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Vlad and Niki - Kids story about viruses | Stay healthy

Jun 24, 2024
family delicious delicious delicious pleas uhoh what is this oh idea come on I ready and yay and h hey Michael Michael where are you please help me please what are you doing here why are we here come on come on come on Michael what are you going to do I don't oh idea, Come on, yay, I'm ready, let's buy, come on, Mike, I'll get it ready, yeah, do it. I prepare just a BRI here, here, here, right here, you are going monst yay H chis, I need more. I'm coming, thanks. we have to close the door yay done, it's so smart and cute oh


, what are you doing here?
vlad and niki   kids story about viruses stay healthy
We're playing with Bonnie oh, she's so cute, let's stop them yay, come on, come on, come on, let's do it, yay many, I'm coming. Come on, yeah, we got all the M's, let's have a fun party. And


, remember not to leak and wash your hands, yes, yes, it's cool, I like it, oh no, go away, oh no, what happened please, I broke my toys, don't worry, I have a new one this is for you come play here I like it oh no uh-oh I want P toy wow cool hello guys I have a party today come to me hey come on trampolines are a lot of fun but remember kids you have to be safe. so let's check your high level, yeah, this way, next S, go this way, we're done, it's so much fun, come on, come on, yeah, oh that's it guys, let's go to another room, yeah, come on, It's for me, yeah, can you do this?, yeah, this was a lot. funny, there's another one, let's try it, okay, let's do it, guys, mom is going to listen to us, guys, it's pizza time, follow me, but first we have to wash our hands. one ever come on what's going on here what are you doing in my house for uhoh what did you do with our house I want to play with friends it's always a good idea to spend time with your friends da f let's see what it is Yes, come on, boxes unlocked, what? what should we do?
vlad and niki   kids story about viruses stay healthy

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I know, let's press the key and open this box. You mark this way and I go this way, here we go. uh-oh h no, did you find the keys? No, let's do it together. go, yeah, it's the green room, go to the chicken, yeah, I found the key, yeah, yeah, number one, yeah, uhhuh, oh guys, yeah, I don't know my P, yeah, what are we going to do in this room, You must play my games to get the key, please come, yes. and wo, yeah, ready, let's go, good job, yeah, yeah, let's find this. I'm, thank you, my friends, bye, guys, bye, number two, uhhuh, yay, they're playing, yay, ready, come on, yeah, okay, let's check this room, mov, cinema, cinema, come on nor the. come on I found the key and yay number three it's a soft bubble and Yoo what a secret door yeah wo this is a secret room wow wow hello let's go upstairs we have to go here I make you run and yay number four wow yay we need to find one one more key I found the key yay number five yay hello come on and oh no mommy open the door no one here Mommy Beast took my lollipop Beast oh oh we have to save our honey yeah okay B where are the bees H I hope it flies away hey you no no no no no don't run I understand you aha H tell me what are you doing in my house we need a new house our bees need help they need a new house hello we need a house for the bees thank you and yay okay our hive is ready hello lady, welcome home, yes , this house is too small for them, oh, I have a bad idea passing your seat, Bel, yes, go, welcome to my CL, hello, this is our beast, it's a new home for you, blue color, it's for you , purple for you, yes, and pink. for you thank you very much bye bye please go bye bye bye oh oh my your balloon babies forget where this balloon came from uhoh you my balloon I will punish you that oh no oh no what happened I punish you are you arrested now help, I will think that possibly you let them go, They never put up my balloon.
vlad and niki   kids story about viruses stay healthy
H oh, I have an idea, yes, it helps me, please, let's go, wow, it's just that and hey B, I have a slime. Can I play with you, okay? Look at this slime, bye. bye, come on, R is done, watch out, oh, wait, oh, yeah, cool, oh, oh, you're coming here. I like this. Who wants to try? Of course, I'll try. Yes, I like music, I like dancing, I like disco, bye, I love disco, let's do it, yay. I heard something someone hit my balloons, run can you let us out? Please never uhoh, it's time to clean up.
vlad and niki   kids story about viruses stay healthy
I like C. I like cing. Do you want to try? I want to try it. Great job, okay, go, don't worry, mommy, oh no, oh, oh, oh, Ballo, man. lonely balloons come on let's be part of the party yeah bubbles I like these bubbles you want B so yeah that's so amazing oh I'm so happy pop the balloons okay keep going you need to pop this no worry, run, run, B my balloon again come on do you want to play yes I want to play you have a cool car cool blue color please stop please be careful oh hey run run W this is my balloon how else am I going to distract the balloon man yes woohoo oh a got that will be where this sound comes from look up, sleep little, that's what I heard K close your ears W maybe piz W okay b m come oh no I won't leave my balloons on my legs yay hey B see what such a good rest means yay M yay thank you oh true yes oh no no no my lonely balloon oh no oh my lonely balloon what should we do children?
I have no idea yay that's for you oh this is for me yeah oh thank you balloon bye bye you know what Make sure you overcome any challenge when you're all together with your friends and family.

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