the people are, I have gadgets and gizmos, I'm just trying to channel my inner Ariel, okay, thanks, Ariel, thanks here you have your who is this and what is this in abundance 20 minutes later it's not going to work look I even have soda and food, well how are we going to eat it?
Everything we do to try to keep these things underwater is just failing, why don't we just enjoy a meal underwater okay, well we don't need the table, we have to do this for ally and her brother, we'll get the glasses, we'll fill them with some pink lemonade, put in some cereal and eat it, oh God, the last time. It happened that there was bacteria in the pool, oh yeah, we had to drain the whole pool because Daniel ate lunch underwater, that's right guys, I'm a little delusional and crazy when I'm around water, you know, maybe while we . you're doing this you try to dip your feet in the water, you know, get used to it because if you're in the water you can have roses for dinner, yeah, bro, fist, bro, and I guess you can impress an ally and there won't be any noodles.
The shower is coming towards you. You will impress so many people once you try swimming. Everyone will say: Oh, she got over her fear of it. It's so sarcastic. Melvin. You have to convince me that you are going to do it. I'm skeptical. Hi Mom. m en I'm in, I mean your hair still looks great, one last option b ch, cheers, cheers, cheers, okay, hello fish, are you ready for some tricks? oh yeah, get back in the water oh no oh no no, I'm just going to get a bunch of guys, are you okay? Yes, ready to wash it.
No, that's pool water. Why did you do that? I thought you were suffering with some tricks. I swallowed some of that pool water. I'm sure I did too. Being a little fish, did you feed? I don't know that you fart you poop you pee that's what you do how dare you think I'm a savage? I am a merman why are you afraid of me so I am about to learn that I have no worries because I am a merman and as a man of the sea it is my duty to make sure there is no suffocation or drowning and that is what I do, I am not afraid of it to nothing like the shark, what the hell, where is that coconut, oh, last one, you need a trident, newt, right? thank you I don't use gum oh wait I think it's my phone your tail is out of your body I'm indecent she's turning into a human I'm turning off that's what she wants she wants to be we are the people oh it's a video of why she goes on texting you oh no she's obsessed with me I think you're my soul sister not her oh that's right so this is it sis maybe I should hold the camera okay I'll play the video.
Hi guys. I'm just registering. I wish I could join you, but I can't. I'm at work and I can't escape. Things work themselves out sometimes, but you know, it is what it is. She is at work. It's interesting in this past. couple videos As much as Ally is annoying, she gave us a fun challenge, yes we are having a great time, it's hot, no it's cold, she has a knack for fun challenges, although while we're here, we might as well get something. She get out of there and make you swim. You're still dry. I will teach you how to swim in three easy steps.
Oh, okay, what do you think? Three easy steps. I can do it. The first step uses your legs. Oh, I can do it. I'll show you, show me Melvin, are you ready? Okay, I'll teach you how to be a mermaid on land so you're prepared to be a mermaid in the water. Okay, use your legs. Yes, normally people swim, the first step. in your belly with your instructions yes yes maybe you go like a mermaid knees to chest knees to chest oh I look like a mermaid oh step two use your arm no oh no no no no no you don't know I'm doing the nunchucks that ch chat it looks like you're ticking wait, you're supposed to be upside down yes, that's right, it feels more natural this way yes, it's the perfect way oh, I'm Michael Phelps now exactly right v it looks like you've mastered your legs you look great kick me just uh keep doing that i gotta go swimming fins arms guys i think i'm getting it i'm swimming towards you guys i think i'm totally doing it i think i'm ready to get off the land and into the water let's do it now that you have done step one and step two, it's time for step three oh, just combine the two steps and duck your head under the water.
I felt very good practicing on the grass. Really confident, I'm going to enter this water. Wait, wait, are you sure about that? Without the elevator without Chad here Yes, you guys did a very good job teaching me how to swim. What's going on? Oh my god, man, wow, what are you doing? It happens that you only have one tab. I am very nervous every time I enter the water. They tear off an eyelash. She is removing anything that floats, especially the eyelashes. They are ready? I'm ready. I'm ready for this, guys, let's do this. Alright? tell me three two one chad is going to be so proud of you wait he's underwater right now she's doing it she's spinning around this is the longest she's ever been underwater like always I'm so proud of her she gets better every time time she goes in the water she is improving very fast I go get her hey stop, you did very well you should be proud of yourself I really want to learn to swim and then I am very close you I am progressing well me and Melvin has a perfect way to swim right now you're swimming I hope you enjoyed this video ally can you spy on ninjas at home thank you very much you have it here good job honey we are very proud thanks for subscribing oh are you ready for a bunk bed container with fins?

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