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Elsa and Anna toddlers Easter egg hunt

May 30, 2021
I found, we are up here, maybe it's just that you know the tree, hmm, it's worth trying to see it, well, I guess not. the tree oh yeah amazing




there where to go wow we haven't been that close oh nothing there yes I know huh what are you doing mr. guinea pig oliynyk Oh she laid an egg oh right, I didn't think You would come so soon, so I thought I would still have time to lay an egg. Sorry, okay, thanks for the egg, although, oh, okay, I'm going to go lay eggs at Cinderella's house.
elsa and anna toddlers easter egg hunt
Okay, you're going to Cinderella's house. Yeah, for Cindy and Sandy cool, okay, oh, me neither AG Wow, your favorite color, yes, I know it's cool, blue, I spy, blue egg, I spy with my I, we're halfway on the way, more than halfway, we only need two more Easter eggs, yeah, but You're okay thinking I'm going to look over there, so I guess I'll be alone maybe if I say hello. I doubt there will be any Easter eggs up here, but I'll have a good view of the Easter egg


. Where is Anya? Oh, she there she is she.
elsa and anna toddlers easter egg hunt

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elsa and anna toddlers easter egg hunt...

Oh, be careful, I'll see you don't want to fall, oh, why did your money or the Easter guinea pig set this so high? I did it. Fortunately I have ice powers. I don't know how to control them. Yeah, oh wow. luckily I have ice powers and I can only say ice barrier and here we go one more to go ask me where it's honest, oh well just wait here don't worry Anya focus on what you're doing oh well rocks kanak, interesting, oh, hey, look, it's. the throne naturally not what it is it's an orange and purple


egg oh let me go show more yeah oh yeah yeah this is me happy do you find these?
elsa and anna toddlers easter egg hunt
Rick, look down and you'll know, okay, we did it, now let's line up the colors. okay, where's the pink? pink goes with pink red goes with red yellow goes with yellow blue goes with blue and orange goes with orange great now let's close the back oh why does it say X wait a second oh the blue egg okay okay yeah oh wait we I can do it here because we have spring paper. I want the purple one and I'll probably just get these moneys or these butterflies. Oh, look at these carrots. I like this sheet. I like the chips.
elsa and anna toddlers easter egg hunt
Okay, then the rest is for next time. Now we turn around. beautiful papers around and on this side we can decorate - okay, one purple and two purple, these are the stamps. I love the size and I love the egg. I'll get the kitty line first. Oh I was stuck, well I finally got it. Let's try it there. come on, it's a kitty, oh let me put this back here, it's Anya's turn, okay, Easter XS successful, I said successful for a moment, there's what's successful now, successful without the C, successful, weird word , now the pink ones.
I'm going. with this one I'm going to go with this one then oh we have to kill them, let's turn blue oh wow Oh cute, okay oh my Nathan Easter Bunny I hope this Easter Bunny comes to life and gives me eggs all the time, he's so silly Yeah, right now, let's do blue, complete surprise. I'm going to go with this one. I'm going to go with this one again. Oh little air, so I love you, what about you Anya, what did you get, huh, what is this, whoa, what is that? They are Easter eggs within a cool oriental decoration, now the McDonald's ones, eh, okay, now which one do you choose.
I'm going to buy this one. I'm going to buy this one. A ladybug. It's red. The appropriate color. My turn. Happy Easter. yes, thank you Anya, happy things, yes, happy Easter to all my animals. I can't believe we have animals, yes, now we're going for the yellow and purple ones, who will they be?, what will they be? well, where's the cute yellow jacket, such a cute chick color? Oh, super revolutionary color Wow, yellow for a chick that's not so yellow for a chick, okay, what do I have? That I have? A carrot? What is this? Of course, it's for the Easter Bunny.
It would have been more appropriate if it was orange. for the Easter Bunny, but uh, yeah, whatever, okay, I'll stamp my carrot, oh, it's a yellow carrot, it's a golden carrot, why is this a golden carrot, but it's the most prized possession , so what will we get? Well, we'll get it. I'll start this time. okay, I have your money, oh well, it's my turn, buy this, you can see, I have all the animals, what's the question? Oh no, it leaked, look, we have red, orange, yellow, we all have green, well, we have blue, purple, oh, I also have the same cause. from you but I didn't get all the animals hey mommy look what we found we found these eggs it contained this little snow chick and we got all these opposite hatchings great job girls look what we did mummies oh great work, maybe you can. add some cool Easter stickers because we have this, we have a lot of stickers, we have blue, we have green, we have orange and we have pink and then this is a variety of colors, okay, what color do you want to use pink, of course I will use. blue Oh, what a coincidence I'll use this peach, you use that page, okay, I'll start with this pop root, it's very cute, let's put this pop word here and then let's find something related to Easter, let's get this bunny, take it. and I'll put it there and now I'll take this chick, this chocolate egg chick and I'll put it here like this and now this flower because we want to say happy shaking to all our friends, so that's my car, it's my turn.
Turn the pigs over cause I want everything pink wait you can't have everything pink yes I can no you can't anyway I'll put a bunny here and now I'll get this pink egg here's my egg I'm going to put it here now you have a footprint, so I'm going to get some flour from the dock. I'm going to do that, get that flour and put it here and then in one last accessory because you have One last accessory, although I'm also going to get the last one. I'm going to get this beautiful flower to send to Christopher.
That's mine. Cool guy. They look almost identical. I know. What a great job girls! We are very proud of you, you deserve a gift. happy shaking, here are your eggs, juggling the eggs, we don't have chocolate eggs, let's print notes over here, which one do you want, I'll get the red one and the green one, he opens it, oh it's so hard to open there. go I'll get a green egg I'll get a red egg okay open my red egg wow this is great oh the chocolate smells so good underneath mmm too good to be true well it's true so no I will do that.
Say anything Oh, what have we opened it? Oh, look at that chocolate. How beautiful. It is so cool. Look at the chocolate fondue. Marry me. Excellent. This is like oh oh, the world. I had to do that. Wow, it's so good, so good, yes, we love it. Easter, happy Easter, everyone, look at this, love these chicks now, oh yeah, this is so cool, it's raining at the Easter event, it's raining, Easter egg, Easter egg so Easter, yeah, do you like my Easter eggs? I'm here it's here Wow happy Easter Easter Bunny hello happy Easter everyone I hope you have a happy Easter yes we said that a few times hmm we smelled like the batch I made last week they are fresh.
Wow, come on, I can smell the date mmm, they smell like those too. I put a lot of chocolate in it, it's like chocolate fondue, yes, it's very good, goodbye, everyone, you have to go with the other children, spy Easter Bunny, goodbye, everyone, um, we should mention it again, yes, have a happy Easter again, goodbye.

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